/postleftypol/ - Post Left Politically Incorrect

Destroy the left from the inside

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(351.97 KB 638x515 ITS22.png)
Lifestylist 05/14/2017 (Sun) 12:49:09 [Preview] No. 60
Am a post-leftist. excited for here.

>no tor
>no real community
>no hacking board

y no 0ch.org, anons?

Lifestylist 05/14/2017 (Sun) 13:34:38 [Preview] No. 63 del
(7.62 KB 193x261 IMG_4289.PNG)
We started like a week ago stick around

Lifestylist 05/23/2017 (Tue) 00:24:23 [Preview] No. 80 del
i don't think this is going to be very alive anon
live in the woods and build mailboms, maybe you could try find a few people online to join you (i migth be one)

Lifestylist 05/26/2017 (Fri) 00:00:57 [Preview] No. 106 del
The discord's pretty active

Lifestylist 05/27/2017 (Sat) 07:28:00 [Preview] No. 112 del
maybe we can make this place the new /leftypol/, it was pretty dead at first

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