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Creative thread Anon 03/10/2019 (Sun) 06:20:47 [Preview] No. 3643
Let's make some original content.

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 08:56:38 [Preview] No.3673 del
Who made this thread? I guess it's one of us, though I'm a bit thrown off by the non pony image. If you are a newcomer, welcome! We're a tiny board but we punch a bit above our weight in OC. Though it is often scattered in threads on whatever theme it fits (celestia fic, celestia thread. bat ponies in bat thread), though we already have a thread that we kind of became a shitpost/miscellaneous OC thread ( >>400)having a thread dedicated for it wouldn't be a bad idea in itself.

Anon 04/11/2019 (Thu) 18:08:42 [Preview] No.3935 del
Seriously though? Did anypony here make this thread? I wouldn't question it other than the fact I am a little thrown off by the non pony picture and the fact that no one has mentioned it to me.

Anon 04/11/2019 (Thu) 18:11:12 [Preview] No.3936 del
(28.58 KB 640x400 This_Is_Scootaloo.png)
Regardless, I'll happily contribute my lovely art. Though on the serious side I suppose it could be the next thread for random greens and things that don't otherwise fit elsewhere.

Anon 04/13/2019 (Sat) 23:04:10 [Preview] No.3962 del
(1.02 MB 600x1741 treelightsparkle.png)
We shall see what if this reaction image is useful or not tomorrow.

Anon 04/13/2019 (Sat) 23:06:26 [Preview] No.3963 del
Well, I shall see. Y'all may have already.

Anon 04/15/2019 (Mon) 11:44:27 [Preview] No.3966 del
I come from the future and I say that fortunately enough, you haven´t hit the reality. Better luck for the next time, my little seer.

>Who made this thread? I guess it's one of us, though I'm a bit thrown off by the non pony image.
I didn´t. In fact, I didn´t reply here because I thought an outsider created it. I am replying because of your replies.

>I am a little thrown off by the non pony picture and the fact that no one has mentioned it to me.
I would have posted a pony picture but it seems that the user could have perfectly come from /am/ or /b/. I don´t know.

fair enough. I would say that you are the main contributor of it right now.

Anon 04/19/2019 (Fri) 06:22:17 [Preview] No.3988 del
(56.28 KB 640x400 Skyblue_orange.png)
>I come from the future and I say that fortunately enough, you haven´t hit the reality. Better luck for the next time, my little seer.
I've never been more happy to be proven wrong Treelight!

>I didn´t. In fact, I didn´t reply here because I thought an outsider created it. I am replying because of your replies.
I wonder if it was someone creating something accidentally or as shitpost out of boredom or is was it of some semi-legitimate intent by some other random anon.
Was never explained...

>I would have posted a pony picture but it seems that the user could have perfectly come from /am/ or /b/. I don´t know.
That's my first bet.

>fair enough. I would say that you are the main contributor of it right now.
All it has been shitposting my crap OC though.

Anon 04/20/2019 (Sat) 22:36:36 [Preview] No.4005 del
>I've never been more happy to be proven wrong Treelight!
and with the princesses as well to an extent.

>as shitpost out of boredom or is was it of some semi-legitimate intent by some other random anon.
I lean towards this theory.

>Was never explained...
if it wasn´t the BO, then I don´t know who would be behind that post. The user that revealed my Celestia edit remains as a mystery as well.

>All it has been shitposting my crap OC though.
that´s the best pic so far, relatively speaking....

Anon 04/21/2019 (Sun) 17:36:24 [Preview] No.4006 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=40JmEj0_aVM [Embed]

Anon 04/23/2019 (Tue) 00:10:31 [Preview] No.4007 del
(1.16 MB 1091x807 999242.png)
don't worry about predicting the future. I have tried to find those lucky people and they never answer when they have to guess the numbers of the lottery. Fortunately thwre are no cannons around you party cannons however

You ain't fortunate nor millionaire so all we've got left is the silver spoon.

Anon 04/23/2019 (Tue) 00:15:51 [Preview] No.4008 del
(781.14 KB 1310x1116 2017567.png)
I have listened to that song more time than I imagined by the way

Also,the good old PoLS is back again with these two posts.

Anon 04/23/2019 (Tue) 05:29:17 [Preview] No.4009 del
If it isn't you then my guess would be some random anon who lurks here ( or lurked ) from 8/pone or /mlpol/ perhaps.
I wounder if some of these post are different anons or there is an unknown 4th occasional lurker who just stops sometimes. Nice choice in song btw.

POLS to y'all. My review should be up by later tomorrow. Though for y'all it may be the day after already. I was going to post it yesterday but some stuff came up.

>I have listened to that song more time than I imagined by the way
It's a song I used to here on the radio fairly often but I haven't payed much attention to it ever. So I'm of the same camp.

Anon 04/23/2019 (Tue) 23:49:04 [Preview] No.4010 del
I really like the fact that thumbnail of this image looks almost like a helicopter

Anon 04/24/2019 (Wed) 00:13:19 [Preview] No.4011 del
(1.16 MB 2000x1551 2021036.png)
>If it isn't you then my guess would be some random anon who lurks here ( or lurked ) from 8/pone or /mlpol/ perhaps.
I didn't post that song,I had thought that you did. I have more interest on sharing something else than posting what we all know,especially with a description for it.

>I wounder if some of these post are different anons or there is an unknown 4th occasional lurker who just stops sometimes. Nice choice in song btw.
Considering the amount of posts that we have reached so far,it's no wonder that one could easily have a little bit of interest in checking what is going on over here. More than 4000 posts and getting into the top in an almost permanent state.

Any speculation could be valid.

>My review should be up by later tomorrow. Though for y'all it may be the day after already. I was going to post it yesterday but some stuff came up.
never mind.I have been also quite inactive after explaining my vision of Uprooted so...hey,you can share it when you want to do it.

>It''s a song I used to here on the radio fairly often but I haven't payed much attention to it ever. So I'm of the same camp.
me neither. Just like the Logical Song until this month for me. Background radio music that simply comes and goes on the radio.
I posted that Silver Spoon picture because of the lyrics. That aspect was just a coincidence.

Anon 04/24/2019 (Wed) 06:37:03 [Preview] No.4014 del
>I didn't post that song,I had thought that you did.
I thought the BO did. It seemed to be a reply to you wondering if the BO was the one who shitposted at >>798

See the lyrics?
>It ain't me.
>It ain't me.
>I ain't no senators son!
>It ain't me.
>It ain't me.
>I ain't no fortunate one!

>Any speculation could be valid.

>never mind.I have been also quite inactive after explaining my vision of Uprooted so...hey,you can share it when you want to do it.
Not as much as me. I'll be back in the swing of things in a day or so and probably have fully replied in the next 2 days.

Anon 04/24/2019 (Wed) 06:42:07 [Preview] No.4015 del
It really does BO! well I presume you are the BO

Anon 04/24/2019 (Wed) 06:47:39 [Preview] No.4016 del
(602.06 KB 848x480 This_Is_Awesome.png)
>I posted that Silver Spoon picture because of the lyrics. That aspect was just a coincidence.
A fun one.

Anon 04/24/2019 (Wed) 21:36:26 [Preview] No.4017 del
>I thought the BO did. It seemed to be a reply to you wondering if the BO was the one who shitposted at >>798
>See the lyrics?
I see. Now that I think about it, he´s only one that has cared and spent a bit of time of his life dedicating a few posts and discussions over here. Nobody else would care that much in comparison.

>Not as much as me.
hold my beer...

>A fun one.
erm Twilight? Why are you so happy? It´s like you are reflecting a mix of...

oh, oh dear...

Anon 04/27/2019 (Sat) 03:55:17 [Preview] No.4027 del
>Nobody else would care that much in comparison.
True. Though it seems we have a handful of post that don't fit us three. Though the BO is mysterious in his ways, that doesn't seem like him.

>hold my beer...
Can I drink it?

> Why are you so happy? It´s like you are reflecting a mix of...
Awesomeness. That is the word you put there.

Anon 04/27/2019 (Sat) 15:50:20 [Preview] No.4028 del
>Though the BO is mysterious in his ways, that doesn't seem like him.
yeah,oh well, unless someone guesses the IP, you wouldn´t have a clue

>Can I drink it?
go ahead. I prefer wine and...the good cider

then you are not Twilight. You are the mascot from Horse News.

Anon 07/05/2019 (Fri) 04:10:30 [Preview] No.4344 del
(561.01 KB 1083x1306 1527271.gif)
Test. I'm testering the test test testy test for Test.

Anon 07/06/2019 (Sat) 00:05:11 [Preview] No.4347 del
the big test is that there are infinite tests.One never stops at doing them.

Also,PoLS before replying to anything that has happened lately.

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