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Anonymous 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:09:58 [Preview] No. 2
You guys ready for Infinity Now?

What should we do when things get to slow for lynxchan?

Anonymous 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:17:10 [Preview] No. 5 del
can't reply lel reply button don't work

Anonymous 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:17:27 [Preview] No. 6 del
oh it does

what do you mean by
>things get too slow

Anonymous 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:30:31 [Preview] No. 8 del
Like when you can't post more than 300 posts in a thread

the hacker known as 4chan 12/21/2015 (Mon) 00:23:29 [Preview] No. 9 del
>Like when you can't post more than 300 posts in a thread

I still don't follow. Explain it to me as if I were retarded.

Balrog 12/21/2015 (Mon) 01:03:28 [Preview] No. 11 del
That's not as likely to happen because of how LynxChan is designed. In conventional imageboards, whenever somebody posts a new thread or a reply to a thread, every single board page and everything that references that board has to be regenerated by the imageboard software. This is because everything on a conventional imageboard is static HTML; when you access, say, https://8ch.net/tg/catalog.html that is an actual HTML file named catalog.html on a hard drive that is served by a web server. This means that when the imageboard gets big, there's so many HTML files to write whenever something happens that I/O write goes through the fucking roof and everything breaks, like what's happening on 8chan right now. On LynxChan all this shit is generated dynamically from templates and cached in memory, so afaik it's going to be less likely to fail in such a horrible manner when under 8chan-level stress. Also, the system is designed so we can add more servers to the database stack when we need to, so scaling isn't going to be a fucking pain in the ass.

the hacker known as 4chan 12/21/2015 (Mon) 04:13:16 [Preview] No. 12 del
i think .innerPost {white-space: nowrap;} needs to be disabled, ~line 270

the hacker known as 4chan 12/21/2015 (Mon) 09:07:36 [Preview] No. 14 del
All fixed. Tks

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