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Viral Twitter X Conversation Between Musk And Trump Generates Over One Billion Views Reader 08/13/2024 (Tue) 15:52 Id: 1d90f7 [Preview] No. 22801
Viral Twitter X Conversation Between Musk And Trump Generates Over One Billion Views

A conversation between Donald Trump and Twitter X owner Elon Musk has generated over a billion views, as Trump officially returned to the platform Monday.

Combined views of the conversation with @realDonaldTrump and subsequent discussion by other accounts now ~1 billion.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 13, 2024

Here’s the whole thing:

Listen live!

— X (@X) August 13, 2024

The conversation was streamed live on X spaces, but had to overcome huge technical issues dues to a sustained DDOS attack by deep state communists on the platform shortly before the stream began.

The attack followed sustained moaning by the dinosaur media, complaining that Trump would be allowed to say “whatever he wants to” by Musk.

Oh my God, the horror of letting a presidential candidate say what he wants and people being able to hear him without being able to cut away and shut it off. Such a threat to "democracy" as they like to claim.

Here are some full mirror backups of the interview:

https://www.bitchute.com/video/QzWjFzRMQNA [Embed]
https://www.bitchute.com/video/uVv5eZSiQm6C [Embed]


Reader 08/13/2024 (Tue) 16:39 Id: 96214f [Preview] No.22803 del
Listened half of it. It's inane and boring.

Reader 08/13/2024 (Tue) 23:41 Id: 540c61 [Preview] No.22805 del
As that jew and other jew usually are.

Reader 08/15/2024 (Thu) 15:24 Id: 1d90f7 [Preview] No.22811 del
Well, most of it.... UNTIL they both get to the realization that this mass illegal immigration is being WEAPONIZED against our country and Trump says he will openly support massive deportation of all illegals living here sponging off the system and criminal offenders too. THAT is enough for me honestly, so I will vote for him.

Reader 08/19/2024 (Mon) 12:10 Id: 540c61 [Preview] No.22819 del
This is the guy who makes such promises.
Gullible is anyone who thinks he's going to do anything against illegal immigration this time around.
The same as it ever was.

Reader 08/20/2024 (Tue) 11:11 Id: 35e798 [Preview] No.22822 del
So our vote is either for crippling communism or controlled opposition at this point? I don't honestly think Trump made a horrible president, he only allowed America to have some spare time to prepare for what was inevitable is all. At this point I really don't care, I'm just preparing for the collapse of America and hope we can all fend for ourselves.

Reader 08/20/2024 (Tue) 11:43 Id: 540c61 [Preview] No.22823 del
There are Commies on both "sides" calling themselves by another name. The Democratic Republican party split to confuse the public into thinking it's two different parties (back in the 1800s). The illusion of choice when you don't really have one. Trump never affected the U.S.A. positively. He only cared about Israel the entire time. The fact he's not the worst President because Biden's cabinet were insufferable nation-destroying shits does lead to manipulation into being swayed by classic misdirection. But don't worry. You're not alone. Two thirds of the population fall for it.

Jews Hate Real Money Tardus 08/22/2024 (Thu) 00:34 Id: 683e81 [Preview] No.22826 del
That's some bullshit Jrump will most certainly deport shit roughly about as much as he built any fuckjing wall to keepo them out. He is an actor reading a script written by stinking jews who ruined our good money. PLEASE NOTE: White people are not usurists,. in fact when the Founders of America wrote the Constitution they included gold and silver as true money because it's the only indebauchable specie the j can't control. The jews ruined that and got the debt to be immutable via their civil war in the USA and the 14th amendment which makes the debt permeant. Jews ruined good money in Germany as well, when Adolf tried to bring the same Constitutional bank notes backed by gold and silver JP morgan crushed the german mark.

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