/rel/ - Religion

Cultivate piety and ascend to Godhood

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Welcome to /rel/ Anonymous 09/12/2022 (Mon) 20:58 [Preview] No. 2
This board is dedicated to the discussion of religious traditions from all over the world, this includes their respective theologies, philosophical schools and denominations. The board is open to all believers, and the creation of Generals is encouraged. Please consider reading the rules before posting.

Rule #1: don't spam/flood.
Rule #2: do not post NSFW content.
Rule #3: Keep the discussions civilized and show respect for the other faiths, proselytizing or forcing your beliefs on somebody is forbidden.
Rule #4: Any and all forms of atheism and agnosticism are banned from this board. Atheists and agnostics do not constitute a religion, and are invited to leave.
Rule #5: If possible, cite the sources of your statements in your posts.
Rule #6: All non-religious content such as "spiritual, not religious lifestyle" threads, conspiracy theories, and various other /x/-tier shitposts belong on the supernatural board. Your self-created vampirism LARP does not constitute a religion.

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