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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

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Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 19:45 Id: 4e3d07 [Preview] No. 88984
thread of shit that normalnigs can consume with ease
whatever you have, at all, that is easily able to be accepted & downright unrefutable to them, post it
especially subjects based off of religion & near to now events that have names, dates, victims, an perpetrators
in the future, i'm gonna print shit out to my family members; i want i all can get to allow them to see the truth that hides in plain sight

Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 22:51 Id: 25a5d5 [Preview] No.88985 del

Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 22:55 Id: 25a5d5 [Preview] No.88986 del
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(95.77 KB 1200x680 antifa (2).jpg)
(97.83 KB 480x360 antifa (3).jpg)
(426.49 KB 602x583 antifa-cuck-2.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 23:00 Id: 25a5d5 [Preview] No.88988 del

Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 00:26 Id: 25a5d5 [Preview] No.88997 del

Anonymous 05/07/2023 (Sun) 01:58 [Preview] No.90418 del
(348.97 KB 960x540 never_was.jpg)

Anonymous 05/07/2023 (Sun) 03:41 Id: 73a518 [Preview] No.90424 del
This is true. If you were to fight back and destroy the fags, the black power, the feminists, you would still have the jews. Kikes are like the Clerics in a raiding party named Degenerates. You have to eliminate the kikeClerics first before they rez any other fucking degenerates.

Anonymous 07/08/2023 (Sat) 11:54 Id: 9102a2 [Preview] No.90719 del
All wars are bankers wars documentary for dummy explenation of central bank shenanigans

Anonymous 07/08/2023 (Sat) 18:58 Id: 73a518 [Preview] No.90722 del
That imbecile talking about the jewish boycott of Germany to start World War 2:
>"Hitler foolishly gave them that excuse"
No. Stalin had amassed Russian troops at Germany's borders. Contrary to dimwits who refuse to research this fact, Hitler did not start the war.

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