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Bernd 11/28/2023 (Tue) 12:41 [Preview] No. 51323
Stop talking about exhausted UAE oil 😅😂
No one interested to come there along with ghost city concrete jungle Dubai yet world map is inaccurate since Mercator projection 1569 by west + middle east belittling Indonesia since, while in reality Indonesia The Emerald of The Equator is huge as Russia and even much richer than the rest of the world, our oil and gas only are much more than whole middle east.
Complete multiracial multilingual living around the world all alone since childhood I speak fluent formal Arabic too, aside Dutch and so many other languages.

Egypt isn't the oldest, even Egypt is very poor, very dry, far off the center of the Equator line.
Most highest humidity on Earth: Indonesia, meaning many much older artifacts has decayed much faster than just few thousands years Egypt.
And Judaism/Christianity/Islam are just the same dumb.
Even most of people know nothing about much older ancient modern civilization here in Indonesia before mega eruption of Toba supervolcano of Sumatra 75,000 years ago.
Including 25,000 years old Gunung Padang pyramid in Indonesia.

Hindu isn't from India either. Original Hindu is Indonesia not in India.
Hindu in India and in Bali are totally different
Indus, Indo, Hindia, Hindu = Indus Islands = Indo Nesos = Indonesia.
The same with Astrology came from Indonesia not by the Greeks, Egyptians nor Aramaic/Arabs/Jews.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are just frauds branches of modified Hinduism in India.
Real Hindu came from Indonesia not India.
Hindu, Hindia, Indus, Indo, etc = Indo Nesos, Indus islands, Indonesia over 17000 islands, exactly on the center of the equator line, the center of all civilization, all Indo around the world came from here especially because of eruption of Toba supervolcano Sumatra 75000 years ago bigger than Yellowstone USA, resulted today world's largest volcanic lake Toba Sumatra.
Yet, world map is wrong since Mercator projection 1569, real Indonesia is Huge as Russia and even much richer than the rest of the world.

Bernd 11/28/2023 (Tue) 16:22 [Preview] No.51325 del
(73.27 KB 1038x576 mount-padang-pyramid.jpg)
This pyramid thing is interesting.
Have you heard about the Bosnian pyramid?

Bernd 11/29/2023 (Wed) 01:36 [Preview] No.51326 del
It's interesting but these is no real evidence for it being that old. For context this was just a weird comment I saw on Youtube and felt like I should post it here.

What Bosnian pyramid?

Bernd 11/29/2023 (Wed) 14:07 [Preview] No.51332 del
It's similar to the Indonesian. There's a hill in the eastern border of Visoko (NW from Sarajevo), which quite angular and reminds one a pyramid. There are claims it is one, and there are some stones laying around that supposedly were part of it or something.

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