/tlh/ - The Loud House

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/tlhg/ - The Loud House Edition - Ren & Stimpy Edition Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 12:27 [Preview] No. 3703 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This general is for the discussion of official, fan-made, or look-alike TLH productions as well as original content created by Chris Savino.

Currently under reconstruction.

DM _the_sl0th_ for invite.

>List of all the sisters' episodes:

>Episodes and other official and fan content:
aHR0cHM6Ly9zaXRlcy5nb29nbGUuY29tL3ZpZXcvdGhlbG91ZHVuaXZlcnNlcw== (Jay, encoded)

230 posts and 116 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 01:31 [Preview] No.4972 del
It means you have no perspective to even talk about it.
>Then i'll be happy to watch the show further.
Why, that's stupid, literally no reason to wait

What did Lincoln to to make Ronnie cry? (wrong answers only) Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 07:43 [Preview] No.4973 del
He called her a rat muchacho spic.

Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 07:43 [Preview] No.4974 del

Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 07:45 [Preview] No.4975 del

Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 18:54 [Preview] No.4976 del
/co/ lucy thread
Why do you only post on the altchan?

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/rg/ - Requests General Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 15:34 [Preview] No. 36 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Post here requests of any kind related to TLH. They can be for art, fic or content (like episodes).
41 posts and 14 images omitted.

Anonymous 12/27/2024 (Fri) 02:15 [Preview] No.4519 del
I'll paper clip this with Lori and Leni, but good Lord that is a rough picture.

Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 21:34 [Preview] No.4956 del
Kara and Ronnie Anne swapping clothes.

Anonymous 01/19/2025 (Sun) 07:30 [Preview] No.4968 del
Requesting Lincoln Loud as Luffy saying "I still have my sisters!" and all the sisters taking up the panels of the Straw Hat crewmates, all in their own unique, characteristic poses. You'll likely have to make some more panels to fit all the sisters in.

Anonymous 01/19/2025 (Sun) 07:32 [Preview] No.4969 del

Anonymous 01/19/2025 (Sun) 07:36 [Preview] No.4970 del
The image isn't showing up for me, so just in case it isn't showing up for anyone else, here's a catbox link

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/lobby/ - Lori and Bobby General - Hibernation Edition Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 03:22 [Preview] No. 626 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A general just for the best couple.
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Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 19:39 [Preview] No.4129 del
He's already been inside her. Many times. Definitely.

Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 13:51 [Preview] No.4209 del
Inside her?

Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 14:52 [Preview] No.4213 del
Lori's inside story

Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 02:17 [Preview] No.4369 del
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Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 02:44 [Preview] No.4955 del
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/TLVG/ The Loud Verse General #5 Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 21:13 [Preview] No. 4913 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A thread for TLH fankid and OC material.

Before writing messages, please read the additional rules: https://pastebin.com/L1yPsikM

All "truth tellers", whiners, and schizophrenics who want to control what people post and what they don't - learn to read and read the rules.

Happy new 2025 year!
22 posts and 7 images omitted.

Enclaveanon 01/13/2025 (Mon) 01:34 [Preview] No.4944 del
Okay, time for a PSA. I'll be posting this in other threads as well.

So to make this board functional again, I've had to disable the captcha entirely. As I suspected, the issue seems to be with that system, as the errors were nearly all "post validation errors".
Now posting on Magrathea should work. On that subject, if you aren't in the discord, I've found that they did indeed intend on pushing users to that version of the site as a means of fending off the spammers. I'm hoping this is temporary, but here is the link for the catalog in magrathea. It isn't as elegant, but it does work. Also I may try archiving these versions of the threads, if they work better.

Don't be a cunt, Roy.

Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 08:26 [Preview] No.4953 del

Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 23:06 [Preview] No.4954 del
Well, it works, but it's a lot clunkier.

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/mg/ - Meta General Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 07:11 [Preview] No. 30 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A thread for discussion about TLH imageboards and their culture, plus The Loud Booru, the unaffiliated wiki and other sites.

My sites ideas BTW:
>XenForo-powered forum.
>IRC channel.
>Telegram channel with news (please tell me if any already exists).
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Anonymous Admin 12/22/2024 (Sun) 16:47 [Preview] No.4386 del
(500.84 KB 1920x1152 xmas-invite-2024.jpg)
Here's the invite to our traditional Xmas Special stream. We have a bunch of things to select from, movies (Trading Places is mandatory here), cartoons (such as Grinch), xmas specials of various shows (Married With Children, Gintama) etc.
The stream is day long, although can't promise that someone will always be there. Feel free to stop by.

Anonymous 12/25/2024 (Wed) 01:28 [Preview] No.4450 del
Ah damn, I missed it. Thank you for posting it anyways, I'd have joined if I wasn't working.

I don't think that site exist 12/31/2024 (Tue) 22:45 [Preview] No.4746 del

Anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 22:47 [Preview] No.4747 del
I don't think that site exist

Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 09:34 [Preview] No.4812 del
Happy New Year, /tlh/!

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Leni Genneral Lenni general 10/07/2024 (Mon) 17:29 [Preview] No. 581 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Leny General
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Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 01:05 [Preview] No.2859 del
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Remember our dino...

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 03:00 [Preview] No.2863 del
>Third picture
Would you still love her if she looked like that?

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 08:28 [Preview] No.2892 del
(165.71 KB 500x500 bag.png)
she's peak nobody can come close

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 05:24 [Preview] No.3823 del
The only good thing Greninja ever drew

Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 05:19 [Preview] No.4502 del
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/lucg/ - Leaks and Upcoming Content General Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 06:07 [Preview] No. 645 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A thread for discussion about leaks, upcoming content and the future of the franchise, Nickelodeon and Paramount.

Anonymous 10/09/2024 (Wed) 20:50 [Preview] No.709 del
Season 9 = Season 8B
Idk why Nickelodeon decided to split all their show seasons into halves.

Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 17:26 [Preview] No.745 del
Strangely, S8 has 13 while S9 only has 12.
I think they halved them to add each season to streaming faster.

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 03:56 [Preview] No.3487 del
Were there any leaks lately (other than the ANT winter episode)?