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post some fucking video games this time

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Strategic storytelling Anonymous 04/27/2018 (Fri) 19:43:55 [Preview] No. 11452
Why won't there be a JRPG that just lets me play the fucking game? I don't even care if the battles are repetitive as shit like Valkyria Chronicles II, just let me slap together a party, jump into gameplay and progress the story through special attacks or something. Like instead of the fucking Meteo you just slap a cutscene in there, so I have a reason to farm opportunities to use special attacks even if they're shit at combat.

Anonymous 04/30/2018 (Mon) 09:20:53 [Preview] No.11465 del
First three dragon quest and final fantasy games are good at this. As far as modern games idk what to tell you.
Even the SNES games really started to lose out on any sort of straightforward meat and potatoes sort of gameplay.

Anonymous 05/09/2018 (Wed) 18:23:41 [Preview] No.11468 del
(80.11 KB 240x240 Theatrhythm_WoL.png)
>my man
>I main him in Theathrythm, needless to say he's OP
The one game where on-design Warrior of Light is playable, Dissidia, is actually pretty arcadey. Its a weird game and a one of it's kind thing, but it does count as kind of an RPG. You can fiddle with the menu shit just like one, and it has a low-engagement 'RPG mode' if you don't want to play a tense DBZ Budokai-type game that it is but just handle the strategy.
Also it's fucking dumb and that makes it hilarious. Lightning is being a dick, everybody is brooding melodramatically, and it's all kind of an in-joke about convoluted FF stories. And to reiterate, it has Kain and WoL in 3D.
If only it had Vampire Hunter D as a quest character it would be pretty perfect.

Anonymous 05/28/2018 (Mon) 09:01:22 [Preview] No.11478 del
Chrono Cross has story development triggered through character build and and (a) special attack.

Anonymous 06/03/2018 (Sun) 04:13:41 [Preview] No.11497 del
really? I started playing a few months back but dropped it inexplicably. Nothing really wrong with it just had literally played a bunch of jrpgs for about a year straight.

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 00:44:41 [Preview] No.11602 del
>Why won't there be a JRPG that just lets me play the fucking game? I don't even care if the battles are repetitive as shit like Valkyria Chronicles II, just let me slap together a party, jump into gameplay and progress the story through special attacks or something.
Dark Spire?

Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 14:39:24 [Preview] No.11882 del
>I played 3 jrpgs and now will talk about the entire genre in plural
Oh god, this is anime all over again
I wish normalfags had never discovered japan.

Anonymous 03/29/2020 (Sun) 00:09:05 [Preview] No.12109 del
There's tons of rpgs like that Etrian Oddyessy and SaGa. How about actually being informed about a genre.

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