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Roguelikes Anonymous 03/15/2016 (Tue) 18:46:43 [Preview] No. 319
Don't think there is a thread for this on here, and I would like this board to actually become something other than a steaming cesspool, greater in depth than that of /v/

Anyway, got any good Roguelikes? ToME is pretty good, best part is that i's open source and supports Linux.

recently I've got more interested in Dwarf Fort, and have been learning to play that.

Anonymous 03/15/2016 (Tue) 18:50:18 [Preview] No. 321 del
Could a mod delete my other post, it double posted :/

Anonymous 03/15/2016 (Tue) 20:37:31 [Preview] No. 323 del
There's always nethack, and doomRL is pretty good. Elona+ has a cult following but it's really not that good. I think people like it because of the grafix only. It has very poor progression, balance, writing and humor. It's also grind-gated (or exploit-gated, whichever you prefer).

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 01:57:37 [Preview] No. 329 del
(108.83 KB 640x864 dynamite.jpg)
What do people like about Nethack, anyway? Do they enjoy having to figuring out what items are based on their price and animals' willingness to step on them? I want to like using unconventional attacks, but it's so annoying getting that far.

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 02:03:23 [Preview] No. 331 del
woah wait what? I'm the mod for this board and I remember bumping your thread and my bump got deleted. that's odd.

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 03:09:21 [Preview] No. 339 del
Anyone else here play Zettai Hero Project?

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 03:41:35 [Preview] No. 340 del
looks cool.

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 03:41:50 [Preview] No. 341 del
I'll try it on ppsspp

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 15:26:55 [Preview] No. 343 del
The game has a lot of "little details" and a lot of ways to reach a same outcome. It mixes very powerful, rare artifacts (genie lamps, scrolls of genocide, wands of death) with steady progression, more mundane, common items, so you always feel like you're doing something. And yes, using your pet as a curse detector is a cool "hidden" mechanic, and there are many such cool hidden mechanics. Additionally, there are many cool ways to die, such as chocking necklaces, fountain spawns, and bad teleportitis.

So basically, it's a well-rounded, well-developed roguelike with good "story potential" and secrets.

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 17:58:27 [Preview] No. 345 del
what are ur guy's opinions on games like FTL and the binding of issac? i think they arent actually roguelikes but theyre fun.

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 18:42:59 [Preview] No. 346 del
FTL is pretty good, although it can get old quick, and Binding of Isaac is just a shit meme game.

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 20:12:42 [Preview] No. 347 del
Never played Nethack, although I've heard of it. Reading the plot made it seem interesting, how's modablility?

Anonymous 03/17/2016 (Thu) 01:48:57 [Preview] No. 349 del
(787.55 KB 480x560 geoduck20x12.bmp)
(90.87 KB 328x400 twitch.gif)
It's completely made in C, so must be pretty easy to do. If you know C.
For tilesets, I personally liked Geoduck's a ton.

Story potential might be stumped by the fact that Nethack is more mechanic than verbose, but it creates some great memories.
>One of the few Wizard runs
>Have a couple of unidentified wands
>Find a gnome
>Test wand #1
>It turns into a yellow dragon
>Duke it out with the spawn of my stupidity
>On the verge of death after a while
>Fuck it, let's see what Wand #2 does
>It's a wand of sleep
>Too afraid of waking it up to attack it
>Just leave the fucker there

Anonymous 03/17/2016 (Thu) 01:55:35 [Preview] No. 350 del
Neat, I do know a bit of c, I think that might be interesting.
Going to try playing Nethack rn,
Any of you played Dungeons of Dredmore? I always liked it, the art style and the skill system are pretty interesting.

Anonymous 03/17/2016 (Thu) 02:36:35 [Preview] No. 352 del
i played doomrl back when it was still in development. it was a pretty neat idea until they started tacking on memes, achievements and brutal doom-like crap.

>using tilesets for nethack
fucking casuals...

i used to play dungeon crawl stone soup http://crawl.develz.org/ using my dos machine on one of their telnet servers (http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/howto) for a while. the online tiled version (there's an installable version too) is their primary focus nowadays though. occasionally i connect just to watch other players playing to give that machine something to do.

i originally got into roguelikes by playing powder http://www.zincland.com/powder/ which even has versions for a few consoles (gameboy advance, nintendo ds, psp, gp2x, ps3 linux, wii). sure its a baby tile game, but its pretty easy to get into for beginners. probably the best one to get into if you are already familiar with old school rpg's.

anyone play any multiplayer roguelikes? there are a few around, but i havent really found one i liked yet.

nowadays i just play vanilla nethack if i play at all. i might pick up rogue (the original) one day though.

Anonymous 03/17/2016 (Thu) 02:46:38 [Preview] No. 353 del
My main reason for tilesets is the fact that NethackW looks ugly with ASCII only, and I my eyes a little strained in normal mode.

Anonymous 03/17/2016 (Thu) 03:47:59 [Preview] No. 355 del
Use the terminal view

Anonymous 03/17/2016 (Thu) 22:08:38 [Preview] No. 368 del
best rogue-like would be:
telnet eotl.org 2010

graphically... I've been liking Rogue Legacy :)

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 17:27:51 [Preview] No. 393 del
>rogue legacy

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 18:22:51 [Preview] No. 395 del

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 18:49:05 [Preview] No. 397 del
I don't care if you like shitty games. That's totally your opinion. What ISN'T opinion is calling something like Rogue Legacy a roguelike. It is an objective fact that Rogue Legacy is not a roguelike.

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 19:42:45 [Preview] No. 399 del
How's IVAN? Looks like fun, but it's obviously unfinished and buggy to the point fullscreen crashes it.

nigger I know roguelike doesn't mean "like rogue" anymore but you're retarded

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 22:09:51 [Preview] No. 404 del
>It is an objective fact that Rogue Legacy is not a roguelike.
>nigger I know roguelike doesn't mean "like rogue" anymore but you're retarded
Yeah because Rogue Legacy isn't a procedurally generated dungeon crawler with permanent death... OH WAIT.

If you don't like Rogue Legacy then log in to End of the Line and shut the fuck up, faggots.

telnet eotl.org 2010

PS) eotl runs nethack on a port but i forgot which port, log in and ask a Wizard or Archwizard on gossip channel.

Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 23:45:20 [Preview] No. 406 del
>not turn based
>not top down
>not strategic
>not complex
>not tile based
>not ascii
>somehow still roguelike

Yeah no. It can be okay if it's missing maybe one or two of these, but it's missing all of these.

Anonymous 03/19/2016 (Sat) 01:20:07 [Preview] No. 411 del
>Yeah no.
Ok, Berlin.

telnet eotl.org 2010

Now tell me End of the Line isn't roguelike.

Anonymous 03/19/2016 (Sat) 04:09:10 [Preview] No. 414 del
My autism isn't strong enough for MUDs, sorry.

Anonymous 03/19/2016 (Sat) 04:59:55 [Preview] No. 416 del
I care.

Anonymous 03/19/2016 (Sat) 18:30:27 [Preview] No. 417 del
(179.41 KB 303x311 0 INT.png)
>calling changing a few rooms around procedural generation
>"permanent death" is a minor setback

>any year

Anonymous 03/21/2016 (Mon) 03:26:24 [Preview] No. 464 del
>Berlin-Int roguelike rule-fag
What kind of faggots think MUDs need more than telnet? Green-text git-gud kiddos. Go get eaten by a grue, fagstick.

Does anyone know of an up-to-date D2GS? I'm interested in patching my Diablo2 server and clients to 1.14a.

Anonymous 03/21/2016 (Mon) 04:54:26 [Preview] No. 471 del
When I said 'normal mode' I meant the terminal view.
Good thing is: I got over my faggotry and used the terminal view like a normal person without problems.
Old 343 shots for the sake of having some screenshots in the thread.

Anonymous 03/21/2016 (Mon) 13:01:18 [Preview] No. 480 del
>he didn't git gud


Anonymous 05/17/2016 (Tue) 09:52:39 [Preview] No. 631 del
I'm pretty fond of this one, and it's free


Been playing it off and on for awhile. Every play, world, and software version has been interesting and different

And the setting just works better for me than many roguelikes

nbNyHjQOCLh Foster 06/20/2016 (Mon) 13:40:24 [Preview] No. 717 del
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Anonymous 06/02/2018 (Sat) 18:39:30 [Preview] No.746 del
Agreed, CDDA is my favorite RL

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