/2hu/ - Taohu

Because buddhists are shit

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Praise the Miko

「huh 」
「What's this?」

Anti-Hero#Ny1sPQ 01/07/2016 (Thu) 21:31:24 [Preview] No. 16 del
「Also why the fuck is my tripcode different here?」

Fairy 05/13/2016 (Fri) 17:56:41 [Preview] No. 85 del
quality shikipost

Fairy 05/13/2016 (Fri) 18:02:13 [Preview] No. 86 del
Because I rolled my own tripcode generation method.

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Fairy 05/13/2016 (Fri) 14:05:13 [Preview] No. 82 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
shitboarding is like an imageboard's fiat currency. sure making more boards will stimulate discussion in the short term, but it's just causing inflation and a bankruptcy of interest in the future. This site is already becoming difficult to navigate. pls stahp adding useless boards

Fairy 05/13/2016 (Fri) 16:01:37 [Preview] No. 83 del
This is a bunker, scrub.

Fairy 05/13/2016 (Fri) 16:03:39 [Preview] No. 84 del
Just use EoS to find discussions.

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Fairy 01/17/2016 (Sun) 18:36:42 [Preview] No. 39 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
**I play 2hoo with a PS1 controller.**
Should I go back to the keyboard?
1 post and 1 image omitted.

Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 05:28:04 [Preview] No. 45 del
I don't understand that pic. Did they all dress as penguins just to troll Hecatia?

Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 07:56:20 [Preview] No. 46 del
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I have to play with a controller because my keyboard sucks.

Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 17:16:10 [Preview] No. 52 del
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I play on keyboard but I use my left hand for movement on the arrow keys and my right hand for the Shift, Z and X keys and so my arms overlap. That's for EoSD mind and I've pretty much stuck with it.

Fairy 04/05/2016 (Tue) 07:26:33 [Preview] No. 75 del
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i never really figured out what would be better for me. i dont really play consoles anymore (quit after the dreamcast flopped) and other than 2hu i dont really play pc games anymore either.

since i play in wine the input response sucks either way anyway.

Fairy 04/06/2016 (Wed) 03:32:04 [Preview] No. 79 del
Are you me? Touhou is the only thing I play too. Remember that you can still use the vpatch in Wine. Or just play in windowed mode since vsync only works in fullscreen.

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what's a 2hu? Fairy 04/05/2016 (Tue) 07:33:38 [Preview] No. 76 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
what is this?

Fairy 04/05/2016 (Tue) 15:58:03 [Preview] No. 77 del
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2hu is a corruption of To-u-hou
To-u ho-u To-u-hou

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Fairy 02/22/2016 (Mon) 21:27:42 [Preview] No. 67 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
1 post omitted.

Fairy 04/04/2016 (Mon) 21:00:24 [Preview] No. 69 del
Aye, Error 520?

Fairy 04/04/2016 (Mon) 21:02:13 [Preview] No. 70 del
Yep. Ongoing cluster issues.

Fairy 04/04/2016 (Mon) 21:04:02 [Preview] No. 71 del
Yep, shit's going down.

Fairy 04/04/2016 (Mon) 21:16:19 [Preview] No. 72 del
It's a bunch of different errors but they're all in the 5xx range. HW said there was going to be an update but I don't recall him mentioning anything about downtime. I really hope that it will at least make the site more usable.

At least we can hang out here until it blows over. It's good to have a backup.

Fairy 04/04/2016 (Mon) 21:47:04 [Preview] No. 73 del
I just wanted to shitpost about the name of n8's mother.

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Sred fow Chn Fairy 02/17/2016 (Wed) 09:07:37 [Preview] No. 63 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A message is mandatory

Fairy 02/17/2016 (Wed) 09:07:48 [Preview] No. 64 del
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Fairy 02/17/2016 (Wed) 09:08:23 [Preview] No. 65 del
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Fairy 02/17/2016 (Wed) 09:09:12 [Preview] No. 66 del
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Fairy 01/22/2016 (Fri) 14:04:24 [Preview] No. 60 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>Devoting a board to a cheep chinese knockoff of real religions.
>Not devoting it to your Jewish Overlords

Israel is /2hu/'s greatest ally!

Fairy 01/22/2016 (Fri) 14:06:39 [Preview] No. 61 del
religion is shit dubs-chan

Fairy 01/19/2016 (Tue) 03:47:56 [Preview] No. 55 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Venturing to new frontiers, it's the 2hu Maker thread! Roll 8d6, and your 2hu will be born! Since Endchan lacks dice, roll some from a separate site, or even roll your own. No cheating, or the Yama will punish you!

>1. Human
>2. Fairy
>3. Youkai
>4. Lunarian
>5. Undead
>6. God

Innate Talent:
>1. None
>2. Low
>3. Average
>4. High
>5. Very High
>6. Reimu-tier

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Fairy 01/19/2016 (Tue) 04:06:12 [Preview] No. 56 del
Here's an example post, with my results!

>6, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2, 2

>Race: God
>Talent: Low
>Potential: Average
>Fashion: Armor
>Element: Metal
>Spellcard: Minion Summon
>Stage: 2
>Relation: Taking Advantage of the Incident
>Power: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Reforming

A minor god with little power and only slightly more room to grow exploits the incident to gain faith from humans. She wears armor to protect herself as she fights, and her ability to control metal assists her in moving while wearing it. The primary style of her spellcards involve summoning a minion or minions, to assist her while fighting. She is a Stage 2 boss, so Reimu and Marisa beat her up on the way to finding the incident's mastermind. At some point, it's revealed that she 'dies' very much like a fairy.

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Fairy 01/19/2016 (Tue) 04:28:28 [Preview] No. 57 del
I wish endchan had dice rolling.

Fairy 01/19/2016 (Tue) 05:19:33 [Preview] No. 58 del
And our post numbers are too short.

Fairy 01/21/2016 (Thu) 14:28:36 [Preview] No. 59 del
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I never participated in these thread before, so might as well now

>Race: God
>Talent: None
>Potential: Marisa-Tier
>Fashion: Traditional
>Element: Wood
>Spellcard: Massive Attack
>Stage: 2
>Relation: Mastermind's Servant/Associate
>Power: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Self-Exertion

So I guess she would be a low tier forest god capable of manipulating wood en masse but with zero innate talent to speak of she doesn't know how to make good and efficient use of her power and thus ends up being another Cirno and be easily beaten by the player character on second stage.

But if she were to devote herself to training then she would surely emerge stronger in the next touhou game she appears in given her huge potential, but that's unlikely with Zun, especially with a mere second stage character.

One interesting thing about her would that she would fly by pulling on her own hair and change directions by waving her arms, which would make the character quite comical, hence another Cirno.

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Fairy 01/14/2016 (Thu) 01:59:53 [Preview] No. 34 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

It sure cold.
7 posts and 3 images omitted.

Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 02:38:22 [Preview] No. 43 del
Yes, they are stupid, not very comfortable and they are ugly.

Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 13:07:29 [Preview] No. 49 del
I wish it was cold here, I like the cold but I am stuck in a desert in the middle of summer.

Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 13:28:17 [Preview] No. 50 del
It was 85F where I am on Christmas and is just now starting to get below freezing. This has been a disappointing winter tbh.

Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 18:01:17 [Preview] No. 53 del
I find them to be the most comfortable as far as pants go. Although I'd much rather be wearing a skirt.

Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 22:11:57 [Preview] No. 54 del
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Are tights warm?

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Fairy 01/11/2016 (Mon) 17:37:08 [Preview] No. 32 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Which 2hu has tastiest feet?

Fairy 01/11/2016 (Mon) 18:57:55 [Preview] No. 33 del
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Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 10:58:07 [Preview] No. 47 del
Feet are one of the most disgusting part of the body, they are covered in grime and stuff whatever you do as you walk on them and even shoes and socks will make them dirty and sweaty as well. Probably the only time they are okay is just after a bath or something.

Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 12:10:25 [Preview] No. 48 del
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Fairy 01/18/2016 (Mon) 16:22:37 [Preview] No. 51 del
Seeing she probably never used them and even if she did it wouldn't matter due to Hourai Elixir, I would say that Kaguya objectively has the softest feet of all 2hus