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Post Gen 4 Discussion Thread Anon 01/09/2020 (Thu) 00:48 [Preview] No. 5314 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Gen 4 is over, folks! No more episodes of Friendship is Magic.

Does this mean that the ride has ended? Far from it.


You have seen that the book concluded its story but the next scene would (implicitly) happen around adult Twilight reading it. This means that the fans are up to open it again and revive those memories like they did for the first time. Plus, some newcomers have never seen it at all, so it wouldn´t be fair to put this gen to the void all of a sudden, not to mention that Luster Dawn represents one of the many undefined paths that we have yet to see or write about in the fanfics. The timeline keeps going.

In this thread, we simply continue the show discussion but the fans decide what to do next. Not only it will serve for looking in hindsight to past content brought for an entire decade (the 2010s) but also for discussing future content of this franchise.

No more tensions nor worries about gen 4 anymore, you can discuss it more calmly without any pressure.

Welcome to the 2020s with the post gen 4 era!

...and let´s read the book full of memories again, one more time...

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Anon 03/21/2021 (Sun) 09:06:58 [Preview] No.7357 del
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>The developer of that 3D software I mentioned awhile ago, says everyone wrote all at once to say he needed to add Hornball.
How many leaks does the MLP fandom have?

G5 looks better than Pony Life though that is a low bar.


Anon 08/13/2021 (Fri) 17:18:48 [Preview] No.7792 del
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Movie incoming. Major problem -- it's on/from Netflix.
I don't trust those goons. Too much focus on marxism not enough focus on a working story.

Anyway, unicorns lost their magic but I guess pegasi didn't.
Also, fake unicorn horns. That really is cute.

Anon 08/15/2021 (Sun) 08:32:01 [Preview] No.7794 del
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Yeah, netflix is suspect. Though I do not know the level of influence they have on the show. I saw some anons speculate that they were the reason Hasbro moved production. Yeah, the movie may not fully reveal the show's tone either as it's being handled by Boulder Media with the old production team in Ireland but the show's production was moved to Canada being done by Atomic Cartoons (whoever they are) and apparently had a few staff from FiM unexpectedly back (a good sign I suppose).

>Too much focus on marxism not enough focus on a working story.
Our first announcement for G5 detailing the story also was horrible in this exact way. Fortunately it appeared to just be describing things in the most wokest way possible as oppose for everything being that level of crazy from all other indications we have seen so far, though I suppose one never knows till we see it.

>Anyway, unicorns lost their magic but I guess pegasi didn't
Moderate spoiler:
The pegasi are faking it

>Also, fake unicorn horns. That really is cute

Anon 10/12/2023 (Thu) 23:57 [Preview] No.8836 del
(6.65 MB 1920x1080 ThatWasGREATopaline.webm)
I've just seen as how I need to catch up on my G5.
Opaline was seen wandering around town on Nightmare Night -- or whatever the foals are calling it these episodes.

Anon 10/13/2023 (Fri) 01:54 [Preview] No.8837 del
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It is okay, you are waaaaaay ahead of me. Who only just finished Chapter 2.

Nightmare Night episode with her running through the town might be a pretty entertaining experience. I gotta admit.

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Anon 04/08/2016 (Fri) 23:28 [Preview] No. 125 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Every weekday we watch Ghost over an the The Horse Reich. Be sure to click the CyTube link fags.
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Anon 07/16/2021 (Fri) 22:25:29 [Preview] No.7700 del
As if we had thought that the bats were getting soft and tame over time in this place, losing their edginess along the way...

...I am leaving something over here that might change your mind...

Anon 10/08/2021 (Fri) 22:42:30 [Preview] No.7949 del
And the other way for delivering a different PoLS is the one that provides a much more fitting theme for this month.

One goes further here because these pics don´t simply deliver the proper scary tone but also, they bump this thread after keeping this thread inactive for a long time. Without the bump from July, this thread hasn´t received any posts since November 2020.

In this case, this PoLS works with all the intended letters that make up this whole expression.

Anon 08/10/2022 (Wed) 23:38 [Preview] No.8390 del
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PoLS acknowledgement with a bump.

Albeit this bat is one that is far from the edge...

The image editing thread Anon 03/31/2019 (Sun) 12:48:58 [Preview] No. 3779 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The most twisted and distorted thread of /endpone/ is here!
This is a place where the images shown are not real, your eyes will be tricked to no end and you´ll see how the surreal world conquers your view of those images that you had seen before.
The brony fandom was originally the combination of /co/+ /b/. The /co/ part is that this thread focuses on pony images. However, the /b/ side of this follows the same famous line that its original board shows: "Anything posted here are autistic works of fiction, only a fool would take them seriously." This means that nothing here actually exists but another version of that fictional material and only naive people would see them as fresh original content. Don´t worry, the actual images will be posted (not always together) for drawing comparisons and notice the details between them.

Let me sum it up by quoting these lyrics:

>Truth is false and logic lost
>Now the fourth dimension is crossed
>You have entered the twilight zone
>Beyond this world strange things are known
>Use the key, unlock the door
>See what your fate might have in store
>Come explore your dreams' creation
>Enter this world of imagination

The Twilight Zone by Rush (1976).

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Anon 10/26/2021 (Tue) 12:13:08 [Preview] No.7976 del
>Posting video to the image editing thread. I have a couple of mildly experimental projects but unfortunately have ran into some issues in rendering them. So have this instead.
<MFW haven't done this.
>And...WOW, freaking wow! That´s really trippy.
Maybe I should become a punk/insane Tridashie.

Way nicer though!

>(and you might find Twilight´s laugh genuinely creepy)


Anon 10/29/2021 (Fri) 22:32:57 [Preview] No.7981 del
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...qué lástima...

Anon 10/31/2021 (Sun) 11:39:21 [Preview] No.7984 del
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Po(L)S 10/31/2021 (Sun) 21:58:44 [Preview] No.7985 del

...THE Po(L)S...

Anon 11/01/2021 (Mon) 03:15:19 [Preview] No.7986 del
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The Pony of Shadows... what can I say for the context for this character? I find myself at a loss for words, not in awe nor disappointment, just thinking of where I could take this. I have watched it three times and tried to see if you have any subtleties hidden within. My first impression is a haunting feeling but also a dark one. This feels a little creepy and there is a almost a eldritch feeling with how some of the pictures are edited though I am not sure that was your intent.

I am interested in what you mean with Po(L)S. I presume it means, Pony of Shadows, correct? A double meaning, if I dare bet on something more specific here. How Stygian in limbo as the Pony of Shadows he really can't prove his "life" if that makes any sense? I am trying to think if I could word that better.

As for a review. Well, this was perfectly fitting for Nightmare Night. This is something that is relatively simple but the effort to make it uniform with edits (plus some possible other editions) puts it above a lot simpler "picture shows" that were popular back in the day.
and apperently still somewhat recently???? https://youtube.com/watch?v=PktlKTnGSfU [Embed]

I feel something else ought to be said but it alludes me at the moment.


Anon 05/13/2016 (Fri) 00:16:41 [Preview] No. 130 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
hello anyone here? and webm thread
Edited last time by Khan21 on 05/13/2016 (Fri) 04:27:44.
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Anon 12/15/2018 (Sat) 09:45:56 [Preview] No.2811 del
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... who maybe in over her head.

Anon 12/19/2018 (Wed) 08:30:27 [Preview] No.2845 del
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just adding another webm

Anon 12/22/2018 (Sat) 00:24:15 [Preview] No.2854 del
Twilight, I think you may have developed a fetish for swords. Isn´t that a little bit excessive, sweetie?

is she blinking because of tiredness or because she is sleeping while guarding the place?

Yandere Twilight makes an appearance to the scene. I wonder if she doesn´t have a good taste in her mouth because of those last bridges Dolores has built lately.....

Anon 10/03/2021 (Sun) 06:46:41 [Preview] No.7924 del
in-browser, it seems to have no sound. But making a web-stream and feeding it straight to VLC it plays okay.

>CB's way better

Anon 10/04/2021 (Mon) 10:33:55 [Preview] No.7937 del
Note, was using this old thread for tests (formating tests, video test with a certain movie.) Deleted these post because I was just sage posting and was going to return the thread to it's original state.

It's true! Your thread... I know this is a small thing in the grand scheme, but I think it maybe the best webm thread I have ever seen, at least from a formatting standpoint, /). Just that little extra effort counts ya'know?

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Pony Life General Anon 06/21/2020 (Sun) 21:04:39 [Preview] No. 6253 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome Pony Life discussion thread. An unexpected entry to the My Little Pony Franchise that appears to share many of the characters and concepts from Friendship is Magic.

Will it live up to the hype? Will it be able to carry the torch of FiM's legacy? Will it prove itself more than what it appears to be: a cheap stopgap measure?

Probably not.
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Anon 06/23/2020 (Tue) 22:42:41 [Preview] No.6276 del
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>Combined with the designs that exaggerate the head, chibi style to the point where you can barely see they have hooves or, indeed are quadrupedal at all
The art style has been bugging me the more and more I look upon it.

>This is the visual equivalent of flash fiction.
>Because of the incredibly short time for set-up and denouement you can only tell tales that are archetypal and already in your head.
I fully agree with this here.

>This is Rehash:The series, designed to give anime weebs a small dopamine hit while offering much the same size hit to bronies who can't find anything else to watch yet.
Is it even aimed at us though? My impression is that this just for kids with some half hearted attempt to market it to our fandom. The vague Chibi style was chosen because its cheap and attractive to kids. Their little deformed bodies and oversized heads seem like an emulation of stuff like the LOL dolls and the Fingerlings shorts.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=B7vuaEv1b24 [Embed]

Anon 06/24/2020 (Wed) 00:25:35 [Preview] No.6277 del
Well, you both have shared quite a few thoughts here.

It doesn´t seem that this spin off was aimed to anyone else beyond its target audience, does it?

Perhaps Hasbro is trying to appeal to kids that love looking at flashy instant animations from Youtube, hence the short amount of time for each episode before gen 5 gets announced.

Will that strategy work for expanding the market to a new generation of kids by adapting their format to kids who are are more attracted to games like Fornite or humor based shows a la Teen Titans Go?

We´ll see but so far, Derpi only has 2k pictures related to this spin-off and /mlp/ doesn´t seem to be losing their minds all that much.


I am linking the EQD article that compiles a few responses from the art director (who worked on Rainbow Roadtrip as well). It doesn´t offer anything revelatory but it´s officially Gen 4.5 and the whole spin-off happens in an alternate universe. Because of that statement, this whole thing will be easier to dismiss for the fans if it doesn´t pan out in the end.

Anyway, Proof of Life Shitpost.

Anon 09/02/2021 (Thu) 09:01:50 [Preview] No.7831 del
Just gonna throw this out there.

Bolder Media has posted two job openings, using a pic with Pony Life versions of the mane 5 (Pinkie Pie oddly enough not there) for "super secret Netflix show." Which could have some interesting implications, all admit, even if I am skeptical of it being anything. If I was going to rate the likelihood of outcomes for this, it would be:

1: Nothing. Animation companies use past work they have done in demos and promotions all the time on projects unrelated. I don't see why this would be any different, but...

2 I will admit this does feel like a little tense. With these characters and the attitude of "shhhhhhhhhhhh, super secret!" perhaps it is something Pony Life or at least pony related. Hasbro has been experimenting a lot with secondary spin offs and projects and it would make sense for them to make something; especially since the Generation 5 series was transferred over from Boulder media and supposedly mostly funded now by Netflix, maybe that would free up some resources or create a need to give Boulder Media something to do? Though I am uncertain it would make sense for it to be more Pony Life.

Anon 09/02/2021 (Thu) 18:24:25 [Preview] No.7833 del
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>Each segment has a part 1 and part 2

So they are 22min episodes. Why not cut them into five quibis? Sorry, just re-watched Shade Nocturne's review of awful ads and quibi gets an award for deepest cringe.

I was amused that my first re-encode of this ep was 11mb. Eleven minutes, eleven megabytes. I could probably shrink it more but that's not the specific effect I'm looking to create with this post.

The effect is to spotlight the ... sound two different ponies have made.

you'll hear it right at the very end of the "we're in a simulation" clip in

and since Pony Life has the same VAs, I guess Dash making that sound at the 2m mark makes a kind of sense but
<It sounds like belching, not a verbal addition.
And I still go back to that short clip just to laugh at AJ when she tries to respond and can't

Anon 09/06/2021 (Mon) 10:03:36 [Preview] No.7836 del
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>The effect is to spotlight the ... sound two different ponies have made.
Wow, that does sound like a burp noise, don't it?

Oh, that trash fire!? Oh, my, I had forgotten about quibi. What a horror. That was the most meteorically run thing ever. not to get political, but when watching the Republicans for Biden section of the Democratic convention, they had the CEO of quibi speak Don't trust their judgement. From suppressing their few fans to being a poorly manufactured corporate hypetrain, they sucked all around...

What was this thread about again, oh yeah, Pony Life.

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Lauren Faust Original Concepts Anon 08/04/2021 (Wed) 03:32:11 [Preview] No. 7757 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Is there a repository of all her posts online about her ideas for MLP, or will I just have to go fishing through her accounts to find them? Thanks.
Picture unrelated.

Anon 08/04/2021 (Wed) 05:08:49 [Preview] No.7758 del
I don't remember hearing any reference to such a beast. The story bible floats around but I don't know what else you'd hope to find.

But I'm not the archivist of the board so maybe another answer will be forthcoming after a time.

Anon 08/06/2021 (Fri) 06:17:39 [Preview] No.7764 del
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I imagine, back in the old days, somebody would have made a complication but at this point I don't think enough people have been keeping track. The word of faust tag on the boorus would be a good starting point though.

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The thread of a personal project Anon L23 02/10/2018 (Sat) 06:06:53 [Preview] No. 656 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>What is this thread about?
Talking about how it feels to be in the /end/. The darkest place where no one comes.
>What is this project about the so called end?
Difficult to know, but when no one is watching,you act differently. I have a project in mind about that aspect for this thread.
>How is it going to last?
Either very few posts (10 or so) or a very long one.
>Does it have any purpose?
Basically my thoughts about some things transferred into a pony body. Nothing that fits completely on character or my full personal attention to get "fame". Just a guide or vision I want to share in a grey place. Several threads have pointed them out but I especifically want to focus on something else inspired from those first posts.

Nothing is planned and I can't promise anything....
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The Second Reunion (clip, ) Anon 06/17/2021 (Thu) 22:44:33 [Preview] No.7627 del
Well, this thread...I haven´t been capable to deliver any activity and as anyone would tell, it shows that Bridgefag and I were unexpectedly running this board (even though the polish BO owned /endpone/ behind the scenes). The levels of insecurity were quite high and the sheer audacity I had for opening this thread could have backfired badly and we could have ended it up here.Nowadays, I wouldn´t have opened a thread of this kind in such a reckless manner where I would type a personal blog that could be a target for anyone to complain about my views. I consider myself fortunate to not have been the case for it, considering the nature of this format. Huge respect to those who have been lurking and waiting for me so I could naturally develop this thread.

I guess that the best thing that could have happened to this thread was the transition from starting it as an opinion about the evolution of this fanbase to stories/short fics that would enrich the content displayed over here. Today, I want to deliver something small after so much time of inactivity.

The clip I am sharing here shows the same style as this one >>5391. It is (or was) meant to be used as an announcement for the sequel of >>5439 called The Second Reunion, settled right after the events of The Second Chance. However, I only managed to make this clip and write the whole scheme of events for the story (2-3 pages). This idea was planned amidst the spring confinement (during late April) but I never truly trusted on what I was thinking about at the time.

While I have always had the idea how the story should go as a whole, I never put myself into it because I would need to keep up with the level of writing that I had shown in the last fic and later on, I would run into many problems that would hinder my mental/emotional stability. When I wrote The Second Chance, everything had been more or less kept in an apparent solid line, personally speaking. However, life is full of twists and this year has turned out to be more of a rollercoaster for me in general . Many aspects of my life have been changing throughout the last 11-12 months and I will need my time to go back to that state where I find myself at the same line (or better than) I was placed back in January 2020.

Does this mean that there won´t be any sequel? A sequel cannot be discarded at all but I truly wonder how it will turn out in terms of quality (if I properly get into it at all)

I wanted to prove that this thread could get a little bit of life. One cannot close the door to anything and thus, I want to leave it slightly open, just in case...

Anon Board owner 06/23/2021 (Wed) 09:46:51 [Preview] No.7632 del
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> I consider myself fortunate to not have been the case for it, considering the nature of this format. Huge respect to those who have been lurking and waiting for me so I could naturally develop this thread.
At the time, we were the only folks here. I understand both refraining opening a thread like this now and opening a thread like this back then, still it is great how it got to evovle.

>This idea was planned amidst the spring confinement (during late April)
2020 I presume?

>I never put myself into it because I would need to keep up with the level of writing that I had shown in the last fic and later on, I would run into many problems that would hinder my mental/emotional stability.
Quality versus letting the emotion flow, plus life stuff putting a damper upon it. I can completely understand that. I mean, coming from someone who has several incomplete fics sitting for here, stuff can get in the way.

Does this mean that there won´t be any sequel? A sequel cannot be discarded at all but I truly wonder how it will turn out in terms of quality
I think perfectionism should not alone dampen any spark of creativity you have. A worry of performance can only paralyze you,

>(if I properly get into it at all)
Though a lack of desire is something different. If you don't have the desire, then don't worry...

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Anon 07/14/2021 (Wed) 21:24:40 [Preview] No.7685 del
>At the time, we were the only folks here. I understand both refraining opening a thread like this now and opening a thread like this back then, still it is great how it got to evolve.

indeed. I could have become the laughing stock and an easy target for any reply that could shatter the whole thing completely (the first 10 replies). I realized that when I posted on a precarious mobile phone in the morning, I envisioned that the worst things could have popped up over here. If I had had an account on social media, I could have become the public idiot of my persona (which would have been even worse)

It was a strange dynamic in which I had thought that there were more people participating who could have got involved but in reality, I was writing to the same person after all and I was imagining mirages that weren´t actually here. I didn´t even dare to see your replies at the time and it cost me months to even face them.

It felt like opening a can of worms, even though throughout the show discussion threads I have displayed the same points but with a more fleshed out laid -back approach (thus, these same points feel more digestible and less harsh). At the time, this felt as if I were breaking a barrier that I wasn´t meant to break and it could have gone horribly wrong. I deeply appreciate that it didn´t happen to be that way and in the end, I realize for myself what I wrote and how this "project" (initially a blogpost) could be solved with a different direction and sustain it with other mediums.

And here we are: same place, same tone but with a different perspective...

>2020 I presume?
yep. The greatest amount of time in which I got to think about it was during the confinement. /endpone/ served me as a bubble to disconnect from the pandemic and forget about the fact that I wouldn´t be able to get out of the flat for two months unless that I went shopping for basic stuff. Draconian measures that could have driven me crazy and the fear was strong and intense during the first wave around here. Fortunately enough, I didn´t transmit those vibes over here for the most part.

Anon 07/14/2021 (Wed) 22:03:49 [Preview] No.7686 del
>Quality versus letting the emotion flow, plus life stuff putting a damper upon it. I can completely understand that. I mean, coming from someone who has several incomplete fics sitting for here, stuff can get in the way.

I am one of those who doesn´t like incomplete things. Once I start doing something, I prefer ending it completely and move onto something else. There is something quite dangerous about writing with emotions because one should regulate them and place those intentions with much more balance. There are always temptations to put your hands on it and then, regret it later.

There are also a few problems with this story: I actually don´t know the characters. Seriously, I have to read the story all over again and learn what I have written and what are the actual traits that you can extract from them as if I were a random reader instead of approaching them as the author, hence a 2nd part that feels organic without deviating them from their traits looks complicated.

I am not all that familiar with getting a character with the exact same traits all the time. That is to say, I could make them sound out of character out of nowhere because of the lack of knowledge related to their behaviors displayed on the story and cause a huge mess for those people who hold the character development as their main preference.

Regardless of what I say, thanks for displaying empathy here.

>I think perfectionism should not alone dampen any spark of creativity you have. A worry of performance can only paralyze you
yeah...but I wasn´t meant to take any responsibilities on creating fan stuff anyway. I don´t consider myself a writer or content creator...mostly because I don´t want to promise anything beforehand. I just wanted to bring a sense of openness for continuing this story but that doesn´t mean that it needs a sequel desperately.

I have admitted many times that what I deliver and people call ""creative"" is just a bunch of pieces that are simply put together and I simply try to make them seem organic, as if they were meant to fit in this context. Nothing else. If the story has managed to feel as an organic MLP story with all the inspirations that I have decided to gather for it, then that´s a success in my eyes.

>Though a lack of desire is something different. If you don't have the desire, then don't worry...

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Anon 07/18/2021 (Sun) 12:22:43 [Preview] No.7705 del
>I could have become the public idiot of my persona (which would have been even worse)
I guess you'd then be called LOL23.

>, I was writing to the same person after all and I was imagining mirages that weren´t actually here.
My first thought of this was me and a bunch of cardboard cut outs Though BO was there... watching us

>(thus, these same points feel more digestible and less harsh).
A lot of things can come down to tone and presentation. Two people can make totally the same point and the meaning be lost with one.

>. /endpone/ served me as a bubble to disconnect from the pandemic and forget about the fact that I wouldn´t be able to get out of the flat for two months unless that I went shopping for basic stuff
/endpone/ was for me two in a way, a outlet, a distraction and in a odd sort of way, a shelter. Not just during this, but also before, for my own various IRL stuff like the death of my grandparents

>And here we are: same place, same tone but with a different perspective...
It's creepy how my life was completely different when this was first wrote, and yours too. Different perspective indeed.


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Anon 11/27/2020 (Fri) 00:48:24 [Preview] No. 6921 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Good pony games thread. post what you have.

I don't know how many people played this game, but Legacy of the pony is a pretty good platformer where as spike you collect the elements of harmony to save rarity. I don't think it got much attention and probably will never be seen again beyond this thread.
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Anon 11/27/2020 (Fri) 09:35:52 [Preview] No.6934 del
Ahem, fullscreen version.

Anon 12/06/2020 (Sun) 23:06:21 [Preview] No.7021 del
Can't find the rom-rewrite of FFVI but these are the flash based games I have, and the tower defense games are cool because you save up resources to unlock things later.

If you don't have Adobe Flash (and who would?) but are on windows, I recommend IrfanView because the plugins (a separate download/install) contain an interpreter for these kinds of flash games.

Anon 12/09/2020 (Wed) 06:40:58 [Preview] No.7024 del
(626.97 KB 1280x720 youwon.png)
Net acting up so I haven't been able to see them yet.

>the tower defense games are cool because you save up resources to unlock things later.
Canterlot Siege? I remember playing that long ago, though I'm trying to recall if the verson I played with had that dynamic (or if that was even CS). Regardless, that sounds fun.

Anon 12/09/2020 (Wed) 19:10:19 [Preview] No.7025 del
Seeing the DelorOS banner in this thread feels particularly fitting.

Speaking of fitting in, I finally found where I was keeping Pony Fantasy VI.
The work computer. Go figure.

Anon Board owner 12/19/2020 (Sat) 08:09:13 [Preview] No.7042 del
>Pony Fantasy VI.
Never played it. Am far from a RPG player but I may give it a try.

>The work computer. Go figure.
Maybe that'll give me luck in finding search of the lost kingdom.

>Seeing the DelorOS banner in this thread feels particularly fitting.
I have it here too right now and I completely agree.

NMAiE General L23 11/08/2019 (Fri) 15:10:34 [Preview] No. 4969 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Not Much Activity in /Endpone/.

From the calm ocean to the wild outer space, we can´t hold on the show anymore.

Cosmos is leading the path for us and what we have known before cannot be brought back to our lives.

Ladies and gentlemen, the post gen 4 era has begun!

And what´s worse, we are truly facing chaotic undefined times that can lead us to a big mess. Are we sure about relying on her? Spoiler alert: Cosmos doesn´t know the limits of mercy so we are completely doomed in this never ending ride.

Definitely this is the board placed at the end of the universe…


Season 9 discussion thread (reviews of all the episodes): >>3583 with the streaming sources besides Dailymotion:


Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Anon 12/05/2020 (Sat) 00:41:24 [Preview] No.7006 del
>plz respondd
don´t worry, I have read the post and I will respond. Just that I have had a few thoughts swirling around in my head and the thread has hit the bump limit.

I am not sure whether this should continue for the next NMAiE or locating this conversation in the /chat/ thread. You decide where I respond.

Anon 12/05/2020 (Sat) 00:53:20 [Preview] No.7007 del

sweet mother of Celestia, that image makes the psychedelic Cosmos picture from the OP look like a sane girlfriend in comparison with that unsettling face (the eyes and the teeth just put the whole Nightmare Night event to shame).

Despite her name, Nightmare Moon isn´t as capable as "that character" for inducing nightmares either, visually speaking...

Whenever /endpone/ decides to get creepy....get ready for it.

Anon 12/10/2020 (Thu) 23:39:58 [Preview] No.7026 del
(593.39 KB 748x722 Twilight face.png)
Fuck you Prick. He obviously has difficulty staying on track. Something that I also had difficulty with about a decade ago.

And unless you're going to accuse me of being pretentious, i'm not a hypocrite you retard.

NMAiE is fine

Anon 12/11/2020 (Fri) 22:41:22 [Preview] No.7029 del
>unless you're going to accuse me of being pretentious, i'm not a hypocrite you retard.

You're not very smart, are you?
Yes, I was accusing you of being pretentious.

Anon 12/12/2020 (Sat) 03:06:27 [Preview] No.7034 del
(1.13 MB 1280x720 Opinion Discarded.webm)
And now the accusation has been made.

Where do we go from here?

Oh yeah, fuck yourself with a jackhammer shithead

(26.93 KB 240x240 SP WINS AGAIN.png)
Anon 11/24/2020 (Tue) 10:59:58 [Preview] No. 6888 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
AND ANOTHER GET CAUGHT BY /sp/! Who can stop this amazing team?!

Anon 11/24/2020 (Tue) 16:33:14 [Preview] No.6889 del
Woah,Sportschan is really lurking over here. I thought that the tracker would only detect the GET when the board reached the 5 digits (10.000 posts), not with 4 alone.

Am I missing something with the improvement related to the tracker over here?

>Who can stop this amazing team?!
well, not really,considering that I was waiting for someone to achieve it 3 posts before. You have arrived like 12 hours late after asking the request. Not a big feat honestly.

Anon 11/25/2020 (Wed) 09:37:05 [Preview] No.6901 del
(1.61 MB 480x270 1523302.gif)
We will win next time

Anon 11/25/2020 (Wed) 12:15:05 [Preview] No.6909 del
I don't even see there tracker up right now. The real truth probably is they remember you. No joke, you have been mentioned there a few times.

Anon 11/26/2020 (Thu) 06:18:32 [Preview] No.6912 del
(136.89 KB 800x781 dashrug.png)
>Am I missing something with the improvement related to the tracker over here?
I saw somebody mention an upcoming get in another thread and thought it would be funny. I'm not actually from /sp/
> I was waiting for someone to achieve it 3 posts before.
maybe it was you