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Iran Reportedly Attacks US/Israeli (Mossad) Sites in Iraq Reader 01/16/2024 (Tue) 03:58 Id: 505ab4 [Preview] No. 21935
Iran has struck ZOG sites in Iraq with missile strikes. These are attacks directly from Iran and not attacks via one of their proxies. The US presence in Syria and Iraq is on borrowed time. The Iranians are a significant regional power and they are going to make life very difficult for ZOG people in these countries. Especially after that terrorist attack inside of Iran that killed around and injured hundreds of people a short while back. The Iranians are also supporting the Yemen Houthis who continue to make life difficult for any ZOG ships trying to pass through the Red Sea. The days of American military supremacy around the world are coming to an end. The Jews in Washington DC don’t seem to understand the reality of what’s going on around them.


Reader 01/16/2024 (Tue) 10:44 Id: 858bae [Preview] No.21936 del
I literally don't care anymore. It's not my problem and I'm not involving myself with any ZOG wars.

Reader 01/17/2024 (Wed) 00:11 Id: 505ab4 [Preview] No.21938 del
I'm glad this is happening. Mossad are murderers just like the IDF. I'm not involving myself in any ZOG wars either, but dead Mossad is righteous payment for all the killings they've done on our soil.

Reader 01/17/2024 (Wed) 14:41 Id: b18f2b [Preview] No.21939 del
>Mossad are murderers just like the IDF.

True, but to expand wars for profit and wealth transfer governments don't mind sacrificing soldiers and officials (let alone citizenry whom they care less about) from time to time. This is what happens in war, and the more death that happens the more excuses the governments of the world (all funded by central banksters/IMF/BIS/et al) to expand the wars and thus the destruction and slaughter. As entertaining as it may be watching it unfold I do believe this is all planned. This is nothing but a wealth and power transfer from the West to the East. USA/Europe will lose by design, Israel will then pivot and grovel to the East to save their asses if possible, so will other 'allies' like Japan, Australia and Canada. Losing the war will be the scapegoat for a massive debt default aka "Great Reset" and probably theft of all public pensions and bank accounts/savings/deposits/assets and maybe even private properties that have any mortgage debt attached to them. Perfect way to enslave most of the West. What better excuse to nullify the US Constitution by a forced change in government via the winners of the war (the banksters and oligarchs who also prop up and pivot East)? Is all that worth some dead troops in some foreign land you don't like or even despise? Well it sure is worth it to those who will benefit from the war which won't be average working plebs or foot soldiers.

Reader 01/17/2024 (Wed) 21:35 Id: 505ab4 [Preview] No.21941 del
I think the bigger question is: What could we hope to do about it when we who know are few? Constantly bombarded by fictional characters with super powers, which I believe is just a means of mocking us (the citizenry) over the fact we can do nothing. Our mortality, our reality, is a weakness when we're extremely outnumbered. We can only watch it unfold.


I'M A NON-JEW & i want TKD 01/21/2024 (Sun) 14:42 Id: 07313d [Preview] No.21953 del
based iran

Reader 01/22/2024 (Mon) 01:34 Id: 505ab4 [Preview] No.21960 del
> I'M A NON-JEW & i want TKD
Taekwon-Do? Fuck, I hate acronyms.

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