/vvv/ - vidya vidya vidya!

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(25.00 KB 850x409 rule.png)
New rules Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 03:54:54 [Preview] No. 287
>1 : if it's not atleast somewhat video game related or board related, take it to /b/.

>2 : spam will NOT be tolerated.

>3 : if you cannot handle the banter or as you call posts you don't like "shitposts", you really should take your no fun allowed ass back to /v/ or 8chan

>Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply

critique of these rules would be nice.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 04:04:57 [Preview] No. 288 del
>having rules on an alt board
How about you get rid of them. It suits /am/ just fine.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 04:11:26 [Preview] No. 289 del
>getting anal about 3 rules

as much as I like /am/, this isn't /am/. it ain't all that bad tho, atleast if you make an ea thread, It won't get deleted

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 09:38:37 [Preview] No. 290 del
(24.62 KB 286x400 aloha snackbar.jpeg)
Post your face when this "hurr durr all other vidya boards are rulecucks" shithole has had more discussion about rules than anywhere else.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 18:02:16 [Preview] No. 292 del
(472.97 KB 1280x720 rules huh.jpg)
these read more like a guidelines than rules

...I guess you're making some progress... maybe?

Why can't you see that you shouldn't be aiming at having fewer rules. You're missing the point. Rules don't work, they don't solve the issues you're trying to use them against.
And most importantly rules cannot produce better content.

As for spam consider the following:
"No spam" as a written rule is retarded in every sense.
It has been used to ban things that don't even resemble spam in the past.
Second, if we assume that we all agree on what spam means, which is flooding, then it's assumed by anyone with a brain that the rule applies to all boards unless the board is called /intl/.
Third, saying you will ban spammers does nothing, because the spammers in question don't care about being banned in your board and will spam anyways.

When a BO adds "no spam" as a written rule, you can tell he has no idea what he's doing.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 19:51:02 [Preview] No. 294 del
does having 3 (two technically) bother you?

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 19:51:23 [Preview] No. 295 del

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 22:00:43 [Preview] No. 303 del
(109.38 KB 1347x502 1355455805549.jpg)
You're thinking about it wrong way.
The "no spam" rule is useless as explained above.

The on-topic rule is harmful. No one is qualified to act as a quality control on an imageboard, no one besides Anonymous themselves. Anonymous that relinquishes his right to self moderate ends up as whiny, dull, mod reliant faggot.

Let's say OP wants to talk about movies of David Lynch. He'll post on here but either he won't get any replies or they will be offtopic (or in case of /v/ tier boards pathetic whines) so OP will realise video game board might not be the place to find people that would like to talk about topic he's interested in. In case he's retarded he'll attempt to start a thread couple times more but the community will act roughly the same - disinterested.

Where are your rules now?

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 22:23:30 [Preview] No. 304 del
if no rules are useless than what's the harm in having them? think about that brainbuster.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 22:25:49 [Preview] No. 305 del
wait if he wants to talk about a movie, he can go or create a movie board now if the anon wants to talk about the movie game, that would be allowed.

movies aren't games cholo.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 22:26:36 [Preview] No. 306 del
*if rules

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 22:27:56 [Preview] No. 307 del
stop triggering me.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 22:35:03 [Preview] No. 308 del
(386.43 KB 832x1392 rulecuckery.png)
Why would I even need to explain that on what was once a part of freeposting federation? They're useless for what they're advertised to do. They're useful for justifying power abuse.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 22:39:45 [Preview] No. 310 del
I will never abuse my power.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 22:40:00 [Preview] No. 311 del
this you can be sure

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 22:40:46 [Preview] No. 312 del
(41.16 KB 467x468 133093534629.jpg)
I am a gentle giant. I forgot I got dubs in my last post.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 22:51:54 [Preview] No. 313 del
(117.07 KB 372x351 heh.png)
is that why you nuked the board that one time?

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 23:18:57 [Preview] No. 314 del
Lmao /vvv/ a shit

>>>/vidya/ is where it's at

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 23:25:20 [Preview] No. 315 del
(33.79 KB 222x270 rage.jpg)
Why do you faggots have such a poor naming sense.
Both /vvv/ and /vidya/
they're utterly unpunnable

Anonymous 03/15/2016 (Tue) 18:37:21 [Preview] No. 317 del

Not good enough?
Wasn't it Moots that it didn't work, and /pol/'s rulecuckery just led to political stagnation.
Doubly so, didn't Stormfags simply spawn from making nazism a meme?

Anonymous 03/15/2016 (Tue) 21:03:56 [Preview] No. 324 del

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 15:29:34 [Preview] No. 344 del
Very venomous virgins.

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 01:22:09 [Preview] No. 371 del
we on top of /v/ fuccbois

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 02:07:57 [Preview] No. 373 del

Anonymous 05/18/2016 (Wed) 07:21:12 [Preview] No. 636 del
(77.24 KB 720x338 Title_24.jpg)

Anonymous 06/21/2016 (Tue) 14:21:02 [Preview] No. 718 del
so this board dead?

Anonymous 06/22/2016 (Wed) 20:05:09 [Preview] No. 719 del

Anyway might as well advertise for a vidya board for playing vidya: >>>/pc/

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