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(596.67 KB 1334x722 GuP 025.jpg)
Bernd 02/14/2022 (Mon) 02:30:47 [Preview] No. 46429
Merry Valentines day /KC/!!

Bernd 02/14/2022 (Mon) 07:27:47 [Preview] No.46430 del
You mean Bálint Day?

Bernd 02/14/2022 (Mon) 09:49:24 [Preview] No.46432 del
(137.51 KB 994x473 33062_rd.jpg)
It's Bismarck launch day.

Bernd 02/14/2022 (Mon) 11:47:39 [Preview] No.46433 del
(68.87 KB 266x354 Tibor_Sekelj_1983.jpg)
It's actually the Bday of Hungarian assburger Esperantist and world traveler who spoke 22 languages (8 on conversational level).

Bernd 02/14/2022 (Mon) 13:15:01 [Preview] No.46434 del
It's not any of those days at all! Stop trying to steal Valentines day from the Valentine.

The valentine does not get anywhere near enough attention I think, everybody forgets it existed even though they made 8,200 of them. That's only 300 less than the number of Panzer IVs that were made. It's such an important tank yet nobody ever mentions it.

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