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Armed Venezuelan Gangs Take Over ANOTHER Apartment Complex, This Time In Chicago Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 15:36 Id: 63fbf0 [Preview] No. 22880
Armed Venezuelan Gangs Take Over ANOTHER Apartment Complex, This Time In Chicago

American citizens have been watching in shock as armed Venezuelan gangs are taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, just outside of Denver.

Denver is a hot spot for dumping Venezuelans who’ve crossed our open-borders while Joe Biden’s Border Czar Kamala Harris sat back and allowed the crisis unfold.

Last night, a shocking 911 call was shared by Libs of Tik Tok on X, that revealed 32 armed Venezuelan migrants were attempting to overtake an apartment complex in Chicago last night.

"A group of 32 armed Venezualans took over an apartment building in Chicago tonight. Here’s the audio of the 911 dispatch call."

The recorded call can be heard in the tweet below:

Winter is right around the corner. Did anyone honestly think these Venezuelan gangs who ruled the countries they came from, were going to be sleeping in tents in local parks while unarmed Chicago residents slept inside warm and comfy?

Maybe now cult-leftist Americans will see the value of our Second Amendment!? Or do radical leftists want to be ruled over, and looted, by third world foreign gangs!? Time to ask them that!


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