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koryŏ watch threda Bernd 06/26/2017 (Mon) 17:19:30 [Preview] No. 8410
today as I've been reading the best source of PROOFS (I mean, they're funded by a government, they literally can't be biased) I noticed this
>Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was making plans to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

since koryŏ has been quite busy lately I think it warrants a specific thread

Bernd 06/26/2017 (Mon) 17:21:59 [Preview] No. 8411 del
also we should know proper terminology

>hurr durr korea north korea best korea south korea

the region/peninsula/nation is koryŏ, states are chosŏn in the north and hanguk in the south

Bernd 06/26/2017 (Mon) 18:04:37 [Preview] No. 8413 del
Dashing horseman. I bet he has a bunch of nice wives in his yurt who wait him with lots of cakes.

So they are Chinese Chinese.

Bernd 06/26/2017 (Mon) 19:01:56 [Preview] No. 8414 del
han in hanguk refers to the historical confederacies of old korean cities: mahan, jinhan and byŏnhan; the original meaning of the word is obscure but could be related to hana meaning "one" (compare union, similarly from Latin únus)
guk in hanguk is the most likely source of the word gook in English; it is a Sino-Korean word 國, guó in Mandarin, gwok³ in Cantonese (probably the source in English, considering that the word is attested before the Korean War, which simply reinforced it), kwək in Middle Chinese, and koku in Japanese.

Bernd 06/26/2017 (Mon) 19:08:14 [Preview] No. 8415 del
Oh I should mention that han in hanguk is spelled with 韓, while han as in Han Chinese or Han Dynasty is spelled 漢. 韓 was previously used as a name of a kingdom during the Warring States period, which was adjacent to and annexed by Qin in 230BC.

Bernd 06/26/2017 (Mon) 19:13:41 [Preview] No. 8416 del
Fuck. mahan, chinhan and pyŏnhan, if I want to use the McCune–Reischauer transcription correctly.

Bernd 06/26/2017 (Mon) 19:38:43 [Preview] No. 8417 del
>if I want to use the McCune–Reischauer transcription correctly.

Bernd 06/27/2017 (Tue) 20:34:16 [Preview] No. 8446 del
Their page slow as fuck for me. Just loads and loads and loads any link I click. Do you, Bernd, experience the same?

Bernd 06/28/2017 (Wed) 03:55:24 [Preview] No. 8450 del
Hm. For me it works okay once I let it use javascript to open links in new window.
I mean fuck do you even a href

Bernd 06/28/2017 (Wed) 05:30:06 [Preview] No. 8457 del
Now it doesn't load at all.

Bernd 06/28/2017 (Wed) 15:14:04 [Preview] No. 8473 del

Bernd 06/29/2017 (Thu) 05:16:15 [Preview] No. 8526 del
We need more actual quotes from the exchange and not just cherrypicked lines.

Bernd 06/29/2017 (Thu) 15:26:18 [Preview] No. 8536 del
>train disabled persons for diverse occupations
Like executioner of the death penalty on anyone who targets the supreme leadership.

Bernd 06/29/2017 (Thu) 16:47:27 [Preview] No. 8540 del
(53.64 KB 780x437 F2bT5S3.jpg)
>train disabled persons for diverse occupations
>Like executioner

Bernd 06/29/2017 (Thu) 17:17:10 [Preview] No. 8541 del
Well, he cannot roam around on the battlefield, can he.
I meant as assassins tho. They could be working undercover as deaf busboys or something to get close to Park Geun Hye and other culprits to give them the miserable dog's death any time, at any place and by whatever methods which they well deserve according to Pyongyang.

Bernd 08/09/2017 (Wed) 05:43:02 [Preview] No. 9489 del

>impose a new round of sanctions on Pyongyang
Oh noes. How they will survive this?!

>South Korea is currently allowed to develop missiles with a range of up to 800km (497 miles) and a payload of 500kg
That's just inadequate. Someone sell them a bunch of weapons fast!

Bernd 08/09/2017 (Wed) 07:54:09 [Preview] No. 9491 del
it's like they don't even grasp the concept of independence

Bernd 08/09/2017 (Wed) 19:24:31 [Preview] No. 9500 del
Half a year and now it's stronger than ever. I wonder how many first order he has.

Bernd 08/12/2017 (Sat) 14:37:02 [Preview] No. 9547 del
alpha male
sexy as fuck

Bernd 08/12/2017 (Sat) 16:48:21 [Preview] No. 9549 del
He's so alpha he's transparent.

Bernd 09/03/2017 (Sun) 13:09:12 [Preview] No. 9886 del
Hey faggots, you've spent $400,000,000,000 on the joint strike fighter, go strike something.
t. Trump

Bernd 09/03/2017 (Sun) 14:28:24 [Preview] No. 9887 del
Time to go on a strike.


Bernd 09/03/2017 (Sun) 16:59:45 [Preview] No. 9890 del
Noone ever suspected Koryo's developing hydrogen bomb. They sure can keep stuff in secret.
>Both Putin and Jinping expressed their deep concern over this situation
Deebly Goncerned
>the nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula “absolutely unacceptable.”
No nukes for you Hanguk.
>take part in all relevant discussions within the UN Security Council and in other formats
>in other format
I hope they're coming to /kc/, some traffic at last.
>At the same time, he said that the sanctions imposed on North Korea so far “did not lead to any positive outcome”
How about integrating them into the consumerist world by lifting the sanctions and opening opportunities to get consumer goods? Give them a taste of Freedumbs.
>The test is “another example of Pyongyang’s outright disregard” of UN Security Council resolutions and international law
Again the sanctions and deep concerns are useless. War is unacceptable nothing left just what I wrote previously.

Bernd 09/04/2017 (Mon) 16:07:27 [Preview] No. 9897 del
When the 3rd world war main theatre won't go through Poland but on the other side of the globe.
A little peace for a change.

Bernd 09/04/2017 (Mon) 17:20:13 [Preview] No. 9903 del
2nd World War was going on in chinkland 4 years before it got to Poland.

Bernd 09/04/2017 (Mon) 17:26:53 [Preview] No. 9905 del

Bernd 09/05/2017 (Tue) 17:57:17 [Preview] No. 9930 del
In Central Europe too much the coming and going.

Bernd 09/14/2017 (Thu) 21:39:04 [Preview] No. 10407 del
I got a review of this cartoon by some faggot in my yt recommendations and wtf I'm korean weeb communist furfag now nod really
Akshually the plot is very enjoyable. I only wish they did better with sound effects and cgi. Thanks anyway, Kim!
https://youtube.com/watch?v=HuXJBJWR36Y [Embed]

Bernd 09/15/2017 (Fri) 05:29:20 [Preview] No. 10412 del
That foxy Fox is very suggestive. They should leave sexuality as the opiate for the declining West.

Bernd 09/15/2017 (Fri) 06:26:50 [Preview] No. 10413 del
They're supposed to repsesent Americans so I don't know.

Bernd 09/22/2017 (Fri) 18:19:34 [Preview] No. 10606 del
(416.80 KB 669x472 brutal mulmangcho.png)
(382.94 KB 664x497 Juldarami's revenge.png)
(441.28 KB 664x491 yelipalip.png)
you know, for kids!

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 06:43:57 [Preview] No. 10612 del
Have you watched other episodes?

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 09:15:57 [Preview] No. 10615 del
Ye, I'm going through older ones. They give me this old gommie cartoon feels, except more badass and unecessary violence. Unfortunately more than a half haven't been translated yet so I can't follow story properly.

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 10:04:27 [Preview] No. 10617 del
>he doesn't speak 국

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 10:12:53 [Preview] No. 10618 del
I read north korean is a bit different.

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 10:46:45 [Preview] No. 10619 del
there's some dialect differences (for example north preserves initial r, ry, ny, while south reduces them to n, y, y), and generally modern vocabulary is different (russian vs american loanwords). probably less difference than between american and british english.

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 12:23:13 [Preview] No. 10625 del
I noticed studying Korean vocabulary some of the loan words are weird. Like party and table are english loan words but I find it hard to believe they had no words for these before. Maybe party became more popular instead of whatever they may have used before, or something for festival was more common and the idea of a party was a bit different. But table? where did they put stuff?

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 12:35:17 [Preview] No. 10626 del
(435.73 KB 671x505 mulmangcho thinking.png)
Maybe they were eating from the ground earlier?

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 13:30:16 [Preview] No. 10628 del
In high school we learned about the loanwords in Hungarian at grammar class the teacher listed some examples and when among the Slavic loanwords he arrived to the lice then I said "we got those from them all right, hehhehh" he replied that loanwords don't necessarily describe newly acquired concepts but they can replace words for preexisting ones. So most likely that's the case with Korean table. Also there's a possibility a loanword is just a synonym in parallel with one or more original ones.
But maybe the word was flea. I'm not sure now.

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 14:36:38 [Preview] No. 10630 del
Are there japanese loanwords in korean? I listen to it and it sounds similar to japanese and iirc they were part of japan empire for quite a time.

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 14:45:12 [Preview] No. 10631 del
Might be some. But I'd bet Japanese has more Korean loanwords.
I think Japanese is quite distinguishable from other East Asian languages but maybe because Japanese is the closest to Hungarian in that place.

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 19:21:02 [Preview] No. 10633 del
On the floor. You're forgetting that unlike dirty Europeans, Koreans and Japanese took their shoes off and walked barefoot when inside, so the floor stayed clean and they could easily eat and sleep there. Well from what I know about China they put food on stools or low tables but most of the stuff was floor-level.
Meanwhile Europeans had to elevate work, food and sleeping facilities because they didn't take their dirty shoes off inside.

Bernd 09/23/2017 (Sat) 19:30:11 [Preview] No. 10634 del
>for quite a time
Nah, try about half a century. Toyotomi Hideyoshi tried to invade Korea twice hoping to establish foothold to perhaps even try reach for the Imperial title in China but both times he got held back for long enough for Chinese reinforcements to drive him back into the sea.

I don't know about Japanese loanwords in Korean, but Chinese loanwords to Japanese mostly went through Korea first. Oh and most obvious Japanese loanwords were purged after WW2 for political reasons.
Quick search revealed words like ppang from Japanese pan for bread (from Portuguese), and a lot of calques based on Chinese words like eunhaeng from Japanese ginkô for bank (which is also used in Chinese, but the word was coined in Japan).

Bernd 09/24/2017 (Sun) 06:43:34 [Preview] No. 10640 del
>where did they put stuff?
>On the floor.

That depends on the stuff. Japanese had tables. Even heated tables.

Bernd 09/26/2017 (Tue) 20:40:06 [Preview] No. 10704 del
reminder that US has declared war on North Korea already with the recent Trump's speech in the UN
https://youtube.com/watch?v=LDdFqdIaHcQ [Embed]

Bernd 09/26/2017 (Tue) 20:44:09 [Preview] No. 10706 del
But they were never in peace. It's just an armistice.

Bernd 09/28/2017 (Thu) 20:08:18 [Preview] No. 10728 del

Bernd 09/28/2017 (Thu) 20:08:46 [Preview] No. 10729 del
Ümm. 4,7...

Bernd 09/29/2017 (Fri) 20:12:14 [Preview] No. 10765 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Nz9AE15nD0M [Embed]
fug, how will ameriga recover?

Bernd 11/12/2017 (Sun) 07:40:19 [Preview] No. 11842 del
Now that's what I call high politics.

Bernd 11/12/2017 (Sun) 11:57:16 [Preview] No. 11844 del

Bernd 11/13/2017 (Mon) 16:27:53 [Preview] No. 11865 del
I wonder if it ever happens that world nuclear war will be preceded by leaders shitposting on twitter

Bernd 11/29/2017 (Wed) 16:37:33 [Preview] No.12200 del

Bernd 11/30/2017 (Thu) 13:21:08 [Preview] No.12219 del
(50.12 KB 635x441 armenia.png)
(50.12 KB 635x441 armenia.png)
Interesting article about nuclear proliferation:

tl;dr is that it happens at an exponential rate, makes the playing field a lot more complex than just two-sided MAD and newcomers to the nuclear club are unlikely to give up their weapons (as there's a correlation between WMD disarmament and regime fall) and more likely to use them agressively.

pic unrelated

Bernd 11/30/2017 (Thu) 17:00:05 [Preview] No.12225 del
Now I want to relaunch the Yugoslav nuclear programme based in Slovenia now. I'm quite certain, based on massive radon emissions in some places, that there must be more uranium in that mountain where a mine was opened and later found "not profitable".
But I fucking picked the wrong specialisation, didn't take a single course in nuclear physics. Fuck.

Bernd 11/30/2017 (Thu) 17:26:23 [Preview] No.12226 del
>there's a correlation between WMD disarmament and regime fall
Oh the good old "give up your weapons or we'll kick your butt" game.
>give up the weapons
>still kicking the butts
If you want others not to trust you then you definitely shouldn't keep your promises.

I say it for decades now that we (i.e. Hungary) need and could produce nuclear weaponry. Europe has plethora of suitable targets to launch them.
The bestest way to keep the dialogue civilized geriatric case vs shorty fatso between two parties if both capable of wiping each other out.

Bernd 11/30/2017 (Thu) 18:44:58 [Preview] No.12228 del
magyar égre magyar gombát

Bernd 11/30/2017 (Thu) 19:04:41 [Preview] No.12229 del
Így van, magyar seggbe magyar lófaszt. Nehogymá mások irtsanak ki minket.

Bernd 11/30/2017 (Thu) 19:45:54 [Preview] No.12230 del
bár a jog az egy zsidó dolog

Bernd 11/30/2017 (Thu) 20:18:44 [Preview] No.12233 del
A hordozó-indító jármű "Toldi" az ICBM pedig "Malomkő" névre fog hallgatni.

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 08:17:49 [Preview] No.12237 del
(46.96 KB 1210x696 jewspeak.png)

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 08:20:48 [Preview] No.12238 del
So, you think Huns are talking about steppenigging and throatsinging?

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 08:35:23 [Preview] No.12239 del
(98.50 KB 960x659 wewazhunz.jpg)

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 08:39:13 [Preview] No.12240 del

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 14:05:59 [Preview] No.12245 del
Sounds reasonable. What is the West gonna do, demand Kimmy give away his nukes? Pretend he doesn't have them?

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 14:06:29 [Preview] No.12246 del
explain this to me as if I am some sort of burger.

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 16:42:50 [Preview] No.12247 del
(232.36 KB 1205x827 invade_west.jpg)
I hope this makes everything clear.

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 17:24:01 [Preview] No.12249 del
It's a bluff. I believe the tests were rushed and those missiles aren't capable of reaching their targets the whole stuff is just for show or that was the only thing they had in that moment. Probably I wouldn't call them out tho and go with accepting them as a nuclear power. With the limited range they provably have still can reach highly populated areas.

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 18:58:50 [Preview] No.12252 del
wait, wasn't the original one aobut turks?

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 19:13:28 [Preview] No.12253 del
You're right but I don't have that. The point is it has several localized version now.

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 19:42:50 [Preview] No.12254 del
(156.38 KB 900x618 turks-assimilate.jpg)

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 20:30:43 [Preview] No.12255 del
t. hanks

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 21:47:43 [Preview] No.12256 del
Yeah. That's the one. Saved.

Bernd 12/01/2017 (Fri) 21:53:52 [Preview] No.12257 del
The Hungarian texts:
= bro
>kurva anyatok
= Your whore mothers. It used similarly as "fuck you".
= hololies (imblying holocaust is a lie)

Bernd 12/05/2017 (Tue) 18:17:39 [Preview] No.12318 del
(147.58 KB 1200x800 kurultaj03.jpg)
(406.60 KB 1500x1000 lovasijasz.jpg)
(86.56 KB 650x438 lovasijaszat.jpg)
>What done today Hungarian brother?
>Oppressed Vlachs. Now we control Transylvania. You?
>Practiced throat singing as my family thought me.
>Tomorrow we invade West. Prepare your horses.

Bernd 12/15/2017 (Fri) 20:29:36 [Preview] No.12585 del
>there is a humanitarian dimension, since sanctions hurt ordinary people in the first place, which we have to take into account.
Oh, how so much they care about the ordinary people it fills my heart with warmth.

Could negotiations solve anything?
The kernel of the problem is the existence of the Korean countries. Chosŏn and Hanguk don't recognize each other and the end of the state of war could only mean the end of one or the other.
Would China be happy with a South Korea style US lapdog state as a new neighbour? Would the US allow the loss of South Korea? Nah, don't think so.
The only solution of the conflict is the mutual recognition of each other which in the current situation is impossible.
The US would only give up her guardianship over Hanguk if Chosŏn gave up her WMDs and disband most of her armies first. Minimum. Otherwise she can't be sure of the safety of Hanguk. On the other hand North Korea can't give up their weapons and armies because they are pretty sure that would be the end of their country. Even if the US troops were withdrawn they could be redeployed just as easily in no time and noone's there to defend the North like the last time, not the Chinese nor the Russians, and rearmament would be impossible for them in such case.
The US should change rhetoric and accept Chosŏn as a nuclear power, the UN should lift sanctions and enable the North to enter into the blood flow of the global economy. What would stop Kim Jong-un from using his weapons? The same that stops every other nuclear power: then they would be wiped out. This is exactly what's holding him back right now! This would remain the same. However the US cannot make this step because this would be a huge defeat in the eye of both domestic and foreign public, especially after this loudmouthing.
Such move could be only enabled by massive propaganda (maybe years of preparation), however no US government had such a huge media backing in recent decades. Such move would be political suicide for the Trump administration, they cannot allow that.

Bernd 12/17/2017 (Sun) 07:36:49 [Preview] No.12618 del
Dude lived 40 years in Choson after desertion.
>there were no irregular circumstances.
Just an irregular wife and irregular daughters.

Here's his wiki article:

Bernd 12/17/2017 (Sun) 18:50:14 [Preview] No.12620 del
>live in chosŏn
>can't get a regular gf

Bernd 01/08/2018 (Mon) 06:26:57 [Preview] No.12960 del
1. What platform Kim Jong-un uses generally when makes his declarations Trump can reply to on Twitter?
2. Does my impression right that Trump (US) is just replies aka reacts after Chosŏn do something and not really shapes this story?

Bernd 01/08/2018 (Mon) 23:20:19 [Preview] No.12970 del
From what I've seen he seems to prefer official documents published through one of his many political capacities.

I wish my old phone wasn't kill, I had a .jpeg of the one where he called him a dotard, y'all would get a kick out of that.

Bernd 01/09/2018 (Tue) 21:14:51 [Preview] No.12983 del
Anyone read this?
>Let us all march forward dynamically towards fresh victory of the revolution by displaying the unyielding mettle of heroic Korea under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Bernd 01/09/2018 (Tue) 22:31:08 [Preview] No.12984 del
epik :DDDD

those news from that website always take me forever to load. they must have terrible internet connection lmao

Bernd 01/09/2018 (Tue) 23:37:15 [Preview] No.12986 del
(211.00 KB 1000x550 QwJQAV9.jpg)
>those news from that website always take me forever to load. they must have terrible internet connection lmao

Kim just downloading updates for his games too much.

Bernd 01/10/2018 (Wed) 06:21:24 [Preview] No.12988 del
>those news from that website always take me forever to load.
Yeah I was surprised that proclamation loaded smoothly.

He should play DEFCOИ more. That doesn't need much upgrades and very instructive. Maybe someone could make a Choson mod for him.

Bernd 01/11/2018 (Thu) 17:32:04 [Preview] No.13008 del
Theres probably like one computer guy in entire country who manages internet connection with outside world. He does his job with great dedication and after his long, tiring shift he just want to play some computer games in his basement and don't bother anyone. Now because you made fun of great leader, he will not only loose his job but maybe a head too. Think a bit before posting next time!

Bernd 01/11/2018 (Thu) 17:38:25 [Preview] No.13009 del
I checked north korean embassy in Poland website, and they had some links that work a bit better.

Bernd 01/12/2018 (Fri) 06:32:48 [Preview] No.13026 del
(100.40 KB 675x465 MM00263638.jpg)
You're right. There must be some nerd, a sysadmin stressed out that if the Starcraft update doesn't go smooth, he's gonna get gulaged.

The "Grorious Reader Inspects" theme is ever popular I see.

Bernd 01/12/2018 (Fri) 06:34:23 [Preview] No.13027 del
Here's a link to their embassy here:

Bernd 01/12/2018 (Fri) 07:43:31 [Preview] No.13029 del
By the way, have some small presence of Korean propagandists in Russian internet, but sadly it is in Russian. It is fun to read though.

This, for example: https://juche-songun.livejournal.com
It is mostly news and texts about Juche, and written in very specific style.

Here is old post about cars: https://juche-songun.livejournal.com/127619.html
Stomatology: https://juche-songun.livejournal.com/673238.html
Aquapark: https://juche-songun.livejournal.com/633771.html
Frog and turtle farm (for food): https://juche-songun.livejournal.com/359925.html
Street sculptures: https://juche-songun.livejournal.com/566947.html
Rolling skates: https://juche-songun.livejournal.com/476354.html

Bernd 01/12/2018 (Fri) 16:36:15 [Preview] No.13030 del
All right. I obviously dun goofed again, I'm a bit distracted these days, that's Hanguk's embassy. But it gives us an important information. They established it in "01 FEB. 1989" which gives us the estimated date when the relations ceased between Choson and Hungary. They considered our opening toward Hanguk a treasonous act and they recalled their ambassador (actually they sent him to Bulgaria).
Previously we had good relations, Choson was a brotherly socialist country. During the Korean War supposedly we sent medical doctors there to establish a hospital. The commie regime financed some industrial projects as well, built several factories or helped in the construction. In '56 the few hundred Korean uni students who studied here stood beside the revolution against the Stalinists and the war of independence against the Soviet. Cool dudes.

Bernd 01/12/2018 (Fri) 17:09:03 [Preview] No.13031 del
(36.83 KB 348x600 aquapark_grill.jpg)
She doesn't look to happy.

>turtles for food
That reminds me of Cannibal Holocaust

Everything looks Western. Sad! Not much unique characteristics. Well, communism isn't a thing what would preserve national or cultural features.

>Perhaps nowhere in the world will you find such a leader as General Kim Jong Un, who thinks so much about the development of sport for the whole people. Sport, where, in addition to the high achievements of national teams, which also have a lot in the DPRK, there is a whole system of opportunities for daily employment of broad working masses
Potemkin town.

IT'S HABBENING! Bernd 01/14/2018 (Sun) 22:11:30 [Preview] No.13065 del
(764.27 KB 809x460 lemon_and_orange.png)
The situation is critical! Would do or do?

Bernd 01/15/2018 (Mon) 00:48:58 [Preview] No.13068 del
shit man, for a second I though they're finally starting to press those buttons

Bernd 01/15/2018 (Mon) 06:24:27 [Preview] No.13069 del
(468.87 KB 809x460 the_two_jesters.png)

Bernd 01/15/2018 (Mon) 23:56:22 [Preview] No.13082 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=lwjmUWh-ymo [Embed]
autistic screeching will be the war cry that leaves the world in ashes

Bernd 01/16/2018 (Tue) 06:39:48 [Preview] No.13084 del
(192.79 KB 818x849 joker-venom.jpg)
(1.16 MB 1177x943 JokerVenomVictim.jpg)
That Hawaii crap was few days ago and I remember reading that people on facebook or twitter or both and maybe in other social media writing stuff, that they don't know what to do.
What can you do really when you get a notice an a-bomb is coming your way when some grinning gentlemen decided to push buttons? There comes the autistic screeching on the streets too.

Bernd 01/16/2018 (Tue) 07:24:28 [Preview] No.13085 del
>What can you do really when you get a notice an a-bomb is coming your way when some grinning gentlemen decided to push buttons?

USSR technically had bomb shelters with stuff (gas masks, food) in every proper city, these shelters must be located in close vicinity to everyone. Every factory had shelters (they often used them as dump storage though), metro was designed to be a shelter etc. Really it wasn't so good everywhere, but big cities had relatively good shelter coverage, although some basements of commieblocks aren't really good protection from nuclear bombing. After collapse many shelters were abandoned, some replaced by stores, some remained. Some years ago government decided to fix this but situation isn't much better.

But it is actually ok, especially in Moscow. There are so big amount of bombs targeting it, so it is better to burn in nuclear fire than die slowly in half-collapsed basement or metro. But it doesn't matter at all, because most people couldn't get into shelter in 20 min (time until American rockets hit the city). I guess I'll spend first 10 minutes just to deciding if this is a drill or not, and then will happily die.

Bernd 01/16/2018 (Tue) 16:20:27 [Preview] No.13088 del
Both Koreas are having talks right now. Best Korea pretends to be good guys right now for the Olympics and they seem to be able to cuck the South into including propaganda for the North into the opening ceremony. So they have Kim's girl band praising the north korean rocket program, for peace of course.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ADN0H6MREHA [Embed]

Bernd 01/16/2018 (Tue) 16:35:23 [Preview] No.13089 del
I had to close window when kim's photos were shown wew. Still better then kpop.

You know, they could always fire some nukes from nato territory in europ so it could be even less time. Imagine my situation when my country is pretty much bordering russia. My only hope in nuclear conflict is that the aggressors will think of us as a irrelevant target, not worthy of nuking.

Bernd 01/16/2018 (Tue) 16:48:41 [Preview] No.13090 del
Great. That band can provide better music than any popular Hangookish act.

Bernd 01/16/2018 (Tue) 16:51:10 [Preview] No.13092 del
>Still better then kpop

Bernd 01/16/2018 (Tue) 16:55:11 [Preview] No.13093 del
>USSR technically had bomb shelters with stuff (gas masks, food) in every proper city, these shelters must be located in close vicinity to everyone. Every factory had shelters (they often used them as dump storage though)
Sames here.
>After collapse many shelters were abandoned, some replaced by stores, some remained. Some years ago government decided to fix this but situation isn't much better.
Sames except everything was abandoned, closed down, left for decay and forgotten. Maybe some governmental buildings has shelters. Also the metro in Budapest.

My hopes is similar to his: >>13089
>the aggressors will think of us as a irrelevant target, not worthy of nuking.
Hungary has left with nothing with strategical value with the exception of Paks NPP, maybe the nuclear powers have fresh info on us. I know on the old American target lists they had all major towns with notable industry and military installations. Now we have neither. Would be fun to be annihilated because of nothing.

What might help is guessing stuff that could be targeted (the old target list mentioned above helps), and knowing blast radii, terrain and wind patterns.

Ooo, I got the chills. I liek female musicians especially drummers and guitarists. And not half bad they're playing.
This: >>13090


Bernd 01/16/2018 (Tue) 16:58:32 [Preview] No.13094 del
Actually kpop is all right muted. At least from my experience gained in webm threads.

Bernd 01/16/2018 (Tue) 16:59:22 [Preview] No.13095 del
Tbh there is one band from the south that I actually like.
But they're far from anything kpop.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=mpmtnLLZPcg [Embed]

Bernd 01/16/2018 (Tue) 20:19:43 [Preview] No.13109 del
>You know, they could always fire some nukes from nato territory in europ so it could be even less time.

This is why INF treaty was signed in late 80-s. Now it is forbidden to make medium range missiles that can be placed in Europe (or Latin America/Cuba for USSR). Treaty works only on USSR/Russia and USA though, and doesn't cover sea-based missiles (that is why Tomahawks and their Russian based alternatives are used only on ships or subs).


In Russia now many people think that Gorbachev was a traitor. There is often cited story about OTR-23 "Oka" (SS-23) that wasn't fully qualified to be in this treaty but dismantled because "good will" of Gorbachev, and this is a treason etc. But in reality it was USSR who needed this treaty, not USA, because USA can't be easily reached from medium range, and USSR is very vulnerable because of Europe. But don't tell this to modern Russian "patriots", they wouldn't believe you anyway.

And looks like now there is process to dismantle the treaty from both sides. It isn't a good thing at all, although really it is mostly about China and other powers, who have no such restrictions and can do anything, not about Russia/USA relations.

>Imagine my situation when my country is pretty much bordering russia

You are in better position I guess. Russia won't bomb you much. Yes, you may expect some nuclear fallout, destruction of infrastructure and some burning cities, but it wouldn't be inevitable death of millions in 20 minutes, when all major cities and their neighborhoods are targeted by thousand of missiles. I think people who don't live close to military bases will be relatively ok in nuclear conflict in Eastern Europe.

Bernd 01/17/2018 (Wed) 19:19:28 [Preview] No.13125 del
I might watch the Olympics first time since my childhood (be it winter or summer).

Bernd 01/17/2018 (Wed) 19:29:22 [Preview] No.13126 del
This is actually a very big thing, especially considering recent tensions around Korea.

It is also a good idea to create conspiracy theory about all this. Both Koreas work together as good/bad cops, North acting aggressive and South getting international support because of this. And everyone believe them.

Bernd 01/19/2018 (Fri) 20:49:17 [Preview] No.13178 del
Kim Jong Un might try to win more time (as their nuclear and ICBM capabilities still aren't known exactly and their rhetoric still can be called a bluff) and this occasion is good for them to soften the echo of recent events. Their proposition was a surprise (they took the initiative) and while Hanguk claims constantly they are always open to peace talks the current situation has the implication it was Choson who offered the olive branch and Kim Jong Un is the one who had the idea to set aside the enmity.

Bernd 01/21/2018 (Sun) 13:08:10 [Preview] No.13201 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=FPRle456t88 [Embed]
damn they are good

Bernd 01/21/2018 (Sun) 18:35:26 [Preview] No.13206 del
They played in my home town twice already. First time I was busy with studying and second time I was in Germany. Fuck my life.

Bernd 01/31/2018 (Wed) 20:12:55 [Preview] No.13453 del

Bernd 02/01/2018 (Thu) 06:45:07 [Preview] No.13461 del
>Choson makes some failed tests
<Oh my God they can destroy the world!!!444!
>US makes some failed tests
<XAXAXA How incompetent they are!

Bernd 02/01/2018 (Thu) 09:59:25 [Preview] No.13463 del
(131.18 KB 519x807 us-rus-ukr-army.jpg)

Bernd 02/04/2018 (Sun) 21:05:36 [Preview] No.13530 del
the kr*uts at it again?

at leas they can play together. they should get a proper flag tho.

Bernd 02/04/2018 (Sun) 21:29:36 [Preview] No.13533 del
General Director/Chief Designer of MITT (one of Russian ballistic missile manufacturers) said recently, that most of tech that Korea got they got from Yuzhmash (Ukraine) and Makeev OKB (Russia) in 90s.

Other sources confirm this partially: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/documents-shed-light-on-north-koreas-startling-gains-in-sea-based-missile-technology/2017/12/27/dd82878a-e749-11e7-ab50-621fe0588340_story.html

Bernd 02/05/2018 (Mon) 00:09:08 [Preview] No.13536 del
Yep I heard that too.
I wonder what Iran's involvement in their nuclear programme is too though.

Bernd 02/05/2018 (Mon) 06:39:05 [Preview] No.13538 del
>they should get a proper flag tho.
What do you have in mind?

Bernd 02/07/2018 (Wed) 06:25:01 [Preview] No.13559 del
(136.97 KB 900x609 stag.jpg)
How about this:
they already have
a head of a stag
facing west
on that flag
So just put it on a shield in smaller then paint some red shit on the white background around it.

Bernd 02/07/2018 (Wed) 12:24:57 [Preview] No.13561 del
(33.10 KB 638x425 rect43.png)
Maybe just combine both current flags?

Bernd 02/07/2018 (Wed) 16:23:24 [Preview] No.13562 del
Not baed. Don't think Hanguk would go for that giant red star tho. But again keeping that sounds something Choson would insist on.

Bernd 02/07/2018 (Wed) 16:31:05 [Preview] No.13563 del
Unsure, but the flag the South uses is continuation of symbols already used by Chosŏn Kingdom. Soviet-backed provisional government (so, by continuity predecessor of modern-day Chosŏn in the north) also used the same symbols. But they also used a slightly different design.

If I were to design a flag, I'd use this, but change colours of the background to red with golden stripes. This would also match the old Imperial standard.

Bernd 02/08/2018 (Thu) 17:33:14 [Preview] No.13579 del
Hmm. Maybe they'll use that blue "stag" flag as it has the most neutral overtone. Not resembles anything it's just Korea in it's whole.

Bernd 02/09/2018 (Fri) 16:33:21 [Preview] No.13591 del
(2.01 MB 4288x2848 Alpensia.jpg)
It's Pyeongchang Olympics tiem.
90+ countries competes in the next roughly two weeks in the following sports:
- Alpine skiing
- Biathlon
- Bobsleigh
- Cross-country skiing
- Curling
- Figure skating
- Freestyle skiing
- Ice hockey
- Luge
- Nordic combined
- Short track speed skating
- Skeleton
- Ski jumping
- Snowboarding
- Speed skating

Sadly I'm not really interested in these, maybe hockey which I liek, and cross-country skiing which I did some but I don't know any competitors in the latter so just watching dudes gliding around in the snow isn't too exciting. Maybe better than running or F1.
Oh, Slovenia has a hockey team in this tournament and ofc Northern Hungary is a stable contender on every international event, Finland usually has my support tho, but the most interesting will be the unified Korean team in the women's tournament. Russia was allowed to send his team. Why was Russia disqualified? Doping?

Bernd 02/09/2018 (Fri) 16:52:48 [Preview] No.13594 del
>Why was Russia disqualified? Doping?
More like, they were accused of doping, and the IOC just went with it bc they don't like Russians anyway.

Also, watch women ski jumping. They got some cute girls.

Bernd 02/10/2018 (Sat) 07:31:35 [Preview] No.13599 del
He has a sister? A younger one moreover.
They has the solar system there, Sun, Moon whatever you want.

Bernd 02/10/2018 (Sat) 15:24:36 [Preview] No.13606 del
God, she's cute.

Bernd 02/10/2018 (Sat) 15:44:13 [Preview] No.13607 del
I thought she'll be fat. I don't like her ear but otherwise agreed. In the first video something falls down and she's not lazy to bow down to pick it up... I take it as a good sign.

Also lolwut:

Bernd 02/11/2018 (Sun) 21:02:00 [Preview] No.13634 del
(1.29 MB 3543x2362 FID_8967.jpg)
qts ski jumping tomorrow, trial round starting 12:35, competition scheduled 13:50 (the only relevant timezone: CET)

good luck finding a stream though, RTVSLO 2 will play it live, but eurosport only says
>SKI JUMPING (38min) 2:52 PM
so I presume only final round?

Bernd 02/21/2018 (Wed) 06:39:19 [Preview] No.13767 del
The US is trying to drive the wedge into the Bridge of Peace the two Korea found together.

Bernd 02/21/2018 (Wed) 06:44:10 [Preview] No.13768 del
(44.73 KB 500x500 kancsal.jpg)
Haven't seen anything from the Olympics...

Bernd 03/25/2018 (Sun) 08:14:05 [Preview] No.15174 del
"High level talks" are coming. I thought those from the north who tried low level talks were shot on the spot as they fled through the DMZ.

Bernd 03/28/2018 (Wed) 20:57:08 [Preview] No.15421 del
>"The North clearly affirmed its commitment to denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula and said it would have no reason to possess nuclear weapons if the safety of its regime [was] guaranteed and [the] military threat against North Korea no longer exists,"
>if the safety of its regime [was] guaranteed and [the] military threat against North Korea no longer exists
Yeah good luck with that.

Bernd 03/28/2018 (Wed) 21:21:35 [Preview] No.15422 del
(25.63 KB 660x330 mystery_train.jpg)
(390.58 KB 620x413 no_breaks.png)
He has a pretty nice train. He should buy a bullet speed train, if he intends to visit China again or even Moscow, when China finishes the high speed rail to Russia.

Bernd 03/28/2018 (Wed) 21:47:26 [Preview] No.15423 del
(96.38 KB 1080x945 SeohyunRedVelvet.jpg)
don't worry. they're sending these gals over to straighten it out.


Bernd 03/29/2018 (Thu) 05:14:17 [Preview] No.15426 del
(80.10 KB 599x358 how_about_no.jpeg)
B-but Chosŏn is pure. Now they destroy her with that lewd filth.

Bernd 03/29/2018 (Thu) 18:20:28 [Preview] No.15434 del
>south korean lesbian sluts

No thank you

Bernd 04/17/2018 (Tue) 19:35:43 [Preview] No.16021 del
Will they just finalize the separation of the two countries? Or that would be unacceptable?

Bernd 04/18/2018 (Wed) 05:09:16 [Preview] No.16028 del
I'm pretty sure this is the truth judging by the last lines of this article:
>“They do have my blessing to discuss the end to the war,” the US President said. “People don’t realize the Korean war has not ended. It’s going on right now. And they are discussing an end to the war. So, subject to a deal, they would certainly have my blessing.”
I think nothing will really change (for now), Choson gets to keep her toys, but Kim and his politburo gives their word not to invade. Instead of the DMZ they get a normal border. Life goes on.

Bernd 04/27/2018 (Fri) 18:09:18 [Preview] No.16125 del
(127.20 KB 900x506 kim_n_moon.jpg)
It's fucking sad to open up the Catalog. Also hard to pinpoint the threads. I'm not sure if worth keeping any of it but I really don't want to start every thread.

So. Here. Bad news everyone. A nuclear war caused by the Korean conflict probably won't exterminate humanity. It seems they making peace (for now) and Chosŏn will give up her weapons.
But maybe the US can sink the ship of hopes and give us back the good old Cold War feels.
And the actual important link:

Bernd 04/28/2018 (Sat) 17:44:21 [Preview] No.16136 del
I'm guessing for the president of Hanguk such background can come in handy. One can build on it a good the image.

Bernd 04/30/2018 (Mon) 16:40:29 [Preview] No.16202 del
South Korean president proposes Trump for the next Nobel Peace Prize. Imagine the butthurt, Trump would actually receive it for something compared to Obama who received it for a speech.

Bernd 04/30/2018 (Mon) 17:28:28 [Preview] No.16204 del
I'd rather see it go to Kim Jong-Un himself just for the keks.

Bernd 04/30/2018 (Mon) 20:27:32 [Preview] No.16210 del
>make wars
>get peace prizes
classic POTUS

Bernd 05/01/2018 (Tue) 06:30:31 [Preview] No.16218 del
>Obama who received it for a speech.
Trump will get it for tweets.

Bernd 05/05/2018 (Sat) 11:02:20 [Preview] No.16324 del
I bet they created this Pyongyang Time just so they can make this symbolic "practical" step.

Bernd 05/15/2018 (Tue) 19:12:56 [Preview] No.16520 del
ahahahahaha no nobel peace prize for glumgdbph

Bernd 05/15/2018 (Tue) 19:45:26 [Preview] No.16521 del
>Max Thunder

I'm fucking curious what's the real mood in all three countries' HQs. How they think about this whole thing. Everyone is full of smiles but still some tension can be observed.
Those American "politicians" starting with Trump look like used car dealers from some shitty Hollywood movie.

Bernd 05/16/2018 (Wed) 11:38:24 [Preview] No.16524 del
>those comments

Bernd 05/17/2018 (Thu) 17:44:48 [Preview] No.16544 del
Typical US negotiation: demand everything, give nothing. Win-loose strategy. Instead of building cooperation, they alienate the other party.

Bernd 05/18/2018 (Fri) 14:13:00 [Preview] No.16554 del
Imagine the butthurt if Kim asked USA to give up some of their nukes too.

Bernd 05/18/2018 (Fri) 15:12:04 [Preview] No.16555 del
He really should go for it.

What if those people are right who think the nuclear arsenal of Choson is non-existent. Then what could they give up to the Americans?

Bernd 05/24/2018 (Thu) 16:25:46 [Preview] No.16629 del
Trump pussied out. Meanwhile Best Korea destroyed their testing site, with nukes I'd guess.

Bernd 05/24/2018 (Thu) 17:16:51 [Preview] No.16640 del
These guys in the Pentagon must be geniuses. Despite what RT says it's obvious that the nukes are very handy lifebelts and Choson won't get rid of them (if they really have any) just like that.

Bernd 05/25/2018 (Fri) 05:13:38 [Preview] No.16651 del
the honeydick-in-chief

Bernd 05/25/2018 (Fri) 05:24:30 [Preview] No.16653 del
How very different that sounds compared to the tweets. Of course behind all those niceties and courtesy rounds it's just still a rejection of the meeting. I would pretty much interested in the official Choson communication toward Washington as well, if any. This letter says something about open hostility in the recent statements of Kim.

Bernd 05/28/2018 (Mon) 12:10:54 [Preview] No.16707 del

Bernd 05/28/2018 (Mon) 12:11:21 [Preview] No.16708 del

Bernd 05/28/2018 (Mon) 16:28:25 [Preview] No.16714 del
Can't see these posts

Bernd 05/28/2018 (Mon) 16:30:03 [Preview] No.16715 del
I hope you failed.

Bernd 06/12/2018 (Tue) 05:33:29 [Preview] No.17163 del
(202.36 KB 900x600 Fatso_and_Dotard.jpg)
So what nou? Kim sold his nation for endless hamburgers till end of his life?
I think this is the only important thing from all these articles:
>Moon also voiced hope for a three-way summit with Trump and Kim in the near future

Bernd 06/12/2018 (Tue) 17:53:50 [Preview] No.17178 del
This is surreal when you read the thread from the beginning

Bernd 06/12/2018 (Tue) 18:57:05 [Preview] No.17180 del
Haha, I might just do that, not a bad idea.
I don't have time to look it up now, is it known what was the talk about and what's that "signing" business?

Bernd 06/12/2018 (Tue) 19:01:48 [Preview] No.17181 del
What model is that car on background? Something Chinese?

Bernd 06/12/2018 (Tue) 19:05:43 [Preview] No.17182 del
Which one? The second or the one which only it's half can be seen?

Bernd 06/12/2018 (Tue) 20:36:31 [Preview] No.17184 del
A lot of symbolism and promises, but no details. Trump will stop the war games in South Korea. Liberal press says that Kim won. Also Iraq and Libya, who gave up their nuclear program get mentioned. Look how they prospered after this decision. It looks like the first step to peace, as long as Kim doesn't do a 180 and Trump a 360. If he actually brings peace to Korea and doesn't start a war against Iran, Trump goes into the history books as most peaceful American president. So far he has the best relations with other leaders that were business men. Germany and the EU better find a business type of guy to negotiate and smear honey on Trumps mouth to deal with the US. So far it's just Macron who knows how to talk with him.

Bernd 06/12/2018 (Tue) 21:21:28 [Preview] No.17185 del
Second one, but I don't know other cars too (except that Mercedes of course).

Yes, besides all this anti-Trump rhetoric in media, he is pretty straightforward and continues to support anti-war course he promised before elections. Two years passed, and he didn't actually do anything except some irrelevant bombings of empty airfields in Syria and supporting status quo in Afghanistan/Iraq.

>If he actually brings peace to Korea

Well, technically, Korea had real peace for more years than almost any other region in the world.

Bernd 06/12/2018 (Tue) 21:46:23 [Preview] No.17187 del
Now that the dust has settled who came out on top? Waking up and watching on tv it seems like Trump ended war games in exchange for vague assurances. Was he duped?

Bernd 06/12/2018 (Tue) 21:54:56 [Preview] No.17188 del
I couldn't imagine Obama doing the same, Republicans would go nuts, but when Trump does it it's OK. So he has more or less the backing for it at home. Trump is quick in reversing decisions, if Kim doesn't deliver or Kim tries to make Trump look too bad. Kim seems to have the upper hand right now, he looked like a boy next to Trump though.

Bernd 06/12/2018 (Tue) 22:12:47 [Preview] No.17189 del
Why would you support the MIC's endless war hawking? I think its a good thing that this conflict is coming to an end, let Trump build his damn casinos and hotels over there, thats what this is really all about you know.


Bernd 06/13/2018 (Wed) 05:47:52 [Preview] No.17192 del
Thanks. Just now I saw on RT they also mutually invited each other to DC and PY.
>Trump goes into the history books as most peaceful American president.
Well he hasn't really done anything beside some bombings in Syria the MOAB in Afghanistan and some sabre rattling in Korea. Also trumpeting "trade war, trade war" all over the place. So yeah.
>Macron who knows how to talk
Liek a grille.

>I don't know other cars too (except that Mercedes of course).
Well, me neither.

>Korea had real peace for more years
The best peace is called war.

>who came out on top?
Noone. It's just talk and talk and equivocation. Everything can change.
>it seems like Trump ended war games in exchange for vague assurances. Was he duped?
No. They can restart the military exercises anytime they want.

>he looked like a boy next to Trump though.
Yeah, Turmp has the height to tower over many people. Especially Asians.

>Trump build his damn casinos and hotels over there, thats what this is really all about
That can be in it, new markets are good for business. The chance to show himself as a great peacemaker also good for his Pride and Vanity. There are many things to it as well. NK is always a thorn when it comes to dealing with China for example.

Bernd 06/13/2018 (Wed) 20:05:18 [Preview] No.17205 del
In general I dislike meduza because they're a leftard cesspool as in HuffPo a la russe, but this video they made is simply ebin.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=YybE4TUwjU0 [Embed]

Bernd 06/14/2018 (Thu) 01:15:55 [Preview] No.17214 del
I'm rather disconcerted. What happened here?

- Did Kim Jong Un sell his country? No internal opposition?
- Or did he suddenly wake up one day thinking: I'm bored of this place, these people... Maybe being USA's bitch like worst korea is fine?
- Did best korea badly screw up its nuclear weapons program such that it can no longer even pretend that it can defend itself against USA?
- Did something in USA's war threat scare the hell out of best korea?
- Or maybe something from China and/or Russia? Or lack of something?
- Seems natural that China and Russia both would prefer one fewer nuclear-armed neighbour, but are they willing to risk having yet more border clay where USA can place its military bases?

It's plainly obvious that there's no truly sovereign nation who can't defend itself, and as far as we know that still means having a respectable nuclear arsenal.

So far, the only "good" development I can envision is that in exchange of best korea losing (all? most?) of its nukes, USA lets go of worst korea, removes military bases, and Korea is re-unificated. But how likely is that? Not very likely at all.

additional information: I've not been following this in any detail, I stopped regularly reading 'news' some years ago

Bernd 06/14/2018 (Thu) 05:32:38 [Preview] No.17216 del
Nothing happened. Yet. Read this: >>17195 They can extend the "yet" indefinitely.
Smells glasnost tho, maybe perestroika follows.

Bernd 06/14/2018 (Thu) 06:39:59 [Preview] No.17217 del
>It's plainly obvious that there's no truly sovereign nation who can't defend itself, and as far as we know that still means having a respectable nuclear arsenal.
>So far, the only "good" development I can envision is that in exchange of best korea losing (all? most?) of its nukes, USA lets go of worst korea, removes military bases, and Korea is re-unificated. But how likely is that? Not very likely at all.

Kim surely isn't and idiot and understands all this. Even unrelated imageboard dwellers like us know this. I guess it is all about long-time change of rhetoric and diplomacy, not really about dismantling everything they've got.

>- Seems natural that China and Russia both would prefer one fewer nuclear-armed neighbour, but are they willing to risk having yet more border clay where USA can place its military bases?

DPRK is tiny and South Korea already has heavy military presence of USA. There is also Japan. So, it doesn't really matters if Best Korea even exist.

DPRK is actually small pain in the ass even for "allies" (does it really have them?). It is isolationist, has quirky foreign politics ("we'll bomb you", "give us food", "ok we for peace") and couldn't do nothing helpful in bilateral agreements. Although both China and Russia care much less than South Korea and Japan.

Bernd 06/14/2018 (Thu) 12:35:34 [Preview] No.17223 del
I see. So from that point of view the overt weapon displays was them loudly saying: Hey USA you DO want to listen to us, we have something to say!

Despite her grimace I think she looks cute, her face anyway. On the other hand, his face looks shopped.

Bernd 06/14/2018 (Thu) 15:27:02 [Preview] No.17224 del
(334.79 KB 1600x1200 kot.jpg)

Bernd 06/14/2018 (Thu) 16:27:38 [Preview] No.17227 del
I think we cannot be entirely sure about the situation itself in Chosŏn. It isn't just propaganda what the Party says, it rarely reaches us (me at least) and on the other side what Western media says is also a distortion of reality as they try to demonize the regime.
It's far from paradise but would those people be happier with smart phones and coca cola?
Probably their country is lacking in things like clean water, food, healthcare and such, their isolation not entirely voluntary they are embargoed for a long time now.
There are things to build there, and not just infrastructure but their whole economy, they need something to join the world's market with. But they also lack of funding. I think while a peace would be nice there it's just complementary beside building up the economy as they could lower military spending and concentrate the resources elsewhere.
While he >>17189 mentions that's all about building casinos and hotels by Trump/USA the real business wouldn't be that, the real business - building up the economy - is already pocketed by China. But where will Choson get the money to pay the Chinese? From Chinese banks or the Chinese state which does (would do) the same here, finance construction work - for example - in foreign countries with one condition: these have to be done by Chinese companies.

Bernd 06/14/2018 (Thu) 16:29:14 [Preview] No.17228 del
Maybe. It sure has it use as propaganda. Also bargaining chip.

Bernd 09/23/2018 (Sun) 15:37:35 [Preview] No.19499 del
Meanwhile Kim and Moon went on a hike.
>rapturous applause
Did they practice that?

They even have a roadmap:

Bernd 09/23/2018 (Sun) 17:57:00 [Preview] No.19504 del
>They even have a roadmap:

They are Koreans after all, they do work seriously. Not like Germans who are just autists.

Bernd 04/25/2019 (Thu) 19:43:24 [Preview] No.25211 del
[throatsinging intensifies]

Bernd 04/26/2019 (Fri) 09:52:38 [Preview] No.25227 del
>Not like Germans who are just autists
rude and unnecessary

Bernd 04/26/2019 (Fri) 09:54:08 [Preview] No.25228 del
exactly how fat is rocket man? putin is a dwarf measuring 157cm and kim hong fjong is the same height?!

Bernd 04/26/2019 (Fri) 13:22:49 [Preview] No.25232 del
I feel sad for his brother when the assassins were released with smiles. It's like the world was telling Kim Chong Nam:"For the sake of world peace, please die" (I learned this sentence structure from japan but I don't know Japanese)

Bernd 04/26/2019 (Fri) 14:10:34 [Preview] No.25234 del
not to go all conspiracy here but he was educated in switzerland so most likely he is just a spook for cia

the cold war was fake

Bernd 04/26/2019 (Fri) 16:47:12 [Preview] No.25255 del
>exactly how fat is rocket man?
Exactly: very.
It seems they're about the same height.

I don't understand why was it necessary. From the Disneyland incident I would assume he was a harmless and somewhat infantile.

Bernd 04/26/2019 (Fri) 17:24:28 [Preview] No.25256 del
cold war is basically 9/11 before it was cool

Bernd 04/26/2019 (Fri) 17:31:49 [Preview] No.25257 del
But if you can believe the name it was cool.

Bernd 04/26/2019 (Fri) 19:34:01 [Preview] No.25258 del
>unlike dirty Europeans
Haha third world rice nigger

Bernd 04/26/2019 (Fri) 20:08:54 [Preview] No.25259 del
>Imagine my situation when my country is pretty much bordering russia. My only hope in nuclear conflict is that the aggressors will think of us as a irrelevant target, not worthy of nuking.
Look at the old Warsaw pact plans Poland and Czechs published after the cold war. Neutral Austria was to be bombed with half a dozen nukes.
Poland was in the cross-eye of the west, particular eastern Poland, bordering the Soviet Union. I suspect the targeting reasoning has not changed, only the direction it will coming.

Bernd 04/27/2019 (Sat) 06:22:03 [Preview] No.25274 del
That made me remember.
Here are the declassified American documents I mentioned somewhere above. Nuke target list from 1959. The first pdf contains some directions how to use the rest I think.

Bernd 04/27/2019 (Sat) 06:22:27 [Preview] No.25275 del
That's it.

Bernd 10/03/2019 (Thu) 20:02:59 [Preview] No.29471 del
(182.21 KB 1200x900 chinks.jpg)
Some good old fashioned RT posting:
>Mr. Trump
Ain't presidents calling each other President? There are some courtesy formulas, for example here they call PM someone in the rest of his life if he was a PM a some point.
Also is this article part of the US election campaign?

Bernd 10/04/2019 (Fri) 17:49:09 [Preview] No.29477 del
This made me look up what's Juche Idea. Which hasn't made me an expert. Yet. As for now it's basically self-reliance, which is always nice, but made me wonder if them getting isolated had any impact on nurturing this idea. I mean seeking isolation or getting isolated and then saying oh we're better off alone anyway is two different thing, and I'm not sure which one happened.
I also wonder if this delegation is only there to make a gesture than actually learn something.

Bernd 10/12/2019 (Sat) 09:29:07 [Preview] No.30328 del

Bernd 10/16/2019 (Wed) 15:31:33 [Preview] No.30514 del
I proudly present you the latest pictures of our great leader riding a horse. Enjoy.

Bernd 10/16/2019 (Wed) 16:15:31 [Preview] No.30515 del
(490.70 KB 1600x1062 kimjongun001.jpg)
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(403.35 KB 1600x1067 kimjongun003.jpg)
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these tiny images resembling thumbnails don't do the great leader any justice, so I need to repost bigger versions of these glorious ebin images

Bernd 10/16/2019 (Wed) 16:18:24 [Preview] No.30516 del
Great. Now I can see he left his bow home. I can assume he was there to kidnap a bride for his yurt.

Bernd 10/16/2019 (Wed) 16:38:22 [Preview] No.30517 del
What an absolute jackass that fat little dumpling is. Trained in France, big fan of the NBA, basically he should move to hong kong yet they don't have room for him, the island would tip over.

Bernd 10/16/2019 (Wed) 16:38:50 [Preview] No.30518 del
Btw watched Michael Palin in North Korea. I'm not sure who suggested it in the previous NK thread. Maybe it was Straya or Slovenia. Not sure.
Was bretty good. I don't really have much opinion from the top of my head. I wonder if they had to discard any footage.

Bernd 10/17/2019 (Thu) 03:14:00 [Preview] No.30532 del
(911.62 KB 1080x1018 lelaughingmouse.png)
You think you can probably take him on yourself America?

Bernd 04/21/2020 (Tue) 05:07:28 [Preview] No.36111 del
I give a bump, since as things stands right now we're probably not done with this.

Bernd 04/21/2020 (Tue) 05:17:19 [Preview] No.36114 del
Hory shit, not grorius reader!!!!!!
I knew it we are not done yet.

Bernd 04/21/2020 (Tue) 06:10:25 [Preview] No.36118 del
if he dies, will they turn on China? Maybe make stronger ties with US.

Bernd 04/21/2020 (Tue) 18:18:29 [Preview] No.36126 del
The future is full of possibilities. Who will inherit the power anyway? His sister? His bro got caught when tried to enter Disneyland or something.

Bernd 04/21/2020 (Tue) 18:20:01 [Preview] No.36127 del
Donald Trump

Bernd 04/21/2020 (Tue) 18:43:12 [Preview] No.36128 del
Not that kind of possibilities.

Anyway the last activity of the Supreme Leader in Rodong Sinmun is dated to the 12th. Suspicious.

Bernd 04/21/2020 (Tue) 18:57:13 [Preview] No.36129 del
Wow, maybe he dead already...

Bernd 04/23/2020 (Thu) 21:21:20 [Preview] No.36202 del
Yeah he dieded

Saw it with my own 2 eyes last Tuesday. RIP in potatoes.

Bernd 04/24/2020 (Fri) 13:56:38 [Preview] No.36210 del
I only believe if PROOFS is provided.

Bernd 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:26:05 [Preview] No.36238 del
Rodong Sinmun is still silent.

Bernd 04/25/2020 (Sat) 08:57:23 [Preview] No.36241 del
Here's another brain tickler. Is Bojo dead? We know he went to intensive care with coof, then apparently everything is fine but we haven't seen him make any public appearance since.

Bernd 04/25/2020 (Sat) 09:42:16 [Preview] No.36244 del
Maybe he is a neger now.

Bernd 04/25/2020 (Sat) 09:57:00 [Preview] No.36245 del
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Oh no... I think it's really true.

Bernd 04/25/2020 (Sat) 10:00:01 [Preview] No.36246 del
(91.40 KB 900x680 1587807895877.jpg)
Oh no... I think it's really true.

Bernd 04/26/2020 (Sun) 04:17:01 [Preview] No.36274 del
(377.78 KB 464x260 russian disco dancer.gif)
>I only believe if PROOFS is provided.

My dad works at Nintendo. Just trust me bernd

Bernd 04/26/2020 (Sun) 05:32:59 [Preview] No.36275 del
(96.92 KB 800x533 CarrotDiversityLg.jpg)
He is just nappin' bro

For real though, I think something is wrong. Maybe he ded maybe he sick but it's been a long time coming. Wonder what his sister will be like?

I thought her sexuality was because she represented the corrupt west?

Slightly weird one is he. Perfectly fine with reviewing furfagorty and /co/ pornos from the 1970s, but seems legitimately defensive over being once a ponyfag. So /pone/ was right...

Just wanted to stop by and leave some carrots
Have a nice day kc.

Bernd 04/26/2020 (Sun) 06:27:04 [Preview] No.36277 del
Rodong Sinmun is down.

Bernd 04/26/2020 (Sun) 10:14:00 [Preview] No.36280 del
Oh hey thanks for reminding me about this show. I shuld check if more episodes got translated.

Bernd 04/26/2020 (Sun) 10:14:54 [Preview] No.36281 del
What happens now?

Bernd 04/26/2020 (Sun) 10:32:01 [Preview] No.36282 del

Bernd 04/26/2020 (Sun) 11:37:09 [Preview] No.36288 del
He goes to Communist heaven.

Bernd 04/26/2020 (Sun) 12:19:18 [Preview] No.36291 del
People's Republic of Sky?

Bernd 04/29/2020 (Wed) 19:51:27 [Preview] No.36377 del
(179.34 KB 640x757 Kim-family.png)
Freshly snatched from... spratschum, from all the places.
>Ko Yong-hui
Haha, benis.

Bernd 04/30/2020 (Thu) 03:09:59 [Preview] No.36382 del
Guess he really is diedes then

Bernd 05/02/2020 (Sat) 15:48:47 [Preview] No.36479 del
He's okay. He. Is. Okay!

Bernd 05/08/2020 (Fri) 19:09:23 [Preview] No.36611 del
Russia sold the license of producing fresh doppelgangers of great leaders. Now Putins aren't alone, here come the Kim Jong-uns.

Bernd 11/20/2021 (Sat) 21:01:34 [Preview] No.45613 del
(101.32 KB 1138x640 gestapo-jacket.JPG)
I'm gonna save this for another round.
Grorious reader might have lost weight. Also he might uses a double instead of himself. Maybe they have several versions of him, like Putin.
He's getting older too, gaining character, on second pic doesn't look like a fat kid anymore. Maybe they are right with the double thing.

Bernd 11/20/2021 (Sat) 21:02:33 [Preview] No.45614 del
Just noticed. 2nd pic again. Those guys in masks. Maybe they do have corona in Best Korea.

Dutch bernd Bernd 11/21/2021 (Sun) 23:59:23 [Preview] No.45625 del
>might have lost weight

Sometimes people lose weight when they get older

>Also he might uses a double instead of himself.

mayb. just to keep appearances that he's still good. I can imagine it happens a lot in other countries with dif leaders

Bernd 11/22/2021 (Mon) 00:03:38 [Preview] No.45626 del
>Grorious reader

Sorry bernd. But the only leader I have is President Dwayne Camacho

Bernd 11/22/2021 (Mon) 22:54:30 [Preview] No.45634 del
(344.61 KB 841x390 1.png)
(74.81 KB 1063x819 2.jpg)

If you like to know how Best Korea is going, it is obligatory to read the famous journal "Korea":


Last one has funny photos: http://korean-books.com.kp/KBMbooks/en/periodic/pictorial/20211031140804.pdf

1 - Maybelline in DPRK. I thought they don't really allow official shops of capitalist pigs. Or they do?

2 - No comments, and also high memetic potential.

Bernd 11/23/2021 (Tue) 09:42:53 [Preview] No.45637 del
(904.66 KB 1307x864 korean-books02.png)
(1.36 MB 1338x856 korean-books03.png)
(1.44 MB 1331x885 korean-books05.png)
(2.49 MB 1330x881 korean-books06.png)
>I've this three parts plan to solve everything:
>1. here's this guy
>2. he's smartest of all
>3. he's gonna solve everything
Good plan. Main appeal its simplicity.

Those are fancy publications. Do you browse?
I bet these block of texts are the same they publish in Rodong Sinmun. But the imagery really is next level.

Bernd 11/23/2021 (Tue) 09:43:52 [Preview] No.45638 del
And as I see this is a whole library with various books, like this by Kim Il Sung.

Bernd 11/23/2021 (Tue) 11:01:57 [Preview] No.45639 del
(1012.88 KB 1002x670 accordeon.jpg)
>Those are fancy publications. Do you browse?

Sometimes. It is relaxing and fun, and also may surprise when someone unexpected (for DPRK) is displayed.

Even their ads are interesting to see.

Bernd 11/24/2021 (Wed) 01:26:10 [Preview] No.45653 del
Those two are definitively not the same person, unless there's heavy makeup involved.

Bernd 11/24/2021 (Wed) 07:28:23 [Preview] No.45654 del
Imagine all those Korean accordion connoisseurs. What a market.

Some retouch must be involved anyway. First one looks like wax.

Bernd 04/14/2022 (Thu) 19:16:57 [Preview] No.47231 del
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North Korean Anti-American propaganda. Are they really exist IRL I'm not sure. I saved these 12 years ago.

Bernd 04/14/2022 (Thu) 19:17:12 [Preview] No.47232 del
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Bernd 04/14/2022 (Thu) 19:17:39 [Preview] No.47233 del
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Bernd 04/18/2022 (Mon) 21:40:37 [Preview] No.47259 del
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>the famous journal "Korea"

Latest edition shows new stylish Glorious Leader image. And new missile too.

Bernd 04/19/2022 (Tue) 10:34:23 [Preview] No.47267 del
He really is a rocket man.
>leather bomber jackets (one with fur lining)
Great aesthetics, good taste.
>everyone laughing
I can imagine.

Bernd 04/20/2022 (Wed) 02:56:15 [Preview] No.47278 del
>North Korean Anti-American propaganda. Are they really exist IRL I'm not sure. I saved these 12 years ago.

Probably not.

Bernd 09/12/2023 (Tue) 06:58 [Preview] No.51014 del
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visits Putin, or perhaps not even Putin himself, just some bureaucrat in Vladivostok. The article is quite succinct in details. There will be more in Western media, probably speculations, and some stuff the Moscow says.
As I understand this is about an arm deal. Best Korea would manufacture artillery rounds and mines, while Russia would give food and tech. At least this is what I read earlier.
Anyway this doesn't happen often, and it's sure it's related to the Ukraine conflict.
Perhaps Moscow is scraping the bottom of the barrel, perhaps just wants to outsource some production. Can mean a golden age for the DPRK. Perhaps they'll act like a facade, a proxy for Russia and China to make certain deals the two countries can't (like China giving lethal aid to Russia).

I think I meant if they exist in hard copy, were they created back then as propaganda placard or something. And not in the sense that those stuff happened or not. Just for clarification, I'm not sure how you meant.

Bernd 09/12/2023 (Tue) 07:07 [Preview] No.51015 del
Oh wow, such sparkling foreign relations.

Bernd 06/18/2024 (Tue) 17:53 [Preview] No.52070 del
Glorious Leaders visiting each other. Well, at least one visits the other.
Should be in the Syria war thread, since this thing is highly related to Ukraine. With all the ammo Koryo supplies Russia with, and Russia reciprocating with tech and whatnot.
Frankly Russia is the only friend in the region, for China isn't just a friend, but a threat as well. If anyone could take over - if they want directly - that would be China.

Bernd 06/21/2024 (Fri) 06:50 [Preview] No.52078 del
Article says stuff liek:
>Kim Jong Un and Putin took an open limousine amid a sea of dancers sweeping the square.
Must have been very nice.

Bernd 06/25/2024 (Tue) 06:34 [Preview] No.52095 del
While futball many great things are going around like these two in a car. Specifically a Russian made limo, apparently.
>Putin gave the North Korea leader a tea set and a dagger
>and a dagger
Sounds like a very KGB thing to do. I mean I've got knives and pocket knives as presents and I've given too, but dagger. Damn.

Bernd 06/25/2024 (Tue) 07:10 [Preview] No.52096 del
Btw this is pretty much broke sanctions in place against North Korea. They can import anything via Russia now. And anyone can trade now with NK via Russian proxies.

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