/v/ - Video Games

post some fucking video games this time

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Meta/suggestions thread Anonymous 08/07/2019 (Wed) 12:53:09 [Preview] No. 11727
Looks like we're here for the duration. I doubt 8chan is coming back any time soon and even if it does it'll be temporary. Given that how about a thread on improving this board? I'll start:
1: some actual interaction with the moderation (a permanent meta thread for example)
2: reduce the maximum number of pages at least until the board gets faster. Halving it would help avoid a bunch of dead threads.
3: a basic visible rules page or sticky

And ditto for improving endchan itself
1: somewhere to interact with whoever's running the actual site, like a non-shit /sudo/
2: either posting where to find the board moderation logs or adding it to the software endchan is using.
3: a general upgrade to the default css of endchan to be less fucking terrible

Anonymous 08/07/2019 (Wed) 12:54:40 [Preview] No.11728 del
And for the love of god add a missing file image so the catalog doesn't look so broken. It's incredibly easy to forget to re-add an image after you fuck the captcha up. If you can't do that at least require an image for new threads.

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