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(375.94 KB 1280x720 RX_Mammoth_1.jpg)
Tank Vidya Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 20:28:49 [Preview] No. 299
>Still no "fun" arcade tank vidya
>All Slav bullshit F2P grind simulators
>All based on "real world" tanks and try to claim "Muh realism" with healthbars

Why does tank vidya suck now anons? Shit from 1988 was way better.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 21:25:16 [Preview] No. 301 del
ps2 had some good ones

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 21:49:37 [Preview] No. 302 del

Hell anon, the Sega Genesis had good ones.

Anonymous 03/15/2016 (Tue) 20:08:08 [Preview] No. 322 del
So none of my friends are playing Armored Warfare now. Only reason we played that trash was we could get drunk and tank together.

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 15:28:24 [Preview] No. 381 del
(67.88 KB 500x706 1457372904.jpg)

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 17:14:55 [Preview] No. 389 del
>wants arcade tank game
>complains about healthbars
uwot? Healthbars are more fun, anyway. Too bad WoT and AW are shit for other reasons. War Thunder is just boring as fuck in general because of the insane inbalance and the fact that it seems every single fucking tank has a hand-cranked turret.

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 17:22:15 [Preview] No. 391 del
>Thinking complaining about healthbars was the point

No it's complaining that these games pretend they are super realistic when they are just not.

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 17:25:52 [Preview] No. 392 del
I've never heard of them claiming to play realistically. Just that they have authentic tanks in them, which I actually like because it's really good at brainwashing a really autistic interest into your mind. Gives you lots of IRL stuff to read up on.

Unless you're talking about the in-depth armor modelling, which can only be a good thing because it adds depth to the gameplay.

Anonymous 04/26/2016 (Tue) 00:12:43 [Preview] No. 585 del
>I've never heard of them claiming to play realistically.

Not seen the websites for each game claiming so?

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