/ancap/ - Anarcho Capitalism

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anon 01/14/2019 (Mon) 15:49:59 [Preview] No. 14
Can someone explain this site to me? I really like it so far. I just need help getting around and knowing what stuff is

Anarchist 01/14/2019 (Mon) 16:59:36 [Preview] No.15 del
It's like 4chan but not nearly as active and people can make their own boards. If u click on /overboard/ u can look at threads from every board.

cirnob8 #m5LuX7 Board owner 01/14/2019 (Mon) 19:34:22 [Preview] No.16 del
this >>15
Welcome! Its nice 2 see a new face around here. If u have any ancap friends, let them know about this place.

Anarchist 02/07/2022 (Mon) 22:21:43 [Preview] No.33 del
Hey, owner. Did the people move is it just thast /ancap/ has a slow rhythm?

Anarchist 05/16/2022 (Mon) 01:08:45 [Preview] No.39 del
Americans say that force is the only answer to every issue.

Those who hate coffee might not care if coffee is banned, but do you think that outlawing coffee might eventually lead to banning something you do like?

Do Americans know that the USA is not a democracy and all laws and taxes now are not legitimate?

Do Americans realize that outlawing coffee might have unintended consequences?

Would banning coffee hurt the economy when coffee companies close and fire workers?

Would criminalizing coffee lead to higher taxes to pay for prisons for coffee customers?

What is wrong with choice?

What if coffee reduces cancer or increases memory?

Couldn't those who hate coffee voluntarily boycott coffee businesses?

Do Americans realize that the USA used to be a free country?

Do Americans who hate freedom feel like traitors?

Do Americans know that tyranny killed millions of people in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and Cambodia?

Do Americans realize that the globalists are using the police state to cull off the 99%?


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