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Saving my data from sun storms the hacker known as 4chan 01/26/2022 (Wed) 14:39:00 [Preview] No. 121
I was thinking about saving my data devices into some Faraday cage so may not be affected by unexpected EMPs or similar phenoms that may endanger their content, does anyone know if anyone sells these type of safe?

Also, I'd like to know (since this deviced are told to need grounding) if a pot with some wet dirt could do, given that I won't just expose the cage outdoors, or are there any other complicated methods that can substitute grounding?

the hacker known as 4chan 02/02/2022 (Wed) 09:01:17 [Preview] No.123 del
Use a regular metal safe and ground it to your mains earth. Make sure that all faces of the safe are metal and in contact with each other. It should suffice for an EMP given that your electricity provider has proper grounding in place.

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