/kc/ - Krautchan

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(208.26 KB 2608x1200 000A-template-colored.png)
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(302.26 KB 2608x1200 assburger-vs-moron-v1.png)
Virgin vs Chad Bernd 08/18/2020 (Tue) 18:40:51 [Preview] No. 39353
It's far from kc specific meme, but I see it here and there and it bugs me that people are missing the point that these supposed to be ironic. These morons just call - both on image or just in written form in their comments - their preference Chad and the opposing side Virgin. Probably they can't even grasp the concept of irony.
>hurr it's funny because of name calling
The core of the joke comes from the swap between the obvious superior and inferior choices. This needs a healthy amount of self-irony, but worth it because in return it emphasizes the banality/absurdity/stupidity/etc of the inferior side by setting it up as if it were the better.
Instead of directly saying "that's stupid", "you are stupid", etc. it plays a jest which alleviates the harm that an insult would cause. I think it's a playful and lighthearted meme with still great potential I can't promise I could produce them on a BONG level, but an OC or two maybe I could squeeze out.
Note: there might be exceptions from the rule above, we'll see.

ITT post Virgin X vs Chad Y pics, requests, images that needs fixing, or your OC, Bernd. For the latter two preferably the captions to add and explanations as well.

Picrels: first two are templates, feel free to use them, last one my first attempt with this meme mayhaps will update it hence I insecurely named it v1.

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 03:23:57 [Preview] No.39354 del
I don't have any requests (for now) but I find this meme interesting, if only because it's one of the (relatively) newer ones that doesn't make me want to kill myself on the spot. There's a few derivatives that I've seen that are more mean-spirited and too simplistic because they lack that irony you mentioned.
Fuck what I said, let's do old Kacey vs new Kacey.

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 04:57:57 [Preview] No.39355 del
virgin janitor vs chad shitposter

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 05:35:02 [Preview] No.39356 del
I believe the OC creator also made fun of that way of thinking which is so prominent on IBs: that "one bit" view which simplifies the world into this two categories. This reasoning is fueled by anon's - so called - incel rage against women.
It could be that this view led to the creation of this meme directly, but the ironic nature suggests, that the original maker of the first if these at least could step back and judge it with an outsider's mind, or was an outsider in the sense that he might type comments in the vein of this view but he himself doesn't believe it.

That sounds obvious enough to be already done. Not that we couldn't make a better one so why not.
Nonetheless I would need (many) suggestions for the captions themselves.

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 05:36:56 [Preview] No.39357 del
>Fuck what I said, let's do old Kacey vs new Kacey.
Oh I conveniently skipped this line. Old Kacey would be the late Krautchan, the new Kohl?

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 12:35:05 [Preview] No.39359 del
I think it's one of the leaps where we finally started to be emphatic with "more retarded" ones and make semi jokes about it, it was never suppose to be x shit y bad tier low iq meme.

I also perceive it as, we might finally grasp being chad is not about being a tryhard, be autistic about this and that, it's more about not giving a fuck anything or being light hearted about stuff where people are obnoxious about it.

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 21:39:37 [Preview] No.39371 del
(10.06 KB 683x601 1541095741717.png)
(147.13 KB 1013x1249 YuQNqAX.png)
(199.72 KB 1257x1202 lounging.png)
I got a few that I can post

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 21:44:45 [Preview] No.39373 del
(104.26 KB 1128x600 Hadji.jpeg)
(319.38 KB 2518x1024 Pirate.png)

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 21:47:45 [Preview] No.39375 del

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 21:52:56 [Preview] No.39377 del
Have some Morrowind ones from End/b/

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 21:53:58 [Preview] No.39378 del
(470.45 KB 2518x1024 1557676582019.png)
(453.34 KB 2014x1170 Chad Bitcoiner.png)
(141.33 KB 1536x864 virgin chad dance.jpg)

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 21:57:20 [Preview] No.39379 del
Have a bitcoin and /biz/ Chad and virgin

Remember to Buy High, Sell low bernds or is it the other way?

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 21:58:02 [Preview] No.39380 del
(725.10 KB 3508x2480 virgi waiting for bus.jpg)
(59.29 KB 680x383 EYt2q6zU8AEoi0j.jpeg)

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 22:00:05 [Preview] No.39381 del
(112.79 KB 1203x636 kalxg1nywdr41.jpg)
(323.55 KB 2344x1212 02zkule919r41.png)
(325.67 KB 2518x1024 my1sisq6mgr41.png)

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 22:02:00 [Preview] No.39382 del

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 22:04:43 [Preview] No.39383 del

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 22:07:38 [Preview] No.39384 del
(73.23 KB 960x465 1502830200001.jpg)
(92.93 KB 1475x600 vargin.jpg)
Don't have anymore for now

Bernd 08/20/2020 (Thu) 07:14:56 [Preview] No.39386 del
(240.13 KB 1280x520 chad-virgin-mystic.png)
(59.82 KB 811x542 chad-virgin-pooh.jpg)
(273.70 KB 2896x1024 virgin-chad-praljak.png)
I have much more

Bernd 08/20/2020 (Thu) 07:16:42 [Preview] No.39387 del
(1.50 MB 2560x1250 chad-virgin-angel.png)
(458.00 KB 1915x855 chad-virgin-article.png)
(173.44 KB 1024x554 chad-virgin-bomber.png)
(88.69 KB 1024x480 chad-virgin-mario.png)

Bernd 08/20/2020 (Thu) 07:19:38 [Preview] No.39388 del
(227.60 KB 2518x1600 chad-virgin-neofolk.png)
(109.55 KB 908x444 chad-virgin-ports.png)
(82.68 KB 1200x488 chad-virgin-freebsd.jpg)

Bernd 08/20/2020 (Thu) 16:23:23 [Preview] No.39396 del
Wonder where all the skinheads went

Bernd 08/20/2020 (Thu) 22:45:03 [Preview] No.39421 del

Bernd 08/21/2020 (Fri) 10:51:49 [Preview] No.39424 del
Kekked irl on Hadji, jpg, blogpost.

I guess computer/smart phone age killed them. They are aging and no youngsters to refill their lines since it's easier (and safer) to rage online in comment sections then getting into scrapes on the streets and getting shitfaced in "knife thrower" bars. Also fart-right fad hijacks narration.

Bernd 08/24/2020 (Mon) 05:11:04 [Preview] No.39454 del
That 2nd picture looks like they put a lot of effort into it

Have an archive for Virgin vs Chad memes bernd


It's hit or miss with everything there

Bernd 08/24/2020 (Mon) 05:19:25 [Preview] No.39458 del
(2.17 MB 960x540 RaVjxhs.mp4)
(340.95 KB 2750x1000 vxusiLF.jpg)
Also forgot to add these

Bernd 08/25/2020 (Tue) 05:29:35 [Preview] No.39484 del
Back then cracker groups made demos, and displayed their skills in demoparties. Those keygens (and sometimes installers) were sprouts of that.
These demos basically programming projects, animation and sound(tune). They competed in categories who can make the most badass ones. These are very small in sizes, so not liek doing a over 9000 Gig of 3D animation with Maya...

Bernd 08/25/2020 (Tue) 21:11:50 [Preview] No.39494 del

Bernd 09/01/2020 (Tue) 23:11:56 [Preview] No.39690 del
(410.66 KB 2501x1017 chad-virgin-kc.png)
>or your OC, Bernd

Here some, maybe slightly inaccurate

Bernd 09/01/2020 (Tue) 23:37:15 [Preview] No.39691 del
I really miss the odd posters like that crazy german who could go on rants like no other or audrius drinking behind the shop. It was very real instead of all the scripted bs thats everywhere else.

Bernd 09/02/2020 (Wed) 05:30:06 [Preview] No.39692 del
>maybe slightly inaccurate
WHERE ARE THE HATS"????!!!!!! Glowing red would have been better, like on spartschan, but that needs extra CSS.
I love it, thank you.

Well, we have you.

Bernd 09/02/2020 (Wed) 14:21:45 [Preview] No.39702 del
kohlchan created based ghork

Bernd 09/02/2020 (Wed) 15:52:35 [Preview] No.39703 del
(13.11 KB 300x300 ghork.png)
Nope. Don't confuse it with grug. Which is a 4chan meme anyway.

Bernd 09/02/2020 (Wed) 20:32:22 [Preview] No.39716 del
(414.96 KB 2483x1108 chad-virgin-kc.png)
>WHERE ARE THE HATS"????!!!!!!

Damn. Fixed.

Bernd 09/03/2020 (Thu) 05:55:12 [Preview] No.39731 del
Hah! Great! Thanks.

I might do an inverse of it for the fun.

Dutch bernd Bernd 09/07/2022 (Wed) 03:40 [Preview] No.48673 del
Bumping thread again

Bernd 09/07/2022 (Wed) 08:17 [Preview] No.48682 del
Doing God's work.

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