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ENGINEERED FAMINE: Anti-American Bolsheviks In Oregon Attacking Family Farms Reader 03/20/2024 (Wed) 22:25 Id: dde49a [Preview] No. 22370
ENGINEERED FAMINE: Anti-American Bolsheviks In Oregon Attacking Family Farms

Small farmers are under attack in the state of Oregon, which has begun shutting down family farms throughout the state en masse under the guise of water conservation and "groundwater protection."

Yanasa TV, a project of Yanasa Ama Ranch shared a roughly 20-minute video – you can watch it below – explaining what is going on in the Beaver State as bureaucrats erroneously dub small family farms as concentrated animal feeding operations in order to shut them down "for the environment."

"The state of Oregon has effectively shut down small farms and market gardens on a large scale, and they're actually sending out cease-and-desist letters to farms and they're using satellite technology to find their victims and send them these letters that say you can't operate," the rancher in the video below explains.

This is of-course yet another demonic, Unconstitutional, blatant attack against American food security, against consumer choice and the free market, and against American farmers who have done nothing wrong, against those who only help assure America is well fed. The goal is to starve America into subjugation, like all communists do throughout human history.

The rancher explains that there are two different laws that Oregon officials are using to conduct these shutdowns. One involves the state of Oregon's broadly vague definition of a CAFO.

Based on this definition, a few-acre homestead with pasture and, say, two milking cows and some chickens qualifies as a CAFO if it has any area on the property where rock or gravel is used as a pathway to get to a small barn or coop.

"The way that they have redefined CAFOs is going to impact nearly everybody," the rancher warns about Oregon's "updated" CAFO definition, which impacts his property as well. "Even on our property, we don't have animals that are necessarily contained in one area (they're roaming on pastures)."

"This law is being enforced in the state of Oregon," the rancher warns, telling the same story as National Review about Godspeed Hollow Farm in Newburg, Ore., which has been reclassified as a CAFO simply because it has a gravel pathway from the milking machine to the pickup station just 100 feet in distance.

"[Oregon] has already shut down some farms. There is an injunction on some of the definition of the law until it can be heard in court. Currently small dairy farmers ... a lot of what they're requiring is simply too much for the small farmer."


Reader 03/20/2024 (Wed) 22:26 Id: dde49a [Preview] No.22371 del
Another thing Oregon farmers are having to deal with is the state's rules on water. The only water that farmers are legally allowed to collect in Oregon is rainwater. Everything else, including water from rivers and streams, and even groundwater on private property, is considered a public resource.

Because of this rule, Oregon farmers are not even allowed to use water from their own private wells to irrigate their crops and hydrate their animals without a permit. Coupled with the CAFO rule, this one concerning water use is being abused in such a way as to make it prohibitive, if not impossible, for farmers to run their farms.

"This rule went into place back in 2021," the rancher explains about how Oregon officials enacted the water rule, which just so happens to have happened at a time when everyone was being distracted and traumatized by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" tyranny.

"It has slowly rolled out to the point where market gardeners on a half-acre of land are now receiving cease-and-desist orders saying, 'you can't water your gardens; figure out another way.'"

The obvious goal in all this is to concentrate even more power and control over the food market into the hands of just a wealthy few while depriving small farmers of their livelihoods and incomes – not to mention their God-given right to grow, produce, consume, and yes, sell, the fruit of their labor for sustenance.

Be warned that if this kind of thing can happen in Oregon, it can happen everywhere. The tyranny usually starts in one area as a test case, and if the general public does not resist, it spreads like a virus elsewhere.


Reader 03/21/2024 (Thu) 08:08 Id: e91363 [Preview] No.22377 del
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>and if the general public does not resist, it spreads like a virus elsewhere
Then forced deaths are documented as mass suicide and called "White Wilderness".

Reader 03/21/2024 (Thu) 14:32 Id: 62ee25 [Preview] No.22378 del
This needs to be a serious issue just like the covid scamdemic where it actually faced some public push back and the establishment was forced to abandon some of their lockdowns & vaxx passport plans. We need to resist this. I am never going to allow bureaucrats to tell me what food I can or cannot grow on my own private property. Just like I refused to take their toxic "covid vaccines" and refused to confine myself in fear. The more people that disobey these unelected scumbags the easier we defeat them. What makes me sick to my stomach is some people cower in fear accepting this bullying and intimidation as "normal". It is NOT "normal" in any way and should never be allowed to become normal.

Reader 03/22/2024 (Fri) 05:26 Id: e91363 [Preview] No.22383 del
I refused to take the vax death as well. My old man did not. He took it. He died of complete organ failure. Not enough money in the family to sue (((Big Pharma))). So they'll take our food. So they'll starve us out. This was done to Germany with (((Havenstein's))) hyper-inflation and a wheelbarrow of marks couldn't buy bread. Or Russia's mass starvations of Holodomor. I'd say it's a 50/50 chance government faces consequences when they starve the population.

Not ideal, but hey. We're Meiofauna with no power against an ocean. All we can do is inform the rest they're going to drown from the inevitable tide.

Reader 03/22/2024 (Fri) 13:08 Id: 67495f [Preview] No.22384 del
At some point I think we'll either die by starvation or in a standoff with "law enforcement" or other types of criminals. Maybe when everyone starts to suffer the masses will rise up. Then again, maybe not. We'll wait and see, but I'm getting ready for worst case scenarios.

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