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to avoid the appearance of government propaganda Anonymous 11/09/2022 (Wed) 20:35 [Preview] No. 15174 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation
October 31 2022, 9:00 a.m.

Behind closed doors, and through pressure on private platforms, the U.S. government has used its power to try to shape online discourse. According to meeting minutes and other records appended to a lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, a Republican who is also running for Senate, discussions have ranged from the scale and scope of government intervention in online discourse to the mechanics of streamlining takedown requests for false or intentionally misleading information.
There is also a formalized process for government officials to directly flag content on Facebook or Instagram and request that it be throttled or suppressed through a special Facebook portal that requires a government or law enforcement email to use. At the time of writing, the “content request system” at facebook.com/xtakedowns/login is still live. DHS and Meta, the parent company of Facebook, did not respond to a request for comment. The FBI declined to comment.
To accomplish these broad goals, the report said, CISA should invest in external research to evaluate the “efficacy of interventions,” specifically with research looking at how alleged disinformation can be countered and how quickly messages spread. Geoff Hale, the director of the Election Security Initiative at CISA, recommended the use of third-party information-sharing nonprofits as a “clearing house for information to avoid the appearance of government propaganda.”

Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 14:26 [Preview] No.15176 del
Big Govt took over all the major tech companies, Big Tech = Big Govt.

Anonymous 12/20/2022 (Tue) 13:37 [Preview] No.15182 del
Corporations give "donations" to both political parties, Democrats and Republicans. That chart only shows their conservative "donations", but compare it to "donations" to liberals and progressives and I bet you won't be so worried. It does not change the fact that nearly all Big Tech is heavily influenced and infiltrated by governmental interests. All you need to look at are the Twitter leaks coming out, and it's not only exposing Twitter anymore, the documents and emails reveal this is much deeper and the same is happening to Facebook and other tech companies too! Anons are connecting dots and finding out these intel spooks are all over the place when it comes to content management and purging undesirable information. This is how totalitarian governments control public narratives. This is how totalitarian governments maintain their propaganda. They censor and "shadow ban" their political dissidents.

Twitter Leaks Reveal Big Tech Companies Secretly Hire FBI, CIA, NSA & DHS Employees For Narrative Management:


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antigravity Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 18:34 [Preview] No. 15170 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
UFO engine

engine Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 18:39 [Preview] No.15171 del
Reverse-engineered from crashed disk

engine Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 18:41 [Preview] No.15172 del
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Reverse-engineered from crashed disk

previous modern civilisation Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 18:43 [Preview] No.15173 del
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vimana crash

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Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 17:17:46 [Preview] No. 15009 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
[BBC News] Enigma da síndrome de Havana, que ataca diplomatas americanos e intriga cientistas

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Gi1ZyWLex2E [Embed]

Espionagem Eletromagnética e Mandantes de Adélio Bispo

Quando o Presidente diz que "5G é usado para espionagem" e que "urnas são passível de fraude", ele está correto mas não sabe como apontar evidência. Eu sei e fornecerei um método experimental para que a Polícia Federal possa se convencer disso. Porém, não somente urnas, mas todos os computadores e celulares (os da União inclusos) são passíveis de interferência e não é apenas o 5G que é responsável por espionagem eletromagnética, mas silicon trojans implantados nas torres desde o 2G. Isso permite não só controlar os silicon trojans nós processadores, mas também é usado para causar a Síndrome de Havana que atinge pessoas pelo mundo.

O modo de espionagem sendo usado para manipular pessoas como o Adélio Bispo a cometer crimes é usado no Brasil por um grupo também responsável por sites de ódio como "Dogolachan" e mercados de drogas como "Nightmare Market". Porém eles são apenas usuários do sistema de espionagem, que também é usado internacionalmente. A tecnologia é americana mas não governamental. Como os dados obtidos com essa espionagem também abastece serviços automatizados de recomendação de propagandas e conteúdo (outro método de gerar dinheiro para eles), há uma abertura para demonstrar que sistemas não conectados a internet estão vazando informações através dessa espionagem eletromagnética.

Quando uma empresa como o NSO Group oferece o Pegasus, eles fazem uma demonstração para que fique claro que conseguem acessar dispositivos celulares. O que estou oferecendo é um modo de demonstrar a ocorrência de espionagem eletromagnética que obtém dados de todos os computadores de modo contínuo. Uma vez evidenciado isso, indícios dos crimes facilitados por essa espionagem ficarão crediveis.

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 09:11 [Preview] No.15165 del
Minha Denúncia ao Ministério Público Eleitoral Sobre Fraude Nas Eleições 2022

Consta na ata eleitoral da zona 22, seção 498 que a urna da seção precisou ser substituída por problemas técnicos.

Eu fui informado (por hackeamento de um dos meus dispositivos) pela quadrilha chamada Dogolachan/1500chan de que a urna foi danificada propositalmente com a alteração remota de seus programas internos se valendo de vulnerabilidade interna ao processador da máquina e controlada remotamente com ondas eletromagnéticas - possível pois a urna usa processador com vício oculto de fábrica e a sua parte externa não previne que ondas eletromagnéticas externas afetem os componentes internos.

O objetivo da quadrilha com esse ato foi atrapalhar o direito ao voto do denunciante, que vota em tal seção. O motivo é que eu não quis participar da quadrilha nesses e outros crimes, preferindo denunciar seus delitos.

Não conseguindo impedir a votação pois a urna foi substituída, agiram de modo diverso na próxima urna, alterando o código executado na urna enquanto eu, denunciante, votava. Para modificar meu voto (que eu não reconheço registrado no Registro Digital de Voto, como constatado posteriormente à publicação desses pelo TSE).

Sabendo dessa sabotagem ainda enquanto na cabine de votação pois os criminosos alteraram o monitor da urna para exibir mensagem zombando da justiça brasileira e do TSE, eu procedi a comunicar ao presidente da mesa do ocorrido e foi registrado em ata minha queixa sobre a fraude na urna substituta.

Deve ser apurado com análise forense que os processadores Intel usados nas urnas (X5-E3940 e Z510P) dispõe de vício oculto inseridos na fábrica que permite total controle remoto a esses criminosos, escapando das medidas de segurança implementadas pelos programas do TSE pois executam em nível mais privilegiado do processador (Intel ME).

Os criminosos se valem disso para interferir no processo eleitoral (e em qualquer computador e celular no Brasil e exterior). Os testes de integridade são incapazes de atestar a fraude pois os criminosos atuam em tempo real monitorando todas as urnas e fazendo alterações apenas nas que não foram selecionadas para avaliação.

Os delito se enquadram na Lei das Eleições (9504/1997) art. 72 e no Código Eleitoral (4737/1965) art. 312 e art. 317.

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Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 09:12 [Preview] No.15167 del
Vigilância Eletromagnética nas Eleições - Ciência Cidadã

Participe como cientista cidadão em uma investigação de se as grandes companhias do Vale do Silício violam o sigilo do voto.

Coleta de dados:

Antes do dia da eleição, colete três embalagens de produtos usados por você e os coloque separadamente em três envelopes de modo que não se possa diferenciar por fora qual embalagem está em qual envelope.

Leve-os para a cabine de votação no dia da eleição - lugar no qual não é permitido o uso de celular - e abra um deles aleatoriamente. Então pense, escreva ou fale baixo "eu quero comprar [nome do produto respectivo]".

Uma vez fora da cabine, descarte os envelopes/embalagens antes de voltar a ter contato com seus eletrônicos.

Observe se lhe são exibidas propagandas que correspondem ao produto selecionado aleatoriamente.

Envie seu relatório com o maior nível de detalhes possível.

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 15:47 [Preview] No.15168 del
Voces são um bando de maluco isso sim

Anonymous 11/01/2022 (Tue) 12:48 [Preview] No.15169 del
400 boardUri test

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Best Vpn? Anonymous 11/16/2021 (Tue) 20:22 [Preview] No. 14893 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What's the best VPN in terms of:

Usable on windows/linux/mac

no logs

Accepts payment privately and doesn't log any payment details?
5 posts omitted.

Anonymous 05/11/2022 (Wed) 11:38:06 [Preview] No.15045 del
You can never be sure that VPN is really not logging anything but if I would have to choose a VPN, I would choose Mullvad and nothing else.

Remember that VPN only gives you privacy. For anonymity use Tor or any other anonymity network depending on what your country/ISP allows.

Anonymous 05/11/2022 (Wed) 11:40:49 [Preview] No.15046 del
Be careful with this one. When using Freenet you are hosting everything that you will ever come across, which means you can easily host CP without even knowing that. All it takes is some troll posting that on perfectly legal site. Depending on the country you can get in trouble for that so it's much better to use Tor or I2P.

Anonymous 05/21/2022 (Sat) 12:08:59 [Preview] No.15057 del
mullvad VPN

Anonymous 10/05/2022 (Wed) 19:22 [Preview] No.15154 del
If your only concern is privacy, not total anonimity, then rent a cheap VPS and use it as a VPN (Wolfgang has a video on that on YT) you'll be guaranted to not have your activity logged. It will be easier to find you if you're doing illegal things tho, which I advise you to stay away from.

Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 21:10 [Preview] No.15155 del
IVPN, been using it for a year now and paying with monero, it's pretty good

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Lenovo t420 Anonymous 01/10/2021 (Sun) 21:55 [Preview] No. 14566 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
am i making a good choice? just need something reliable and not fancy at all.
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Anonymous 05/11/2022 (Wed) 11:20:11 [Preview] No.15039 del
I didn't hear much about t420 but thinkpads are best laptops I ever used so you should be fine. I recommend getting T440p or X230 though. Keep in mind that most of them (thinkpads) have BIOS locked so that may be an issue for you depending on how much control you want to have over your machine.

Anonymous 06/29/2022 (Wed) 00:53:10 [Preview] No.15068 del
1. They should be free, corporate surplus, etc. I have literally over 100 sitting in storage, that I haven't had time to go through - Unusually I dump 10-15 in a box and bring it with me when I fly overseas. They go for about $100-150 easily.

2. The LCD's really suck, and sure you can get in the moneypit of replacing LCD and more, but it isn't worth it.

3. Reliable? Every laptop nowadays is reliable hardware wise.

4. Safe, good question anon, what is safe. Lenovo stuff, Dell Stuff and Apple stuff are relativelt safe, you can lock down the bios/efi and make it hard for most people outside of state enterprise to break in. They all have TPM, and you can do "secureboot" via EFI and disable the legacy shit - the TPM chip on the t420 is easily physically dumpable though with a buspirate or such. I've done it.

Wifi support cards also are eh, you need to change it out - once again not a big deal but money sink for 10yr old laptop.

Intel Management Engine - yeah, it can be stripped too.

Resale value: Nominal, 5yr old macbooks are going to be steady for year 6-8. Personally I'm on the other side where I buy new macbooks and sell in 3 years for 70-80% of value, but it is different from "reliable." No, this is not saying buy a macbook, but financial side, and support side, it does make it easy.

tl;dr t420 good for it's time, but between a new SSD, max out the ram, replace wifi card if going to go loonix/arch puts you in over $300. If you go w/ a new LCD, yeah it goes overboard quick. Didn't even cover battery, and chinese shit.

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Anonymous 07/04/2022 (Mon) 14:13:13 [Preview] No.15071 del
Well there you go. Hope that answers everything OP

>Touchpad is also shit.
Just use a wireless mouse

Anonymous 08/26/2022 (Fri) 21:36 [Preview] No.15115 del
i can vouch that upgrading a t420 for modern usage will put OP above the $500 mark which makes this model less sensible than a newer model for the same price. i upgraded my t420 with SSD + bigger battery + FHD panel + chinese LCD controller. also my C key got broken so i had to buy a replacement key (just the single key!) for $2 + shipping. in hindsight, i should have bought an entire keyboard for future use, but i didn't because i'm retarded. if another key goes, i'll just replace the board.

i actually daily drive a thinkpad x1 extreme gen 2 though, plugged into a dock with an external keyboard + mouse + monitor. desktop replacement life is pretty good, except my x1's battery life is like ~2hr and that's it... well maybe i could get more if i turn the GPU off in bios. but i don't travel so i haven't really had to do that. battery life on the t420 is actually pretty usable at ~6hrs (with the extended battery that sicks out the back for extra grip)

i'm curious to try a newer thinkpad T-series though, like a 450 or 470 or something. not sure. i think the RAM started getting soldered in the 480 series if i'm not mistaken so i'm assmad about that.

Anonymous 10/05/2022 (Wed) 19:09 [Preview] No.15153 del
>Just use a wireless mouse
trackpad + TWM is the final redpill

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So whonix + fully configured tor, what's the next levels to even higher security, /tech/?
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Anonymous 08/28/2022 (Sun) 14:07 [Preview] No.15117 del
>what's the next levels to even higher security, /tech/?
Using hardware without hardware backdoors (like intel's ME)

Anonymous 08/30/2022 (Tue) 23:30 [Preview] No.15118 del
Librebooted Thinkpad with camera, microphone and wireless physically removed (WiFi adapter plugged in whenever necessary), hardened gentoo install with optimized kernel + Whonix with configured LibreWolf (for superior fingerprint and no Mozilla Telemetry) over a private VPN which is a Raspberry pi hidden on public WiFi.

Anonymous 09/12/2022 (Mon) 16:50 [Preview] No.15127 del
run your own tor relay

Anonymous 09/23/2022 (Fri) 02:30 [Preview] No.15134 del
What're the benefits of running your own Tor relay?

Anonymous 10/05/2022 (Wed) 12:26 [Preview] No.15152 del
Future generations will ask why Americans didn't resist when the US became a police state.

/tech/ hasn't been the same since 8ch went to shit. where did you go, anon?

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What is the best alternative to laundering the Bitcoin I have illegally earned? Anonymous 09/18/2022 (Sun) 23:34 [Preview] No. 15132 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Is there another way to turn my "dirty" Bitcoin into clean money without having to buy monero?

I'm talking about an 8 digit amount, any suggestions
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Method 5 Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 06:42 [Preview] No.15140 del

5.1 - Search for the term "The World's Largest P2P Offshore Marketplace" on DuckDuckGo.

5.2 - Go to the "Anonymous ATM Cards" category and open a trade order using a disposable email, only trade with diamond level or platinum level sellers.

5.3 - Enter the address of a packet forwarding service to receive the order and place the tainted Bitcoins in the platform's 3-of-3 multisig escrow.

5.4 - After receiving the order, activate online banking access with a pseudonym and burner phone number following the seller's instructions.

5.5 - Go online banking and customize your daily ATM withdrawal limits, then use your anonymous ATM cards to withdraw cash from any ATM around the world.

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Method 6 Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 06:42 [Preview] No.15141 del

6.1 - Search for the term "Offshore Company Formation" on DuckDuckGo.

6.2 - Register your offshore company away from your country's government's area of influence and obtain a corporate bank account in any tax haven other than the one where your offshore company was registered.

6.3 - Search for the terms "AgoraDesk" or "Hodl Hodl" on DuckDuckGo.

6.4 - Create an account using a secure email and sell your tainted Bitcoins by choosing the Bank wire option.

#Question: What is the difficulty level?

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Method 7 Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 06:43 [Preview] No.15142 del

7.1 - Search for the term "Homeless Shelters Near Me" on DuckDuckGo.

7.2 - Offer money or drugs to a homeless person to use your documents and open a bank account under your control.

7.3 - Search for the terms "AgoraDesk" or "Hodl Hodl" on DuckDuckGo.

7.4 - Create an account using a secure email and sell your tainted Bitcoins by choosing the Bank wire option.

#Question: What is the difficulty level?

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Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 06:44 [Preview] No.15143 del
I created this profile especially to post this wilderness survival guide, I hope it helps you and all sellers to achieve peace of mind like I did!

I continue to sell drugs with my seller profile here and in other darknet markets, but the cops never knocked on my door again.

My children will inherit clean money to secure the future, come what may.

Society judges us daily but it was the circumstances of life that led us to this path, everyone is born good.

Copy these 7 methods in a safe place, teach your friends and help strengthen darknet markets!

Take it easy and study all the methods well so you don't make the mistakes I made in the past!

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Anonymous 09/26/2022 (Mon) 12:27 [Preview] No.15146 del
What's wrong with monero or zcash?

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Alternative to Tornado Cash Anonymous 09/18/2022 (Sun) 18:22 [Preview] No. 15131 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Thought I would spread the word about a new privacy wallet that is integrated into Railgun. It's called Railway. It uses zk-snark proofs and works across any EVM capable chain. Imagine MetaMask, but if it had the ability to send 100% private transactions. That's what Railway is. Any ERC-20 or ERC-721 token can be transacted with with 100% anonymity.

Anyone knows a working SIM swapping provider? Anonymous 09/18/2022 (Sun) 11:33 [Preview] No. 15129 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I found simswap.su but it look scammy