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Trump Campaign Issues Brutal Blow To Neo-con Project 2025 After Leader Steps Down Reader 07/31/2024 (Wed) 21:07 Id: 1ea231 [Preview] No. 22756
Trump Campaign Issues Brutal Blow To Neo-con Project 2025 After Leader Steps Down

Any sane American would look at the horrible agenda list of Project 2025 and think to themselves the worst radicals of the DNC must have wrote this. That's because it is pro-war, pro-amnesty, pro-nanny state, anti-industry (green new deal nonsense), anti-capitalist and promotes even bigger government debt and expenditure. Well we clearly do NOT live in sane times, nor do we have sane leaders. Project 2025 was a neo-con project for the political establishment. Worse, they have been trying to gaslight millions of Americans, trying to get Donald Trump to rally behind their horrible agenda even as far as LYING about his supposed "support" for it... but luckily all to their dismay. The truth is out.

Project 2025 has been officially and publicly rejected right to the trashbin by the Trump campaign, right where it always deserved to be.

“Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign— it will not end well for you,” Trump campaign senior advisers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita wrote in a statement.

Project 2025 director Paul Dans has stepped down at Heritage Foundation after pressure from Trump campaign leadership, ongoing power rift over staffing control for potential second Trump admin, per internal email. This suggests Project 2025 will likely shut down.

Despite the clear rift between neo-cons and MAGA supporters, the Harris campaign continued to lie about Trump supporting the same policies she herself, and her neo-con friends, support.


Reader 08/01/2024 (Thu) 07:46 Id: a169a2 [Preview] No.22757 del
I thought I'd help any readers out there clear up what a neocon is. This is better than any definition.

Reader 08/04/2024 (Sun) 23:54 Id: 2bc6b2 [Preview] No.22771 del
Understand the fact he already followed THF's book since his first presidency.

Canidate Trump is dead, this is Red Obummer, move on.

Reader 08/04/2024 (Sun) 23:57 Id: 2bc6b2 [Preview] No.22772 del
Also, Agenda 47 already checked off most of what that conservative """"thinktank"""" demands.

Do you know how ESG died and suddenly BRIDGE is the new hip thing they hinted about? Same thing with P'25 and A47.

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