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Happy Fall! Anon Board owner 09/22/2024 (Sun) 05:57 [Preview] No. 11137 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
...and have a blessed autumn!

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/endpone/ 1.5 Update and News Anon Board owner 12/04/2023 (Mon) 08:56 [Preview] No. 8910 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Minor changes and a few other things.

The update I have long teased is finally here. Not the biggest thing in the world but worthy of a announcement sticky.

Synchronized Rewatch Thread >>6985' is now launched for real. Details here: >>8889

Bunker: In the event of Endchan being wiped off the face of the earth, flee to here for now: https://8chan.moe/pone It is not a continuation of /endpone/ but a general bunker/secondary pony board held under friendly hooves. A more formal bunker maybe set up at some point later or organized post destruction depending on circumstances (that hopefully never will come or at least be at a point when we are better prepped).

The /chat/ thread is now cyclic: >>5562 The idea behind it to encourage more short form and casual discussion and a place to dump off topic posts nopony cares about too much. In reality, I am not sure much will change, but a worthy experiment. Higher effort random posts can still be posted to /NMAiE/, and to be honest, the board always can meander a bit in conversation.

The old NSFW no spoilers required on our NSFW thread: >>5560 has been revised. We have always been in practice more SFW than some boards around these parts and no one ever took advantage of the special exception for that thread. Plus, certain more extreme fetish content was not except from that anyway. TD;LR: normal chan spoiler rules now in place.

New banner has been added to the board, which wouldn't be worth mentioning if not for that if my recollection is correct, we haven't added one since 2019! I don't mind our banners being of a smaller number and a lot of them feel more special and carry a certain context, but certain things, like Seaponies, /go/, or the writefag thread probably warrant some representation. Here is my partial attempt to remedy one of those.

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Anon Board owner 03/22/2020 (Sun) 00:57 [Preview] No. 5559 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /pone/! Or as we often call ourselves to differentiate from 8chan/8kun's /pone/ board, /endpone/. The pony board at the end of the known universe. This board is a bit different from most other pony boards on the internet and has generally composed of a tight knit group 2 to 3 core users. Though we welcome any old stragglers who come by. It can be a bit creepy so far out but our bat ponies and bridges can be pretty friendly once you get to know them. Maybe you can find a home here too?

Our rules: https://endchan.net/pone/rules.html

Somethings to keep in mind:
1 Follow the rules of Endchan. Don't do anything illegal.
2 This board has been in practice more SFW oriented, but NSFW has never been explicitly banned. Do to difference in taste and people's definitions of what counts as overly grotesque, a general spoiler rule has been put in place in all threads.
3 This board is not /mlp/, 8/pone, /mlpol/ or Ponychan. Not saying this board is the most unique or wonderful place in the world but a posting style and a limited culture has arisen that is distinct from those models and is arguably in sometimes in contrast. Expect sometimes long meandering discussions jumping randomly from topic to topic and experimental projects of various levels of merit. We also recognize that board culture is not finite and could easily evolve with what any new anon or two could bring something to the table that could alter things significantly. Just don't bring in a mentality of endless low quality threads and shitposting like glimmmmmer! to X is cucked. It would ruin the board and will not be tolerated.
Edited last time by dolor on 11/21/2023 (Tue) 02:43.

/go/ - Golden Oaks General #3 Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:37 [Preview] No. 10357 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to Golden Oaks! Sit back and get /comfy/ and dive into the vast amounts of data across the web that has been generated by the MLP fandom.

What is Golden Oaks?
Golden Oaks is /endpone/'s archival and analysis thread devoted to the rather broad topic of the fandom itself. Active archival is a major feature, but a variety of topics are also active points of discussion. From analysis of trends and situations, to self reflection and representation (Some /tech/ discussion related to that end is welcome as well!).

What is Golden Oaks not?
Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.

What is this place?
This is the Endchan's pony board. While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a fairly distinct culture as can be with a handful of anons and drifters. /go/ welcomes outside contributions. Feel free to look around.
Current /NMAiE/: >>8915

A new thread has been created:>>10356 /culture/ (...and More!) for better discussion of certain niche topics and deep dives when this thread is too cluttered or topics that maybe too tangential but still useful.

Earlier /go/ Threads:

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393 posts and 606 images omitted.

Anon 09/22/2024 (Sun) 23:47 [Preview] No.11144 del
Reading some shit - greentexts:
>root CID has indexes: https://ipfs.hypha.coop/ipfs/bafybeie6unbx5ftzw4qtmkdkvnq3htj4ppwehavlty3y6vlkypmtt7kgfq/1/Zd9hkqXw
>[Fluttershy having sex with a bear]
>[Fluttershy having sex with a beaver]
First thought that came to mind was "gross".
>After she finally calmed down, and after assuring her you would keep her secret, she told you that even though interspecies relationships between talking species was widely accepted, relationships between ponies and nonverbal species were still frowned upon.
OK. So ponies have sex with cows, donkeys, zebras, dragons, etc. = "widely accepted".

>ipfs://Qmf6376cQQMZNaHqCsDQNfzrjrdbNb7WttHu1Ux4J5FbEE [ which is the same as http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:81/ipfs/QmfGiwuMqoZsYQymHXzwAR2gZKUopwP9dzEhRikM1wKXJ5/a/root/audio/music/mlp/cupcakes_music_flac/ ]
Duplicated remotely, possibly again (but it has not been duplicated fünfundneunzigmal). A lyric of one of those tracks is something like "Dashie do you have any sickness? Oh wait it won't matter when you're cooked." Sounds true: if somepony was badly ill with the cold/flu it probably wouldn't matter after properly cooking the meat. At that point, grilled meat is grilled meat.

>First time ever watching flyders / trapped in a cave FIM S07 episode was today (pony.tube).
Thoughts on that:
. Pegasus mare doing a salute was cute
. Something like "How is Rainbow Dash so pretty/beautiful?"

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Anon 09/23/2024 (Mon) 19:59 [Preview] No.11145 del
Currently, all pages of this thread have been saved to WBM:

This was not such a pleasant experience because it kept showing "cf: you are blocked" or "403 forbidden". A way to reduce the chance of running into those captures: uncheck the box which says to save 4xx and 5xx.

Also saved every SERP in this category or IT literature and parts:

That was also not so fun because of all of these floating/JS banners, elements, slide-ins, and impediments. No cfwall from that site, but I had to either be fast to click the next page button or close a floating banner in order to reach it at all. Dynamic/JS parts of sites can perhaps be cool, but too much of that is annoying.

The point is that manually trying to save "large parts" of a website is less likely to happen if the pagination thing is annoying, or the site keeps on blocking or rejecting access to anyone requesting pages at a slightly-above-average frequency. \\ It's possible to ssh into a computer at a local IPv6 address:

More extreme forms of lowering accessibility >>11132 are sickening and likely influenced by greed.

Anon 09/23/2024 (Mon) 23:30 [Preview] No.11146 del
Added to Wikidata knowledgebase - Tarby / George Desroches III / Julian Rosewood / TarbyRocks / Bacon Mane / The Brony Jesus / Tarby's Basement:

>folder ipfs://QmfXweAyCTtsga2osHmsDcN5EZKo2CvnQGz7ZCCXTGMJ41 [ = http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:81/ipfs/QmfGiwuMqoZsYQymHXzwAR2gZKUopwP9dzEhRikM1wKXJ5/a/root/audio/music/mlp/cupcakes_music_mp3 ]
Duplicated remotely (maybe again).

>That PNG and that TXT file didn't work so well
So it's a good think it's also in IPFS = avoids vendor lock-in, not stuck in a darker part of the darkweb in this case.

>webservers, ./..
I think I read that in IPFS's UnixFS, folders can contain "." and ".." as valid filenames or folder names. However, IPFS folders which contain "." or ".." = cursed folders. ...is what I wrote in this lost post referenced by >>11132. I have since then seen that telling IPFS's MFS to create/move/copy a file or folder to .../.. or .../. acts the same way as you would see in file systems such as ZFS and btrfs. So what I think I was reading was talking about was IPLD. And IPLD is the general system; IPFS uses an implementation of IPLD for file+folder data storage. IPLD isn't just a file+folder think, and it can work with data without it being part of a filesystem or filesystem-like thing. So IPLD can use "." and ".." as valid links or items, I guess without them meaning "current directory" and "parent directory" respectively. Octavia Melody unrelated.

Anon 09/26/2024 (Thu) 09:10 [Preview] No.11154 del
I posted this CID in a previous thread and I found (a slightly modified version of) it useful again today:
It's a proof of concept for playback of deterministic YouTube data. (It's incomplete because the audio will desync if you skip forward or backwards in the video.) Most downloaded YouTube videos aren't deterministic because each stream file is combined into an audio+video file. Each audio-only file and video-only file from YouTube is deterministic, and combining them makes it some random hash. (Most users combine them because it's more useful to have a video file like that.)

"More importantly", since YouTube has further blocked TOR IP addresses from downloading .info.json, I haven't really been downloading them (didn't feel like having certain IP addresses in those text files). That means that I don't have the comments+whatever on some videos that I downloaded. Above, I posted:
>...ip=$(cat ~/ipv6)...
However, that doesn't really work because my IPv6 addresses rotate/change like every day. Perhaps sometimes they change multiple times in one day. My IPv4 addresses stayed fairly constant and it kinda felt like I had a static IPv4 address for a time: changes once every ~4 years (didn't really keep track of that). The fix for this is a regex which matches percent-encoded and normal IPv6 addresses in general. Not great if looking at the whole text file, so another solution is using some thing which determines my current IPv6 IP then put that into a variable and replace that in the JSON.

Organization takes a long time. I spent 1 hour and 45 minutes, and added names to 51 out of 121 main folders in mfs:.../torrents/by_name/ (which is similar to mfs:.../torrents/by_infohash). It was some type of progress to do this because some of those torrents are vague as to what they are.

>>recent posts in /chat/ thread
I think that artist is called "tjpones": that artwork or clop is more on the mental side of porn with text, dialogue, a story, and such.


BTW, in latest Lubuntu, I removed the dm/wm and replaced it with i3wm; volume up/down seems to be gone (and hardware buttons on the keyboard don't work to do that), so I'm using this:
>$ pamixer -d 5 # decrease volume

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Anon 09/26/2024 (Thu) 22:08 [Preview] No.11156 del
4.4 terabytes of torrents:
. https://ipfs.ssi.eecc.de/ipfs/QmWKGSSDn7C73NhCZPq1bCZDfEQstndLbgQoQz1QZGFnYH
.. terabytes of MLP torrents
.. 122 folders, and each one has a meaningful name (in "by_name/" and not "by_infohash/")
.. previous version (3.9 TB, by_infohash only): https://ipfs.ssi.eecc.de/ipfs/QmWRqykqi4AzEYkJrQeViNoZNBizG8Nsnc6ceozqyyp41N

>MLP DVDs v2 [ISOs], which is >475 GB:
That's from magnet:?xt=urn:btih:dd8fcc2c697e4797f46a17e8f654bbc739fe7b1a&dn=MLP%20DVDs%20v2 - .torrent file attached maybe, from
Nevermind, test failed: JS:alert():"endchan.org says \ An uploaded file could not be parsed." Download that .torrent file from the DHT or trackers; download the payload data from peers.

*Solution: copy

Whereabouts of that file:

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Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 01:33 [Preview] No. 5562 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /chat/! The thread where you can talk about anything! Technically most threads on /endpone/ can meander a bit. This thread is for casual banter and idle chitchat of any topic. Funposting and randomness too.
496 posts and 507 images omitted.

Anon 09/25/2024 (Wed) 22:31 [Preview] No.11150 del
>shitty family
I a lot of people are "in the middle" and aren't completely shitty or great, but average, with some faults and are unfairly judged as one or the other. It is the nature of the internet.

>software Raid
Software raid has amny trade offs, some of the ZFS camp insist that hardware raid cards no longer do the checking that they used to do.

Anon 09/26/2024 (Thu) 03:40 [Preview] No.11151 del
>Crazy story. I guess the steam was condensing on your windshield (car window).

You missed the part about how I wasn't in the car. My blood was condensing into steam right above my head, the same way you can see your breath on a cold day.

The car window was still attached to the car, which was sitting on top of me. But not enough to prevent me from getting rained on.

Anon 09/26/2024 (Thu) 06:34 [Preview] No.11152 del
Didn't miss that part, just wasn't super thinking about it or didn't entirely understand the situation (I did read all of what I quoted + other things from the JSON). In fact, before you posted #11151 I was going to say "or like breathing out in a cold day=vapors". You posted
>My blood was condensing into steam right above my head, the same way you can see your breath on a cold day.
Or like steam rising off of hot coffee or some other hot liquid in a cold day. Blood is like 80% water. In a cold day, do vapors come off of non-water liquids like hot pure hydrochloric acid? What about hot Everclear? That alcohol is nonaqueous because it's only like 5% water.

>blood was condensing into steam
I think that's incorrect word usage because "condense" means this:
>Sense 2= To transform from a gaseous state into a liquid state via condensation. Sense 1=To concentrate toward the essence by making more close, compact, or dense, thereby decreasing size or volume --!wt
It could condense onto a car window (gas->liquid). Water could evaporate into steam (liquid->gas).

Sense 1 is like Sense 2. If you condense Earth into like the size of a marble then it will become a black hole. Bigger->smaller. Steam is larger or less dense than water, so also bigger->smaller when condensation happens. We know that Earth would become a black hole if compressed down to that size due to the Schwarzschild radius equation, which !w says is
>radius = \frac{2 G M}{c^2}
>where G is the gravitational constant, M is the object mass, and c is the speed of light [in a vacuum].
Not LaTeX: RadiusS = 2GM/c^2. chat-gpt.org/chat says that
. G = 6.674 × 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2)
. c = approximately 3.00 × 10^8 m/s)

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Anon 09/26/2024 (Thu) 06:50 [Preview] No.11153 del
*its JS-heavy search thing didn't work

I was right:
. 9.911 millimeters --ML slop
. 8.857 millimeters --me
. 8.87 millimeters --https://www.calctool.org/astrophysics/schwarzschild-radius
. 9 millimeters (about) --https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/61413/how-small-the-earth-should-be-for-it-to-become-a-black-hole

Non-nerdy sexy image

Anon 09/26/2024 (Thu) 09:12 [Preview] No.11155 del
>In a cold day, do vapors come off of non-water liquids

Yes, they're just less likely to catch the light the way suspended water droplets do. The reason coffee has such a 'texture' that tea doesn't, is there are a bunch of oils that dissolve into the solution, but they will evaporate out because of how light they are and how hot the coffee is. That helps explain why reheating coffee ruins it - you're boiling out the last of the oils, and now you just have terrible tea, much the same as rehydrating instant coffee.

Also, visible steam isn't steam, because steam is a gas, and because of how light the molecule is compared to most of the air molecules, it makes the air much less dense. But when it cools and condenses, the liquid water is suspended, lighter than air, because of how small each individual drop of water is. The space between each drop means the body of water is less dense than the contiguous body of water it came from - lake, stream, pool of blood, whatever.

Also I consider the immediate consideration of turning the Earth into a black hole a very odd thing to be distracted by when trying to figure out why I was talking about clouds that were actually from my head, though no longer IN my head.

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Generation 5 General. Anon 09/23/2021 (Thu) 23:15 [Preview] No. 7886 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /g5g/, /endpone/'s offical Generation 5 thread! Love or it hate it, the fifth generation is almost upon us and thus necessitates a new thread.

I have no idea how this will work compared to the old FiM threads. Provisionally this thread will be for the movie and Season 1 of G5. If enough discussion is generated a separate thread will be made for each season like normal.

Hopefully we can at least some fun and enjoy some side aspects of this even if it turns out poor or more likely, mundanely average over being worthy of hype or hate.
70 posts and 65 images omitted.

Anon 02/02/2024 (Fri) 02:53 [Preview] No.9485 del
Guilty as charged. Not the best thing to draw on but that description always stuck with me and I think the name fits.

>your low expectations were hugely exceeded.
Could that be the case for FiM itself? Arguably yes. The show was good at the time but only slightly above average in the first season. When you go in expecting trash it can really stick with you.

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 08:21 [Preview] No.9510 del

I prefer to link to sites like:
for merch but unfortunately MLPmerch has slowed down a lot lately.

More on this later.

Anon 02/08/2024 (Thu) 23:48 [Preview] No.9540 del
Wow, that is one big Sunny! I am almost retarded enough to get that, but, money, plus the fact that it would be almost useless unless I tried some stupid memes or stop motion skits, prevent me from doing so.

As far as MLP Toys goes, this one is comical and a bit absurd and I like it for that.

>MLPmerch has slowed down a lot lately.
It is a shame it all got centrilized to Equestria Daily as Equestira Daily doesn't always provide the best coverage to niche topics well.

Anon 09/25/2024 (Wed) 22:21 [Preview] No.11149 del
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So, the word on the street is that G5 is dead. I see a lot of fruitless triumphalism over this with utter despair among the small number of complete unironic G5 fans. I don't share it. I wasn't a fan of G5 and thought it did mess up FiM's happy ending. But I was sort of a fan of some of the characters from it weirdly enough Pip So it is kind of bittersweet.

I don't know. Just wanted to express something other than happiness or being blindly butthurt and figured this thread was as good as any.

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/night/ Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:14 [Preview] No. 4924 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /night/ This is the thread that both serves as Luna's thread and a thread to the majesty of the night itself.

Exactly what that is maybe hard to define exactly. But that's what the adventure of the /end/ is for!
270 posts and 289 images omitted.

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 08:01 [Preview] No.10716 del
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Putting some Luna into this night thread! I really like the stary night Luna and really really like Seapony Luna, complete with tiberius who is not aquatic... hope Luna has a air breathing enchantment or bubble handy.

Dreams. Well, has this one weird one where Fluttershy was running from this black dots and specs that were spreading everywhere. They/it was the borg (from Star Trek), but wasn't the borg even if my dream said it wasn't. This feeling of a malevolent and all consuming force that was going to take over or destroy you and it doesn't quite feel like I can put it to words. I was seeing through her eyes, which happens a lot in my dreams lately.

Also, I felt like something is going to end soon, just something I feel in the air, and noting.

On that somewhat ominous note, goodnight and God bless /endpone/!

Anon 09/08/2024 (Sun) 03:41 [Preview] No.10934 del
Dream of a pony: >>10933 (cross-thread). I was not lucid dreaming in that dream. I did some lucid dreaming before. When I realized that I was in control of the dream, I thought: "Huh, might as well do some crazy shit like diddle some kiddies." So I tried to do and in other case(s) did do some pedo shit in those dreams. The experience in the dream of doing that was rather boring and uninteresting: nothing felt much like anything. It was more like a feeling of looking around or like understanding a story that you read in a newspaper. Maybe next time I get control of a dream I'll do a lot of LSD and fly around, or have sex missionary style with a beautiful mare.

>felt like something is going to end soon, just something I feel in the air, and noting.
Made me think of Blingee, but that basically ended a month or two after

>This feeling of a malevolent and all consuming force that was going to take over or destroy you and it doesn't quite feel like I can put it to words.
I think I have had such an experience in a bad dream years ago. Also can't really put it in words, so my description is more artistic than 1:1. I will say this, so to speak: A cosmic horror in which a monstrous Cthulhu-like being was skulking around the universe. It was an alien the size of Earth's solar system, or many orders of magnitude larger. Somehow it was making the air vibrate with such a loud unbearable noise. This terror indicated a certain doom. This Lovecraftian being was a highly intelligent and highly malicious being. In effect, he was God in this Godless universe. Were there more beings like him? If there were, one could only hope that they were not completely evil like him.

Anon 09/08/2024 (Sun) 04:05 [Preview] No.10935 del
It only takes one Flood spore, and soon an entire galaxy will be consumed.

Response that I got at https://chat-gpt.org/chat was actually kinda interesting and like the next thing I would write in the narrative:
>>Write the next paragraphs of this story:
>>A cosmic horror [...]. This Lovecraftian being was highly intelligent and highly malicious.[...]
>As the monstrous being continued to roam the universe, it left a trail of destruction in its wake. Planets were obliterated, stars were devoured, and civilizations were wiped out without a second thought. The sheer power and malevolence of this cosmic horror struck fear into the hearts of all who knew of its existence.
>But as the being moved through the universe, it also left behind clues to its origins and purpose. Ancient texts and prophecies spoke of a time when such a being would rise and bring about the end of all things. It was said that this being had been cast out from its own dimension, banished to wander the void for eternity.
>As the air continued to vibrate with the deafening noise of the being's presence, whispers of hope began to spread among the remaining civilizations. Some believed that there must be a way to defeat this monstrosity, to rid the universe of its destructive influence once and for all. Others saw it as a test of their faith, a trial that they must endure in order to prove their worthiness.
>But as the being drew closer to inhabited worlds, the true extent of its power became apparent. Entire galaxies were consumed in its wake, leaving only darkness and despair in its path. The time had come for the universe to face its greatest challenge, and the fate of all life hung in the balance.
However, probably better off reading Lovecraft.

Anon 09/22/2024 (Sun) 06:18 [Preview] No.11140 del
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Dreams have been... been having a lot, in small bursts, sometimes waking me up every hour or two some nights. Don't have much coherency or theme, even spookiness seems (mostly) absent. Minus something I might save for Nightmare Night.

>Made me think of Blingee, but that basically ended a month or two after
Never know what is vibing through the air.

Thanks for telling me of the FIMcontent there, btw, I like some of these

> So I tried to do and in other case(s) did do some pedo shit in those dreams.
That still feels kind of cursed even if in the confines of ones mind. This is coming from somebody who argues that, while fictional content is not equal to the real thing, it does matter to some level.

>It was more like a feeling of looking around or like understanding a story that you read in a newspaper.
I'd say 50% of my dreams now are sort of like that, usually my POV is outside or partly outside the person that is experiencing the thing.

Anon 09/25/2024 (Wed) 08:49 [Preview] No.11147 del
>That still feels kind of cursed even if in the confines of ones mind
I imagine it's just me being something of a porn addict/enthusiast/enjoyer. Years ago, lolicon/shotacon fictional works (image+video) was definitely more a part of my porn diet. I suppose because that was a novelty back then. As of now, lolicon is barely a part of my "porn diet". Last viewing: one to three months ago. As for my pornography diet now: coomer brain got to me, so after somewhat running out of non-anthro clop, I have been experiencing anthro MLP porn. Seems I only like a small part of that selection. I guess that's normal for people who have looked at a lot of porn: only a small part of it really does much of anything for them anymore. Oh, and based on records from like 10 years ago, looks like I was naively interesting in anthro back then. Anthro is basically furry, which I feel is not such a good look. However some of those artworks and creative works are definitely valued creations. While definitely not valued on the same level as fine art, I bet that art snobs would say that some of those are good/OK. Wonder what art snobs would say about AI/ML art...

Oh, and yeah, what I did in one of those dreams was pretty degenerate/weird. I think that was a non-lucid one which I am thinking of. Something adjacent to my porn interest back then but not directly it. In that dream, it was like I was doing something just to be a disgusting/deplorable/horrible pervert. It's like if you remove all limits and decency and say "my mother's pussy feels just as good to fuck as any other pussy". That sort of mindset where nothing matters but the animal experience of sex. As long as you can fuck it, you fuck it: doesn't matter if you think it's cute or sexy or beautiful or pretty.

Watch the following video and you might have a nightmare:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240925081758/https://invidious.jing.rocks/watch?v=8OQ1WX8_bQU
. https://web.archive.org/web/20231209162316/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OQ1WX8_bQU
Bug in Invidious: says that "Let's Find Larry" was uploaded in 2024-09-25 (today), but it was actually uploaded in 2023-12.

NMAiE General Bridgefag 12/04/2023 (Mon) 11:09 [Preview] No. 8912 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Not Much Activity in /Endpone/

Still moving along edition.

Let's see what happens as we truly entered into the G5 era since last /NMAiE/. Will it be as chaotic as Pony Life era was or will it be mundane? Even if G5 can't quite capture the lightning in the bottle we still can continue on and be comfy respite at the very least.

Note: Slight change in format as a lot of the activity has concentrated on a handful of important threads, so a mix of new threads and threads that are old but are seeing the most "action" right now/important in some way or have news. A lot of new threads have been from random anons just curious about the place, those have not been furthered for obvious reasons .

-FRESH MATERIAL/important threads

Synchronized Rewatch Thread: >>6985
Now formally launched:>>8889

The /chat/ thread (meant for casual conversations among /endpone/ users): >>5562 Now a cyclical thread.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

95 posts and 98 images omitted.

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 08:41 [Preview] No.10615 del
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Cat has been found!

Goodnight, /endpone/!

10.000 Posts! Anon 08/08/2024 (Thu) 02:10 [Preview] No.10793 del
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Yep, as I said... somewhere. I was still going to make a 10.000 post celebration post and figured I'd better get to that. Scardy Cadence is back, annoyed and in an unfamiliar form. Wonder what has gotten into everybody? As for a certain bridge, doing okay, left a minor update in the form of PMs. The TDLR is not perfect but stuff has lessened.

As for now, goodnight and God bless, /endpone/.

Keep those bridges crossed everypony.

Anon 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:38 [Preview] No.11120 del
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I am doing erm... alright overall. More strange symptoms have sometimes handicapped my ability to post here weirdly for two days had nearly debilitating pain in right hand (maybe COVID/Unrelated?) but I am still watching as best as I can, just dealing with stuff.

I hope all you 5050, Archivist, CB, a few others more infrequent. are doing well, /)

Anon 09/19/2024 (Thu) 00:48 [Preview] No.11130 del
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result of "unicorn littlepip reloading her revolver in the desert"


In the second image I didn't specify she was supposed to be a unicorn, and was a tad closer.

...Why is it we think AI is neat, again?

Hi! Glad you could make it.
Heck I'm glad I could make it.

Anon 09/22/2024 (Sun) 05:55 [Preview] No.11136 del
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>Hi! Glad you could make it.
Yeah, I'll take minor abnormality to... well, all the horrible things people were worried about this could be. Still aren't a 100% sure but the way it has presented has lowered the risk of it being scariest stuff.

>Heck I'm glad I could make it.
Indeed, you have... some war stories to tell your self, to put it lightly.

>result of "unicorn littlepip reloading her revolver in the desert"
It could be Lyra with a really human hand attachment.

>In the second image I didn't specify she was supposed to be a unicorn, and was a tad closer.
Humanized Littlepip who was a grandchild of Scootaloo?

>...Why is it we think AI is neat, again?
Because... reasons?

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Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 01:20 [Preview] No. 5560 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the official thread for NSFW content!

All your desires for posting NSFW content. Check the catalog first before creating another thread and post all that material here.

We have been discussing a lot about the spirit of this board and while it remains for the most part SFW, I do believe that /endpone/ should set up a proper regulated thread for this material.

Now, I am providing to you the rules of this thread. A lot of people go crazy when NSFW appears into the game, so let me explain a few observations and essential norms that should make everything clear:

ESSENTIAL (must read)

1. The three basic rules of Endchan are applied, especially those who have intentions to post real life pornography. Only fictional content related.

2. This is NOT /b/. Endless shitposting and taking advantage of the NSFW nature for derailing the thread with spam/low quality posts that prevent the usual activity (breaking the 3rd rule of Endchan) will not be tolerated.

3.The OP image for the thread must be SFW.

4.This does not necessarily preclude the creation of other threads that relate to NSFW topics, but this is the only thread in which you can post unspoiled NSFW pictures and is intended to be the main hub for such discussion.
100 posts and 157 images omitted.

Anon 08/28/2024 (Wed) 18:51 [Preview] No.10889 del
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Made Rarity's private parts sexier:

Synthesizing marecock was a relatively intensive task. It resulted in an important running daemon of mine to get oom'd. From GitHub, bootchk's resynthesizer is like photosh*p's content aware fill (source code in the above folder). It didn't work super well on this task, and I don't think content aware would work better either. However both of those tools are great for certain tasks. That folder also includes the .xcf file, either for completeness, or for the rare case that someone wants to edit it better than I did (which is certainly possible). (Oh wait, that XCF file doesn't include edit history.)

Anon 08/28/2024 (Wed) 20:45 [Preview] No.10890 del
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Like the biggest problem with this is: from a distance you can see an outline of what it was before. I did a "lazy fix" using resynthesize+blur and I feel like it looks better:
- before: bafybeig...7h4q/3266844.jpg
- after: https://files.catbox.moe/6v7ulb.jpg

Anon 09/02/2024 (Mon) 05:57 [Preview] No.10905 del
Fapped and came to ponies 3 times today. Definitely not the first time I've done that. This image: idealized projection.

Anon 09/02/2024 (Mon) 06:18 [Preview] No.10906 del
Ha! Make that 4! I'm the great and powerful coomer!

Anon 09/19/2024 (Thu) 00:53 [Preview] No.11131 del
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Finally got AI to produce Little Pip!
And it almost got the glowing pools of green right.
..And that might be a revolver, though it looks more like an SBR.
ANYway! Mission mostly accomplished. I think.

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/endpone/ Special Event: Synchronized Rewatch Thread Anon 12/04/2020 (Fri) 07:48 [Preview] No. 6985 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This is intended as a thread for synchronized rewatches of Friendship is Magic. Plural because I am uncertain of the details and if it'll be one event or several mini-events.

Note: for general FiM discussion, reviews and spotlights outside of here go to our Post Fim discussion thread >>5314
136 posts and 213 images omitted.

Anon 09/03/2024 (Tue) 06:50 [Preview] No.10914 del
Animation/whatever moments:
Several things that stuck out. I don't have time through them all but will highlight these too clips here. Twilight Sparkle having this brief seen of running down the hill. I found it cool. It is very tiny yet a fair bit of extra effort for a little two second shot that is completely unnecessarily. At least for the stereotype of caliber of show that this was supposed to be.

Rainbow Dash camera effect or whatever you call it here. Again, cool little detail. I am not sure the level of effort this takes but this is what I mean by little extras. This might be relevant to a scene that did get some fandom discussion in Season 2 as well. I can show it now or save it for when we get there.

Golden Oaks Bees are back.
Seriously, need to keep track of this little beehive and see how often it was animated. Considering how easy an asset like that is to reuse I imagine a lot.

"You're not mommy..
Twilight Sparkle awoke Spike...

That is what I am here for, sister.
...and what Spike said after Twilight "thanked" him for his attempt at comforting her. This Episode is some of the strongest evidence for a more brotherly/sisterly dynamic between Spike and Twilight. Albeit I take sister to be more in a general sarcastic sense rather than him referring to familial relations specifically.

Who was the 'Mommy' Spike was referring too? Even in full canon, that is unclear, and here... well, the only thing I recall is that Faust said that he saw Celestia as something of a mother to Spike, but I don't recall much of any context in the season for it.

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Anon 09/13/2024 (Fri) 11:38 [Preview] No.10951 del
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>but I have liked the idea of the dark magic being some sort of alicorn mgaic
In terms of Alicorn and dark magic being linked, I generally have come to see that as being Unicorn magic specifically, because most of the magic we see Alicorns using is unicorn magic - but perhaps since we see both light beams and the Sombra-esque dark magic being used by Alicorns, perhaps it's that they're tapping into the elements of harmony and disharmony. I guess I can't say for sure that the elements of harmony are diametrically opposed to dark magic, but it seems as though the show portrays it that way. Interestingly, neither Discord nor Tirek seem to tap into the same dark magic, animation-wise, that both Sombra and Twilight show the ability to use. Tirek fundamentally uses the powers of others, and Discord actually seems to fundamentally use the same magic as Pinkie - he doesn't really use his with a glow like unicorns or with the same effects Sombra's magic has, so I'd actually posit that Discord is a powerful user of the harmony magic the Earth ponies are able to tap into, and that it's simply his chaotic nature that allows him to use it so effectively, NOT that he actually uses any kind of 'chaos magic' directly. If the magic of the world runs along a different axis of harmony compared to material objects, I could see it being fairly 'random' to common sense to know in what manner things are connected. In this sense, the two 'paths' are either going with that nonsensical-seeming flow, as Pinkie and Discord do, or using a power from within to force and bend magic into the shape you need it to be. I'd then suggest that unicorn magic sits in a balance, where you have to allow your own inner power to work with the magic of the world to a certain extent, so that you don't go into the extreme where dark magic lies, where it's fundamentally perverting and twisting reality into doing what you want such that it violates it's harmony. As with all these things it needs more thinking on my part, but the thing which does seem quite clear to me from thinking about this is that, contrary to what you'd assume, the cosmological constants at work in this universe aren't especially directly present in the story. You'd assume that Celestia is the demigoddess of the 'good' axis and somebody like Tirek the 'bad', but as I went over, only Sombra out of the villains seems to directly tap into dark magic proper, and Celestia and Luna and the other Alicorns are ultimately just powerful ponies, with the real source of the opposing axis to dark magic being Harmony, which starts as disparate elements in the pilot and gradually grows in power along with the mane six throughout the course of the story. I don't even know if I'm characterising disharmony as relating to dark magic and the windigos correctly, necessarily. But I do find it interesting to hypothesise that all the events of the show are essentially the modern backdrop to a far older conflict between fluctuating forces of harmony and disharmony.

Also another reason I link unicorn magic moreso to disharmony is EqG, where magic outside of it's proper place consistently causes evil results, but that's sort of the reason for my personal view - whether EqG is canon to how we interpret Equestria is a whole other question.

Anon 09/13/2024 (Fri) 12:15 [Preview] No.10952 del
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>Even if some parts to me feel... hard to explain for whatever reason or another.
With Celestia, eventually some of her decisions would come to be seen as less and less rational inevitably since she was originally written to be mysterious, leaving nothing there to stand up to scrutiny when contradictory or odd things come up later in the show. Frankly, and this suggestion will be harsh and obviously the show could never have done it, but for the sake of the story, Celestia needed to be killed off. Whether before, during or after Twilight ascends doesn't matter so much next to the fact that having her around for the entire rest of the show after that just snowballs into what really becomes the show's cluttering issue: simultaneously trying to move constantly forward, whilst never leaving a single thing behind. More and more new comes into the world of Equestria, but nothing ever dies to make way for it. It makes the change feel strangely unnatural - almost like how it'd be surreal to read Lord of The Rings but discover halfway through it's an alternate universe copy where Gandalf never dies and he's just Gandalf the Grey from the beginning to the end, Balrog or not. Really the story that was growing in these early seasons was too ambitious, in a certain sense - I don't think it could ever have grown to it's full potential due to the company that owns it and being a children's property. Because regardless of my specific point here or the outer trappings of the show, at it's core it is a Fantasy Epic, and you have to neuter an epic when it's for a children, sadly.
In fairness to Hasbro, they did do something similar to what I'm suggesting with the 1986 Transformers movie, and it produced what is, for me, one of the greatest things ever. But sadly, the backlash to that "taught" Hasbro their "lesson", a lesson they ideally would never have learned.
>Might be the best episode of the season.
Right on, brother. I think we're on the same page with this one.
>why did it stick out to me so much more this time?!
How long after the pilot did this come out back in the day? Because I feel like Twilight's role in the story is very close to the one she has in the pilot, and so it complements that very well indeed.
>This is one of the things that makes the show feel alive and complete. The world has its own set of rules and logic that is trying to follow.
I think MLP as a franchise succeeded in having a consistent throughline of a certain philosophy of Harmony which informs not just the lessons and worldbuilding, but the characters and direction of the show. I was questioning recently why I like EqG so much specifically as a PART of MLP when it's in many ways so disconnected, and I think perhaps it's that it draws from this exact same slightly vague notion of Harmony. Whatever it is, it's exemplified by Winter Wrap Up, both the episode and the tradition.

Anon 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:42 [Preview] No.11122 del
> As such, another neat difference between Pony and human society in this sense is that ponies aren’t really faced with necessity as much, and yet they choose to continue to live in a way that brings them in harmony with their countryside and with eachother.
Feels like with this, one could argue, that, with their magic and control of the whether, ponies achieved relative abundance and stability and have partly resolved/better dealt with it than we humans here, but also... still not completely.
>In this sense, not only does Ponyville represent pony values as contrasted to human ones, but also pony values contrasted to Canterlot!
> but it would be interesting to think of urban pony life as having degraded from the harmony that kept Equestria together in the past, and so from Celestia’s perspective, all this fun slice-of-life stuff is essential training for her protege to go through
I think there is a lot of support for this! Consider how detached Applejack's family was in Manhattan? Heck, possiblily some stuff in the Equestria Games that really proves this point if I recall correctly. Considering how Ponyville was seen as exceptional with the harmony in the three races yet, we have seen other towns, like Rainbow Falls, that seemed pretty mixed (though a lot of towns are still Earth Pony.

>Then we’re introduced to Rainbow Dash’s weather team. Twilight realising she doesn’t have wings takes on a different note on rewatch for sure, but what note that is exactly I don’t yet know how to say. I’m sure it’s also been noted by others before that Pegasi don’t exactly fit the “Earth pony way”.
Unicorn magic is unfair but Pegasi are essential for weather regulation?

> the whole social-environmental structure works much better with Celestia as effectively a deity. It also makes the world beyond Equestria much more mysterious and potentially scary, as it’s outside the protection of the world’s only known benevolent deities.
Never been Celestia as a deity (though casual evidence in earlier seasons you certainly can go with that route) but I consider her (and the other Princesses) as something that should be above simply being a really powerful mortal. Even if not a hint of the divine, there is going to be a reverence for her and fear outside of her realm.

>Uncontrolled weather in regions like the Everfree forest and beyond the borders of Equestria would also be an interesting thing to explore at this stage of canon – perhaps it’s much more extreme and violent.

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Anon 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:59 [Preview] No.11123 del
>Right on, brother. I think we're on the same page with this one.
Yeah, /) I remembered respecting this epsiode but was surprised how much I loved this on rewatch. Especially the Winter Wrap Up song. Maybe it's just because I hadn't heard it in years but it felt like I really appreciate it now, when before it was one of the ones that, while respecting, I didn't really love it or anything. I am not the most musical liking but some of the song numbers I do enjoy and this has certainly become a contender for my top favorites.

>Celestia needed to be killed off. Whether before, during or after Twilight ascends doesn't matter so much next to the fact that having her around for the entire rest of the show after that just snowballs into what really becomes the show's cluttering issue: simultaneously trying to move constantly forward, whilst never leaving a single thing behind. More and more new comes into the world of Equestria, but nothing ever dies to make way for it. It makes the change feel strangely unnatural -
That is an interesting stance! I am not sure I agree on Celestia but do agree on the show being too cluttered in the latter seasons. I think the show did a lot of botched half transitions, Dolores Umbridge was an aborted new audience surrogate. The old element barriers were supposed to be the focus of Season 8, but the school came, which itself was derailed by the the fact the show ended and needed to give a lot of focus to tying up loose ends. It never could give focus or do these varying elements properly. So, TDLR: I see where you are coming from.

Alright, I got to get for now, but I do have some more things I do want to point out on your megareveiw when I get the chance (tornadoes you say!? I have an interest in those too, and a story or two from personal experiences (though don't get too hyped, never saw one in person, just had them near enough for the siren to be going off and hear them)). Other than:
I am doing alright.