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Early 00's Gangster Movie Critic 04/21/2022 (Thu) 15:36:41 Id: 13bb6e [Preview] No. 780
there was this like foreign Gangster movie I saw back around 2012 or 13 can't remember the name of it or what country if was from it might have been a Russian movie, where one of those old timey Mob Dons (guy who played him must have been in his late 80's) in this movie was always seen fucking some hot chick there was never not a scene where you didn't see him having sex with some hot girl, does this sound familiar at all to anyone here or maybe might have seen it yourself at one point?

Critic 09/09/2022 (Fri) 23:15 Id: ad0187 [Preview] No.862 del
Not a mafia film but a great gangsta film about two troubled teens growing up in the hood, and seriously, this film is very realistic, it indisputably depicts what it is like having to live in the ghetto where gangs and gangstas are everywhere, a way of life.

Menace II Society (1993)

das rite nigga!

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