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Critic 01/11/2019 (Fri) 19:36:19 Id: 9274af [Preview] No. 718
>john dies at the end
>john doesn't die at the end

Critic 01/11/2019 (Fri) 20:10:49 Id: 496797 [Preview] No.719 del
this better not be spoilers to a show

Critic 01/11/2019 (Fri) 21:31:21 [Preview] No.720 del
Probably is. Though we don't know which yet.

Critic 02/01/2019 (Fri) 20:50:46 Id: 081b86 [Preview] No.723 del
The book was better tbh

Critic 02/02/2019 (Sat) 00:35:17 Id: 8bbffb [Preview] No.724 del
um i think he does die though, only, he is revived. so the tag line fits for some definition of death.

what is really at stake here is permanence.

Critic 02/02/2019 (Sat) 00:36:07 Id: 8bbffb [Preview] No.725 del
the more accurate and less enticing title would be perhaps 'john dies'

Critic 02/02/2019 (Sat) 00:42:05 Id: 8bbffb [Preview] No.726 del
maybe its more of a reflection on what we can define as permanence in any event, and less a foreshadowing of the specific tale

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