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Download Frugal Gourmet Episodes! Critic 08/24/2017 (Thu) 22:22:58 Id: c59c7d [Preview] No. 109
I am sharing all the Frugal Gourmet episodes ripped from Youtube that have been taken down!

To download, please go to the official Soulseek website, download and install Soulseek.

Then simply set up a free anonymous account name and search for "Frugal Gourmet" or "The Frugal Gourmet" or for "Jeff Smith."

Results should show up if I am online and logged in.

I have 149 Frugal Gourmet videos being shared (so far)...

Feel free to download them and PLEASE DO SHARE!

Critic 08/25/2017 (Fri) 15:56:40 Id: b0895e [Preview] No. 112 del
THE FRUGAL GOURMET (episodes mirrored)


Grab the while you still can!!!

Critic 08/25/2017 (Fri) 15:57:36 Id: b0895e [Preview] No. 113 del

mega.co.nz/ #F!awt3wTjS!nQsYgdo_u-Yh0vLA-ohcIA

Critic 09/24/2017 (Sun) 02:47:56 Id: 5ddef8 [Preview] No. 117 del
I am officially seeding this torrent (at least for now):


I will not be online all the time, so you'll have to remain patient (just like the downloaders have to remain patient when I'm sharing files over Soulseek). This show is a classic, but VERY HARD to find! Take the opportunity now if you want it!

Critic 11/08/2017 (Wed) 08:06:45 Id: fa3bda [Preview] No. 159 del
Thank you!!! I was kicking myself for not finishing downloading these when they were on YouTube. I was certain they were gone forever!

Thanks! Shawn 12/18/2017 (Mon) 03:44:56 Id: 60c117 [Preview] No.346 del
Thanks so much for these. My Great Grandmother used to watch this when I was young, and often I would watch with her when visiting my grandparents house (she lived with them at the time). Brings back some good memories!

Critic 12/18/2017 (Mon) 16:18:20 Id: d53c4f [Preview] No.347 del
You are very welcome, very glad to have helped people find these rare episodes. All of the episodes I have backed up are being mirrored here too: >>175 where you can watch (or download) the mp4 videos right from your own browser.

The rest of the collection will be uploaded soon.

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