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post some fucking video games this time

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(856.33 KB 1152x648 2019-08-05_1353_1.png)
Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 14:50:15 [Preview] No. 11883
I just finished KCD. Took me 211 hours.
If you choose to do your first playthrough in hardcore, the final boss is Mutant Robard (pic related). He had two heads and spit corrosive mead.

Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 15:38:55 [Preview] No.11888 del
(502.85 KB 205x225 You_Look_Tense.gif)
>Took me 211 hours
Really? I havent played the game yet, but its hard to believe that the game is that long. Even hardcore shouldnt make it that long, if any.

Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 21:11:54 [Preview] No.11911 del
>play chumps every time you pass through ledetchko
>go on a hunting trip every three days or so
>change outfits on a daily basis
>play dice almost every night
>go through the ritual of bathe, change, stroll with theresa, change again every time you visit Rattay
>every now and then just wander into the woods to aimlessly explore
>haggle down every single transaction
I took my sweet time with the game, plus I died a lot early on and hadcore has no autosave.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 04:14:05 [Preview] No.11945 del
Its more like 60 hours. I took my time with it and even shitted around in it. The only times I have reached 100+ hours in a game is either multiple playthroughs or its multiplayer

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 14:15:23 [Preview] No.11964 del
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I wasn't joking. I still have three treasure maps, one hunting mission, and one more side quest before I'm rady to start the epilogue.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 16:56:32 [Preview] No.11966 del
the epilogue is one giant cliffhanger for the sequel

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 17:09:15 [Preview] No.11967 del
I got that hunch, which is why I'm in no hurry to finish it. I heard of a sequel in the works and was hoping it would be a different time and place with just as much autistic research.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 18:05:09 [Preview] No.11974 del
Yea it was one of the few games made recently that I finished and didnt drop halfway from boredom, so its a good game in my book. Hope the sequel is more polished and isnt as buggy on launch.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 18:23:37 [Preview] No.11976 del
These open-world games are always full of bugs.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 19:14:44 [Preview] No.11977 del
One thing that annoyed me was whenever you fast traveled, the loading screen where it showed henry traveling across map with the clock was slow as shit and it was pretty much pointless when the point of fast traveling is to skip the back tracking as much as possible since theres not really much to do when you travel besides finding the odd chance of a sidequest or massacring a cumman camp. I remember them posting a video on how they had a dev manually plant millions of trees, imo they would have benefited more if they invested more time on making vertical sliced/isolated areas with more content since the open world map is very pretty when you look at the landscape the first couple of times but you get disappointed when theres not much substance in those places inbetween key locations.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 20:34:20 [Preview] No.11978 del
I never fast-travelled because fast travel is disabled in hardcore mode. Perhaps you weren't aware, but if you travel the map, there are random encounters on the road. Bandits will set up roadblocks or ambush you with dogs and there are also various characters to encounter, like lost merchants you can help or rob, occasional roadside murders you come across, errant knights looking to duel, full-on battles taking place between groups of bandits and Cumans or groups of guards and Cumans.

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