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Anonymous 04/19/2018 (Thu) 03:08:04 [Preview] No. 898
haha hey so ive been gone for a few months hahah plus my laptop got stolen with all the board history hey so what is /sp/ again lol i forgot?

Anonymous 05/15/2018 (Tue) 20:19:50 [Preview] No.900 del
/spoon/ adopted a new contributor who uploaded loads of informative videos. Unfortunately for the contributor all videos were taken offline after endchan got hacked a couple weeks ago. This effected ALL boards and ALL media across endchan, not solely this board.

Odilitime has announced that a "fix" is in the works so we have to remain patient. When we are able to fix the content I have a feeling the recent contributor will re-upload all video content back here. ;)

Till then, remain patient...

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