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Season 8 Thread Anon 03/24/2018 (Sat) 21:04:36 [Preview] No. 1060 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It deserves a proper thread for the episodes that will come instead of using the main generals. Any discussion for the show especially season 8 and 9, is preferably posted in this thread.
227 posts and 203 images omitted.

Anon 04/07/2019 (Sun) 01:23:48 [Preview] No.3912 del
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>I am feeling a bit of apathy these last two days. Yes, even if I should be hyped for season 9, I have no expectations for it and it has come as simply more content to speak rather than the main material to be circlejerking about for now.
I had that feel during season 7 premiere actually, I just felt like I was going through the motions. It was busy around that time and it just felt like another stressful thing I had to keep track with, so I think I can get that.

>I will have to reinvent myself and recover the right attitude
>(maybe the efforts of trying to be original and interesting all the time have made their effects as well)
I'd say especially on the second, anon. You have talked before of your pressure on your posts, though not recently. Remember, don't let it be a burden. Even if it means you fully can't reply or just shitpost. If there is any advice I can give is to simply not sweat it. Take a few days, just chill and get through the day to day and reevaluate from there how ya feel. Don't worry about posting, don't worry about being a negative or trying to force positivity. If ya don't feel like watching right away thats fine too
On top of that, don't think "the first thing I gotta do when I get back is review the fic and the show" that'll just make it a stress on your mind, you'll review it when ya feel like it and besides that was a prototype anyway.
Besides, with what I know about your schooling that is a pain itself.

Anon 04/13/2019 (Sat) 21:40:08 [Preview] No.3954 del
>It was busy around that time and it just felt like another stressful thing I had to keep track with, so I think I can get that.
until you get to watch an opener like season 9´s one and you feel the magic all over again. Every prejudice is gone after giving the show another try.

>I'd say especially on the second, anon. You have talked before of your pressure on your posts, though not recently. with what I know about your schooling that is a pain itself.
yeah, you mentioned that I made an effort for the image editing thread and it´s true that I have wanted to express way more than I usually offer. I fear a little bit of getting too repetitive so I try to go a little bit further. I suppose that ambition has a price for what it´s worth.
>Remember, don't let it be a burden. Even if it means you fully can't reply or just shitpost. If there is any advice I can give is to simply not sweat it. Take a few days, just chill and get through the day to day and reevaluate from there how ya feel.
[/spoiler] Yeah, I read these lines back on Sunday and I decided to take a break save for posting a few nice images on Tuesday I think. I have been active for these two days so the things stay a little bit fresh and alive. The stressful period of the lab sessions is gone. I will say I still don´t promise anything and that´s why it feels like I am box full of surprises. But I am fine, thanks for thinking about me. [/spoiler]

Don't worry about posting, don't worry about being a negative or trying to force positivity. If ya don't feel like watching right away thats fine too
>that'll just make it a stress on your mind, you'll review it when ya feel like it and besides that was a prototype anyway.Besides, with what I know about your schooling that is a pain itself.
I have watched it, twice in fact. My problem is not with the show, the show will stay, it has made its memories. That will never change. About your fic, I don´t know when I will make it justice but I will say that I had a good experience while reading it, the concept of Cadencebat is much more defined, it was a more plausible story for this franchise, much more straightforward and less chaotic than the revolution fic. There it is, taken with a general perspective. There are a few questions but for a prototype, it seems that the main sketches have already been made. Congratulations for defining her so clearly. If the review doesn´t come, at least, these words are posted for you to see.

Anon 04/13/2019 (Sat) 21:52:46 [Preview] No.3955 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=1KOPFYPUL7o [Embed]

Well, enough talking about myself today because I am not the only user that posts right here nor this is the thread to draw the attention to another target all the time, that should be directed at the show.

Let´s give this to these pessimistic posts a spin with more energy,providing a momentum for what comes next!


Anon 04/13/2019 (Sat) 22:30:42 [Preview] No.3959 del
>until you get to watch an opener like season 9´s one and you feel the magic all over again. Every prejudice is gone after giving the show another try.
For me that was Discord that really made it feel magical...

> I have wanted to express way more than I usually offer. I fear a little bit of getting too repetitive so I try to go a little bit further.
Again, my only advise here is what I have already spoken.
> I will say I still don´t promise anything and that´s why it feels like I am box full of surprises.
And that is wise. Because if ya promise ya only have pressure to deliver and the pressure prevents you from being spontaneous with random things you may just want to do over the course of the day and random post for fun.

>Congratulations for defining her so clearly. If the review doesn´t come, at least, these words are posted for you to see.
You can say the review for whenever the core project arrives...

Anon 04/13/2019 (Sat) 22:35:18 [Preview] No.3960 del
Forward to the 9th season!
May the final be worth it!
Even if it's total chaos that could still be fun tbh

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Anon 02/11/2018 (Sun) 15:06:57 [Preview] No. 678 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I know it's not fair that I do this but sometimes I think good quality images are not going to be eternal. Someday we will arrive to Deviantart core quality and we all know what that means.

However,I can solve a little bit their colours. It's artificial yes but at least,those edits make it pleasant to the eye and serve to post something between the good ones. These two have like 10 upvotes or so and I am putting in the thumbnail which ones are edited.I can link them perfectly though.
496 posts and 612 images omitted.

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 23:10:08 [Preview] No.3771 del
now, those people fearful of oceans because of sharks and big creatures in the depths. How wrong those plebs were, ponies were the sirens chants that make the environment dangerous from the very beginning.

>The others are more... intense and expressive I suppose. This one lack of brightness could be a little dull and dreary in comparison.
exactly that.

>It does!
either it´s due to the filter or the oversaturation of a certain effect/adjustment.

>Would you like to go a descriptive rout and get one of the better edits and original pictures and place them side by side?
either showing the products alone or doing that method. I am basically compiling them and putting them in the front as a greatest hits from these edits. Not all of them work but simply a selection of what we have offered here. I thought about not including any description and then letting the viewer to ask why it happened before the info comes but a little description can come with them perfectly (or quoting the post of its explanation from this thread)

>Would you say there is any edit that clicks or feels just right to you that you just like to use in the OP solo?
I am certainly torn about it. The one edit that I still hold in high regard is this one >>1822 and it certainly represents how twisted and artificial the edits can get, to the point where you are in an artificial land that will lead us into chaos or imprecise imagery.

That´s my first but any other can work so I am asking to you before I do anything (not to mention that it feels kind of selfish). I could also include any edit that speaks for itself and came from you like >>1868, >>2496, >>2649 and >>3735.

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Anon 03/31/2019 (Sun) 00:51:03 [Preview] No.3778 del
>So you like that picture of RD for the OP. If you see it valid for the OP, just tell me and I will put the colored edit on the front.
Your call, I mean there is a lot if ya doing a greatest hits format that could work. Like:
bluelestia/icelestia if you what something else with that theme that I consider of a higher level edit.

This one I loved and got a kick outta the trick you pulled.

If you want me to suggest one of mine, then this one.

This flutters too. These are your transformational/destructive art ones.


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April Fools! 04/03/2020 (Fri) 06:14:09 [Preview] No.5678 del
testing something mischievous.

April Fools! 04/03/2020 (Fri) 06:42:06 [Preview] No.5680 del

Anon 04/12/2020 (Sun) 15:11:09 [Preview] No.5753 del

>November 2018
>Umbridge appears in this thread, becoming a banner of /endpone/ in 2019

>April 2020
>long Umbridge has become a meme in the fanbase

This thread is history of /endpone/.

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I love to ride Daria 02/27/2019 (Wed) 03:58:22 [Preview] No. 3543 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I love to ride big ones!

Daria Clawson
[email protected]

sage wise carrot sage 01/01/2020 (Wed) 03:10:16 [Preview] No.5279 del
happy new years /endpone/

NMAiE General L23 10/06/2018 (Sat) 19:07:45 [Preview] No. 2168 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Not Much Activity in /Endpone/

The first thread to get bump limit, the main general of /endpone/!

Princess Amore managed to get us into the 4th place on Endchan edition. >>2150

Tournevis, we summon you to check this board again if you are alive out there.

Season 8 discussion thread: >>1060
with the streaming sources besides Dailymotion:


Bat Pony General: >>125, including Cadencebat fic by the Bridgefag (provisional name): >>1134

Personal project by L23: >>656 , including the Comforts of Darkness: >>1445; Novo´s fic: >>1548 and the celebration of the >>2000 posts: >>2022

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Anon 02/17/2019 (Sun) 05:56:01 [Preview] No.3489 del
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Anon 02/17/2019 (Sun) 06:05:13 [Preview] No.3491 del

Вернуть проиграные деньги в казино Advokatv819 09/21/2021 (Tue) 22:10:36 [Preview] No.7881 del
Проиграли деньги в казино?
Мы поможем их вернуть! Обращайтесь.


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Anon 05/20/2016 (Fri) 02:22:32 [Preview] No. 171 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Well, 8chan /pone/ is down. I guess there's no turning back.
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Anon 01/15/2018 (Mon) 22:52:19 [Preview] No.468 del
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>what happens if she asks me for opinions of her other bridges she is currently planning?
I could avoid that topic for a while but I am not sure about the intentions she is going to have. It's hard to say no to this cutie.

Yeah, that is a pickle isn't it? I suppose you could try to keep it professional and related to the work at hoof. But man that is a minefield of a topic. Any criticism offered could be taken the wrong way, and she's too smart to simply be a yes man to.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 19:12:14 [Preview] No.3013 del
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It's down again. Not sure how many will remember this is here.

I have a bookmark, though.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 19:16:01 [Preview] No.3014 del
I'm here, horsefucker. I'm here.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 21:26:46 [Preview] No.3021 del
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Dolores... birth....

Anon 12/30/2018 (Sun) 00:42:29 [Preview] No.3028 del
to be honest, it started while discussing this >>359, >>360 which is funny because I was having lots of troubles while posting on mobile and for some reason I cut the post just there.
Then this happens, >>364 and >>366.

I don´t know what was going on in my head honestly. I shitposted as if I was that desperate to find content or something to discuss...

Starring L23: >>372
the bridgefag:>>377
and the owner saying the same words that he said earlier today: >>375 >>376

It feels weird to see ourselves over there...shitposting as if there were more faggots over there...

Anon 06/03/2016 (Fri) 08:20:29 [Preview] No. 191 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
we ded
Edited last time by Khan21 on 06/03/2016 (Fri) 08:21:01.

Anon 12/25/2018 (Tue) 17:36:20 [Preview] No.2899 del
oh yeah, can you repeat that line again with this state, my little Khan?
I guess we would have to reach the 1st place in the board list in order to prove you wrong...

Anon 12/25/2018 (Tue) 22:47:22 [Preview] No.2902 del
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Indeed. Right now were second. It honestly maybe possible to, for a brief time at least.

Anon 12/25/2018 (Tue) 23:25:17 [Preview] No.2907 del
we are in 2nd place today and with a noteworthy number of posts around. This board has kept itself pretty consistent in the top 10 after reaching the 2000 posts.

>It honestly maybe possible to, for a brief time at least.
it´s almost impossible to fuck up with the otakus these days. They may even come from 2chan or something behind that rhythm. The only real chance to get first for a very brief time actually is by using the servers´ maintenance and right afterward, shitpost a lot for the next 2 hours in 6 or 7 threads.

Then screencap it and bam, first place. I highly doubt it will happen naturally but the 2nd place comes with the usual pace at this point.

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Anon 02/06/2016 (Sat) 09:44:30 [Preview] No. 110 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

This place seems a bit different.
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Anon 05/25/2018 (Fri) 22:57:56 [Preview] No.1433 del
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>first Cadence running around as a edgy bat and now Fluttershy wants to revisit my teenage years as well now"
>"What it is with the /end/ that causes ponies to go crazy!"
didn't you want to make everyone else equal,the same as you,Dolores?
What happens? Don't you like the wish you have hoped for all these years for your town? Are you regretting your crazy idea?

Be careful with what you wish lady. You can't have a nightmare if you never dream. You can wish a cult and you will end with a very different result.

Anon 05/25/2018 (Fri) 23:23:37 [Preview] No.1434 del
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>Opps. Didn't mean to post the Cadence greentext with that picture though admittedly its comical.
error 404 not found falls short in comparison to error 500. The website is also chaotic and insane in terms of maintenance up and downs. Also,it feels meta as hell with that accident.

I>'ve heard that R9K has been messed up durring the move, regardless of who is posting the image in the board. I guess it still is.
yeah,another thing to fix yet powerful to beat and make a posts passing it.

Anon 05/25/2018 (Fri) 23:35:54 [Preview] No.1435 del
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>it is merely that things are so quite here
it seems that for a lonely princess,you seem that you are having a nice time with those little weird wings you are trying to hide

>there is nothing to distract you from looking within. Sometimes what you find goes against the mold that others put you in
are you proving that the others are preventing you from going on? Are you going against the mold because it's...Pandora's box?

>a little further away from what you have presented and what you feel
so,that's how you felt during that night. Tell me Candy,what happened to you? What went into your mind for this?
>with less eyes watching... you get to know who you are
don't tell me it's Chrysalis. That old lady is done,there is no way you are Chrysalis

>not as spooky as yours but at least it's still somewhat dark, still better then screenshot
indeed. Eh,if it looks nice,then it does because this is what the edits are made for,setting the mood and visual imagery of those lines. At this step,we are going to be editing alk the time just to shitpost an image and beat the R9K....how ironic

Anon 11/01/2018 (Thu) 04:37:55 [Preview] No.2387 del
This is the Sketchy Hoers of Destiny

Good Luck and Treasures of HorseShoes will come to you but only if you Post: "Your Logs Are Proprely Chopped"

Anon 11/01/2018 (Thu) 09:20:07 [Preview] No.2388 del
my logs are not properly chopped


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not much Tournevis 12/19/2016 (Mon) 09:42:11 [Preview] No. 233 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
not much activity around here
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Anon 09/24/2020 (Thu) 22:46:57 [Preview] No.6575 del
I´ve finally found the OP image just that ironically enough, despite having the same dimensions and memory size, it hasn´t been recovered by posting it again. >>233

Oh well, at least I´ve managed to run into it and post the lost image before Endchan messed it up with the change of servers in 2018.

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333=222 /--22 04/27/2016 (Wed) 06:40:04 [Preview] No. 128 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ponies ponies ponies ponies and ponies

Anon 01/02/2018 (Tue) 22:59:31 [Preview] No.346 del
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see >>222
and >>333

>>22 should have ponies though

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Anon 01/11/2016 (Mon) 22:21:40 [Preview] No. 21 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
czy to jest meme
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Anon 12/29/2017 (Fri) 01:45:06 [Preview] No.305 del
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holy shit nigger
I have to check those nice digits. You won't find those numbers these days anymore.

My heart is beating so hard by seeing this,that I am having an indoors party right now.

Anon 12/29/2017 (Fri) 23:44:17 [Preview] No.307 del
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nah m8, it was more of a formality than any significant accomplishment

Anon 12/29/2017 (Fri) 23:48:29 [Preview] No.308 del
Why is she staring at me like that? Is she going to rape me?

Anon 12/30/2017 (Sat) 00:40:59 [Preview] No.314 del
>he doesn't about the wet dreams she's had about the 300 anon

Anon 01/01/2018 (Mon) 08:30:39 [Preview] No.327 del