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US Active Duty Military Members Release Open Letter Condemning Israeli War Crimes In Gaza Reader 03/05/2024 (Tue) 18:26 Id: 71219b [Preview] No. 22316
US Active Duty Military Members Release Open Letter Condemning Israeli War Crimes In Gaza

An autonomous network of active duty service members across nearly all U.S. Armed Forces branches have released an open letter condemning Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

“Support for the conduct of the IDF is unacceptable and inconsistent with our values in the US Armed Forces.”

“Our job is important to us and none of us would ever do the insane stuff the IDF is doing,” says one source who says the letter comes from a group of active duty military members that is “unapologetically patriotic.”


Reader 03/06/2024 (Wed) 10:24 Id: 2c8ce7 [Preview] No.22318 del
In other countries when leaders are shit, their military has a coup. In the United States, military burns uniforms. Fuck's sake. What's it take to drag out the government Zionists and guillotine the traitorous bastards?

Reader 03/06/2024 (Wed) 16:03 Id: ac9730 [Preview] No.22321 del
Between Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama they made it nearly impossible to have a military coup in America, because all three presidents purged the traditional old-guard mostly very conservative high ranking military brass. Over Obama's two terms in office alone, over 300 high ranking military officials were removed and replaced with loyalists to the modern USSA bolshevik government. So the old guard pro-Constitution pro-America officials once serving the US military no longer have any influence or control. They had to get rid of these old-school military officials to be successful overthrowing the United States and so they did. It is no longer "our" military which is very dangerous and which is why they are not recruiting illegal foreigners. This does not end well I'm afraid.

Reader 03/06/2024 (Wed) 16:05 Id: ac9730 [Preview] No.22322 del
>not recruiting illegal foreigners

*now recruiting illegal foreigners, fixed the typo.

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