/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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AMA byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:00 [Preview] No. 24850
[no geordie zone]

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:02 [Preview] No.24855 del
(2.89 KB 129x172 wejwegji[egioj.png)

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:03 [Preview] No.24858 del
How has life been treating you?
Yoink is [as you can see] still the same ol' retard he has always been.

Things are good down here on the farm in Tasmania, Australia. Happy with retirement.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:06 [Preview] No.24864 del
Post some cool art, byte.

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:07 [Preview] No.24866 del
life's been good, thanks for asking!
haven't been doing much as of late, still struggling with that but hopefully i can motivate myself to do something cool. i like creating shit cuz its a fun pastime

Yonkers spotted. Airstrike launched.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:08 [Preview] No.24867 del
(655.63 KB 500x253 Eric's Sausages.gif)
KLIM IS NOW A DRAWFAG: https://rb.gy/285ig

Klim has now started drawing, as Jordan Manuel Rivera is his muse, visionary, and inspiration.

Thank you, Yonkers/Poopcat/Mittens… Klim is now an artist, just like him!!!

[ ] “Klim has broken new ground in modernistic art. His genius is finally revealed in just a few strokes. These are destined for prominent galleries in New York, London and Paris. A true masterful original talent” - Paris Match, May 21, 2023
[ ] “Incredible. Awe-inspiring. Absolutely delightful. This will be remembered by generations upon generations of people and will be taught about in history classes thousands of years from now. No one will ever forget this masterpiece. You, Klim, are a true ARTIST!” - Anonymous, 06/13/23
[ ] “Okay in all honesty I kinda dig this, as much as it fucks with my brain” - 11san/XP_Fag, 11/02/23

Klim is now one of us:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=mRe8J4scGtU [Embed]

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:11 [Preview] No.24868 del
(52.76 KB 511x635 alma easter.png)

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:11 [Preview] No.24869 del
(4.30 KB 191x186 bare.png)
(22.68 KB 300x300 New Canvas.png)
most of the shit ive done recently have been doodles so idk if you wanna see that lol, but i do post some of my art on 4chan, mainly /trash/

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:15 [Preview] No.24872 del
(100.81 KB 1000x1000 Poo Poo Book.jpg)
Yoink has been busy, too

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:16 [Preview] No.24876 del
1/10 on goodreads

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:17 [Preview] No.24878 del
dont launch an airstrike pwease :(

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:21 [Preview] No.24880 del
let me guess am i being ignored because you think i was gonna turn out to be another shmorky?? is that why?
or were you just tired of interacting? damn

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:23 [Preview] No.24884 del
(170.43 KB 600x797 lainbeecheck2.jpg)
(5.95 MB 4608x3456 1621034205-0.jpg)
(294.64 KB 960x1280 1622995182-0.jpg)
(110.91 KB 568x346 001jd.jpg)
>most of the shit ive done recently have been doodles so idk if you wanna see that
Are you willing to draw our mascot, lainbee?
>but i do post some of my art on 4chan, mainly /trash/
The majority of /baaa2/ can't for whatever their own reasons, post on that site.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:25 [Preview] No.24886 del
(20.37 KB 341x415 104h.jpg)
Great memories. Thanks.

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:26 [Preview] No.24888 del
>The majority of /baaa2/ can't for whatever their own reasons, post on that site.
thank god, dont wanna taint the threads ive been posting with geordie smear

>Are you willing to draw our mascot, lainbee?
mmmaybe. on the topic of lain, i actually do like the anime.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:27 [Preview] No.24892 del
(92.59 KB 720x701 1661762179-0.png)
(1022.74 KB 1200x1848 Dat Lainbee - May 2021.png)
(801.45 KB 1200x1600 1618875514-0.jpg)
(18.31 KB 567x905 001je.png)
More for reference

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:30 [Preview] No.24896 del

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:30 [Preview] No.24897 del
(79.77 KB 907x459 001jc.jpg)
(3.53 MB 4160x3120 1605646087-0.jpg)
(41.81 KB 400x306 1606222109-0.png)
One more.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:35 [Preview] No.24900 del
>mmmaybe. on the topic of lain, i actually do like the anime.
All up to you tbh. But we do appreciate the collection over here from other boards.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:40 [Preview] No.24902 del
>can't for whatever their own reasons, post on that site.
For me it's a rangeban on 3 different phone networks. I only really dunk on Jordan to pass time while at work, so won't use my home network and will never let Hiro have a single crypto for his dogshit passu racket.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:42 [Preview] No.24903 del
no no, it's okay. if i could i would've had a funny idea on how i would've drawn it, but because i've never drawn lain before, i guess it does put a little pressure on me at first.
then again i shouldn't worry too much about it cuz i shouldn't really care that much

>we do appreciate the collection over here from other boards
good stuff, esp the one that someone comm'd off deviantart lol
why's one of them a bunny tho

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:44 [Preview] No.24904 del
that bunny was mine lol

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:44 [Preview] No.24905 del
i'll think about it though, sounds like a fun idea :P

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:45 [Preview] No.24906 del
why bun................

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:47 [Preview] No.24910 del
cuz bun

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:50 [Preview] No.24911 del
(18.83 KB 400x306 lainbeecheck1.png)
Smh, I forgot the OG pic that started our mascot.
>Then again i shouldn't worry too much about it cuz i shouldn't really care that much
Bruh. Look at our inspiration.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:58 [Preview] No.24918 del
(201.51 KB 1200x1289 1687295678108.jpg)
How did you run into our board anyway tbh?

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:59 [Preview] No.24920 del
she aint gonna answer you. ur an alcoholic

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:03 [Preview] No.24923 del
Long story short, after meeting him I got bored and decided to do a little digging 'cause I was interested in his background history... I suppose that's how you put it. And I ended up finding out he had a dip in the imageboard community, which is kinda surprising for a person with similar interests to logokids, cartoon fans, etc., the ones you'd usually see on other places... besides 4chan.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:18 [Preview] No.24926 del
i only joined the imageboars for curiousity and fun, not for open mockery and harassment

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:21 [Preview] No.24928 del
Then why do you come back to the board dedicated to "mockery and harassment" every day?

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:23 [Preview] No.24929 del
It's a shame you didn't understood its culture at the time, nor did you listen to yourself to stay away. You just don't listen.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:23 [Preview] No.24930 del
>And I ended up finding out he had a dip in the imageboard community, which is kinda surprising for a person with similar interests to logokids, cartoon fans, etc., the ones you'd usually see on other places... besides 4chan.
None of us knew he existed til he came to us tbh. This board has hopped site after site, and still going. Is he still a gotard? /baaa2/ will outlive your little friend.

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:25 [Preview] No.24931 del
>Is he still a gotard?
Doesn't seem like it, but you guys know better than me so whatever.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:34 [Preview] No.24932 del
He made himself something akin of kick the autist, even discord had their fun, before. If Yonkers wants it to end. He simply can avoid us. But tbh. What can I draw for you, to get a lainbee?

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:40 [Preview] No.24933 del
Oh, I don't listen?? I wasn't aware of this "culture" until years later. I'm so sorry... I already forgave my past mistakes.
uh, NONE of this was akin to chris chan's stories. so, dont ever say a cwcism again
but if i was a gotard i'd be making grounded videos. however liking it for other formats and ideas is DIFFERENT from the usual "gotard" shit. i'd rather make an animation with different software than drag and drop again

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:46 [Preview] No.24936 del
You're not allowed in this thread, smh.

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:47 [Preview] No.24937 del
>What can I draw for you, to get a lainbee?
My mind's telling me to do a high-effort one, but I think I'll save that for later. Draw me whatever you want, but if you want a suggestion, just draw something related to this listed in /mu/core essentials lol

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:58 [Preview] No.24939 del
Give me a song and I'll have idea.

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:59 [Preview] No.24940 del

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:02 [Preview] No.24942 del
god i wish i could reread that one thread geordie deleted, i hope that's archived

also what happened to scetic

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:03 [Preview] No.24944 del
can you STOP calling me that name, please??? its not even a real name ffs
>what happened to scetic
he fucked off after i told him to stop stealing characters, the last thing he did was do a larp about his "squad"

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:03 [Preview] No.24945 del
Read the post rules and fuck off.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:03 [Preview] No.24946 del
you're mean

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:05 [Preview] No.24947 del
and you're a little faggot who can't read :3

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:05 [Preview] No.24948 del
Jordan threads are traps, someone even made a MTG card about it. It's a bad idea to interact with them since deleting them is the only power grab he has.
There's no dedicated archive, so nothing is archived unless someone sees something worth it and adds it to the Wayback Machine or similar.

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:07 [Preview] No.24950 del
ouch. ah well, it was fun while it lasted.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:12 [Preview] No.24951 del
(92.59 KB 720x701 1000002284.png)
One sec
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
He was back on 9chan and didn't follow us here, tbh. This was his lainbee.

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:16 [Preview] No.24952 del
take your time. im working on it rn btw

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:23 [Preview] No.24953 del
oooh.. mommy tiger >_< this mean bully is meeean to me..
they aren't traps, they're deleted because of an ACTUAL CREEP who's A FUCKING OLD MAN harassing an adult
there is nothing worth of archiving me. please. i dont consent to this

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:28 [Preview] No.24956 del
Klim wasn't even in the thread where I told you you have PDD and you deleted it. >>24875 joins the trap pile of discarded cards.

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:28 [Preview] No.24957 del
You sad fuck, you throw small change

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:33 [Preview] No.24958 del
How do I throw change? Wha...
I delete it for other reasons too. Annoying and stalky pricks like you

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:36 [Preview] No.24959 del
You have visited US Jordan. It's not stalking when you are on our board. Is your PDD acting up again?

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:40 [Preview] No.24960 del
It's stalking when you're consistently talking to them all the time in other places, moron. Leave me alone.
>muh pd-
No, it isn't. Stop telling lies already and accept that you're annoying

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:42 [Preview] No.24961 del
The only place I speak to you is here Jordan. If anything, you're harassing me by keep coming here.
Your PDD is out of control.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:48 [Preview] No.24962 del
I don't have PDD, and me rightfully calling you out for excessive repetivity is not that at all.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:51 [Preview] No.24964 del
People with PDD need repetition, they have difficulties learning without it.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:53 [Preview] No.24965 del
You're literally repeating yourself with that word, how are you NOT tired?? You're so mental, and stalky. GET OUT

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:56 [Preview] No.24967 del
You keep repeating stalky, yet followed me here to tell me it. PDD is a hell of a mindfuck huh?

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:59 [Preview] No.24968 del
I wasnt even following you

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 16:00 [Preview] No.24969 del
Why are you here?

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 16:33 [Preview] No.24971 del
(132.25 KB 380x314 fkd.png)
i don't like this but i hope this will suffice

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 16:52 [Preview] No.24972 del
im not gonna post much, go find my shit on /trash/ if ur able to spot me
any last questions before i go

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 16:54 [Preview] No.24973 del
(3.04 MB 3060x4080 foto_no_exif (24).jpg)
Oh shit you beat me. You asked about Scetic, so here is my idea of him, Yael, and our pirate on one of these threads. And one lainbee I think I missed. Oh fuck You even put /baaa2/ for us. <3
That song bumps, bro.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 16:57 [Preview] No.24974 del
None of us are going there tbh. We all have our home boards. It was fun. L8r days. And take care.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 16:59 [Preview] No.24975 del
(2.86 MB 4080x3060 foto_no_exif (25).jpg)
You know where to find us.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 17:03 [Preview] No.24976 del
will you ever return to arting? is there anywhere i can follow n keep in touch

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 17:05 [Preview] No.24977 del
(638.86 KB 1080x1078 YI33MMq.png)
Ignore geordie.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 17:06 [Preview] No.24978 del
(119.72 KB 949x900 lol.jpg)
ayy welcome
bye then
geordie will
they got pzds over there
lol geordie gonna geordie
geordie comes into a geordie mocking board
goes into a thread labeled no geordie zone
and complains that people wont leave him alone
picrel nailed it

byte ##ryLiNI 03/25/2024 (Mon) 17:15 [Preview] No.24980 del
oh hey spaceman

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 17:21 [Preview] No.24983 del
always good to see anyone who make it out
like >>24975 said feel free to visit

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 17:35 [Preview] No.24985 del
no im just an anon
you dont nail anything you're an absolute failure

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 17:42 [Preview] No.24986 del
we might both be brown but you do not have the black mans penis bro
prolly a bad idea to be throwing stones on the nailing front lol

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 17:53 [Preview] No.24988 del
I can't kick your habit
Just to feed your fast ballooning head
Listen to your heart

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 18:18 [Preview] No.24989 del
i'm white, actually

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 18:46 [Preview] No.24994 del
button mushrooms also available in white
but no

Anonymous 03/26/2024 (Tue) 05:32 [Preview] No.25006 del
I am so White that I am Mexican, which is in Spain

Anonymous 03/26/2024 (Tue) 19:02 [Preview] No.25015 del
(28.03 KB 252x172 identity.jpg)

Anonymous 03/26/2024 (Tue) 19:02 [Preview] No.25016 del
(21.08 KB 252x172 suicide.jpg)

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 01:42 [Preview] No.25017 del
...What the fuck? Did something happen?

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 03:53 [Preview] No.25018 del
Klim and The Police visited
Geordie didn't like Sting

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 04:01 [Preview] No.25020 del
fuck off. i want a genuine answer, not an old man's answer

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 08:13 [Preview] No.25021 del
(429.75 KB 1280x1239 1629621620659.jpg)

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 08:55 [Preview] No.25022 del
What an incomprehensibly antagonistic and ageist thing to say, Boy.

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 13:46 [Preview] No.25031 del
You're more years older than us dude. You're also a pedo too for lusting at my young face

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 14:18 [Preview] No.25032 del
You look fat and old in those pictures even if you were 17. There was no 'young face' potato man.

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 19:24 [Preview] No.25034 del
i was never an adult at 17, i was a minor.
and i bet if you even looked at my past photos you would still know that i was young.

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 19:53 [Preview] No.25048 del
Not true Jordan, you're a wreck. If you looked like a child when you were 17, then it would have been easy to convince people not to post those disgusting nudes.
A lot of people posted them and jannies didn't delete them because they didn't believe you were underage. They didn't believe that because you look old.

Anonymous 03/28/2024 (Thu) 04:41 [Preview] No.25073 del


Anonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 00:45 [Preview] No.25105 del
I'm not a wreck.
>those disgus
blame the german pedo, not me. I never wanted to be exploited in 2021
also i dont even have a lot of scars or acne in 2021, so of fucking course that was me as a minor

Anonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 03:56 [Preview] No.25110 del
>I'm not a wreck
You is.
>blame the german pedo
You didn't cut his name in your arm did you? >I never wanted to be exploited in 2021
Yet you kicked the hornets nest, and found out.
>also i dont even have a lot of scars or
acne in 2021
You sleep in poopies and cannot into shower. Its all grime and filth.
>me as a minor
Should have stayed off the internet with your disorder.

Anonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 04:30 [Preview] No.25111 del
Yes, Jordan: You are a physical wreck.

Stop denying this fact about yourself.

Don't respond "no you", either; that's just childish.


Anonymous 03/30/2024 (Sat) 01:42 [Preview] No.25137 del
>that's just childish
>naking million edits of fake shit that will NEVER be written or drawn by me
Look who's talking :)

Anonymous 03/30/2024 (Sat) 05:00 [Preview] No.25143 del
(135.22 KB 600x489 cyber-police.jpg)

Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 18:55 [Preview] No.25223 del
come back fucker

Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 04:47 [Preview] No.25225 del

Never ever mock or harass Yonkers the Poopcat ever again.
He now has David, a Professional Order of Pedos Assassin (POOPA), who is specifically trained in AI Defence Security (AIDS) to defeat his bullies.
This is NOT a Larp at all, this is real. Mittens said so.
You have been warned.

Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 03:35 [Preview] No.25280 del
Oh holy shitballs... Yonkers had himself assassinated!

Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 03:20 [Preview] No.25320 del
(256.92 KB 456x530 You Are All Wrong 01.png)
All the evidence points to this Canon Lore Fact as being true and correct.

Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 22:07 [Preview] No.25828 del
nobody knows or cares who that is
unless its someone who upsets geordie ofc
in which case they must be anti pzds
and therefore a good guy

Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 02:53 [Preview] No.25850 del
Is Geordie deleting his own posts again?

Anonymous 04/12/2024 (Fri) 10:57 [Preview] No.26155 del

Thylatank 04/14/2024 (Sun) 01:12 [Preview] No.26263 del

Seriously, I made 2 videos showing LOTS of evidence(I couldn't fit all the evidence in those 2 videos, there was THAT much), and Macker and his cronies try to deny their wrongdoings.

It drives me fucking insane. man

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 01:27 [Preview] No.26264 del
Yonkers von Poopcat d’Mittens El Macker thinks he is above and beyond the rules/law. It's awful what he has been doing.

Yonkers: The Nonsensical Ravings of a Lunatic Mind : https://youtube.com/watch?v=LKfMpzlG_1g [Embed] (1:20)
(Yes, that IS how he sounds: that's actually HIM!)

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 02:16 [Preview] No.26269 del
Because you know their wrongdoings are not real

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 03:34 [Preview] No.26270 del
(256.92 KB 456x530 You Are All Wrong 01.png)

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 03:45 [Preview] No.26271 del
(40.22 KB 600x700 denial02.png)

“merkakol” / “merka1arts”

Remember what ‘he’ said: “I do not draw diapers”.
Interesting... fascinating...

Yonkers the Pedo Stalker [01]: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1NJ3LCkZbVw [Embed]

Yonkers the Pedo Stalker [02]: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bjmb45ywRyE [Embed]

Yonkers von Poopcat d’Mittens El Macker Official©®™ Tactics and Techniques: https://rb.gy/oxxjt7

“Tried, True and Tested”

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 05:40 [Preview] No.26273 del
Does this look like the output of someone with a mature, rational, sensible mind?

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 09:33 [Preview] No.26277 del
when did i say i didnt draw diapers? retard
i only said "i draw more than one kink, and i dont necessarily try to focus the account on that".
no, i do not have tactics or techniques. stop thinking i reply to "everyone" on this board when there isn't a popular amount here, compared to ausneets the board.
again, your shitty videos that you linked are STILL BLOODY FAKE.
>does this look like fiction
Yeah of course, lol.
did you ask yourself that? do all the words YOU claim to say even make sense? do they mean anything to your world?

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 09:57 [Preview] No.26285 del
>do all the words YOU claim to say even make sense?
Nothing makes sense to people with PDD.

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 10:07 [Preview] No.26287 del
It makes no sense to people with a brain. I've fucking always drawn fetish content when I was 14 yet I was super shy about it.. nowadays, I don't fucking care?? I may not post it publicly but I sure as hell enjoy it anyway.

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 10:49 [Preview] No.26289 del
(223.21 KB 711x664 retard07.png)

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 10:54 [Preview] No.26293 del
A brain with PDD.

Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 09:57 [Preview] No.26365 del
(1.42 MB 3000x3000 Market00.jpg)
How is your market job going?

HEY GEORDIE: Are you still working at your local market stacking shelves voluntarily, and doing whatever you want otherwise while you are there?

Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 19:43 [Preview] No.26384 del
star the cat is not © of yonkers/poopcat International inc. all rights reserved to some other person

Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 22:05 [Preview] No.26387 del
star the cat is my oc now, i'm afraid.
plus the original "owner" turned 18 and left deviantart so whats the point

Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 22:21 [Preview] No.26388 del
lol geordie flexing on stealing from kiddies again
why you getting in contact with all these underages bro

Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 01:32 [Preview] No.26399 del
Why did Jordan Manuel Rivera avoid this genuine question? : >>26365

Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 02:06 [Preview] No.26411 del
>why isn't anyone responding to my creepy comments from an elderly person like me?
Figure out why you're so hated on.
The owner turned 18, they are not underage.
Also if you know who owns it why not try to research it? Oh wait you don't because you don't care since you still talk in ebonics again

Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 02:09 [Preview] No.26413 del
Either way, the star cat character *is* owned by me, plus it's been neglected over time by mr. star spangle bangles.

Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 02:32 [Preview] No.26416 del
(1.05 MB 3000x3000 Insane 03.jpg)
>mr. star spangle bangles.
What a 'Special' guy Macker is

Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 02:33 [Preview] No.26417 del
(27.72 KB 466x388 Old.png)
Why has Jordan Manuel Rivera avoided this genuine question? : >>26365

Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 21:49 [Preview] No.26477 del
you turned 18 and you not underage either
so all the things that happened before you 18 dont matter
is that how it works bro

Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 09:17 [Preview] No.26813 del
Why has Jordan Manuel Rivera avoided this genuine question? : >>26365

Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 10:17 [Preview] No.26903 del
Why has Jordan Manuel Rivera avoided this genuine question? : >>26365

Fuck off. 04/21/2024 (Sun) 10:52 [Preview] No.26904 del
Why is Klim seeking attention like a mental demented escapee, and can't move on, admit his own wrongdoings and admit he's at fault?

Death to Klim Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 11:05 [Preview] No.26907 del

Jews Thailand Terrorists Putin Capitalism Racism Climate Change Trump Pedos China ISIS Conspiracy Iran Pollution Hamas Niggers Brexit Clinton Volcanos Hacking Chemtrails Homosexuals North Korea Prolapse Hitler Hate USA Taliban Spies Nazis Gun Laws Mental Health Aliens Freedom Drugs Epstein Forest Fires Liberals Tooth Decay 9/11 Eggs Corona Virus Stalin Immigrants Allah Micro Penis Fascism Plastics State-Sponsored Terrorism Vaccines GOP Assassination Greta Hostages AIDS Flatulence Ukraine Drought Organized Crime Furries Inflation Homeland Security Dandruff Afghanistan Computer Infrastructure Earthquakes KKK Moon Lizard People Service Disruption Holocene Extinction Fluoridation Trannies Israel Herpes Hate Crimes Epstein Island BLM Bad Breath The Death of QEII Abortion Stock Market WW2 The Price of Fuel Judgement Day Syphilis Healthcare Minimum Wage Heatwaves WW3 Unions Student Loans…


Yonkers was RIGHT! Thank you, Poopcat!

Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 11:53 [Preview] No.26922 del
(505.38 KB 200x178 Klim Santa.gif)

Rules For Thee 04/21/2024 (Sun) 11:56 [Preview] No.26925 del
Why is Jordan seeking attention like a mental demented escapee, and can't move on, admit his own wrongdoings and admit he's at fault?

Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 12:03 [Preview] No.26933 del
(66.09 KB 985x554 1602222879-10ab.jpg)

Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 12:21 [Preview] No.26935 del
Copypasting comments won't save you, now fuck off you demented escapee.

Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 12:33 [Preview] No.26936 del
(1.27 MB 3000x3000 Sad Klim.jpg)

Rules For Thee 04/21/2024 (Sun) 12:40 [Preview] No.26937 del
Why is Jordan seeking attention like a mental demented escapee, and can't move on, admit his own wrongdoings and admit he's at fault?

Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 12:45 [Preview] No.26938 del
(491.71 KB 460x678 Book - Fart.png)
Well... he never learnt this vital piece of information as a child, after Hector left.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 02:02 [Preview] No.26948 del
(335.22 KB 1080x2061 foto_no_exif (29).jpg)

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 03:44 [Preview] No.26952 del
It's all quite OK: a sane rational, mature adult drew and posted such a drawing as this. He never lies, because (as he claims) he has never sinned.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 04:32 [Preview] No.26953 del
That new steam is fucking spook. But not even I sound like that with a flu... and broken voice. Jesus fucking hell.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:00 [Preview] No.26954 del
>Part 2 is coming


Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:01 [Preview] No.26955 del
(604.53 KB 920x920 Fan Bois.png)
(273.31 KB 1000x1000 KING.jpg)

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:03 [Preview] No.26956 del
Guess they couldn't prove anything from their point of view, produce no verifiable evidence. All lies... sounds like a classic Yonkers Psy-Op the whole way. So they chose to run.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:27 [Preview] No.26960 del
(4.18 KB 545x406 Rape.png)
cf. >>26952
What did he/she/it/shit mean by this?

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:27 [Preview] No.26961 del
Why is that retard whispering through the stream? I'm only 25 mins in. And he shows up but, let's talk quietly. The one's I was in I was stoped grounds. Fucking faggots the lot.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:31 [Preview] No.26962 del
I wouldn't shut up, on my hosted streams. These guys, can't square up or down, so how about you walk out that door, niggers.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:36 [Preview] No.26963 del
Can you actually stop saving my work? Please?
You're the reason why I don't post freely anymore. I'm going to another board for this kinda stuff and you'll n ever find me in it.
You're not pissing yourself laughing, you just want attention. Plus you didn't join.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:41 [Preview] No.26966 del
(102.12 KB 512x512 1000002442.png)

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:54 [Preview] No.26967 del
there's nothing disgusting about fiction...
It's not actually a claim, because you know damn well I never commit a sin in my life. I may not be christian but I ain't atheist either.
Yeah I am sane rational and mature, much more than a stinky pedo that never goes out and touches more than grass, saves my art shamelessly (no remorse) and always acts like a creep to others, including a 16 year old recently.
Who? Asfalaf? He doesn't have a runny nose
They cancelled it because of shit freaks like you.
There was verifiable evidence, however knowing you- you barely seem to care that you're part of the problem. Hell you dont even watch the whole thing nor enter the stream itself... I'm starting to think you're a liar these days.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 06:04 [Preview] No.26971 del
(181.49 KB 1034x782 000ab70nf.jpg)
Active Klimbot spotted

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 06:09 [Preview] No.26972 del
Mine coughs,crack, and breaks. It suck tbh. Whatever.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 06:10 [Preview] No.26974 del
I'm not your shitty bot, just because I talk to multiple people at once. Make up your mind, pedophile. Either I'm your victim of harassment, or a fake friend you created, made up, or otherwise fucking ruined for me.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 06:15 [Preview] No.26979 del
Are you that Toilet Man guy?

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 06:37 [Preview] No.26987 del
>a stinky pedo that never goes out and touches more than grass
Jordan always insults others by describing himself, doesn't he?

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 06:57 [Preview] No.26993 del
No, that's literally what you do. YOU SPENT COUNTLESS OF DAYS SAVING PICTURES OF ME.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 07:01 [Preview] No.26994 del
> I never commit a sin in my life
Lust, gluttony, sloth, wrath, pride.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 07:01 [Preview] No.26995 del
>shit freaks
Isn't that you?

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 07:02 [Preview] No.26996 del
When? Show me a single example of me saving or posting a picture of you.
I can wait.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 07:20 [Preview] No.26999 del
...Where is either of those? You don't know my life. Fuck off.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 07:28 [Preview] No.27002 del
You are lazy. How many years did you work on that animated show before you gave up?
You can't even get through a stream with your mother and a 15 year old without masturbating.
Look at all your angry posts, in fact, one could argue that the way you ended your message is an example of wrath.
Again, your posts are absolutely stacked with this.
You are fat.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 09:05 [Preview] No.27003 del
>y-you are la-
>not realizing that animation takes time, including comics
You're such an ingrate. Do you want my stuff to be rushed instead of having put time and effort? I did not "give up" on it, there's a thing called working on it privately, with some breaks here and there.
>Y-you can't even ge-
I was jacking off to pokemon, again not an act of "lust" because this isn't christian play. No one has masturbated to any person in the stream. Simply joking about it as "mother and 15 year old" had never happened, additionaly the artist isn't even 15. But I STILL didn't think of her, right? Try not repeating yourself again boyo, because I told you I've only jack it to fiction porn, not real people or their suffering.
>durrr, wrat-
No, it isn't. That's just called using caps lock; to hopefully strike an idiot's nerve to understand the repetitive errors they're doing.
>A-a-again, a-ackshually-
Please, shut up. You're making no sense. I did not say anything about pride here, not even LGBT too because you guys probably hate that.
>y-you are
No I am not. Not fat like Nikocado, not even SLIGHTLY fat like Chris... I am not fat. And I don't "eat a lot" either so shove that stereotype up someone else's ass please. I'm too old for you.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 09:51 [Preview] No.27012 del
(1.59 MB 1000x1000 KING of the TIMMYS.mp4)
(404.15 KB 236x326 he's in denial 05.mp4)
(40.22 KB 600x700 denial02.png)
(142.52 KB 474x526 Denial03.png)
Guess he's still in denial.

No wonder his new "Crew" abandoned him.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 10:16 [Preview] No.27017 del
(105.98 KB 1033x720 Fluffer Ian 02.jpg)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=cHrHz8yRfQU [Embed]


Debunking the Macker Allegations Livestream, 21 April 2024
2 hours 21 mins

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 12:29 [Preview] No.27019 del
that's not being in denial, that's being truthful. much more than YOU will ever be, just give up.

i was never abandoned, we have a thing called "lives".

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 12:36 [Preview] No.27024 del
Is that like your life in Burbank CA and Watnai?

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 12:55 [Preview] No.27025 del
stop changing the subject and get help already, klim.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 12:58 [Preview] No.27026 del
Hello, Timmay
How goes your volunteer work stacking shelves at your local Market?

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 13:23 [Preview] No.27032 del

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 15:35 [Preview] No.27042 del

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 15:53 [Preview] No.27045 del
You sound very proud of your work Jordan. That's pride again. A sin.
>I was jacking off
That's lust. A sin.
>No, it isn't. That's just called using caps lock
So you tell people to "fuck off" for no reason? Aggressive phrases like that are only used in anger by normal people. Are you abnormal, or are you lying about your wrath? That's a sin.
>Please, shut up. You're making no sense. I did not say anything about pride here, not even LGBT too because you guys probably hate that.
Pride has more meanings than faggot parades, no wonder your generation is so fucked.
>No I am not.
What's your BMI, fatty?

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 16:01 [Preview] No.27052 del
Sound? My post doesn't make sound, retard.
Don't act like a christian-tard to me, please.
>f-f-for no reas-
If Klim's a creep to me, then I don't see why I should act nice to them. There's nothing even remotely aggressive, because you already know damn well you can't take people hating creeps seriously. But do I throw a fit over that, no I do not.
No, I am VERY normal. I'm just not one to quote and lie about people the way you do it. That isn't even wrath-like, either. If a normal person hates a zoo, do you think they're "committing wrath"? No they're being normal, and rightfully oppressing people who like real life animals..
>dropping the homophobe slur
Nice, I'll tell people to not interact with you now.
>m-my g enerat-
Nah, not really. I escaped the cliche modern music trend long time ago. I'd rather listen to the oldies, 30s to about 80s. Maybe all the way back to 40000000 BC.
BMI is UYA, hopefully you like the DUYA, since you like D so much.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 16:08 [Preview] No.27055 del
>Sound? My post doesn't make sound, retard.
"This message has been brought to you by autism™"
>There's nothing even remotely aggressive
Do I have to start posting all your angry voice clips? I can and will if that's what it takes.
Quote a lie.
>Nice, I'll tell people to not interact with you now.
Please do. In fact, you should lead by example.
>Nah, not really. I escaped the cliche modern music trend long time ago. I'd rather listen to the oldies, 30s to about 80s. Maybe all the way back to 40000000 BC.
>BMI is UYA, hopefully you like the DUYA, since you like D so much.
PDD ramblings.
Fat AND retarded is no way to live.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 16:13 [Preview] No.27056 del
(312.44 KB 1179x1156 DEA9mIT.jpeg)
>Nice, I'll tell people to not interact with you now
lol faggot, not to interact with who, the board or just your blazing homosex ways?
>What's your BMI, fatty?

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 16:43 [Preview] No.27057 del
It's still a bad word to gay people
You do know those clips were from when I was a minor? Back then I couldn't do a "manly" voice... so no, please.
>b-been brough-
It hasnt been brought to you anything.
Also that "UYA" stood for up your ass. Shove a Big metric Isotrope up there
Also it's not a ramble to prefer music that is actually good and better, just listen to how pop sounds nowadays, compared to the 80s and 70s. New music sucks.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 16:52 [Preview] No.27061 del
You're attempting to retard away from the subject, nice try. 5 sins.

Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 16:56 [Preview] No.27064 del
>It's still a bad word to gay people
>Gay is a word with many meanings. A gay person is homosexual, but if we describe something like a scene or a party as gay, that means it's bright, merry, and happy. Gay originally meant excited, festive and merry. Skipping down the street is something you'd do in a gay mood.
Just because you aren't happy, doesn't mean you can turn us into faggots, faggot.

Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 02:55 [Preview] No.27096 del
(207.13 KB 324x301 Fuel to His Fire.png)
Yonkers - yet again - adds fuel to the blazing fire that he created himself... yet remains completely oblivious to it - as usual.


Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 04:48 [Preview] No.27148 del
(44.47 KB 600x900 fbi08.jpg)
Why has Jordan Manuel Rivera avoided answering this genuine question? : >>26365

What does he have to hide? Was he lying?

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 05:07 [Preview] No.27149 del
(240.82 KB 366x499 poop police badge 01.png)

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 06:30 [Preview] No.27160 del
There's no police or penal colony in Watnai, retard.
Stop making up lore from your ass, and blaming it on me.

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 07:17 [Preview] No.27171 del
Oh Poopcat. You have let us all down here today. You replied angrily to shitpost bait, rather than choose to just ignore it. You failed yourself again. Everyone here is deeply disappointed in you, Yonkers, for doing the opposite of what you should do. What is worse is that you have let YOURSELF down. Now everybody here knows that you are not only a complete fool, but a fucking retard. Be proud of your massive failure today.

It's clear the twice-weekly Psychotherapy Groups (or, as you call them, “Play Groups”) you attend are doing nothing to help you. Just cooperate with them, and you will feel better.

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 07:18 [Preview] No.27172 del
Why has Jordan Manuel Rivera avoided answering this genuine question? : >>26365

What does he have to hide? Was he lying?

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 09:49 [Preview] No.27204 del
>repeating yourself again
Just overdose on Benadryl already, cunt.

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 10:42 [Preview] No.27210 del
Sure looks like JORDAN LIED about his volunteer work stacking shelves in a local Market.

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 10:47 [Preview] No.27212 del
That wasn't lying, though. I work at underground animation studio
>durrr, cau-
YOU caught for being a CREEP

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 10:53 [Preview] No.27214 del
You mean Klim was caught masturbating in a voice call with minors?

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 10:57 [Preview] No.27215 del
Klim lied about his 12yo wife?

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 17:56 [Preview] No.27231 del
No, I mean klim is a moron for saving pictures of me being a kid.
Kid means minor, and I was for sure a minor in 2019-2021.

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 17:57 [Preview] No.27232 del
also you don't have a wife, stop saying it already, no one - not even a disabled kindergartener irl - wants to be your wife

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 18:29 [Preview] No.27238 del
So who was masturbating in a voice call with minors? Oh, that was you. Sounds worse than making a joke.

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 19:23 [Preview] No.27239 del
Not me, for sure. No, i wasnt thinking about rot_d4nny either!

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 19:27 [Preview] No.27240 del
Since you're lying about that, you must be lying about it being over Rot too. Thanks for the confirmation.

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:14 [Preview] No.27242 del
When I said "not me", that meant No you fucking moron. I'm not opposite talking.
So therefore, you didn't really confirm anything you're just misreading like a huge idiot. Sorry if talking vague for a joke is not understandable for you.

Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:24 [Preview] No.27243 del
>When I said "not me", that meant
That you were lying about something we already have proof of, yes I know.
>I'm not opposite talking.
It's amazing you lie so often that you have to have a slang name for it.
Once again, thanks for letting us know that Rot was the one in that Discord that got you all hot and bothered.

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 01:20 [Preview] No.27245 del
Interrupting and lying yourself is an idiot thing for you to do, whereas I wasn't. No one's been hot or bothered.

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 02:22 [Preview] No.27246 del
Jordan caught lying again... a bare-faced lie... yet denies it.

Oh... and he doesn't 'get' the meme, either... PDD Autism is working hard for him, too.

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 06:12 [Preview] No.27257 del
You don't need to repeat yourself. You've already confirmed that it was Rot you were whacking it to. I wonder how old he is compared to the other people in that Discord...

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 07:46 [Preview] No.27261 del
I bet that rot was an adult, too.
And no I never jacked off to him, never got horny for him at all

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 09:05 [Preview] No.27262 del
More blatant lies
More delusions

When will they ever stop for him?
Is his self-esteem THAT low that he has to justify everything he does to complete strangers online?

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 09:10 [Preview] No.27263 del
So underneath all your lying this translates as:
>I bet he was underage.
>I jacked off to him a lot

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 09:17 [Preview] No.27264 del
(172.64 KB 400x267 467c-GIF.gif)

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 11:23 [Preview] No.27269 del
>More blatant lies
>More delusions
Yes, klim. We know your code very well, you like to lie about me. You LOVE lying.
It's doing better than someone stealing my art 24/7 (you)
Translating English that's already English? You're retarded.
>Klim when he hears a mention of teen

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 11:56 [Preview] No.27270 del
>Translating lies to the truth? You're smart.
Thank you.
I understand how to read your posts now, they reflect reality this way.

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 12:33 [Preview] No.27272 del
Everyone must obey and humiliate themselves before His Moist Royal Highness

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 13:18 [Preview] No.27278 del
>being this insanely retarded
You really need to get help with your reading, I did not say anything about children

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 13:34 [Preview] No.27279 del
Do you ramble about children and then forget the things you said? That's concerning. Go back and look at your post again.

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 13:36 [Preview] No.27280 del
I understand that compulsive lying is his nature (like his minor attraction), but he could at least wait more than two posts before he lies about what he said!

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 15:47 [Preview] No.27282 del
No, he could not help himself. He is a pathological liar.

Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 02:11 [Preview] No.27293 del
I never rambled, buddy.

Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 03:06 [Preview] No.27297 del
(6.44 KB 224x277 yoink923.png)
Hark: The rambling pathological liar speaketh unto us.

Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 06:10 [Preview] No.27302 del
>I rambled, buddy.

Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 06:34 [Preview] No.27303 del
None of this is "pathological" or "lying".

Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 07:32 [Preview] No.27306 del
>this is "pathological" "lying".

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