/ancap/ - Anarcho Capitalism

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Meta thread cirnob8 #m5LuX7 Board owner 01/13/2019 (Sun) 02:33:15 [Preview] No. 3
Meta discussions of the board go here.

Anarchist 01/14/2019 (Mon) 21:35:26 [Preview] No.17 del
Oh hello. You were the one who posted on /kc/ the link from lainchan, weren't you. You've just set up shop here? I don't remember End having /ancap/ tho mostly I've no idea about most of the other boards. They are very slow and mostly ded.

cirnob8 #m5LuX7 Board owner 01/14/2019 (Mon) 21:50:07 [Preview] No.18 del
Yes, that was me.
>You've just set up shop here? I don't remember End having /ancap/
Yeah, I made this board recently.

Anarchist 01/14/2019 (Mon) 22:07:40 [Preview] No.19 del
It seems both an ancap board an a offshoot of 8chan's dommer have decided to try to set up shop here. Of the active boards that I know of is /Librejp/- the most active. /kc/ and /AM/ and /pol/ and a desolate and loney /b/ being right behind it, and a tiny but unusually well organized /pone/ board for some reason are the ones that I see get postings daily or near daily anyway.

I wish this place the best, have a carrot and remember that some of the extreme here may not take kindly to you. Hope this place gets established.

Anarchist 01/16/2019 (Wed) 13:36:03 [Preview] No.23 del
board is slow but I want an IB to discuss ancap, ;_;

burger king death squad 02/15/2022 (Tue) 22:19:30 [Preview] No.35 del
(250.24 KB 500x490 it's time for a snek.png)
you stupid niggers aren't dying on me, let the snek roam free

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