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You will learn to lick it, and never forget her name.

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(105.40 KB 749x740 stpatrick.webp)
NEET General #815 - St Patrick's Day Edition NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 06:39 [Preview] No. 828559
How did you NEETs celebrate?

Old Thread: >>827599

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:28 [Preview] No.828620 del

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:29 [Preview] No.828621 del

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:30 [Preview] No.828623 del
Too hot outside. Not sure I'll make it to BWS.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:31 [Preview] No.828626 del
I nearly fainted in the shower before with the fart I released. One of the worst smells I've experienced.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:32 [Preview] No.828627 del
I farted so violently it woke me up once.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:34 [Preview] No.828629 del
Any stains?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:34 [Preview] No.828630 del
It was gassing you.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:37 [Preview] No.828631 del
No, thank god. It was on a scout camp so it would've been complicated if I had shit the bed.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:37 [Preview] No.828632 del
That didn't even occur to me. My own personal holocaust.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:38 [Preview] No.828633 del
(58.28 KB 503x810 doomsday suit.jpeg)
You should have been ready.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:42 [Preview] No.828634 del
might be nordy

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:44 [Preview] No.828635 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ALV-QtDFpSw [Embed]

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:44 [Preview] No.828636 del
working late?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:46 [Preview] No.828637 del
It went quiet as soon as that was brought up.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:48 [Preview] No.828638 del
Fairy Ring Disease inspections tomorrow for all of you.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:50 [Preview] No.828639 del
You sound mad. No El Nuro ?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:00 [Preview] No.828640 del
I said good morning to Nuro and he said "Hey Retard, Whats Up?" and when I complained that he disrespected me for no good reason he said to not be a faggot because he didn't call me a "Fucking Retard" although I was and not to push it, once.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:03 [Preview] No.828641 del
>o ?
Settle down fatso.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:04 [Preview] No.828642 del
Why is nuro allowed to pretend to not be nuro in order to talk about himself, but other neets can't use like half the flags here?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:06 [Preview] No.828643 del
Webber, how would the Texas pornhub ban work? Would a national ISP just block the DNS lookups from certain customers based on their registered address?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:10 [Preview] No.828644 del
This spelling always cracks me up.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:13 [Preview] No.828645 del
Because you are Irredeemably Unbased and you already have worn everyone out with your shenanigan's. Thats why.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:20 [Preview] No.828646 del
Turns out those cheap socks are made with synthetic stretch threads and feel horrible. Who would have thought?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:21 [Preview] No.828647 del
That private school didn't do a very good job.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:22 [Preview] No.828648 del
Yeah I guess so. Pornhub might also have to add some kind of seppo geo-ip checks too. Like how Bunnings tries to guess your state and nearest store.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:24 [Preview] No.828649 del
Yellow hands strike again?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:24 [Preview] No.828650 del
Slow cooker nearly done.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:25 [Preview] No.828651 del
That was quick.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:31 [Preview] No.828652 del
I put it on high.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:50 [Preview] No.828653 del
(3.50 MB 186x400 1710231927175122.webm)

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:54 [Preview] No.828654 del
fuck yeah thats pure death metal

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:56 [Preview] No.828655 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=l1dnqKGuezo [Embed]

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:56 [Preview] No.828656 del
>While he was stopped, several individuals began taking packages and items from his truck.
>According to the police, two men stood on the passenger side footboard and showed the driver they had guns.
my sides

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:13 [Preview] No.828657 del
When I build my new pc I might start streaming but I’m afraid I’ll get trolled again

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:13 [Preview] No.828658 del
(53.17 KB 670x395 polo.jpg)
Keep overeating because I'm depressed. Keep getting depressed because I'm fat from overeating. I need to break out of this. Get on the El Nuro diet or something.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:15 [Preview] No.828659 del
Back on the MRE videos?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:16 [Preview] No.828660 del
>El Nuro diet
If you want to compete in nurgle 2024, sure.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:16 [Preview] No.828661 del
>the El Nuro diet
That won't help.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:17 [Preview] No.828662 del
>Get on the El Nuro diet or something.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:25 [Preview] No.828663 del
The El Nuro diet comes with free Dexies

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:25 [Preview] No.828664 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=YRYH8kJaGbM [Embed]

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:26 [Preview] No.828665 del
How will he know which public dunnies to find them in?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:35 [Preview] No.828666 del
(28.33 KB 384x390 almost-unpleasant.jpg)

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:38 [Preview] No.828667 del
Well bantered.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:38 [Preview] No.828668 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yq2jJLswL8I [Embed]

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:38 [Preview] No.828669 del

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:39 [Preview] No.828670 del
Fug me just had to make a new mygov account, tried to login on my old one and it kept saying invalid user name / password tried to get a code sent to my email address and then my phone when that didnt work, no email and no sms code sent, tried with and without vpn on and off, no go.

Oh well new account with another email address linked and cenno linked and banking details updated (all worked while I was on vpn as well) the best bit was the confirmation email was sent to my other email address that never recieved the code from the first try.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:41 [Preview] No.828671 del
Goodnight neet.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:41 [Preview] No.828672 del
Good night Pidge. xx

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:42 [Preview] No.828673 del
>new mygov account
I didn't even know you could do that.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:46 [Preview] No.828674 del
I haven't had a proper photo ID for about eight years now. Dan probably wonders why I go to him when my address says I am still on the other end of the city.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:47 [Preview] No.828675 del
From what I have read all you need is a different email address, plus when I created the new account I didnt provide a mobile number.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:50 [Preview] No.828676 del
>The incompetencel (incompentencel being a portmanteau of "incompetence" and "incel") or fuckupcel or bad-decisioncel is a man who is always making bad decisions that sabotage any success he might otherwise have had.
>When he makes one bad decision, rather than finding a way to redeem himself, he keeps squandering new opportunities he is given by making more mistakes.
>Eventually he realizes, there's no hope, because by extrapolating outward, he sees that the pattern is just going to continue in every new situation in which he finds himself.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:55 [Preview] No.828677 del

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:55 [Preview] No.828678 del
>he sees that the pattern is just going to continue in every new situation in which he finds himself.
That's his biggest mistake. He's wrong. It doesn't have to be like that.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:56 [Preview] No.828679 del
Had to cut that fishing trip short. It was a mosquito holocaust. Mozzies were the nazis and I the jew.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:03 [Preview] No.828680 del
6 million bites?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:03 [Preview] No.828681 del
The tits aren't a suitable cut for slow cooking.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:03 [Preview] No.828682 del
Always remember the sandflies when we used to go to the coast.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:04 [Preview] No.828683 del
Monk? No!

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:07 [Preview] No.828684 del
Nobody escapes the bucket. Nobody.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:11 [Preview] No.828685 del
Well, I did it anyway. RIP Helen.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:15 [Preview] No.828686 del
I love you babe

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:17 [Preview] No.828687 del

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:20 [Preview] No.828688 del
I've had enough of today, fug it

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:21 [Preview] No.828689 del
An unexpected visit by a couple blokes from the fisheries department spooked me good. Turned up in an unmarked dual cab ute and dressed like cops. Shitting my pants I knew something wasn't right so threw the car keys under the passenger seat before they even stopped their car. At least a bottle of wine in the system. They asked a few questions before leaving. And I did the same not long after thinking they'd call in the real coppers after smelling wine on my breath. Had a good couple of bites. Lost a hook to something shortly before leaving.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:24 [Preview] No.828690 del
> because by extrapolating outward, he sees that the pattern is just going to continue in every new situation in which he finds himself
Literally me.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:25 [Preview] No.828691 del
Shit thread :)

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:30 [Preview] No.828692 del
Shower farts always smell worse

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:35 [Preview] No.828693 del
User Pariston that's why.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:36 [Preview] No.828694 del
Severely woed by family. They wait till the worst possible time to heap burdens on me

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:38 [Preview] No.828695 del
My sides hurt because alcoholism.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:38 [Preview] No.828696 del

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:39 [Preview] No.828697 del
Reject the burdens. Say no.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:40 [Preview] No.828698 del
Fisheries and catchments are dogs, spend all day harassing normal people then claim they lack resources to catch whoever dumped 20 tons of amuminate into the river.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:40 [Preview] No.828699 del
He is the BO we need, if not the one all neets want.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:41 [Preview] No.828700 del
just refuse to answer the phone, works for me.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:41 [Preview] No.828701 del
I do and that's why they just turn up unannounced and invited when they hear I'm having a hard time. But rather then help they're just a shocking imposition at the worst possible time and they fuck everything up

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:41 [Preview] No.828702 del
>20 tons of amuminate
puts hairs on the fishes chests

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:43 [Preview] No.828703 del
Think of it like digging for gold.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:44 [Preview] No.828704 del
They do nothing about the chinks taking undersize fish and crabs and ignoring bag limits and using illegal rigs too.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:46 [Preview] No.828705 del
Im going on the paleo diet tomorrow. Start with me

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:46 [Preview] No.828706 del
(26.94 KB 360x273 FTFY.jpg)

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:47 [Preview] No.828707 del
The water company dumps the amuminate, sorry if my joke was unclear.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:47 [Preview] No.828708 del
have actually thought of getting back on the dexies, but I'm too much of a pussy to buy illegal drugs and I don't want to go to the trouble of going to another psych and getting a script

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:48 [Preview] No.828709 del
What's the menu?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:49 [Preview] No.828710 del
how did you find this description of my life?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:51 [Preview] No.828711 del
meats,nuts,fruits,veggies. Get extra virgin olive oil for cooking. Eat literally nothing else. But theres tons of paleo recipes you can look up. Go buy sea salt aswell.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:51 [Preview] No.828712 del
That's why everyone hates fisheries.
Corrupt, incompetent, unfair, general cunts.
The real damage to fish stocks are caused by interference during breeding season, pollution.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:51 [Preview] No.828713 del
imissfather 2.0

Talked hard about stopping the board cancer. Initially banned it, then again with an 18.1 but appealed said ban evasion.

Another false prophet.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:52 [Preview] No.828714 del
I don't think I'll be doing paleo, but I will try and go off sugar for a week

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:52 [Preview] No.828715 del
Drugs aren't the answer.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:53 [Preview] No.828716 del
watch out for bottled water. I just discovered that i have basically been drinking soda for the past couple years and that my "water" contained sugar and a ton of calories.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:54 [Preview] No.828717 del
Paleo is a silly fad diet

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:54 [Preview] No.828718 del
I need something that gives confidence, reduces anxiety, and maybe enhances focus.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:55 [Preview] No.828719 del
its the caveman diet. If our ancestors could do it then so can i.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 10:58 [Preview] No.828720 del
they are super comfy

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:01 [Preview] No.828721 del
Read the label dickhead.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:03 [Preview] No.828722 del
if I was rich I'd stop going to supermarkets and get lite and easy delivered instead

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:03 [Preview] No.828723 del
sugar doesnt belong in water

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:04 [Preview] No.828724 del
Back on the Sam Aronow

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:04 [Preview] No.828725 del
Down in all lifts. Will rebuild.

>threw the car keys under the passenger seat
What would your excuse have been? Just waiting for a mate?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:06 [Preview] No.828726 del
>Will rebuild.
You can do it NEET.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:07 [Preview] No.828727 del
(58.79 KB 572x638 image.jpg)
Keep an eye on the site logs. The amount of posts User Pariston deletes is crazy.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:07 [Preview] No.828728 del
(186.08 KB 500x277 lift-heavy.png)
lift heavy bro

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:08 [Preview] No.828729 del
>the site logs
You need to find more interesting hobbies.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:10 [Preview] No.828730 del
Everyone supports him except you

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:11 [Preview] No.828731 del
(839.29 KB 1500x993 hasid.jpg)
We need a strong leader who can keep the bad neets in line.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:12 [Preview] No.828732 del
My computer chair's towel is soaked with sweat

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:12 [Preview] No.828733 del
Don't insult the logs! It's a very exciting read.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:13 [Preview] No.828734 del
We shouldn't be surprised that imissfather waited so long because he was trying to find a suitably nurolatrous replacement.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:15 [Preview] No.828735 del
/polru/ seems to have stalingrad-tier losses for its posts.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:17 [Preview] No.828736 del
(49.48 KB 750x1000 mong-icecream.jpg)
Went for a walk. Bought some ice cream. The girl there complemented my choice of flavours (nutella and bounty). Couldn't think of anything intelligent or witty to say to that.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:19 [Preview] No.828737 del
You should have offered to share with her.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:20 [Preview] No.828738 del
Those were good flavour choices NEET.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:20 [Preview] No.828739 del
What was your choice?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:20 [Preview] No.828740 del
>stalingrad-tier losses
it never seems to stop the russians, no matter how many of them get killed

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:21 [Preview] No.828741 del
Who asked your opinion?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:23 [Preview] No.828742 del

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:23 [Preview] No.828743 del
They get flooded regularly, by just one user posting the same thing this sounds extremely familiar, a wall of text. This can amount a lot. Beyond that I don't know what posts they delete.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:24 [Preview] No.828744 del
Goodreads. They'll publish it soon too.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:25 [Preview] No.828745 del
You can be done for DUI even if not in the car so long as you have the keys on your person.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:30 [Preview] No.828746 del
Couple QTs on ABC.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:36 [Preview] No.828747 del
(61.97 KB 553x625 P.jpg)

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:38 [Preview] No.828748 del

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:45 [Preview] No.828749 del
gonna fall asleep listening to will durant, good night neets

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:46 [Preview] No.828750 del
Good night NEET.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:55 [Preview] No.828751 del
Night fella.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 12:04 [Preview] No.828752 del
I know. But why would you be over the limit, alone, sitting in the car there?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 12:04 [Preview] No.828753 del
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
(From USA)
Irish Whiskey and Guinness!!

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 12:05 [Preview] No.828754 del
You guys celebrate that?
I could a Guinness now.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 12:06 [Preview] No.828755 del
Im actually going to read a c programming book. I need money

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 12:21 [Preview] No.828756 del
Thank you NEET. o7

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 12:24 [Preview] No.828757 del
Semi Religious Holiday but now mostly a Drinking and Partying Holiday. ($$)

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 12:38 [Preview] No.828758 del
my only options is either killing myself or becoming a programmer. I hate my life

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 12:57 [Preview] No.828759 del
This is the week that I finally read BAP

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 13:38 [Preview] No.828760 del
Good night neets.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 14:02 [Preview] No.828761 del
Good night desu.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 15:39 [Preview] No.828762 del
Watched some youtoobs and decided it seems potentially doable to sleep in a hatchback

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 16:18 [Preview] No.828763 del
It seems that way but there would not be much room in the car for anything else.

Are you planning a car living arc?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 16:18 [Preview] No.828764 del
It is a fun and easy read. Quite short too.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 17:24 [Preview] No.828765 del
"The mind commands the body and is instantly obeyed. The mind commands itself and meets resistance."
-Saint Augustine of Hippo

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:25 [Preview] No.828766 del
(38.39 KB 640x480 images (41).jpeg)
(32.87 KB 640x480 images (40).jpeg)
(33.42 KB 640x480 images (37).jpeg)

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:27 [Preview] No.828767 del
I was going to comment that one would be better off dead, but I suppose it would do in a pinch.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:29 [Preview] No.828768 del
Might be fun for a weekend.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:29 [Preview] No.828769 del
Bit of a bad omen. I'm going to give up on today and try again tomorrow.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:31 [Preview] No.828770 del
Saturn in Aquarius?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:31 [Preview] No.828771 del
Thanks o7

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:32 [Preview] No.828772 del
The toilet phone is still going strong.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:33 [Preview] No.828773 del
It's actually sounds good. Pouring water for the god of agriculture, rain is good for the crops.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:40 [Preview] No.828774 del
Yeah, that line is the horizon. Sun is about to rise.
Greeting the new day might be giving power to Kronos and I'm not messing with that black sun stuff.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:42 [Preview] No.828775 del
Imagine basking in the glow of Ouranos's blood and thinking its warm.
Best to avoid the sun all together today.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:43 [Preview] No.828776 del
Blood makes the grass grow.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:44 [Preview] No.828777 del
The screen has chips and the cover is starting to fall apart.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:44 [Preview] No.828778 del
That orange globe is the Sun in the app?
The Sun could also mean ruler, and as you said power (for all energy on Earth comes from the Sun in some way, coal and oil is just died vegetation which used the power of the Sun for photosynthesis to get the C from the CO2).

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:46 [Preview] No.828779 del
And yeah, plants need water and sunshine, and with time they'll grow. With Saturn/Kronos this surely is about good harvest this year.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:47 [Preview] No.828780 del
Yeah, Venus should be around there too, that's what I went to look for first. Last time I looked I couldn't see her because of the hills to our east. Not sure if its always like that here or if it depends on the season.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:48 [Preview] No.828781 del
>Ouranos's blood
See a GP. Don't just stuff chux in there again and hope for the best.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:49 [Preview] No.828782 del
We've had a late summer here, it's just broke and we've had a couple days of cooler weather and a bit of rain.
Autumn has arrived. We shall feast through winter.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:51 [Preview] No.828783 del
>Not sure if its always like that here or if it depends on the season.
If you check the app regularly you'll know.

Must be better, I saw you guys complaining due to heat couple of times.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:57 [Preview] No.828784 del
The app is always slightly wrong. Most of the apps and online stuff I think must be made by people in the northern hemisphere.
Most of the constellations are the same but the proportions are different and I think from the refraction through the atmosphere, the sky sort of 'fish eye lenses' making things look very different from how it's shown there. It's like they stretch out more at the horizon.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:58 [Preview] No.828785 del
It'll hodl

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:59 [Preview] No.828786 del
Good morning NEETs.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:01 [Preview] No.828787 del
Good morning.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:08 [Preview] No.828788 del
I checked again. Didn't see that Mars and Venus are also in Aquarius with Saturn, as they rise together with Sol.
Thinking I should cover myself in soot and baking soda then laugh with the galahs as they begin to screech.
Wish I had a white, first born male goat and a mother of pearl razor.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:09 [Preview] No.828789 del
If some devs in Australia could make such an app for southern hemispherers...

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:09 [Preview] No.828790 del
>Wish I had a white, first born male goat and a mother of pearl razor
Go out and see if you can find a cat somewhere. A kitchen knife should do.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:12 [Preview] No.828791 del
I don't want to use metal. I've got a bamboo KFC spoon.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:14 [Preview] No.828792 del
Mars Venus and Saturn.
Man woman and death.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:15 [Preview] No.828793 del
In the water pourer.. life giver.
What's it all mean?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:53 [Preview] No.828794 del
>some devs in Australia
Monk has a list of Apps to develop first.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:30 [Preview] No.828795 del
(37.90 KB 434x597 1657374467043.jpeg)
Good morning. Stayed up all night thinking about 'learned helplessness' and how it isn't real.
Rather it should be called 'realised incompetence'.
I've realised just how bad I've got it and why. I have never baked a cake. Never wrapped a Christmas present. Never changed a bike tyre, never put up a tent, never patched a hole in the wall, was never taught to shave, never been to a wedding, never been to a festival, never had a female friend, never went to high school formal, don't know anything about cars, don't know how to fish, don't know how to tie something onto a ute tray, don't know how to buy or sell a vehicle, don't know how to iron a shirt, can't cook anything more than chucking something in the oven or pan, can't do home maintenance, was always picked last in lunch time soccer when you lined up against the fence, was always teased about my glasses and face. Never taught how how home loans work, don't know what stamp duty is, I could go on and on.
Everything I know is from a screen. All I know how to do is use a computer and go out drinking and taking drugs.

So its really no wonder how you progress from that into self-deprecating humour, isolation with video games, and down the internet rabbit hole you go. Then you can't complete a degree, can't keep a job, a stable routine, a healthy lifestyle, maintain relationships above the status of drinking buddy, and more.
Woe to the incompetent

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:40 [Preview] No.828796 del
Possum writes of such things

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:40 [Preview] No.828797 del
Good morning NEET.
You can learn new things now. You can change your lifestyle and grow along the way.
You do not have to be like this forever.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:45 [Preview] No.828798 del
Good morning NEETs.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:46 [Preview] No.828799 del
When I get out of the halfway house I'm gonna find some nice sweet girl with a passion for fixing me

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:48 [Preview] No.828800 del
Don't slander him.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:48 [Preview] No.828801 del
(208.46 KB 828x723 1710663302339767.png)
>The King is about to make a "somber statement" at 21:00 GMT on all TV channels. Will post stream when it's available. I don't know what it's about but BBC News are calling it an "existential catasophe for the United Kingdom", parliament will be recalled for an emergency meeting at 9am tomorrow.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:49 [Preview] No.828802 del
First you wash your face with warm water, that softens your beard. Then apply shaving cream (just use the spray can type, no need to do with a brush and soap, shake the can first) around your face and neck. It's enough over the board and stache, it is unnecessary to spread it onto your forehead and nose. Then put the razor - use a safety razor, not a blade - to your face, you don't have to apply pressure just rest it by its weight, then pull it along your face vertically (90 degree to the razor, basically where the handle points move it into that direction). Remove the foam off your face and neck, one strip after another. Wash the foam and hair off the razor after each pull. After you finished, wash your face with cold water, remove the remnants of the foam as well. After all this you can apply aftershave. I tried ones with and without alcohol (do not apply that one orally), but I came to the conclusion, it's enough to wash me face and that's that. Sometimes I apply hand cream or lotion if I feel my skin is too dry.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:49 [Preview] No.828803 del
(280.16 KB 1024x1024 F_9D9MEXwAUC5mg.jpeg)
>existential catasophe for the United Kingdom

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:51 [Preview] No.828804 del
Charles resigns due to health issues. Can't recover from cancer.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:51 [Preview] No.828805 del
the future of australian housing

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:52 [Preview] No.828806 del
Planning for the case of it, yes.

That would be easy. Mine is much smaller

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:53 [Preview] No.828807 del
(97.37 KB 1024x683 brm.jpg)
You need a nice strong boong woman to look after you.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:53 [Preview] No.828808 del
There's way too much dust in the sunlight that's streaming in the window, I need to clean up around here

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:53 [Preview] No.828809 del
>international the news
Obviously a fake source.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:54 [Preview] No.828810 del
>(do not apply that one orally)

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:57 [Preview] No.828811 del
cyclone gonna destroy queensland

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:57 [Preview] No.828812 del
Are you going to have to leave the halfway house?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:57 [Preview] No.828813 del
news.com.au makes those typos all the time

Just planning for the worst case. It'll be sold in not too long

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:05 [Preview] No.828815 del
doubtful, although its going to be another shitty week

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:08 [Preview] No.828816 del
Weber has been teaching the Duchess how to poo again.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:10 [Preview] No.828817 del
I never did get to the see that video from Richard Pusey with the cops

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:10 [Preview] No.828818 del
(148.58 KB 707x627 vegies.png)
Not gonna be paleo dieting, but gonna try and make it through the day without any sugar.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:11 [Preview] No.828819 del
What is Pussy up to these days?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:11 [Preview] No.828820 del
Good luck NEET.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:14 [Preview] No.828821 del
You can do it.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:25 [Preview] No.828822 del
Thanks neets. I invite all the executive brethren to join me on the no-sugar day.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:25 [Preview] No.828823 del
Sugar is Peaty, do the Ray Peat diet. You can have ice cream and coke that way.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:28 [Preview] No.828824 del
Apricot Weet-Bix bites and a glass of orange juice down the hatch. Need to find some caffeine.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:30 [Preview] No.828825 del
I am hankering for a green top Dare.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:38 [Preview] No.828826 del
Good solid meal.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:40 [Preview] No.828827 del
Good solid meal.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:52 [Preview] No.828828 del
Queue buster too.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 21:59 [Preview] No.828830 del
Emergency services were flat out.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:09 [Preview] No.828831 del
Also reminds me of
https://youtube.com/watch?v=iecp-1dQIJU [Embed]

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:09 [Preview] No.828832 del
Spoilers for the show Rake if you haven't seen it.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:09 [Preview] No.828833 del

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:11 [Preview] No.828834 del
Youre a pretty good drinking buddy

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:14 [Preview] No.828835 del
Daddy Shibs

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:15 [Preview] No.828836 del
I'm not going to suffer for nothing.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:16 [Preview] No.828837 del
Our literal Apu.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:32 [Preview] No.828838 del
That awkward part of the morning where the glare hits my eyes through the window

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:32 [Preview] No.828839 del
Found an eyelash in my mouth.
Stop it.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:39 [Preview] No.828840 del

Bukele has put his wallet into cold storage in their national bank apparently

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:43 [Preview] No.828841 del
Close the blinds and peek out of them to see who is looking.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:43 [Preview] No.828842 del
Long and curly eyelash?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:45 [Preview] No.828843 del
They are closed but don't cover the window 100%

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:49 [Preview] No.828844 del
Acquired a white mondster, a double Dare, and some biscuits.
Lizbef Souf supermarket seems very depleted. I wonder if they're going out of business.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:52 [Preview] No.828845 del
That sucks. You can get shitty reflective and retractable ones from AliExpress to cover part of the window where the sun shines in. That's what I was going to do before I got oversized roller blind because the curtains were falling apart.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:53 [Preview] No.828846 del
(152.53 KB 800x600 RocX Paint Pole 3.webp)
Time to inspect the NEETs for Fairy Ring Disease and mark those with it.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 22:59 [Preview] No.828847 del
Dares will fuck you up. They have like 20 teaspoons of sugar in them.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:03 [Preview] No.828848 del
(646.36 KB 1170x956 lol.png)

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:08 [Preview] No.828849 del
(13.18 KB 1000x1000 stalagmite_worry.png)

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:13 [Preview] No.828850 del
New episode of bedtime stories:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=qnYj-xaBZzU [Embed]

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:33 [Preview] No.828851 del
Almost done learning C on free code camp (for free).

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:34 [Preview] No.828852 del

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:45 [Preview] No.828853 del
(293.14 KB 750x754 1710718950912448.jpg)
Breakfast of champions....

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:46 [Preview] No.828854 del
There was some mong herder festival with face painting there on Saturday

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:47 [Preview] No.828855 del
A fortnights worth of crud completed (minus all the other stuff).
People are getting paid, and so am I so that's enough.

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:51 [Preview] No.828856 del
In the supermarket?

NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:57 [Preview] No.828857 del
Apparently, yeah.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:01 [Preview] No.828859 del
apparently they've even dropped HSC mathematics as a requirement for entry to a mathematics degree..

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:15 [Preview] No.828860 del
Meh, they just start with discrete mathematics for ducks anyway

Tell me off the top of your head how to calculate all the possibilities of a 6 digit number plate where each character is a-z or 0-9 smarty pants

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:17 [Preview] No.828861 del

Off the top of my head, and assuming all characters are valid in all places including repeats, 36!^6

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:18 [Preview] No.828862 del
> 36!^6
Jesus Christ neet.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:18 [Preview] No.828863 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:20 [Preview] No.828864 del
36^6 you know full well what imeant

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:21 [Preview] No.828865 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:24 [Preview] No.828866 del
10^6 + 36^6
Back to grade 10

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:25 [Preview] No.828867 del
(10.88 KB 500x500 hackber.png)
>(36!)^6 = 10^249
>only 10^80 particles in the observable universe

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:26 [Preview] No.828868 del
No you are right. ChatGPT got that simple question wrong

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:26 [Preview] No.828869 del
What the fuck are you on about?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:28 [Preview] No.828870 del
lol retart

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:29 [Preview] No.828871 del
Basic combinatorics is an excellent wordcel filter because it is all dead simple if you can visualise things.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:30 [Preview] No.828872 del
I still have to look up the formulas if it's selecting n from m and order matters.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:30 [Preview] No.828873 del
Are you saying that I'm not good at mathematics?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:32 [Preview] No.828874 del
Because I think I just stopped doing my homework once we got to matrices in year 10.
Put a hole in the wall when I thought that big thick book at it

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:33 [Preview] No.828875 del
I'll stop now

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:34 [Preview] No.828876 del
Matrices weren't taught until Year 12 Maths 1 here, even though vector operations were taught earlier and they're basically the same thing.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:36 [Preview] No.828877 del
I reckon davo is doing maths at uni

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:37 [Preview] No.828878 del
Can you build me a multithreaded 3d game engine in C and vulkan please? Actually, make it 4d, I want something original.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:37 [Preview] No.828879 del
One el nuro please

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:39 [Preview] No.828880 del
With realistic rape mechanics?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:39 [Preview] No.828881 del
Why should mathematicians have to know any math, you bigot!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:46 [Preview] No.828882 del
Less exciting

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:47 [Preview] No.828883 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:47 [Preview] No.828884 del
I reckon he's the one that gets snotty when I go on about useless degrees.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:48 [Preview] No.828885 del
I thought he was studying nipples

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:48 [Preview] No.828886 del
Should be able to do trig without a calculator.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:50 [Preview] No.828887 del
All I see is 21 pieces in a bucket.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:52 [Preview] No.828888 del
(17.89 KB 630x315 to.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:53 [Preview] No.828889 del
remember how nuro used to pretend to be a mathematican?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:55 [Preview] No.828890 del
Had three fruit and milk chocolate digestives as a treat before lunch.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 00:57 [Preview] No.828891 del
amazon pajeet coming 4 days early

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:00 [Preview] No.828892 del
that is a long edging session.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:00 [Preview] No.828893 del
No wonder they get nothing done, they spend the whole day gooning to bob and vegana.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:03 [Preview] No.828894 del
Plese sar do not redeem bobs and vagene!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:04 [Preview] No.828895 del
(1.57 MB 480x848 weber.webm)
me when I see weber

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:05 [Preview] No.828896 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:09 [Preview] No.828897 del
how can he noot noot

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:14 [Preview] No.828898 del
Ooh Webby I love your way

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:23 [Preview] No.828899 del
Found a video of 10k
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZDkLQFy0YAA [Embed]

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:25 [Preview] No.828900 del
Oh. Second half isn't as good. Feels like they're taking advantage of him.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:36 [Preview] No.828901 del
(2.69 MB 1080x1080 1646127422391.png)
Getting a bunch of emails related to the 10+ seek applications I did over the weekend last minute for cenno
Even got a missed call and an email telling me to fill out a form
Too nervous and manic for this

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:40 [Preview] No.828902 del
Going shopping. Might visit the Colonel on the way home.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:48 [Preview] No.828903 del
two chiggen and gravy rolls down teh hatch

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:49 [Preview] No.828904 del
I bet you don't even use Quaternions....

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:51 [Preview] No.828905 del
>El Nuro
We have been through this. You are going to have to wait till Thursday.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:51 [Preview] No.828906 del
stupid nigga cant even spell watermelons

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:02 [Preview] No.828907 del
You haven't checked your emails or phone yet.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:02 [Preview] No.828908 del
$10 deal please with a solo.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:05 [Preview] No.828909 del
About 15 squirts of qv, but forgot to do under my arms.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:06 [Preview] No.828910 del
You can do it king 👑

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:07 [Preview] No.828911 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:07 [Preview] No.828912 del
Big burn?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:10 [Preview] No.828913 del
GregO's eating a pizza

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:11 [Preview] No.828914 del
might have some camomile, you neets want any?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:12 [Preview] No.828915 del
KFC just had to end that dollar wickid wing deal today, payday.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:14 [Preview] No.828916 del
2 bags and 6 sugars

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:17 [Preview] No.828917 del
Mong out with your shlong out

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:28 [Preview] No.828918 del
was a silverside

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:29 [Preview] No.828919 del
Might go get a kebab before the school kids take over the streets.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:37 [Preview] No.828920 del
Into the hood?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:39 [Preview] No.828921 del
(278.22 KB 1113x1301 652.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:46 [Preview] No.828922 del
(78.89 KB 1096x695 lll.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:47 [Preview] No.828923 del
Gook afternoon.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:01 [Preview] No.828924 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=285Suqm9qT0 [Embed]

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:11 [Preview] No.828926 del
literally my exact body posture

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:17 [Preview] No.828928 del
I always noticed those late model toyota camry consistently had the worst drivers on the road.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:19 [Preview] No.828929 del
Punjabi Dukes of Hazard

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:24 [Preview] No.828930 del
Cool Zone engaged

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:25 [Preview] No.828931 del
Motherbat posted a letter to me on Friday and the postie either hasn't come past or didn't have it with him today.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:27 [Preview] No.828932 del
The Wicked Wings were not good today.
Overcooked and NASTY.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:27 [Preview] No.828933 del
I just put my trackie pants on.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:34 [Preview] No.828934 del
Neighbour's house is listed for $500k. Real estate agent is pulling himself.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:36 [Preview] No.828935 del
House values have increased a lot just in the last 12 months. Even in bad home areas. They sell fast too.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:49 [Preview] No.828936 del
If non-whites move in I'll become a cunt. Power tools and banjo music until 1am.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:51 [Preview] No.828937 del
Very. Pretty sure we only get mail delivered every second day still.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:52 [Preview] No.828938 del
Mong moments.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:53 [Preview] No.828939 del
Whimsical lifestyle.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:58 [Preview] No.828940 del
Weber goth arc when?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:59 [Preview] No.828941 del
Next arc may be the commune at Webby's. That'll generate enough sound for the neighbours.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:00 [Preview] No.828942 del
(52.94 KB 1024x576 Vito_Spatafore_Jr..webp)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:04 [Preview] No.828943 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:08 [Preview] No.828944 del
Webby looks like a Puerto Rican Whoore.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:10 [Preview] No.828945 del
The turd doesn't fall far from the faggot's ass

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:12 [Preview] No.828946 del
(3.17 MB 4032x3024 IMG_5648.jpeg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:14 [Preview] No.828947 del
Spazzle Fuckwit? I heard he nailed a m80 to a litter box. Came all over the sun-visor.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:17 [Preview] No.828948 del
having a pebsi

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:18 [Preview] No.828949 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:22 [Preview] No.828950 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:25 [Preview] No.828951 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:25 [Preview] No.828952 del
Add a splash of milk.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:31 [Preview] No.828953 del
fucking cunt amazon cunt pulled up out front
didnt get out
didnt throw package out of car
just drove off and i get a 'delivered' email
can't even raise with amazon until 24 hours have elapsed

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:33 [Preview] No.828954 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:33 [Preview] No.828955 del
On recent deliveries, Sir has been providing a photograph of the delivery. Can you ask the support chat Sir for that photograph as proof of delivery?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:40 [Preview] No.828956 del
You need to get on the el nuro's - anything less than a 5XL is looked down upon here

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:40 [Preview] No.828957 del
My auspost package just attempted delivery while I wasn’t home. Now I’ve gotta wait until tomorrow to go get it

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:42 [Preview] No.828959 del
(88.84 KB 502x673 fuckwit.jpg)
(72.12 KB 502x673 fuckwit2.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:46 [Preview] No.828960 del
They don't even leave cards now, so unless you know the tracking number or the sender has tied your email address to the tracking number, you have no way of knowing you missed them.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:47 [Preview] No.828961 del
Just reading the title I already hate them

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:47 [Preview] No.828962 del
Fucking cunts. Oh well I can’t use it until I get the other parts anyway.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:48 [Preview] No.828963 del
You might hurt the robots feelings

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:49 [Preview] No.828964 del
Sorry I assumed robot Sir could work.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:49 [Preview] No.828965 del
You went at 1pm. You knew what to expect

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:50 [Preview] No.828966 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:50 [Preview] No.828967 del
The other robot must not be talking to that one today. I gave up waiting for the transfer after a couple of minutes.
I'll get the bank to reverse the charge on my card tomorrow. It's the only thing these merchants understand.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:51 [Preview] No.828968 del
I can’t wait until centrelink and everything is all AI then we won’t have waiting times anymore

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:56 [Preview] No.828969 del
I'm sorry I'm having trouble understanding that could you repeat the question please.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:57 [Preview] No.828970 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:00 [Preview] No.828971 del
I expected a fresh batch to have just been cooked after they ran out during the lunch time rush.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:02 [Preview] No.828972 del
Too soon, you need to give it a bit more time to see what develops.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:03 [Preview] No.828973 del
I'm going away next week. I need the items or the money refunded so I can source them from elsewhere.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:04 [Preview] No.828974 del
No you didn't, you knew it would be left overs in old oil.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:05 [Preview] No.828975 del
10.45am is the optimal time for such items.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:06 [Preview] No.828976 del
That thief Pajeet and the robot have given me a tension headache.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:14 [Preview] No.828977 del
Reading about the Egtved girl, a woman found buried in prehistoric scandinavia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egtved_Girl

News sites insist she was a stronk powerful woman who got her own burial mound because she was a wise community leader. I reckon she was someone's sex slave, but we're missing her master's grave.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:15 [Preview] No.828978 del
Best we can hope for is Scrum Captain

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:20 [Preview] No.828979 del
(262.32 KB 1080x1350 GI6ZFstaQAAZUhL.jpeg)
>Police are investigating after two men allegedly used counterfeit $100 notes at a Niddrie business last week.
>It’s understood both men received $50 change in legitimate Australian currency back from the staff member, before leaving the premises.

100% factory genuine saar good price

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:20 [Preview] No.828980 del
New life time?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:25 [Preview] No.828981 del
Thought that was a country town and then saw it's a Shitbourne suburb.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:26 [Preview] No.828982 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_ElORM9O-0U [Embed]

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:27 [Preview] No.828983 del
Oy vey I'm having palpitations. I'm nauseous!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:27 [Preview] No.828984 del
>it's talking about things it doesn't understand again...

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:27 [Preview] No.828985 del
(114.97 KB 500x744 tintin_in_melbourne.jpg)
diversity is our strength neet

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:28 [Preview] No.828986 del
What race are those?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:29 [Preview] No.828987 del
You don't understand, his workshop has a mill with a rotary table and a tilting head which means he is machining bicycle brackets in 6D

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:29 [Preview] No.828988 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:32 [Preview] No.828989 del
They have been triggered by the runaway overnight success of the El Nuro meme.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:36 [Preview] No.828990 del
(55.58 KB 1000x625 el_presidente.jpg)
Banned on facebook, trending on twitter, and the chinese are already mass manufacturing inferior copies of it.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:38 [Preview] No.828991 del
El Nuro, El Basado.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:42 [Preview] No.828992 del
(200.45 KB 1280x1856 1zrkgwi0cmkc1.jpeg)
Thinking that quaternions are like the reals or complex numbers only better is exactly the sort of stupid shit I'd expect a pseud like him to believe. I'm not even sure an engineer would need much beyond the rationals and maybe the occasional use of the Gaussian rationals for oscillations and stuff.
He has, to his credit, mostly walked back the whole physicist/mathematican larp. He used to bring that shit up quite a bit and name drop quite advanced concepts in a way that indicated he didn't know what he was talking about. I am pretty sure me challenging him on it is the origin of him hating me.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:44 [Preview] No.828993 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:45 [Preview] No.828994 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:46 [Preview] No.828995 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:47 [Preview] No.828996 del
Imagine writing all that about something so trivial.
Get a better hobby!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:49 [Preview] No.828997 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:50 [Preview] No.828998 del
(460.08 KB 2080x1170 IMG_20240318.jpg)
Couldn't resist!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:52 [Preview] No.829000 del
(65.59 KB 640x640 Swell.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:52 [Preview] No.829001 del
>all that
<109 words

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:53 [Preview] No.829002 del
>noooooo, don't draw attention to my embarrassing behaviour

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:54 [Preview] No.829003 del
(36.48 KB 713x401 frogs-movies.jpg)
Ok neets, womboflix is returning this weekend, and a new sessions of the movie selection committee is now in order. Vote for a movie or nominate a new one to be added to the list.

Wrongfully Accused (1998)
The Sunset Limited(2011)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Rambo (2008)
Showdown in Little Tokyo(1991)
Who Killed Captain Alex
Truman Show
Trading Places
Fritz the cat
The Commitments
Wolf Of Wall Street(2013)
The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum
Don's Party
The Holy Mountain(1973)
The Joker(2019)
Mortal Kombat(2021)
Top Gun (1986)
The Grey(2011)
Dogs in Space (1986)
Reckless Kelly(1993)
Unhinged (2020)
Bronson (2008)
Midnight Run (1988)
The Usual Suspects(1995)
True Romance (1993)
Prisoners (2013)
Sudden Death (1995)
Beaches (1988)
Total Recall(1990)
The Gangs of New York
Dredd (2012)
american psycho
The Untouchables
death of stalin
Cape Fear
Once Upon A Time In Holywood
The Northman (2022)
Samurai Cop
Ex Machina
Back to the future (1985)
Spiderman across the spiderverse (2023)
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Annie Hall
Hard Eight (1996)
True Grit(2010)
The Wild Geese(1978)
Freddy Got Fingered(2001)
Danger Close

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:55 [Preview] No.829004 del
A skim of Wikipedia suggests some uses in crystallography, magnetic resonance imaging and 3d graphics, but you're right as far as the sets go.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:55 [Preview] No.829005 del
The hot and spicy?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:55 [Preview] No.829006 del
You need it NEET!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:56 [Preview] No.829007 del
You're still going. Take up lawn bowls.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:57 [Preview] No.829008 del
The Joker would be good for NEETs considering their new life for real.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:57 [Preview] No.829009 del
I will reserve my vote until I see which way the wind is blowing.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 05:58 [Preview] No.829010 del
Is the wind hot?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:01 [Preview] No.829011 del
(75.41 KB 640x640 Rusty.jpg)
Six wicked thangz

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:04 [Preview] No.829012 del
(38.73 KB 312x493 842.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:06 [Preview] No.829013 del
The boys at the pub laughed at Monk when he referred to the city as "the big smoke" once.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:06 [Preview] No.829014 del
BWS delivered warm sparkling white :(

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:07 [Preview] No.829015 del
(34.38 KB 800x450 big_smoke.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:08 [Preview] No.829016 del
A hot wind blows from the stainless steel warmer oven,
The Wicked Wings have been in there too long.
Don't sell them to me please,
No. Too late, they're here.
Should have gone at 10:45.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:08 [Preview] No.829017 del
>crystallography, magnetic resonance imaging and 3d graphics
It is a pretty small minority of engineers that involve themselves with some things. Again, I'm not saying they are useless but rather that they are unnecessary for most of applied maths. The extensions of the complex numbers were investigated a fair bit around the mid to late 1800s but were found to be less useful than anticipated due to the loss of field properties as you extend them and they got made fairly redundant by developments in algebra.
You're still defending it.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:08 [Preview] No.829018 del
Wont take long to cool down in the freezer.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:09 [Preview] No.829019 del
>warm sparkling white
Sounds euphemistic.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:09 [Preview] No.829020 del
Chill it!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:09 [Preview] No.829021 del
>with some things
with such things
I can't write today.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:09 [Preview] No.829022 del
Should have kept to the system.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:09 [Preview] No.829023 del
Big White Chardonnay

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:10 [Preview] No.829024 del
Go for a walk. Look for hobbies.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:11 [Preview] No.829025 del
I mostly get high in public and perconf on children.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:12 [Preview] No.829026 del
Poorly bantered.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:15 [Preview] No.829027 del
(51.02 KB 640x928 taqttfjra0pc1.webp)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:16 [Preview] No.829028 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:17 [Preview] No.829029 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:18 [Preview] No.829030 del
Too much dickriding. Tab closed.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:19 [Preview] No.829032 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:21 [Preview] No.829033 del
You can feel his pain. Poor fella.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:23 [Preview] No.829034 del
Thought the C code was terrible, went up a level and saw it was written by a woman.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:24 [Preview] No.829035 del
Thanks Trev.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:26 [Preview] No.829036 del
A lot of these "women" programmers turn out to be trannies.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:26 [Preview] No.829037 del
(53.01 KB 513x532 KeyBob.jpg)
Those cheeky kebab shops, $12 for 'small' or $13 for large. Of course you're going to get the large.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:28 [Preview] No.829038 del
Add Spaceman to the list please.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:29 [Preview] No.829040 del
Joke is that there's only one size.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:30 [Preview] No.829041 del
yeah they just add a few cubes more meat in the large if you're lucky

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:30 [Preview] No.829042 del
Adam Sandler finally made a comeback?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:40 [Preview] No.829043 del
(462.66 KB 1024x1024 17104090661070.jpg)
He never left, home slice.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:41 [Preview] No.829044 del
I asked the same thing on tv and they said he's always been the best.
Punch drunk love, and uncut gems are supposed to be the best of their decades.
I haven't seen uncut gems, I recall the ad, he looks like a porn director with the beard.
But yeah, it is a very good film. I wasn't a fan of the mind spider but it was great acting.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:41 [Preview] No.829045 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:42 [Preview] No.829046 del
>he looks like a porn director with the beard
Just a normal Jew.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:43 [Preview] No.829047 del
(106.86 KB 1055x581 Bundy.jpg)
QT Poojeeta at the bottle-oh talked me into a pack of these for only ten bucks.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:44 [Preview] No.829048 del
Danger Close. Even Monk might show up if he's still on his Vietnam thing.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:45 [Preview] No.829049 del
That's a good price. How many standos per can?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:46 [Preview] No.829050 del
>only ten bucks
That is okay at that price. I wouldn't pay more.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:46 [Preview] No.829051 del
same as OP rum cans

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:47 [Preview] No.829052 del
>QT Poojeeta

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:48 [Preview] No.829053 del
(120.63 KB 142x228 poojeta.gif)
The eyebrows always do it for me

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:48 [Preview] No.829054 del
(120.63 KB 142x228 needful_poojeta.gif)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:48 [Preview] No.829055 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:50 [Preview] No.829056 del
(33.22 KB 300x384 TeePeeGee.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:51 [Preview] No.829057 del
(489.23 KB 1831x1486 needful smile.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:52 [Preview] No.829058 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:53 [Preview] No.829059 del
I can see it is going to be another night of insightful and scintillating conversation.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:56 [Preview] No.829061 del
It's not night time yet.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:57 [Preview] No.829062 del
(49.88 KB 552x513 4956713481419872.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:59 [Preview] No.829063 del
(23.13 KB 359x308 la poop.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:00 [Preview] No.829064 del
hahaha nice one!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:04 [Preview] No.829065 del
two bottles of snoop dogg cali gold for dinner
cbf eating solids
plus it will just be the third time pajeet fucks up a delivery today

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:06 [Preview] No.829066 del
The queue needs feed. Would Sir work more efficiently for a tip?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:07 [Preview] No.829067 del
Yes means anal

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:07 [Preview] No.829068 del
No, pre-delivery tips do not result in better service or even an acknowledgement of the tip.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:08 [Preview] No.829069 del
neighbour hasn't been bellowing at me over the fence, so the amazon fuckwit didn't deliver it there either

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:08 [Preview] No.829070 del
Watched the pusey vid for the first time. Hmm

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:09 [Preview] No.829071 del
Were you able to bust a nut?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:11 [Preview] No.829072 del
(234.14 KB 1040x585 Bot Ga.jpg)
Just a few things from the shop always turns into $30+, every. single. time. And Coles revamped it's checkouts with new self-serve machines including ones with conveyor belts. Very distressing.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:14 [Preview] No.829073 del
Why is the white misso brown?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:14 [Preview] No.829074 del
His name is Pussy.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:14 [Preview] No.829075 del
US crime statistics

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:14 [Preview] No.829076 del
>always turns into $30+, every. single. time
it's by design

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:15 [Preview] No.829077 del
(126.24 KB 946x467 hjyxzrlaqdoc1.jpg)
>(From USA)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:15 [Preview] No.829078 del
Which NEET are you?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:15 [Preview] No.829079 del
She deserved a better ending than that.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:16 [Preview] No.829080 del
Sure I can support that. Let's watch some Aussie blokes working on their long tan... no homo.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:16 [Preview] No.829081 del
Is that normal?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:17 [Preview] No.829082 del
I vote no or not at all.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:17 [Preview] No.829083 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:18 [Preview] No.829084 del
imagine going to bali with all the other fuckwitts

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:18 [Preview] No.829085 del
Chicken powder is just MSG I think.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:18 [Preview] No.829086 del
NEET boys trip will be to Pattaya.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:19 [Preview] No.829087 del
(56.83 KB 831x624 0891fb151417502.jpg)
imagine going to bali

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:19 [Preview] No.829088 del
With great autism comes great responsibility.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:20 [Preview] No.829089 del
(21.47 KB 324x347 banger.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:20 [Preview] No.829090 del
Well bantered.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:21 [Preview] No.829091 del
>Gaussian rationals.
I was using phasors for sinusoids to calculate impedance the other day.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:23 [Preview] No.829092 del
you forgot your flag fag

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:23 [Preview] No.829093 del
set phasors to stun

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:24 [Preview] No.829094 del
Getting myself all worked up and paranoid about someone feeding our 830k posts into an AI linguistic analysis model and NEETname doxing us when the DSD IP log database eventually gets ransomed

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:25 [Preview] No.829095 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:26 [Preview] No.829096 del
I dont want to break it to you but this is an image board.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:26 [Preview] No.829097 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:26 [Preview] No.829098 del
no it's not

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:27 [Preview] No.829099 del
>weber gets another visit

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:27 [Preview] No.829100 del
you know shit just got real when there is no intro anymore

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:28 [Preview] No.829101 del
A cold opening?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:28 [Preview] No.829102 del
Possum has one of those

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:30 [Preview] No.829103 del
(143.63 KB 384x383 news pepe.png)
lol. Four eyes

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:31 [Preview] No.829104 del
Too early

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:33 [Preview] No.829105 del
Don't remember Tic-Tacs being that big.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:33 [Preview] No.829106 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:35 [Preview] No.829107 del
Nuro used my ID to get iffy vapes once

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:38 [Preview] No.829108 del
with which porn girl?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:38 [Preview] No.829109 del
Dirty spud needs a good rinse

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:41 [Preview] No.829110 del
Wonder how my boy FIFO is doing

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:42 [Preview] No.829111 del
>pulling himself
Interesting sales tactic.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:43 [Preview] No.829112 del
(341.05 KB 1280x720 1708725471198289.webm)
El Nuro Nominates Sudden Death (1995) as a Saturday Night Action Moofie.

El Nuro Nominates Death of Stalin for a Comfy Sunday Night Moofie.

El Nuro has Spoken.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:45 [Preview] No.829113 del
He hasn't forgiven me for putting party sized springies in his Elsa Jean fleshlight

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:46 [Preview] No.829114 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:48 [Preview] No.829115 del
>El Nuro has Spoken.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:49 [Preview] No.829116 del
(61.04 KB 436x649 'His'...jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:50 [Preview] No.829117 del
(101.95 KB 976x850 concernred_eppe.jpeg)
El Nuro
La Nura
Noor Al-Din

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:51 [Preview] No.829118 del
Outsourcing is key.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:54 [Preview] No.829119 del
Lukewarm and greasy

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:55 [Preview] No.829120 del
Death of Stalin is breddy gud.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:55 [Preview] No.829121 del
(125.35 KB 585x134 4U.png)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:56 [Preview] No.829122 del
How does he do it?
>Russian election: Putin claims landslide and scorns US democracy

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:57 [Preview] No.829123 del
Yeah but we alreayd decided we were heading into the jungle

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:58 [Preview] No.829124 del
There's a phenomena with a name like the Milsobitch Effect or Medvedev Effect, where the populace will actually overwhelmingly vote for the incumbent in a time of war.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:58 [Preview] No.829125 del
unlike that kike bitch zelensky who has suspended voting in his own 'country' and has been trying to missile strike voting booths in russia

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:03 [Preview] No.829126 del
Democracy in working.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:05 [Preview] No.829127 del
Putin should put up like a $10b USD reward for anybody, anywhere in the world, who takes out Zelensky.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:06 [Preview] No.829128 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:06 [Preview] No.829129 del
With a prize that big you'd not only have a bunch of redneck seppos trying to have a go, but you'd also have security guys at G20 summits, UN meetings, and NATO meetings have a go.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:06 [Preview] No.829130 del
Voting off the roof?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:07 [Preview] No.829131 del
>Chimp in state of nature never jerks off, but in captivity he does, wat does this mean?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:08 [Preview] No.829132 del
What would that accomplish?

It means you are a chimp in a cage.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:08 [Preview] No.829133 del
That is one gay looking rifle.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:08 [Preview] No.829134 del
Going to be a busy night for the switchboard operators.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:09 [Preview] No.829135 del
It means we live in a society.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:09 [Preview] No.829136 del
>What would that accomplish?
Takes out a figurehead.
They'd have to have another election and get the CIA to install the next puppet "comedian" leader.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:10 [Preview] No.829137 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:11 [Preview] No.829139 del
Is the upper left soyjack meant to be jewish?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:12 [Preview] No.829141 del
It's good to stay busy NEET.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:12 [Preview] No.829142 del
put on your glasses

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:13 [Preview] No.829143 del
(1.82 MB 1262x838 el_nuro.png)
El Nuro

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:13 [Preview] No.829144 del
(38.22 KB 453x306 putin.jpg)
the same way we select ausneets BO's

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:14 [Preview] No.829145 del
>They'd have to have
Not necessarily. He must have a vice-pee, who steps in till next election after the war.
But however it is, nothing would change.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:17 [Preview] No.829146 del
I wonder if UN meetings security screen secretaries of state etc?
What would stop the Russian guy wearing a nuclear suicide vest in and taking out the entire UN at once?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:18 [Preview] No.829147 del
(159.64 KB 1024x1024 1710286173398404.jpg)
>home slice

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:18 [Preview] No.829148 del
(306.15 KB 1100x598 e9a57e11418323.mp4)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:19 [Preview] No.829149 del
A repulsive post from a repulsive person.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:20 [Preview] No.829150 del
>What would stop
Relative mental health? Kremlin isn't that insane Western propaganda tries to paint them.
1. Russia is permanent member in secu council, veto works way better.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:20 [Preview] No.829151 del
>nuclear suicide vest

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:21 [Preview] No.829152 del
Havent even noticed that. Well when you pile ridiculous thought upon each other...

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:22 [Preview] No.829153 del
2IC might decide he just wants to retire with the pilfered billions and offer an immediate surrender

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:22 [Preview] No.829154 del
Suicide vest full of beyblades

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:23 [Preview] No.829155 del
could certainly render the meeting room uninhabitable for a few hundred years

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:24 [Preview] No.829157 del
Would being one of these undercover diplomatic protection people be a fun job?
Will they look at my ausneets account when they do the clearance check?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:25 [Preview] No.829158 del
Are you comfortable being expected to take a bullet for some piece of shit? If your boss dies and you don't, I imagine your life would be hell for the remainder.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:25 [Preview] No.829159 del
Nuclear suicide vest Best vest

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:27 [Preview] No.829160 del
Imagine having to protect a Albanese, Wong, Dutton, Joe Hockey (living it large in the US as diplomat), etc. Absolute turds regardless of 'side'.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:28 [Preview] No.829161 del
>Kremlin isn't that insane Western propaganda tries to paint them.
What about Chinese?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:30 [Preview] No.829162 del
Imagine a national security apparatus that discovers a politician is a Chinese spy and literally do nothing to them except saying "we're onto you". No cancelled pension, no jail time, not even making their name public. Literally no punishment.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:30 [Preview] No.829163 del
I'm on to you.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:31 [Preview] No.829164 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:31 [Preview] No.829165 del
This is serious, Cruisey.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:34 [Preview] No.829166 del
(23.74 KB 280x200 Picrel.png)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:34 [Preview] No.829167 del
I'm watching a documentary about the secret world of herbs.
We're looking at alpine ginseng that hoopsie mashes and puts with mountain spring water and yeast to make Bavarian schnapps.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:36 [Preview] No.829168 del
(52.69 KB 268x351 Tell me about it.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:36 [Preview] No.829169 del
>secret world of herbs.
Choof status?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:37 [Preview] No.829170 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:37 [Preview] No.829171 del
Grow some and make your own.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:38 [Preview] No.829172 del
Sobered up

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:39 [Preview] No.829173 del
who is hoopsie?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:39 [Preview] No.829174 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:41 [Preview] No.829175 del
ordered a kebab thing betwen snoop dogg bottlres
it not bad

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:42 [Preview] No.829176 del
A Swiss man in the Alps who wears shorts.
He said that people in the city work all day then go to the gym because it's not real work.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:44 [Preview] No.829177 del
Did Sir deliver promptly?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:45 [Preview] No.829178 del
Pheromones from the sweaty crotch.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:46 [Preview] No.829179 del
yeah 10 minute turnaround
Afghan Flavour Elizabeth is alright
they rolled it up in that weird bread of theirs, but then fried the bread off so it was all crispy and shit innit

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:47 [Preview] No.829180 del
also it was a nigger
I was all bixnood muffuguh zipety doo dah

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:48 [Preview] No.829181 del
yeah but whats a nigger to do? manufacturing industry dont exist and supermarket fuck the farmer

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:48 [Preview] No.829182 del
Did he smile with appreciation hearing his tongue?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:49 [Preview] No.829183 del
No he looked at me like I was retarded
Same as those girls at teh city place

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:50 [Preview] No.829184 del
Main girl still highlight of my boring week though.
Very pretty.
Could disappoint her big time.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:51 [Preview] No.829185 del
Going shopping. Might visit Dr Dan.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:52 [Preview] No.829186 del
>Same as those girls at teh city place
You should go in wearing ovals and speak with a twang next time. Then hit them with a cheeky wink.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:52 [Preview] No.829187 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:53 [Preview] No.829188 del
Player her Cripple Creek on the banjer. Get her all hot and bothered like in the nether regions.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:53 [Preview] No.829189 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:54 [Preview] No.829190 del
I am confirmed retard redneck.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:54 [Preview] No.829191 del
>nether regions
nordy word

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:55 [Preview] No.829192 del
Ask her if she wants to come clog dancin' and share a bottle of Snoop Dogg moonshine

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:55 [Preview] No.829193 del
Cum chair covered in sweat. Like a wet towel to the touch.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:55 [Preview] No.829194 del
Ovaltine wearing oval overalls.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:55 [Preview] No.829195 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:56 [Preview] No.829196 del
Post a picture please.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:58 [Preview] No.829197 del
Oh its stinks too, how do I absorb this

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:58 [Preview] No.829198 del
You done fucked up, son.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:00 [Preview] No.829199 del
Love it when I open the twitter tab to 5+ notifications. Absolute slut for it

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:02 [Preview] No.829200 del
(39.32 KB 640x633 Tennis-Champ.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:03 [Preview] No.829201 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:11 [Preview] No.829204 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:12 [Preview] No.829205 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ShPltEC4758 [Embed]

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:13 [Preview] No.829206 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:14 [Preview] No.829207 del
>Posso dragging Weber behind some rubber trees and reviving him with a white onion he cut in half with his bayonet

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:16 [Preview] No.829208 del
Brave cunt never got the recognition he deserved. Just sank into depression and garlic bread addiction, pulling things together enough to attend the occasional anniversary knees up.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:21 [Preview] No.829210 del
Finna make my own this week. Can get a kilo of meat (500g each lamb and chicken mince) for less than a single Bob.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:22 [Preview] No.829211 del
>Can get a kilo of meat (500g each lamb and chicken mince) for less than a single Bob.
you know a shooter or something?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:23 [Preview] No.829212 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:25 [Preview] No.829213 del
My exact body type.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:26 [Preview] No.829214 del
My tear ducts have been fucked for 3 days, constantly weeping and dabbing the corners of my eyes.
Gonna end up like that cunt from James bond

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:27 [Preview] No.829215 del
You look good.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:28 [Preview] No.829216 del
Just filled in that form for the job. They wanted to know my salary, what I did, what hours I worked and how I kept my physical and mental wellbeing in check.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:29 [Preview] No.829217 del
A cruel remark.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:29 [Preview] No.829218 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:29 [Preview] No.829219 del
Good luck.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:32 [Preview] No.829220 del
(70.40 KB 866x1300 docdan.jpg)
>how I kept my physical and mental wellbeing in check.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:32 [Preview] No.829221 del
I hope you exaggerated your salary. They have no right to know that information.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:34 [Preview] No.829222 del
Getting all worked up thinking about anti-immigration protests

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:35 [Preview] No.829223 del
Oh yeah, back it up, back it up!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:35 [Preview] No.829224 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:39 [Preview] No.829225 del
(1.35 MB 500x500 pidge.gif)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:46 [Preview] No.829226 del
(47.31 KB 640x640 Undefeatable!.jpg)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:47 [Preview] No.829227 del
think I might allow myself the luxury of some air conditioning

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:47 [Preview] No.829228 del
You earned it, fren.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:49 [Preview] No.829229 del
Night fella.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:53 [Preview] No.829230 del
Hair conditioning perhaps?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:57 [Preview] No.829231 del
I just got a 752 dollary doo electricity bill for the quarter, up 35% from last year.

Fucking Jews. This summer was the worst ever. Still totally worth it.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:58 [Preview] No.829232 del
(1.98 MB 2280x1170 1706576792764352.png)
also posted wrong pic

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 09:59 [Preview] No.829233 del
having a chat to an amazon bot called mantasha this time

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:00 [Preview] No.829234 del
Say hi from me.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:00 [Preview] No.829235 del
Made it through the day without any sugar, knew I would.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:01 [Preview] No.829236 del
its not what you put in its what you take out

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:03 [Preview] No.829237 del
Well done neet.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:03 [Preview] No.829238 del
(80.21 KB 1080x720 neet.jpeg)
Diet wagon tomorrow

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:06 [Preview] No.829239 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:07 [Preview] No.829240 del
(76.77 KB 502x673 banchood.png)
(73.35 KB 502x673 stupid coon.png)
(88.99 KB 502x673 fuckoff.png)
ended up getting a refund

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:07 [Preview] No.829241 del
Good night Pidge. xx

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:07 [Preview] No.829242 del
All the executive bros will join you. We ride as one!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:08 [Preview] No.829243 del
Night, fella.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:08 [Preview] No.829244 del
Well done.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:09 [Preview] No.829245 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:11 [Preview] No.829246 del
lol they credit really fucking quickly when they think you're gonna cap a driver

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:12 [Preview] No.829247 del
Good outcome, but something you shouldn't have had to do.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:13 [Preview] No.829248 del
I still have to source some new braces.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:18 [Preview] No.829249 del
Lisa needs braces.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:19 [Preview] No.829250 del
(197.09 KB 1200x1141 1687843799014706.png)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:19 [Preview] No.829251 del
What does the no post history button at the bottom do?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:20 [Preview] No.829252 del
Dental plan

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:21 [Preview] No.829253 del
(47.80 KB 768x768 IMG-2175.JPG)
(95.72 KB 1512x1344 IMG-2173.PNG)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:22 [Preview] No.829254 del
Probably gets rid of (you)'s or post tags which this board doesn't use anyway

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:31 [Preview] No.829256 del
She's officially his wife, it's her job to clean up around here.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:40 [Preview] No.829257 del
>Big Fella thinks I am stupid

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:45 [Preview] No.829258 del

Can you feel that... ah shit...
Once the ABS release the next round of arrival data things will get much louder. I don't have much faith in the riotous potential of Australians but I'm hoping to see mass protests. I will be there

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:46 [Preview] No.829259 del
He thinks you're special.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:46 [Preview] No.829260 del
we wont do shit, sadly

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:48 [Preview] No.829261 del
my mummybot says I'm special

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:48 [Preview] No.829262 del
yeah, and that's one of the saddest things of all

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:57 [Preview] No.829263 del
Gonna have to make another complaint to the Colonel.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:57 [Preview] No.829264 del
There is no fight left in this country. Too comfortable for too long. Too much propaganda. Frog boiled slowly.
Poor turnout to any protests. Dismissed as "cookers" by the mainstream, left and right.
Country is finished.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:59 [Preview] No.829265 del
What was wrong?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:00 [Preview] No.829266 del
The 'women' on that show are hideous! The wall doesn't even want them.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:00 [Preview] No.829267 del
The potato and gravy was not as good as claimed

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:03 [Preview] No.829268 del
The dogs.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:05 [Preview] No.829269 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:06 [Preview] No.829270 del
The whole system has been crushing any sort of descent for a long time. Remember Howard calling the Cronulla Rioters disgraceful cowards and a whole bunch of other invective? The Governments (both sides), police, and media have been working hard to arrive at the current state of the system where anything that is not explicitly approved is pilloried, lambasted, and crushed.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:08 [Preview] No.829271 del
I am blackpilled. Prefer not to think about it.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:14 [Preview] No.829272 del
Young cunts with zero customer service skills/training. Stood near the counter for a good 5 minutes waiting for my order. Zero acknowledgment of my presence, no "Hello", no "Won't be a sec", no "How can I help you", no "Have you been served" etc etc. Just nothing until some young punk asked if I was order number so and so.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:20 [Preview] No.829273 del
>lam basted

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:26 [Preview] No.829274 del
That is quite common these days. They have not been properly socialised. They look at screens they can't talk to people.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:36 [Preview] No.829275 del
(22.64 KB 1127x470 Select one.png)
Not sure if I should select 'unhelpful' or 'unprofessional'. Think I'll go with the latter.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:41 [Preview] No.829276 del
You can't blame them specifically, really

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:47 [Preview] No.829277 del
(15.25 KB 680x243 KFC.png)

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:56 [Preview] No.829278 del
I appreciate your attempt to help, but I will not eat the slop! Give me tallow or give me death!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:56 [Preview] No.829279 del
Stale, congealed seed oils. Just what the dysgenic underclass (sorry Monk) need more of.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:57 [Preview] No.829280 del
>always teased about my glasses and face
What was wrong with your face?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 12:16 [Preview] No.829282 del
I am to KFC what Weber is to Jaycar. Blood will (metaphorically) flow.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 12:16 [Preview] No.829283 del
Not very stealthy.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 12:17 [Preview] No.829284 del
You are right to do it NEET.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 12:36 [Preview] No.829285 del
I've slept out of several cars. AMA.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 12:41 [Preview] No.829286 del
Out of wine. Gonna be up all night after a can of this rum & coke but don't care. It's not like I got a job to get up early for.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 12:47 [Preview] No.829287 del
Oh that full sugar coke flavour is simply exquisite!

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 12:52 [Preview] No.829288 del
Where is a good place to park overnight?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 13:11 [Preview] No.829289 del
>tfw not exploring Vietnam with ActionKid

https://youtube.com/watch?v=QRjJ-oxQCgU [Embed]

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 13:24 [Preview] No.829290 del
It's all about observation. Good judgement, gut feeling etc. Think of your car as a mobile home. IF your current surrounds don't feel right or you feel in danger, crank that engine and get the fuck outta there. IT's not illegal to sleep/live in a car, you've just got to be aware of local council parking regulations if applicable.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 13:28 [Preview] No.829291 del
7grand credit card debt
2 grand zippay dept
300 dorra afterpay debt


NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 13:31 [Preview] No.829292 del
Are the debt collectors coming after you?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 16:45 [Preview] No.829293 del
It’s looking like a second sleepless night

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 16:46 [Preview] No.829294 del
It never occurred to me that I could just get zip pay
Can you do it on cenno?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 18:03 [Preview] No.829295 del
morning bros, slept ok, ready to finally fix my life up today, this is gonna be the big turning point, I can tell

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 18:05 [Preview] No.829296 del
I'm with you in spirit.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 18:10 [Preview] No.829297 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 18:56 [Preview] No.829298 del
Good morning NEET.
Good luck.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 18:59 [Preview] No.829299 del
>Dismissed as "cookers" by the mainstream, left and right.
Too many will spoil the broth.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 19:02 [Preview] No.829300 del
Starting the day by listening to skyrim ambient music, quite comfy and calming

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 20:53 [Preview] No.829301 del
get her to spring a leak

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 20:54 [Preview] No.829302 del
I no longer look at LinkedIn because of the notifications. Replying to people is too hard

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 20:57 [Preview] No.829303 del
It's okay.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:00 [Preview] No.829304 del
Well done

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:01 [Preview] No.829305 del
All it took was a threat to go to his house.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:01 [Preview] No.829306 del
Add LinkedIn to the toilet phone. Reply to them on the toilet.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:08 [Preview] No.829307 del
Yes you can. They're employed to do a job a computer assists them with all along the way.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:09 [Preview] No.829308 del
Why do you need a tent?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:11 [Preview] No.829309 del
My car key turns in its handle making in unreliable to start my car. Should I risk it and go to the post office to pick up my motherboard even though I can't use it without the ram?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:11 [Preview] No.829310 del
Fucking flag.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:12 [Preview] No.829311 del
Might want to get Mr Minute or similar to cut a new key

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:12 [Preview] No.829312 del
You should fix the key

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:13 [Preview] No.829313 del
Yes, if you can get a reliable parking spot that gives you plenty of time to move the car if it won't start again.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:15 [Preview] No.829314 del
Sitting here shitting. Dreading today’s wage thing. Being sent somewhere to try and fix some issue with a bunch of shit I’m not even familiar with. Once again.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:18 [Preview] No.829315 del
Just try your best. When you hit a road block raise it with whoever and twiddle your thumbs. I did it yesterday.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:19 [Preview] No.829316 del
I guarantee that instead of just leaving me be, some cunt will be sitting next to me breathing down my neck and watching every keystroke

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:21 [Preview] No.829317 del
Woe. Can you do the bare minimum leave and finish the rest at home?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:23 [Preview] No.829318 del
No money until friday. I was thinking about going to a welder and getting them to weld a metal end on it.
I might do it. Will report back later if I do

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:23 [Preview] No.829319 del
If it's too risky I would leave it until Friday. That's not too long to wait.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:26 [Preview] No.829320 del
My mong herder comes on thursday so i can pick it up with his car then and maybe my ram will have arrived by then too.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:34 [Preview] No.829321 del
That's why the guy is sitting next to him.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:50 [Preview] No.829322 del
He should outsmart him with some whimsical tricks like using Vim.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:10 [Preview] No.829323 del
They could get him on the scheme then it'd be worth it. IT otherwise is an expense that is never up to date and never recoops it's cost.
It just gives clerks excuses as to why they haven't done their work.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:14 [Preview] No.829324 del
Don't worry, I'm just being a knob.
Last herder place I was at, the it specialist (contracted) started off in a pulsar and would rock up in jeans. A year later he was driving a Porsche, dressed in suits and was dying his hair.
His job was setting up teams and Microsoft for new office staff.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:21 [Preview] No.829325 del
>setting up teams and Microsoft for new office staff.
He took the Mong Management life style too seriously.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:23 [Preview] No.829326 del
Up up n at em

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:24 [Preview] No.829327 del
Plan/s for today?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:25 [Preview] No.829328 del
I made him drive 40min several times to fix the printer.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:43 [Preview] No.829329 del
(35.04 KB 620x349 on-the-lamb.jpg)
Garn Dan's to get some lamb for morning tea. You neets want anything?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:43 [Preview] No.829330 del
Bossman power move.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:49 [Preview] No.829331 del
Package acquired. Heading home

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:50 [Preview] No.829332 del
30kg Nuclear Suicide Vest please, oh and a pack of burger rings thanks.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:50 [Preview] No.829333 del
Well picked up.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:57 [Preview] No.829334 del
You have a big package, it barely fits inside.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 22:58 [Preview] No.829335 del

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 23:00 [Preview] No.829336 del
Extra rosemary on mine thanks.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 23:01 [Preview] No.829337 del
What's with the durries in the centre?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 23:02 [Preview] No.829338 del
trying to remember which neets smoke

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 23:02 [Preview] No.829339 del
I presumed it was Weber's car.

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 23:16 [Preview] No.829340 del
(1.12 MB 3024x4032 unnamed.jpg)
I smoked some I saved on the way there and back.
Cpu seated in mobo. Waiting on RAM now. I might have to buy a new PSU because this motherboard takes CPU power and not just ATX which I've never seen and wasn't expecting

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 23:30 [Preview] No.829341 del
ahh, nothing hits the spot like a lamb guava right after breakfast

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 23:37 [Preview] No.829342 del
shit, ancient aliens is claiming scotland was founded by an egyptian negress, britain just got BLACKED

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 23:50 [Preview] No.829343 del
Kangz in Scotland?

NEET 03/18/2024 (Mon) 23:53 [Preview] No.829344 del
Monk is right everybody, reject sobriety and embrace gooning, it's the rational thing to do in the modern world if you're locked out of a life of high wages and girls.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:01 [Preview] No.829345 del
>locked out of a life of high wages
Apply for the DSP.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:12 [Preview] No.829346 del
(91.07 KB 750x816 1710713272994490.jpg)
Good Morning NEETs

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:13 [Preview] No.829347 del
Having an instant and watching The Golden One.
5 hours of sleep but it'll do. Hope webby makes it through the day unscathed.

Well acquired. You might be able to use a pair of pliers if the key breaks
Still can't tell which neet this is. Not sure its posso

How many lambs did you get?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:14 [Preview] No.829348 del
morning bruv

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:15 [Preview] No.829349 del
Wagon journey continues today?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:15 [Preview] No.829350 del
Good morning NEET.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:16 [Preview] No.829351 del
Charges forward.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:18 [Preview] No.829352 del
(123.18 KB 1024x1024 1710807396546.jpg)
Are americans rare here or no?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:19 [Preview] No.829353 del
me heading out for a laser tag session

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:23 [Preview] No.829354 del
Based 👑

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:28 [Preview] No.829355 del
>todays general mood

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:31 [Preview] No.829356 del
started watching something called ufo cowboys, stopped as soon as I saw it had a nigger in a cowboy hat using a laptop

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:36 [Preview] No.829357 del
(22.37 KB 559x548 1710729456422182.jpg)
Interest charges on the slapper came out. Broke till doleday Saturday again

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:44 [Preview] No.829358 del
Advance payment request submitted

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:44 [Preview] No.829359 del
surely cruisey will front you some goon money

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:46 [Preview] No.829360 del
You honestly need to find a free financial adviser who works with people on Cenno. Perhaps you can get the amount reduced, or the repayments with reduced interest. You would have a decent case with the right support.
Even speaking directly with the credit cards financial hardship team and make sure it's specifically them, might be able to work out a better deal.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:53 [Preview] No.829361 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0XhNM_2gYBQ [Embed]


NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:57 [Preview] No.829362 del
That could be doable. I was gonna refinance it but obviously you need an income for that

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 01:04 [Preview] No.829363 del
(2.45 MB 576x1024 9Cxd41Ki.mp4)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 01:11 [Preview] No.829364 del
Nice package NEET.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 01:18 [Preview] No.829365 del
Good morning NEETs.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 01:26 [Preview] No.829366 del
Morndings. How'd you sleep?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 01:30 [Preview] No.829367 del
(468.67 KB 320x240 YOU FOOL!!!!.mp4)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 01:31 [Preview] No.829368 del
Three coffees down the hatch. Dropped a very messy el nuro right after my shower. Woe.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 01:38 [Preview] No.829369 del
It was good to go outside today and for it not to be horribly hot. It had been a very ugly streak of hot weather.
Over now. Good riddance.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 01:49 [Preview] No.829370 del
>Dropped a very messy el nuro right after my shower. Woe.
Nothing a Chux couldn't handle.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 01:56 [Preview] No.829371 del
Any suggestions for fast food that isn't seed oil slop?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 01:57 [Preview] No.829372 del
A good chux enema ensures the appropriate consistency that a healthy neet needs.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:00 [Preview] No.829373 del
Wish I had a chux
My povo version just spreads it around

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:04 [Preview] No.829374 del
finished that job after a couple of hours
snapped in woolworths
feeling stupid

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:07 [Preview] No.829375 del
>snapped in woolworths
What happened?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:08 [Preview] No.829376 del
Probably nothing major and he just sperged out.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:12 [Preview] No.829377 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:15 [Preview] No.829378 del
Big racism?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:20 [Preview] No.829379 del
(394.07 KB 1280x720 vlcsnap.png)
Finland ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak English in Finland?!

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:24 [Preview] No.829380 del
I presumed it was Weber's car. >>829342

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:25 [Preview] No.829381 del
Works better on an empty stomach

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:29 [Preview] No.829382 del
ok neets, gonna go to the local iga and have one last big chocolate binge, then I'm getting on the wagon right afterwards for real this time and I'm not stopping until I reach skellyville

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:32 [Preview] No.829383 del
Its an awful place.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:37 [Preview] No.829384 del
Back from being out. Need to go out again before getting back again.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:39 [Preview] No.829385 del
(57.13 KB 966x716 glare_screen.jpg)
When are you getting back from being back out?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:41 [Preview] No.829386 del
Welcome back, goodbye, welcome back.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:46 [Preview] No.829387 del
(194.02 KB 585x1040 IMG_20240319.jpg)
Getting on the loose leaf tea wagon today.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:48 [Preview] No.829388 del
You are now free of the microplastic and glue filled teabag.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:49 [Preview] No.829389 del
>Australian grown
Very good choice NEET.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:52 [Preview] No.829390 del
>microplastic and glue filled teabag
My exact body type.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:52 [Preview] No.829391 del
(200.63 KB 1053x997 squeeze.jpg)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:58 [Preview] No.829392 del
(1.44 MB 1100x959 webber.png)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:00 [Preview] No.829393 del
Somebody else down the street brought me my Amazon parcel. Tossing up whether to let them know or just keep the $60 credit.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:02 [Preview] No.829394 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:02 [Preview] No.829395 del
You are owned that $60 for the fuckup

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:03 [Preview] No.829396 del
A predictable development. I told you to wait and see but you hopped right on the chat making threats.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:04 [Preview] No.829397 del
I'll join you, I want to go shopping at those tea places where they have 50 different kinds of loose leaf tea

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:04 [Preview] No.829398 del
They should have been able to phone the driver and find out where it went immediately.
I am sick of being disrespected in every single aspect of my life.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:05 [Preview] No.829399 del
I got a loose leaf cast iron tea pot at Christmas. Haven't unboxed it.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:06 [Preview] No.829400 del
(153.49 KB 1049x1500 ilsa.jpg)
I need ilsa to give me some cbt, it's the only way I can overcome my poor behaviour

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:12 [Preview] No.829401 del
(394.07 KB 1280x720 vlcsnap.png)
Suomi ain't no country I ever heard of. Do they speak English in Suomi?!

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:14 [Preview] No.829402 del
Old gold cherry ripe is $3 at woollies. Having a block for lunch.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:15 [Preview] No.829403 del
(167.51 KB 580x527 1667918684848665.png)
I think I fucked my motherboard pins

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:16 [Preview] No.829404 del
Are you the same neet who broke his big screen tv while trying to install it?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:16 [Preview] No.829405 del
Sweet looking mobo. Dunno how you can afford all this being on Cenno, with a credit card debt, while also being an cultured wino.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:16 [Preview] No.829406 del
That's a good price these days.
Just have two rows a day. Make it last.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:17 [Preview] No.829407 del
NEET your whole conduct during this build a PC arc has concerned me a bit.
I hope you have not done permanent damage.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:19 [Preview] No.829408 del
Unless you have snapped them off you should with care be able to straighten them if they are simply bent.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:20 [Preview] No.829409 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:21 [Preview] No.829410 del
Five hundy?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:22 [Preview] No.829411 del
post a picture

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:25 [Preview] No.829412 del
can't afford to get a new car key cut
spends all his money on expensive PC parts and then manhandles them

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:26 [Preview] No.829414 del
(550.66 KB 2000x1333 brendan-fraser-comp.jpg)
Ok, been on the diet wagon for about 15 seconds now, feel slimmer already

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:28 [Preview] No.829415 del
>When you talk through your situation with our caring, professional counsellors, you’ll receive personalised advice on how to get through your money problems and avoid trouble in the future. Importantly, our service is free and confidential.
yeah so basically they're going to do nothing for a $7k debt and the advice will boil down to "don't do it again"

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:30 [Preview] No.829416 del
Let him tell the story?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:30 [Preview] No.829417 del
You're going to need surgery now to get rid of all that excess skin.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:32 [Preview] No.829418 del
(20.35 KB 640x360 downies.webp)
we're a race of mongs, we must do mong things

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:35 [Preview] No.829419 del
(2.08 KB 365x140 Big OOF.png)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:38 [Preview] No.829420 del
paid for using silver

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:39 [Preview] No.829421 del
Sounds do-able.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:40 [Preview] No.829422 del
What else has he done?


Key cut is next payment. Like my other headlight is next payment.
It's a tough economy.

Ty neet you are a good help helper

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:40 [Preview] No.829423 del
Thanks for the reminder. Be back soon!

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:45 [Preview] No.829424 del
I had a block of black forest cadbury's, my favourite, and it'll be the absolute last bit of chocolate because I'm on the wagon now for real.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:49 [Preview] No.829425 del
Telstra down

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:51 [Preview] No.829426 del
(182.09 KB 720x1464 1710817413290831.jpg)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:52 [Preview] No.829427 del
I'm sure the better quality neets have a backup isp

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:53 [Preview] No.829428 del
not happy with my weightloss so far, might look at weight loss drugs

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:54 [Preview] No.829429 del
I bet a master machinist like nuro could cut a new key

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:54 [Preview] No.829430 del
I was reading something the other day about a guy in prison here who managed to lose 25kg in a two week refusal to eat

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:55 [Preview] No.829431 del
It was Ivan Milat when they wouldn't give him a PlayStation

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:56 [Preview] No.829432 del
and it was only 9 days
massive weight loss

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:01 [Preview] No.829433 del
(2.95 MB 1500x2222 danger_close1.jpg)
(98.63 KB 468x708 joker-poster.webp)
Ok, this weekend on womboflix we will be playing the aussie war film Danger Close (2019), and the psychological thriller Joker (2019). Other films voted for will be shown next week.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:06 [Preview] No.829434 del
Thank you

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:20 [Preview] No.829435 del
Toilet phone is playing up, I can't scroll left to right.
I can only see up-to mother.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:21 [Preview] No.829436 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:21 [Preview] No.829437 del
You should ask him to fix your toilet phone.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:28 [Preview] No.829438 del
having my first bottle of wine for the evening

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:29 [Preview] No.829439 del
How many total? Make sure you can get to sleep before you sober up.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:33 [Preview] No.829440 del
(285.04 KB 393x345 image.png)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:33 [Preview] No.829441 del
Probably two bottles of wine and half a bottle of whisky
we'll see

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:33 [Preview] No.829442 del
same just popped a cork

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:41 [Preview] No.829443 del
I hate my father I want to kill him

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:42 [Preview] No.829444 del
challenge him to a duel

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:44 [Preview] No.829445 del
Yes a duel of whoever grabs the razor fastest wins whilst he’s not expecting it.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:58 [Preview] No.829446 del
You should just shoot sparks out of your wands

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:01 [Preview] No.829447 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:01 [Preview] No.829448 del
The interesting bit of the job today was actually seeing the super snooper thing I'd been helping border force with.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:02 [Preview] No.829449 del
Much more advanced than your technology?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:04 [Preview] No.829450 del
I don't have fancy aircraft mounted cameras and shit

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:07 [Preview] No.829451 del
big bussy

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:08 [Preview] No.829452 del
Motherbot's birthday was on the 17th and I forgot to text her. What should I do?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:09 [Preview] No.829453 del
Call her and apologise profusely?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:10 [Preview] No.829454 del
Ignore it. Claim it was deliberate when she asks.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:10 [Preview] No.829455 del
It depends on what your relationship with her is like.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:21 [Preview] No.829457 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:31 [Preview] No.829458 del
(41.94 KB 500x492 old_pepe.jpg)
For the first time in my life james bond is going to be younger than me

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:33 [Preview] No.829459 del
I thought he was good in Bullet train.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:34 [Preview] No.829460 del
Text her and tell you you love her and claim you're on the other side of the world and it's the 17th where you are. Women aren't that smart.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:35 [Preview] No.829461 del
He's a Jew.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:35 [Preview] No.829462 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:38 [Preview] No.829463 del
The name is Bondstein, James Bondstein.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:38 [Preview] No.829464 del
And telstra modem turn on and off.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:39 [Preview] No.829465 del
Well thought out

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:39 [Preview] No.829466 del
Cant eat while sucking on a mint.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:40 [Preview] No.829467 del
(202.10 KB 1440x1799 1709702004787590.jpg)
second bottle cracked

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:41 [Preview] No.829468 del
me too

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:42 [Preview] No.829469 del
I thought it was going to be a black woman now.
Mightve been dr who.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:42 [Preview] No.829470 del
No they set the last one up to look like a sheboon was taking over

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:43 [Preview] No.829471 del
too early

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:43 [Preview] No.829472 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:44 [Preview] No.829473 del
Tomorrow's WWWOTW is Sabrage, which is basically what that dirty mexican in the picture tried to culturally appopriate

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:44 [Preview] No.829474 del
My dad used to have a book called DR OHM.
It was one of his sparky textbooks he thought was suitable reading material for a 10 year old.
I thought it was Dr Who and it was some play on words, where you had to turn the book upside down to see who.
For years, i thought dr who was some tesla/einstein fella.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:46 [Preview] No.829475 del
Lol, bait and switch
Thats pretty funny.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:46 [Preview] No.829476 del
Fuck sickos

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:46 [Preview] No.829477 del
Good to see youre moving on from Olive.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:47 [Preview] No.829478 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:48 [Preview] No.829479 del
I'm going to have relations with Olive.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:48 [Preview] No.829480 del
still worried about how tight my 5xl tshirts are getting, this is obviously going to take more than 4 hours of dieting to beat

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:48 [Preview] No.829481 del
Apparently so you could open a bottle without dismounting from your horse.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:52 [Preview] No.829482 del
Make it two bottles of whisky and half of a wine! Was at a bottle-oh just before and one employee asked if I liked rum and wanted a free can. But only if he could take a photo of me holding the can so "my boss won't think I drank it". I declined. How sus was that?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:02 [Preview] No.829483 del
Just went to the shops to get soda water. Saw the funniest thing
Big fat executive, dressed in a singlet shorts and thongs, sunnies on. Huge beer gut and walking with his arms puffed out like wings. Thiiick neck, grey stubble and balding head. The definition of large and in charge.
He had that kind of leaned back power walk where you sort of kick your legs out with each step and it made this loud slapping sound with the thongs on the coles lino floor. He was using a reusable fabric bag but held it half way down the handles with his hand brought up to his chest. Strong grip. He even put the items in the bag while shopping and then took them out to pay. Chad move
I was next to him in checkout and walking behind him all the way out of coles, down the escelator and into the carpark.
The power walk and image infront of me and the thong noises were so fucking funny I was trying to not piss myself. Biting my tongue, scratching my nose, trying to think of something else but I was giggling under my breath. There was people all around too so I couldn't just start laughing like a mong
I was hoping he'd turn a different way in the carpark but I had to follow him the same way to my car
When I got in I fucking burst out laughing like a manic psycho

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:07 [Preview] No.829484 del
Time to upgrade to 6xl.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:07 [Preview] No.829485 del
Dropped an el nuro. It was oddly dark and so large you'd think it was the first in a few days but I think I went yesterday morning. Easy clean up.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:08 [Preview] No.829486 del
>There was people all around

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:10 [Preview] No.829487 del
Way too early for it. Come on man, you need to stop day drinking like this.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:11 [Preview] No.829488 del
I'm relieved it isn't Tom ''"The Twink" Holland.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:11 [Preview] No.829489 del
"Do you expect me to tell the truth?"

"No Mr Bondstein, I expect you to lie".

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:12 [Preview] No.829490 del
What? What did you buy?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:13 [Preview] No.829491 del
Taking an Uber home?


NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:13 [Preview] No.829492 del
Oh fuck, he really is a Jew.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:14 [Preview] No.829493 del
He could probably get some half decent coin putting the dunny on airbnb now that he's in the noosa pad

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:15 [Preview] No.829494 del
he's got half a dozen pajeets living there, and it's easy to clean since they never use the toilet

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:17 [Preview] No.829495 del
>noosa pad
This is still one of the funniest lies. He said he doesn't make enough to pay any tax but also claims to be renting a house all by himself.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:17 [Preview] No.829496 del
Was he emitting any strong odours?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:19 [Preview] No.829497 del
Has there been a Jewish James Bond before?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:25 [Preview] No.829498 del
#BO its time to nuke this faggot again

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:27 [Preview] No.829499 del
I can smell damp dunny clothes...

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:29 [Preview] No.829500 del
yours ?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:29 [Preview] No.829501 del
(72.54 KB 750x856 1674002900972104.jpg)
"Just a couple slices of ham thanks"


NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:30 [Preview] No.829503 del
Also what the fuck does ketamine do?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:32 [Preview] No.829504 del
its a disassociative

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:33 [Preview] No.829505 del
Lol, nice projection fatso. You sound mad.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:33 [Preview] No.829506 del
I spent $50 at coles yesterday and I feel like I got hardly anything.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:34 [Preview] No.829507 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:36 [Preview] No.829508 del
Bring me back 60kg of Olive too, thanks.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:40 [Preview] No.829509 del
(25.99 KB 656x679 1710030710371347.jpg)
No you sound mad. I would be lashing out at everyone and being a deranged irrational fuck if had i had your traumatic poorfuck upbringing and derro loser fucking neet/lyfe/ too

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:42 [Preview] No.829510 del
>lashing out at everyone and being a deranged irrational fuck
You do that though.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:42 [Preview] No.829511 del
Two legs please.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:44 [Preview] No.829512 del
(582.15 KB 1594x1500 85810530_p0.jpg)
>calls others poor
>lives in bosslady's dunny

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:45 [Preview] No.829513 del
With or without her feet?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:46 [Preview] No.829514 del
Food is so expensive these days. I hope it doesn't keep getting worse.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:47 [Preview] No.829515 del
It will. Government has lost control of the economy and is refusing to perform any market intervention.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:47 [Preview] No.829516 del
Time to start bulking NEET.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:48 [Preview] No.829517 del
If that faggot albonigger cared a jot he could forcibly nationalise coles and woolworths at the stroke of a pen

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:48 [Preview] No.829518 del
Could we do more with cookers?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:49 [Preview] No.829519 del
I wish he'd give me a stroke.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:51 [Preview] No.829520 del
You will live long NEET.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:51 [Preview] No.829521 del
I am embarrassed about my teenage libertarianism

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:51 [Preview] No.829522 del
With please.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:52 [Preview] No.829523 del
Is it hard to get a referral for a foodbank?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:52 [Preview] No.829524 del
I bet she has nice soft feet.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:53 [Preview] No.829525 del
Why do you need a referral? Just rock up.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:53 [Preview] No.829526 del
How many footfags are there here? I know there is at least one other than me.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:54 [Preview] No.829527 del
My local one says you need a referral.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:54 [Preview] No.829528 del
Doing an online shop now, no potatoes available only ones available are the coles carisma washed ones at 7.50 for a 2kg bag.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 06:55 [Preview] No.829529 del
Dr Dan could write you one.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:01 [Preview] No.829530 del
Probably so the niggers and shitskins get first pick of everything

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:02 [Preview] No.829531 del
(109.95 KB 717x664 1710655282417799.jpg)
We are already in a recession, business is so different to previous year.

Food is Food but this energy thing is unbelievable, my energy bill went up 35% from this time last year, and thats with subsidies. That subsidy is set to end and power could go up another 30 percent.

We are so fucked. There should have been at least one Nuclear plant built on the east coast in the 90's. Fuck the greens. Its never going to happen now. We cant do anything. We cant even decide where to host some shitty Olympics without changing our mind 3 times a week.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:02 [Preview] No.829532 del
Sleep tight.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:08 [Preview] No.829533 del
>e cant even decide where to host some shitty Olympics without changing our mind 3 times a week.
The fact they even have these conversations when people are living in tents and going without food is appalling.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:11 [Preview] No.829534 del
If only we knew
>Trump unable to get $464m bond in New York fraud case, his lawyers say

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:11 [Preview] No.829535 del
That's a con they pull to get you to buy more than you need

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:12 [Preview] No.829536 del
All by design to keep him out of the election

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:14 [Preview] No.829537 del
Trust the plan.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:17 [Preview] No.829538 del
It will.

Still no domestic reservation policy on gas for us easterners like they have in WA

Albo opposes any kind of diversture powers

ATO chasing frozen debts from 2019 after major interest hikes since

RBA kept cash rate at 4.35 per cent today
Next overseas arrivals data from ABS due 16/4 after January's was 55k net. Rental vacancies continue to fall past 1%

Oh and NSW is also putting they gay conversion ban to parliament soon which if like Victorias will send parents to jail for upto 10 years for stopping their kids becoming trannies
https://content.legislation.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-02/21-003aa%20authorised.pdf page 10.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:19 [Preview] No.829539 del
>Oh and NSW is also putting they gay conversion ban
Tiffin should open a facility to pick up the lost business.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:19 [Preview] No.829540 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=rnLmKoHPGm0 [Embed]

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:21 [Preview] No.829541 del
Just got back from the shopping. It was hot so I was in thongs, singlet and shorts on my way to the beach. Bought chickpeas, olives and some sundried tomatoes to make a salad for my tea. This weirdo was gang stalking me, snickering and making faces, thinking I wasnt watching him out of the corner of my eyes, wearing some servo sunnies. He must have been high because he followed me all the way to my car, laughing like a schizo off his meds. I circled the block and got behind him in traffic, and followed him home. Now I know where gang stalkers headquarters is. Might go down the servo and fill up the jerry can, petty has a hundered uses, never know when you might want some handy.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:24 [Preview] No.829542 del
Sounds like a NEET adventure.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:26 [Preview] No.829543 del
I was looking forward to the accelerationism timeline where 007 is a negroid dyke.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:29 [Preview] No.829544 del
>The AER said base rates should fall between 1.9 per cent and 3 per cent for residential customers in broader Sydney and South Australia, reducing bills by up to $57 a year
Lucky neets.

>AER also flagged increases of up to 2.7 per cent for households in South East Queensland and 0.9 per cent for those in rural New South Wales
So mine will be going up.


NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:30 [Preview] No.829545 del
>if had i had

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:31 [Preview] No.829546 del
Remember faggot albonigger campaigned and was elected on a platform of reducing everybody's power bills by $300 per year. That should be grounds for the governor general to dismiss parliament.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:31 [Preview] No.829547 del
Be careful out there neet.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:32 [Preview] No.829548 del
You might need to get some plug converter that changes atx power pins to whatever the cpu socket on the mobo takes
Also check the documentation of the psu and the mobo to check the pins and voltages should be correct.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:33 [Preview] No.829549 del
he already mashed all the pins and refused to post pictures or further information

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:34 [Preview] No.829550 del
And that ham is currently on special at $30/kg. It's usally $37.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:34 [Preview] No.829551 del
Back from bottleo. Watching The Road.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:35 [Preview] No.829553 del
Ryan has three.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:36 [Preview] No.829554 del
Woefully bantered.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:37 [Preview] No.829555 del
Nope, just you.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:38 [Preview] No.829556 del
Do I get both of Olive's feet in this case?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:38 [Preview] No.829557 del
A good kino but depressing.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:39 [Preview] No.829558 del
Potato shortage? Could this have something to do with St. Patrick's Day?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:40 [Preview] No.829559 del
I wish I had had a father.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:40 [Preview] No.829560 del
The stores have boxes of taters galore. The online thing is telling NEET he can only get a 2kg bag so he buys 2kg of taters instead of 2 taters

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:42 [Preview] No.829561 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:45 [Preview] No.829562 del
(1.20 MB 1024x1024 1710375703514693.png)
Albo should not be in power at all. He never had a mandate. What happened was the Liberal coalition literally commited suicide with their constant leadership crises. Scomo was the ultimate NPC. No body on all sides liked Scomo his leadership was a joke and its why we got Albo and his gay virtue signaling commie abo politics.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:45 [Preview] No.829563 del
Here in the country we get what's left after they stock the bigger cities
There was no loose ones or bags
Truck delayed, or the mongs simply didn't order them in, we get this problem a lot.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:45 [Preview] No.829564 del
How uplifting.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:46 [Preview] No.829565 del
Nuro called me at 3AM and said he needed my help on some iffy job and would explain on the way, so I got up and waited but he never came, once.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:46 [Preview] No.829566 del
>Liberal coalition literally commited suicide

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:47 [Preview] No.829567 del
Lab work?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:47 [Preview] No.829568 del
I'm watching a moofie shot in SA where a guy turns into a seal when in the ocean. There was a portly lad on a pier fishing. Reminded me of someone.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:47 [Preview] No.829569 del
>i can green text without making a fucking point too

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:48 [Preview] No.829570 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:48 [Preview] No.829571 del
Wew, Judge's summation against Craig Wright yesterday:
>“I will make certain declarations which I am satisfied are useful and are necessary to do justice between the parties. First, that Dr Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin White Paper. Second, Dr Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in the period 2008 to 2011. Third, Dr Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin System. And, fourth, he is not the author of the initial versions of the Bitcoin software. Any further relief will be dealt with in my written judgment. I will extend time for filing any appellant's notice until 21 days after the form of order hearing, which will be appointed following the hand down of my written judgment and I ask the parties to seek to agree an order giving effect to what I have just stated."

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:49 [Preview] No.829572 del
You write like a valley girl..

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:49 [Preview] No.829573 del
Don't know, don't care.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:49 [Preview] No.829574 del
Secret world of herbs?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:49 [Preview] No.829575 del
Its your fault you were on daylight savings time.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:51 [Preview] No.829576 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:51 [Preview] No.829577 del
Well then let me re-literate. Scomo is the main reason we have Albo.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:54 [Preview] No.829578 del
(14.42 KB 777x255 Selkie.png)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:56 [Preview] No.829579 del
I fucking need money so I can buy vnidia and btc aaaaahhhhhhhhh

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:57 [Preview] No.829580 del
Woober which news sites do you frequent the most

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:57 [Preview] No.829581 del
(220.24 KB 1200x628 Baa.jpg)
Went all the way to Woolies for lamb choppies but all they had were a few packs of this shite. Mostly strips of fat.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:01 [Preview] No.829582 del
The ones with Joslin.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:02 [Preview] No.829583 del
My exact bodytype.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:03 [Preview] No.829584 del
My exact financial situation

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:05 [Preview] No.829585 del
You're worth more than $9/kg though.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:06 [Preview] No.829586 del
I saw a mong looking cunt at the train station with a "Biden Harris 2024" shirt. Very odd.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:06 [Preview] No.829587 del
sounds like some degenerate furry fantasy.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:07 [Preview] No.829588 del
I wanna buy an edgy tshirt

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:13 [Preview] No.829589 del
i was bummed out, woolies didnt have any of my lamb shoulder roasts either when i went shopping on the weekend

i should be cooking one tonight reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:14 [Preview] No.829590 del
are you retarded ?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:15 [Preview] No.829592 del
He does this shit every night.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:15 [Preview] No.829593 del
Learn to cook properly instead of living off shitty chunks of meat and foodbank bread.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:16 [Preview] No.829594 del
(31.08 KB 224x557 Special.jpg)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:16 [Preview] No.829595 del
You're the one that was diagnosed with learning difficulties.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:17 [Preview] No.829596 del
gook food

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:19 [Preview] No.829598 del
Tab status?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:19 [Preview] No.829599 del
Our great-grandparents used to eat offal all the time.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:20 [Preview] No.829600 del
are you retarded ?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:21 [Preview] No.829601 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:21 [Preview] No.829602 del
Working late tonight? Too drunk to drive home?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:22 [Preview] No.829603 del
(4.30 MB 280x280 S T E A M E D.gif)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:22 [Preview] No.829604 del
And mutton.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:22 [Preview] No.829605 del
What the fuck. If i have never eaten chicken heart i must instantly assume its dogfood.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:22 [Preview] No.829606 del
are you retarded ?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:22 [Preview] No.829607 del
(41.92 KB 618x412 chopper.jpg)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:23 [Preview] No.829608 del
You took a shit in a pan and cooked it.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:24 [Preview] No.829609 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:24 [Preview] No.829610 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:25 [Preview] No.829611 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:25 [Preview] No.829612 del
Lucky fella. Hope you took notes.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:27 [Preview] No.829616 del
Why are you especially upset today ? Is it because you are flat broke ? Or your homo lover Nuro has been ingoring you lately ?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:27 [Preview] No.829617 del
(47.90 KB 456x479 GFC.jpg)

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:27 [Preview] No.829618 del
No you don't.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:28 [Preview] No.829619 del
You're trying so hard yet doing such a bad job.

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:28 [Preview] No.829621 del
They arent with the foodbank like the german bakehouse though ?

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:29 [Preview] No.829622 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:29 [Preview] No.829623 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:29 [Preview] No.829624 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:29 [Preview] No.829625 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:30 [Preview] No.829627 del

NEET 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:30 [Preview] No.829629 del

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