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Wally's Workshop ~ (mp4/webm) Critic 12/14/2017 (Thu) 18:41:39 Id: 6b3d5b [Preview] No. 307
Wally's Workshop was a DIY self-help show which was syndicated in 80 markets, running from 1971 to 1985.

The show featured Wally Bruner and his second wife Natalie working on home projects in a studio space.

The real key to the shows success and entertainment value, however, is in the couple's chemistry, and Wally's lack of coordination, which often leads Wally to drop tools, splatter paint and commit other follies and foibles that create a comic atmosphere.

Unfortunately this show was never released to DVD, and only a few VHS tapes of the more popular episodes exist. What is worse is that only THREE episodes can be found on the internet. Those three episodes have been backed up (on mp4 and webm formats) and will be posted below.

If anyone has any other recordings of this show, please convert them to digital format and post them below! Like the Frugal Gourmet episodes, this show is very very difficult to find.

Critic 12/14/2017 (Thu) 18:51:48 Id: 6b3d5b [Preview] No.308 del
Wally's Workshop - Household Repairs.webm

Critic 12/14/2017 (Thu) 19:02:31 Id: 6b3d5b [Preview] No.309 del
Wally's Workshop - Lamps and Electrical Outlets.webm

Critic 12/14/2017 (Thu) 19:12:05 Id: 6b3d5b [Preview] No.310 del
Wally's Workshop - Slate and Vinyl Floors.webm

Critic 12/14/2017 (Thu) 19:18:33 Id: 6b3d5b [Preview] No.311 del
Wally's Workshop - Household Repairs.mp4

Critic 12/14/2017 (Thu) 19:25:53 Id: 6b3d5b [Preview] No.312 del
Wally's Workshop - Lamps and Electrical Outlets.mp4

Critic 12/14/2017 (Thu) 19:34:57 Id: 6b3d5b [Preview] No.313 del
Wally's Workshop - Slate and Vinyl Floors.mp4

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