/ancap/ - Anarcho Capitalism

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Your own version Anarchist 02/24/2022 (Thu) 22:19:50 [Preview] No. 37
I found this recent archive which says that lib right is mostly promoted and influenced by jewry. After reading a bit I found that they actually pick on people's greed to make freer yet more unstable societies...

what do you think about this? Is it ok to be ancap or could some minarchy, some night-watchman state be used to carry out these same ideas without bringing so muhc misbalance?

Anarchist 05/16/2022 (Mon) 04:46:39 [Preview] No.41 del
The world used to be divided between the free West and the unfree East. Later only the USA was a free country. Now half of the US hates freedom. Soon just Southern New Hampshire will be free. Later the Libertarians will need to buy a sailboat to be free or flee and scatter to the Sahara, Siberia, and the Amazon and wait to be hunted down by tyrannical Nazis and Commies.

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