/v/ - Video Games

post some fucking video games this time

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KC/int/ Minecraft Server Anonymous 04/25/2021 (Sun) 18:19:38 [Preview] No. 12278
Let's play some Minecraft on our /int/ server:
hub.dev-urandom.eu:25565 (version: 1.16.5)

Wiki with more information: http://dev-urandom.eu/
Overview map: dev-urandom.eu:8123
IRC: irc.dev-urandom.eu - channels: #chat (ingame chat), #int
Pirate-friendly client: https://tlauncher.org/en/

Basic commands:
/spawn - Teleports you to the spawn.
/home - Teleports you to your home (set with /sethome or by sleeping in a bed like a fag).
/lb tb - Provides a melonblock that can show block changes.

Don't grief and don't be an asshole (obviously). Basically, you can build anywhere, although there are some limitations. There is enough space for everyone! You can make your clan and engage in Nation Autism. Don't get discouraged by the autism of the server, things will get easier for you later. Also, mods, admins and other players may help you.

Join us now and share your autism, you'll be free, players, you'll be free!

Note: If you forgot your password, join in IRC and we'll reset, assuming we can confirm the identity of the user.

Anonymous 08/27/2021 (Fri) 02:26:14 [Preview] No.12305 del
Updated to 1.17.1!

Anonymous 09/04/2021 (Sat) 17:09:09 [Preview] No.12308 del
i'll be glad to play if it's still up

Anonymous 12/16/2021 (Thu) 16:48:59 [Preview] No.12337 del
it's always up

Anonymous 10/29/2023 (Sun) 06:29 [Preview] No.12394 del
Server updated to 1.20.2 and expanded to [7000,-7000]x [7000,-7000]!

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