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Is this the correct way to talk to Xonotic? the hacker known as 4chan 06/06/2022 (Mon) 18:49:39 [Preview] No. 131
>>15:30 < chaosesqueantho> do you acknowledge that?
>15:30 < chaosesqueantho> there are 100s of such maps
>15:30 < chaosesqueantho> 500+
>15:30 < Tommy> Why should i care?
>15:30 < chaosesqueantho> Tommy: same reason you should care that darkplaces
> runs Quake 3 maps, and Quake maps
>15:30 < chaosesqueantho> Tommy: you would care if it wasn't I who did the work.
>15:31 < chaosesqueantho> Tommy: but since you are a pro-women's rights,
> pro-tranny, white piece of shit: you take a blase
> stance.
>15:31 < chaosesqueantho> Tommy: our fork also can address up to 4 million
> entities (in the experimental branch version)
>15:32 < chaosesqueantho> It is superior to your trans-project
>15:32 < chaosesqueantho> you fucking white FUCK
>15:32 < chaosesqueantho> additionally in chaosesque: any weapon can now be a
> mounted gun
>15:32 < chaosesqueantho> in Your Xonotic you don't have any mounted guns at all
>15:32 < chaosesqueantho> but you people are such fucking faggot pieces of shit
> that if you don't deem a dev fag-enough: you hate
> their work
>15:33 < chaosesqueantho> Tommy: let me be clear: when Putins forces come
> wherever you and your fags are
>15:33 -!- d2irc1 [[email protected]] has quit [EOF from client]
>15:33 < chaosesqueantho> we are going to open the doors to the city to them
>15:33 < chaosesqueantho> no matter what happens to us
>15:33 -!- d2irc [[email protected]] has joined #xonotic.editing
>15:33 < chaosesqueantho> so that they torture, burn, and kill you and your kind
>15:33 -!- d2irc [[email protected]] has quit [EOF from client]
>15:33 < chaosesqueantho> Tommy: do you understand white anti-child bride faggot?
>15:33 -!- mode/#xonotic.editing [+b
> @] by Q
>15:33 -!- cwas kicked from #xonotic.editing by Q [Banned.]

the hacker known as 4chan 06/07/2022 (Tue) 02:15:09 [Preview] No.132 del
23:06 -G- #help Welcome to #help. Please just ask your question and don't spam it. DE Bitte stellt einfach eure Frage - ohne zu spammen. FR Posez directement votre question - sans répéter, merci.
23:06 csoajs ChaosEsque Anthology runs Wolfenstine Enemy Territory maps.
23:06 csoajs We worked on the Darkplaces engine
23:06 csoajs it now supports Wolf:ET
23:07 csoajs "Lady"TransfaggotHavoc refuses to accept our changes
23:07 csoajs last year we added 4 million entity support to Darkplaces Quake engine
23:07 csoajs we just get banned from their channels
23:07 csoajs we are glad the Russian army will be murdering some of them soon
23:07 csoajs as some of them live in europe
23:07 csoajs Z
23:08 csoajs oh and you faggots who think Darkplaces can "re license" any part of the engine "because we replaced all the code":
23:08 csoajs The structure of the copyrighted work is a copyrightable aspect too
23:08 csoajs so NO YOU CANNOT
23:08 csoajs hahaha
23:08 csoajs stupid fucking white faggot idiots
23:08 csoajs like cattle
23:09 csoajs currently being slaughterd in ukraine
23:09 csoajs HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
23:09 csoajs you deny your fellow "white" bois young girls of their own race to marry
23:09 csoajs now you're being KILLED DEAD
23:09 csoajs by Russians
23:09 csoajs (muslim ones)
23:09 csoajs who are taking your girls
23:09 csoajs and raping their pussy holes
23:09 csoajs and I mean girls, not women
23:10 csoajs and kidnapping them to Chechnya and dagestan
23:10 csoajs war brides
23:10 csoajs seethe you fucking white people
23:10 csoajs SEETHE
23:10 csoajs __Z__
23:10 csoajs ChaosEsque Anthology runs Wolfenstine Enemy Territory maps.

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