Catalog of /ausneets/


Mode: Thread

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Remember to follow the rules

Max message length: 4096


R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 1

Board Rules

1. The board is for all people of a NEET mindset, even if they are currently employed or studying. Excessive attempts to ostracise people based on their status or to spark divisive discussions about who is and who is not a “real NEET” will not be tolerated.

2. No doxxing. This includes no remarks about the EXIF data of photos posted, and no pointing out of personal information accidentally left in photos. No going to unreasonable lengths to determine where a person lives based on photos or videos they have posted. No chilling of peoples confidence in their anonymity by joking about your potential to dox them. If you think someone has unintentionally left personal information in their post please report the post with an explanation, do not point it out publicly on the board.

3. No impersonating another NEET, with exception of any post which is clearly not intended as an actual impersonation (ie using a named NEET's flag and making a post they obviously would not make)

4. Pornographic images and images containing nudity or near-nudity of a sexual nature must always be spoilered. No dumping of porn images for no good purpose. No use of disgusting pornography just to shock people.

5. No CP or images of children posted for sexual purposes, even if they are not naked or in sexual poses. This includes drawn images which look under-age. No Pedo talk.

5.2 The posting of images with children who are under the age of 18 years of age must have a relevant context. See the next post for additional information.

6. Images containing gore or anything else likely to shock or disgust must be spoilered. You must have a very good reason for posting gore and not post much of it.

7. Images containing the contents of a toilet bowl must be spoilered and must be accompanied by text clearly explaining they are an image of the contents of a toilet bowl.

8. No unreasonable personal insults. This board is not a “safe space”, and banter and honesty are allowed and in fact are essential, but there is no need to be personally insulting to an individual who does not deserve it. Do not cross the line.

9. No threats of violence against other posters or anyone else. No threats made as jokes. The authorities take joke threats seriously, and therefore so must we.

10. No posting of revenge pornography.

11. No posts breaking Australian Law in a way that will bring the board into disrepute and bring scrutiny from the media or Government authorities. Use good judgement here please.

12. No posting of spam, advertising material, or shilling of products or services you have an undeclared personal interest in.

13. People of non-standard Race, Gender or Sexuality are welcome but must not use their difference and others’ reaction to it to disrupt threads and attention whore. The onus is on the person who is different to integrate themselves successfully within the community.

14. No posts which infer, either seriously or in jest, that the board is monitored by the Government or intelligence agencies, or which infer that any individual poster may be an agent of the government or an intelligence agency. These jokes are not funny and have a track record of stoking paranoia and chilling the free sharing of information on the board.

15. Don’t be a cunt. This is a catch-all for any unacceptably shit behaviour that does not clearly violate any other rule.

16. All new NEET General Threads must contain an image which includes Pepe the Frog. This image must be visible from the Catalog. Non NEET General Threads may only be created after being suggested, considered and approved in the NEET General Thread. Non-approved Threads will be deleted.

17. The Longer you are here the more likely it is you will become a lolcow, unless you already were a lolcow then sit back and enjoy the ride

R: 120 / I: 20 / P: 1

NEET General #856 - Cold Front Edition

How are you NEETs coping with the cold?

Old thread: >>869115

R: 1000 / I: 188 / P: 1

NEET General #855 - Not Doable Edition

Do you feel that the wagon is not viable? Do you feel that wagoners are somehow breaking the laws of reality?
Well jump on in here NEET. We have a station wagon full of hesitators, prevaricators and degenerators. We're gonna go down mcdolans and Dans while watching YT and vaping on oxys and mondstars.

R: 1000 / I: 134 / P: 1

NEET General #854 - Better Connection Edition

Do you NEETs ever yearn to get away from it all? To go out of wifi range and just let your brain decompress?

Old thread: >>867057

R: 1000 / I: 180 / P: 1

NEET General #853 - Museum Edition

The NEETs have been spoiled with high quality museum content recently.
Do you NEETs like to visit museums? I have not been to one in many years.

Old Thread: >>866054

R: 1000 / I: 273 / P: 1

NEET General #852 - Chill Edition

What do you NEETs like to do in order to "chill"?

Old Thread: >>865053

R: 1000 / I: 150 / P: 1

NEET General #851 - Smooth Edition

Do you NEETs have strong opinions on brain texture?
Personally I feel like the more of it you have the more unhappy you will be.

Old thread: >>864044

R: 1000 / I: 121 / P: 1

NEET General #850 - Scorpion Burger Edition

Are you NEETs excited by the prospect of eating spicy foods? Would you consider yourself a "spicy NEET"?

Old Thread: >>863031

R: 1000 / I: 146 / P: 1

NEET General #849 - Smile like you mean it Edition

God bless you NEETs. We're all doing our best.

Old thread: >>862021

R: 1000 / I: 136 / P: 1

NEET General #848 - Sky Kings Edition

Do you NEETs like flying?

Old Thread: >>861028

R: 1000 / I: 139 / P: 2

NEET General #847 - Dat Boi Edition

Do you NEETs ever feel like your life is an old meme that unicycled off into the sunset and left you here all alone?

Old thread: >>860014

R: 1000 / I: 126 / P: 2

NEET General #846 - Report Card Edition

Did you NEETs used to get a good report card?

Old Thread: >>858984

R: 1000 / I: 127 / P: 2

NEET General #845 - Fungus Edition

Do you NEETs have strong opinions about mushrooms?

Old Thread: >>858002

R: 1000 / I: 145 / P: 2

NEET General #844 - Norwood Edition

How are you coping with that receding hairline neets? Toupee? Drugs with feminising side effects? A roguish looking hat? Or are you just giving up on life altogether? It's time to divulge your secrets.

OLD: >>857023

R: 1000 / I: 175 / P: 2

NEET General #843 - Sexy Beast Edition

*SWOON* Who is that sex beast?

OLD: >>855973

R: 1000 / I: 141 / P: 2

NEET General #842 - Fanfact Edition

Have you NEETs ever posted something so sordid and vile it had to be removed to preserve the moral hygiene of the board?

Old Thread: >>854988

R: 1000 / I: 165 / P: 2

NEET General #841 - Puppetmaster Edition

Is there someone behind the scenes, pulling the /ausneets/ strings?

Old thread: >>853972

R: 1000 / I: 142 / P: 2

NEET General #840 - Waffles Edition

Have you NEETs ever tried waffles?
They're a seppo import we do not want here in my opinion.
Give me a scone, a crumpet or a good old-fashioned pancake.
A nice piece of crumpet, oh yeah.

Old Thread: >>852994

R: 1000 / I: 143 / P: 2

NEET General #839 - $750 Edition

What happened to our promised gibs neets? Why didn't we get them. We investigate on this thread

Old Thread: >>851990

R: 1000 / I: 151 / P: 2

NEET General #838 - 4c1 Edition

Get in the car we going to 4c1.

OLD: >>850985

R: 1000 / I: 181 / P: 3

NEET General #837 - Davo's New Hat Edition

Davo has a new hat and he looks absolutely debonair in it.

OLD: >>849963

R: 1000 / I: 185 / P: 3

NEEt General #836 - Philosopher Edition

Are any of you NEETs into philosophy?

Old Thread: >>848954

R: 1000 / I: 140 / P: 3

NEET General #835 - One Of The Tribe Edition

Will you heed the call of your people? A land of milk and honey needs protecting.
There is nothing that I cannot do because there is nothing too hard for God.

OLD: >>847911

R: 1000 / I: 137 / P: 3

NEET General #834 - Cool Edition

Would you NEETs describe yourselves as being "cool"?
Personally I think I am a pretty cool dude.

Old Thread: >>846931

R: 1000 / I: 124 / P: 3

NEET General #833 - Cups of Tea Edition

Do you NEETs enjoy a nice hot cup of tea? Which type? Milk and/or sugar?

Old Thread: >>845890

R: 1000 / I: 155 / P: 3

NEET General #832 - Beaten Down by Life Edition

Do you NEETs feel beaten down by life sometimes? All the time? I have been struggling.

Old Thread: >>844888

R: 1000 / I: 153 / P: 3

NEET General #831 - Woe When Weber Wont WWWofW Edition Edition

Possum wanks the hardest.

OLD >>843821

R: 1000 / I: 132 / P: 3

NEET General #830 - Nurgo's NAS Edition

Would any of you NEETs describe yourself as a data hoarder?

Old Thread: >>842834

R: 1000 / I: 155 / P: 3

NEET General #829 - Salute Edition

Do you NEETs do your nightly salute?


Old Thread: >>841809

R: 1000 / I: 155 / P: 3

NEET General #828 - Exact Body Type Edition

Are you NEETs happy with your current body?
Do you work to improve your problem areas?

Old Thread: >>840793

R: 1000 / I: 162 / P: 4

NEET General #827 - Charcuterie Board Edition

Do you NEETs like to put together a charcuterie board when entertaining friends and family?
What are some of your favourite things to include?

Old Thread: >>839771

R: 1000 / I: 168 / P: 4

NEET General #826 - Mogged and Humbled Edition

Good on Weber for finally putting him in his place.

Old Thread: >>838770

R: 1000 / I: 137 / P: 4

NEET General #825 - Wage Stress Edition

How is a NEET meant to keep himself on track with employment?
How does he resist the urge to chuck it all in and return to the NEET life?

Old Thread: >>837734

R: 1000 / I: 125 / P: 4

NEET General #824 - Melange Edition

Have you ever consumed a mind expanding hallucinogen while wandering in the desert neets?

Old Thread: >>836757

R: 1000 / I: 119 / P: 4

NEET General #823 - Refined Character Edition

Would you NEETs consider yourselves to be of "refined character"?
Some of you seem quite coarse to be frank.

Old Thread: >>835649

R: 1000 / I: 142 / P: 4

NEET General #822 - Space Man Edition

Are they out there NEETs?

Old Thread: >>834645

R: 1000 / I: 185 / P: 4

NEET General #821 - Snack Edition

They may be bad for you, but I find that a good snack can lift a NEET's mood. You NEETs should get yourselves something nice.

Old Thread: >>833643

R: 1000 / I: 132 / P: 4

NEET General #820 - Hot Cross Buns Edition

I hope you NEETs have a Happy Easter.

Old Thread: >>832650

R: 1000 / I: 158 / P: 4

NEET General #819 - Tree of Knowledge Edition

Have you NEETs ever felt tempted by the forbidden fruit?

Old Thread: >>831591

R: 1000 / I: 116 / P: 4

NEET General #818 - Date Rape Edition

Have you ever had your choof spiked by a bussy bandit?

Old Thread: >>830630

R: 1000 / I: 134 / P: 5

NEET General #817 - Those Based Feels Edition

Does seeing a NEET living an unfettered BASED lifestyle cause you envy?

Old thread: >>829613

R: 1000 / I: 119 / P: 5

NEET General #816 - Femdom Edition

Do you fantasise about being dominated by a woman, neet?

OLD: >>828559

R: 1000 / I: 154 / P: 5

NEET General #815 - St Patrick's Day Edition

How did you NEETs celebrate?

Old Thread: >>827599

R: 1000 / I: 148 / P: 5

NEET General #814 - Expensive Edition

Do you NEETs find that everything has become ridiculously expensive? And you don't even get decent service any more.

Old Thread: >>826579

R: 1000 / I: 126 / P: 5

NEET General #813 - Late Summer Heat Wave Edition

How are you NEETs coping with the heat?
Is it true that current hot weather is a sign of a state being a candidate for Best A?

Old Thread: >>825584

R: 1000 / I: 154 / P: 5

NEET General #812 - Turbo Mong Edition

Have you NEETs ever been referred to as a "turbo mong"?

Old Thread: >>824584

R: 1000 / I: 119 / P: 5

NEET General #811 - Pork Belly Deluxe Edition

Have any of you NEETs worked in fast food before?

Old Thread: >>823533

R: 1000 / I: 114 / P: 5

NEET General #810 - Sandworm Edition

We will ride sandworms at the NEET Commune. The spice will flow.

Old Thread: >>822537

R: 1000 / I: 156 / P: 5

NEET General #809 - Bad Boi Box Edition

How often do you bully and cheat and sneak, NEETs?
What treats do you give yourself when you get away with it? Whores, Smokes, Goons or Drugz? Lets Make a list of /ausneets/ approved bad ass rewards

R: 1000 / I: 123 / P: 5

NEET General #808 - Going Somewhere Edition

What is it going to take, specifically, for you to improve your life this year?

Old thread: >>820508

R: 1000 / I: 95 / P: 6

NEET General #807 - Goyslop Edition

This thread is officially dedicated to the neets' favourite kind of foods. Post 'em if you got 'em.

Old thread: >>819541

R: 1000 / I: 133 / P: 6

NEET General #806 - Dawn of a new era Edition

What does the future hold for our beloved board?

Old thread: >>818481

R: 1000 / I: 118 / P: 6

NEET General #805 - Frugality Edition

One of the most important lessons I've ever learned about being a neet is that a dollar saved is a dollar I don't have to get a job to earn. Therefore I've decided to make admission to this thread FREE - all you have to do is leave one useful tip for saving money, and you'll be allowed to post on here.

Old thread: >>817507

R: 1000 / I: 106 / P: 6

NEET General #804 - Genius Edition

Would you NEETs consider yourselves to be one of history's greatest minds?
How well do you acquit yourself on Twitter Spaces?

Old thread: >>816538

R: 1000 / I: 162 / P: 6

NEET General #803 - Whine for a Moofie Edition

The NEETs are wanting a moofie night and are getting vocal. Cruisey's silly Harry Potter joke wont cut it for long and wombo had better get his act together before trouble comes to the bored.

R: 1000 / I: 116 / P: 6

NEET General #802 - Mantra Edition

Do you NEETs have a personal mantra you chant during meditation sessions?

Old thread: >>814531

R: 1000 / I: 127 / P: 6

NEET General #801 - Dry Spell Edition

How long is your current dry spell NEETs?
Do you see much hope of ending it?

Old Thread: >>813455

R: 1000 / I: 113 / P: 6

NEET General #800 - Return A Roman Edition

If a cheeky Tasmanian neet came up to you and gave you a roman salute, what would you do neets? Would you risk social ostracisation and prison to return his salute?

Old Thread: >>812521

R: 1000 / I: 128 / P: 6

NEET General #799 - How Different Things Could Be Edition

If only you NEETs knew.

Old Thread: >>811527

R: 1000 / I: 140 / P: 6

NEET General #798 - Eye to the Future Edition

What does the future hold for you, neet?
OLD: >>810448

R: 1000 / I: 127 / P: 7

NEET General #796 - February Edition

A new month is come. How did the first month of the year of the wagon go for you neets? Have you achieved your goals for the month? Did anyone? If not, now is the time to tell us your plans on how you're going to make this month different from last month. Let's go!

Old thread: >>809500

R: 999 / I: 119 / P: 7

NEET General #795 - Norse Warrior Edition

Do you NEETs think you would have enjoyed raiding monasteries back in the day with your Viking bros?
Our lives are dull by comparison.

Old thread: >>808495

R: 1000 / I: 150 / P: 7

NEET General #794 - Ninja Turdle Edition

Which one was your favourite?

Old Thread: >>807422

R: 1000 / I: 156 / P: 7

NEET General #793 - Straya Day Edition

Neets, you may not have been born into a rich family. You may not have inherited good looks, brains or a work ethic from your parents. But there is one thing you've inherited - citizenship in one of the nicest countries in human history, one that's better than 99% of the rest of the world. Jan 26th is a day to remember that.

Old Thread: >>806474

R: 999 / I: 140 / P: 7

NEET General #792 - Escape Edition

Is it possible to escape from the bucket?

Old Thread: >>805439

R: 1000 / I: 148 / P: 7

NEET General #791 - Self Improvement Video Edition

This year is about self-improvement neets, and all neets are invited to submit a youtube video to this thread they think will help others. Go ahead.

Old thread: >>804479

R: 1000 / I: 146 / P: 7

NEET General #790 - Crusty White Edition

Do you NEETs think that bread maker is already out in the carport waiting for the hard rubbish collection?

Old thread: >>803478

R: 1000 / I: 150 / P: 7

NEET General #789 - 2024 Edition

Get cracking NEETs.

OLD: >>802440

R: 1000 / I: 142 / P: 7

NEET General #788 - Shut Up You Poop Skinned Diarrhea Blaster Edition

Are the stereotypes about pajeets and poojetas true? It's time for a frank discussion neets.
OLD: >>801475

R: 1000 / I: 171 / P: 7

NEET General #787 - Paranoid Schizophrenia Edition

Have you ever been accussed of being paranoid, neets?

OLD: >>800458

R: 999 / I: 110 / P: 8

NEET General #786 - Sausage Rolls Edition

Do you NEETs feel like you do not make sausage rolls often enough? It has been years for me.

Old Thread: >>799470

R: 1000 / I: 163 / P: 8

NEET General #785 Here Forevor Edition

R: 1000 / I: 131 / P: 8

NEET General #784 - Yakuza Edition

Are any of you NEETs a member of an Asian organised crime syndicate?

Old Thread: >>797410

R: 1000 / I: 121 / P: 8

NEET General #783 - The Year Of The Wagon Edition

Neets, report in! How have your first few days on the wagon gone? What have you changed so far in 2024? We're here to help push each other's wheelchairs into rehab.

OLD: >>796411

R: 1000 / I: 119 / P: 8

NEET General #782 - Tomorrow Is Another Day Edition

You lost today kid, but that doesn't mean you have to like it.

OLD: >>795440

R: 1000 / I: 136 / P: 8

NEET General #781 - New Year New Outlook Edition

Time to make some changes NEETs
We will be the big boys on the block

OLD: >>794438

R: 1000 / I: 113 / P: 8

NEET General #780 - Anne Frank Edition


OLD: >>793425

R: 1000 / I: 124 / P: 8

NEET General #779 - Need to lose weight Edition

R: 1000 / I: 154 / P: 8

NEET General #778 - Boxing Day Edition

Boxing Day. Traditionally a day where NEETs resume beating each other up and normies box up their unwanted presents and take them back to the shop like the ungrateful cunts they are.

OLD: >>791260

R: 1000 / I: 148 / P: 8

NEET General #777 - Christmas Tree Edition

Do you have a Christmas tree this year neets, or just childhood memories of one?

OLD: >>790257

R: 1000 / I: 166 / P: 9

NEET General #776 - Missing Pepe Collection On This Computer Edition

This computermabob doesn't have the Peperoonies on it sadface

OLD: >>789337
OLD: >>789337
OLD: >>789337

R: 1000 / I: 114 / P: 9

NEET General #775 - Repetition Edition, Repeated

It's just the same thing over and over again. You're here forever. There is no escape.

OLD: >>788278

R: 1000 / I: 153 / P: 9

NEET General #774 - Goondaddy Edition

Even on ausneets, a place full of people who are...not conventionally successful, one neet has stood out from the pack. One particular neet has drunk more standards, lost more jobs, done harder drugs, gambled and lost money he didn't have and just kept going, maxed out more slappers, had more rectal catastrophes, got more speeding fines and ignored them, and fallen off the wagon more times than anyone else. This edition is dedicated to one man's epic journey from the warehouse to the shed. Because love him or loathe him, you can't deny he's an ausneets LEGEND.

Old thread >>787307

R: 999 / I: 150 / P: 9

NEET General #773 - Pineapple Edition

Do you NEETs like pineapple?
I ate a fresh one once and the acid made my mouth burn for a couple of days afterwards.

Old Thread: >>786313

R: 1000 / I: 161 / P: 9

NEET General #772 - Christmas List Edition

What would you like for Christmas neets? Good neets only, neets from bad homes won't be getting anything.

OLD: >>785325

R: 1000 / I: 188 / P: 9

NEET General #771 - Invisible Edition


OLD: >>784284

R: 1000 / I: 224 / P: 9

NEET General #770 - Look at the Door Edition

Have you NEETs ever struggled to communicate your wishes to a tradesman?

Old Thread:>>783298

R: 1000 / I: 151 / P: 9

NEET General #769 - Morning Shower Edition

The morning shower is the high point of my day, the only thing I still enjoy in life. As long as I've got that, nothing else matters.

Old thread: >>782235

R: 1000 / I: 157 / P: 9

NEET General #768 - Repetition Edition

Does it seem like every day is the same thing over and over again. Do you lie awake trying to fall asleep, feeling like you're stuck in the same loop forever, with no escape?

Old thread: >>781294

R: 1000 / I: 168 / P: 9

NEET General #767 - Helicobter Edition

Do you NEETs like helicobters?

Old thread: >>780317

R: 1000 / I: 139 / P: 10

NEET General #766 - Nigger Rapping Edition

Do you listen to nigger rap, neets?
OLD: >>779297

R: 1000 / I: 171 / P: 10

NEET General #765 - Seven Habits Of Highly Defective NEETs Edition

Let's make a list of our self destructive habits. I'm sure we can come up with at LEAST 7.

OLD: >>778313

R: 1000 / I: 203 / P: 10

NEET General #764 - Evolution Edition

Another new episode.

OLD: >>777294

R: 1000 / I: 173 / P: 10

NEET General #763 - Spin Bike Edition

Will it just gather dust?

Old Thread: >>776306

R: 1000 / I: 119 / P: 10

NEET General #762 - Black Friday Edition

That's right.

OLD: >>775293

R: 1000 / I: 126 / P: 10

NEET General #761 - Comfy Fridge Edition

Have any of you NEETs ever slept inside your fridge?

Old Thread: >>774281

R: 1000 / I: 131 / P: 10

NEET General #760 - Side of Beef Edition

Do you NEETs stay up late looking at photos of animal carcasses?

Old Thread: >>773281

R: 1000 / I: 125 / P: 10

NEET General #759 - Not My Problem Edition

Do you NEETs take a "Not my problem" attitude towards life?

Old Thread: >>772280

R: 998 / I: 137 / P: 10

NEET General #758 - Vascular Edition

How many of you NEETs are secretly RIPPED and/or SHREDDED and keeping it from the gen? My whole world has been rocked.

Old Thread: >>771282

R: 1000 / I: 112 / P: 10

NEET General #757 - Morning Routine Edition

How do you like to start the day off, neets?
OLD: >>770243

R: 1000 / I: 158 / P: 11

NEET General #756 - Joy Edition

Do you NEETs find yourselves using the internet to find things which bring you joy, or are you constantly being drawn to things which depress and demoralise you?
What you choose to look at is in your own hands. Choose joy.

Old Thread: >>769212

R: 1000 / I: 162 / P: 11

NEET General #755 - Stick To The Tennis Edition

Neets, do you ever find yourself the victim of a meaningless meme phrase, and then, instead of ignoring it like an adult you use it on others?

Old Thread: >>768207

R: 1000 / I: 118 / P: 11

NEET General #754 - Silver Fox Edition

This one goes out to our favourite neet - the king of kino, the baron of based. You know who you are.

Old Thread: >>767149

R: 1000 / I: 107 / P: 11

NEET General #753 - Wedding Karate Edition

Have you NEETs ever taken advantage of the open bar at a wedding and ended up doing your karate routine in front of everyone at the reception?

Old Thread: >>766135

R: 1000 / I: 120 / P: 11

NEET General #752 Do a Big Poo Edition

I got the number right.

OLD: >>765132

R: 1000 / I: 131 / P: 11

NEET General #751 - Slightly Racist Edition


R: 1000 / I: 114 / P: 11

NEET General #750 - Space Oddity Edition

Do you NEETs take much interest in developments in space exploration?
It used to be a common autist pastime but you don't see it as much any more.

Old Thread: >>763113

R: 999 / I: 133 / P: 11

NEET General #749 - Halloween Edition

Have you ever been to a Halloween party neets? What did you go as?

Old: >>762042

R: 1000 / I: 166 / P: 11

NEET General #748 - Magic Retard Edition

The answer is: slam that pussy before turning magically retarded in front of her and disappearing. The question is - when is this good lifestyle advice?

Old: >>761089

R: 1000 / I: 193 / P: 11

NEET General #747 - As Big As A 747 Edition

I hate myself and I hope this Christmas is my last.

Old: >>760101

R: 1000 / I: 186 / P: 12

NEET General #746 - Vogue Edition

Have any of you NEETs ever been on the cover of a magazine?

Old thread: >>759098

R: 999 / I: 175 / P: 12

NEET General #745 - Monstrous Giraffe Edition

Have you NEETs ever become obsessed with a monstrous giraffe-looking actress?

Old Thread: >>758115

R: 998 / I: 177 / P: 12

NEET General #744 - Vomit Tier Edition

What NEET purchases make you face palm?
OLD: >>757075

R: 1000 / I: 160 / P: 12

NEET General #743 - The Voice Edition Edition

Tomorrow will be a chance to atone for our past and an epochal moment in our nation's march towards reconciliation between whites and boongs. I know you won't let us down at the voting box, will you neet?

OLD: >>756113

R: 1000 / I: 148 / P: 12

NEET General #742 - Pondering the Future

OLD: >>755102
What are you hoping to do with what little remains of your life, neets?

R: 1000 / I: 195 / P: 12

NEET General #741 - Disgusted Edition

OLD: >>754026
What sort of things disgust you, neets?

R: 1000 / I: 159 / P: 12

NEET General #740 - Recondite Edition Title Edition

Does anyone understand what these editions are about anymore, or even read them?
Old Thread:>>753099

R: 1000 / I: 207 / P: 12

NEET General #739 - Circumambulation Edition

The goal of psychic development is the self. There is no linear evolution; there is only a circumambulation of the self. Uniform development exists, at most, at the beginning; later, everything points toward the centre.

Old Thread:>>752038

R: 1000 / I: 167 / P: 12

NEET General #738 - Adumbration Edition

Have you reached the point in your life when it's time to focus on the big picture neets?

Old Thread:>>751087

R: 1000 / I: 155 / P: 12

NEET General #737 - Boeing Edition

Do you NEETs enjoy air travel? It is many years since I was on a plane. There is an issue with me fitting in the seats.

Old Thread:>>750060

R: 1000 / I: 145 / P: 13

NEET General #736 - Big Frog Edition

Are you thought criminal with deep ties to Big Frog neet?
Old thread: >>749083

R: 1000 / I: 139 / P: 13

NEET General #735 - Lobstered Edition

Are you NEETs looking forward to getting out into the sun?

Old Thread: >>747991

R: 1000 / I: 143 / P: 13

NEET General #734 - Full Retard Edition

Everybody knows you never go full retard. You went full retard, neet. Never go full retard.
Old Thread: >>746987

R: 1000 / I: 127 / P: 13

NEET General #733 - You talkin' to me? Edition

Are you talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talking to? You talking to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Oh yeah?
Old Thread: >>746060

R: 1000 / I: 119 / P: 13

NEET General #732 - Time of Change Edition

Can you NEETs feel the change in the air?

Old Thread: >>744975

R: 1000 / I: 125 / P: 13

NEET General #731 - GET SOME Edition

If you were a poorly supervised helicopter door gunner flying over an overpopulated third world hellhole, what would you do to pass the time neets?

Old Thread >>744063

R: 1000 / I: 139 / P: 13

NEET General #730 - Kosher Loins Edition

All good so long as they're not stored with dairy.

Old Thread: >>743046

R: 1000 / I: 160 / P: 13

NEET General #729 - Pole Vault Accident Edition

You NEETs ever had a pole vaulting accident? Don't ask.

Old Thread: >>742064

R: 1000 / I: 145 / P: 13

NEET General #728 - Swoop Edition

Give me the swoop. Woop woop.

Old Thread: >>741018

R: 1000 / I: 158 / P: 13

NEET General #727 - Someday I'll Change Edition

But that day isn't today...

OLD: >>740042

R: 1000 / I: 157 / P: 14

NEET General #726 - First Poo On The Moon Edition

Tonight we have witnessed historic events. For the first time india has placed poo outside the earth. How will you remember this moment?
Old thread: >>738985

R: 1000 / I: 176 / P: 14

NEET General #725 - Absolute Rectal Catastrophe Edition

We all have these little accidents now and then neets - the main thing is how you recover and keep going with life. Please share your best tips for cleaning up poo disasters.
Old thread: >>738016

R: 1000 / I: 153 / P: 14

NEET General #724 - Sexually Confused French Edition

Oui oui oui!
Hons hons hons!
Le grande baguette.

OLD: >>737003

R: 1000 / I: 178 / P: 14

NEET General #723 - Ztepmum Knows Best Edition

Do you secretly long for some quality mummydom at the hands of a hot Ztepmum neets? It's ok, now is the time to confess.
Old thread: >>736039

R: 1000 / I: 139 / P: 14

NEET General #722 - Woody Edition

On drugs again for no reason.
Had a semi productive (I got something done) day without any headaches.
>need to relax
I was playing video games.
Worse than when I was an all day choofhead.
Habitual. Feeling like I'm missing out if I don't be a boong.
Fat, lazy, stupid boong'd mong.

OLD: >>735005

R: 1000 / I: 185 / P: 14

NEET General #721 - WAN WAN Edition

A bored four exclusive WEEBs

OLD: >>734027

R: 1000 / I: 163 / P: 14

NEET General # 720 - Brick Edition


Old thread: >>733025

R: 1000 / I: 156 / P: 14

NEET General # 719 -Stupid Wallaby Edition

Let them eat hay. Let the neets eat goon. They are both creatures of instinct, Let the live in peace and plenty.

OLD: >>732025

R: 1000 / I: 140 / P: 14

NEET General #718 - Balls Edition

Hey ho it's all a load of balls.

OLD: >>731019

R: 1000 / I: 156 / P: 14

NEET General #717 - Tax'd Edition

If only we could justify handballing the costs to Monk.

OLD >>730011

R: 1000 / I: 180 / P: 15

NEET General #716 - ''Chin chin!'' Edition

What is your favourite wine, NEETs?

OLD: >>729000

R: 1000 / I: 140 / P: 15

NEET General #715 - ''Cursed'' Thread Edition

'Abandon all hope, ye who enter here...'

OLD: >>727973

R: 1000 / I: 146 / P: 15

NEET General #714 - Dead Library Workers Edition

Charities are a scam and women intimidate Weber.

OLD: >>726967

R: 1000 / I: 143 / P: 15

NEET General #713 - Thread With Pepe Edition

Yeah, gotta have a Pepe.

OLD: >>725962

R: 1000 / I: 119 / P: 15

NEET General #712 - Lazy Cunts Edition

OLD: >>724920
Fucking lazy dole bludging cunts leave me to make the new thread.

R: 1000 / I: 134 / P: 15

NEET General #711 - Conveniently Inconvenient Edition

Thank you come again!

OLD: 723949

R: 1000 / I: 155 / P: 15

NEET General #710 - Life Is Pain Edition

When does the fun end?

OLD: >>722957

R: 1001 / I: 126 / P: 15

NEET General #709 - Warm NEET lair edition

Is your neet lair comfy?

OLD: >>721956

R: 1000 / I: 112 / P: 15

NEET General #708 - Sedimentary, Igneous, and Metamorphic Edition

I like rocks. How about you?

OLD: >>720937

R: 1000 / I: 159 / P: 15

NEET General #707 - Gn Frens Edition

I am going to bed.
Here is your new thread.
Hopefully I wake up dead.

OLD: >>719939

R: 1000 / I: 115 / P: 16

NEET General #706 - Fast Bursts And Large Quantities Edition

Will the breakfast club ever recover?

OLD: >>718942

R: 1000 / I: 109 / P: 16

NEET General #705 - Desirable Edition

You are loved.


R: 1000 / I: 114 / P: 16

NEET General #704 - Implosion Edition

Do you NEETs ever feel like the high pressure you are constantly under could cause you and the vehicle which holds your essence to suddenly implode and leave what little is left of you floating in the dark abyss until the end of time?

Old Thread:>>716904

R: 1000 / I: 118 / P: 16

NEET General #703 - Struck by Lightning Edition

Do you NEETs enjoy the winter weather?

Old Thread: >>715903

R: 1000 / I: 103 / P: 16

NEET General #702 - Steal his Look Edition

How would you NEETs describe your "look"?

Old Thread: >>714927

R: 1000 / I: 113 / P: 16

NEET General #701 - International Cruisey Edition

We have a new Cruisey. A better one.

Old Thread: >>713903

R: 1000 / I: 115 / P: 16

NEET General #700 - Missing Fish Edition

We are still waiting for the NEET big fish fry up.

Old Thread: >>712728

R: 1000 / I: 132 / P: 16

NEET General #699 - Mixed up, Muddled up, Shook up World Edition

Some neets say she is a boy, some say he is a girl - will we ever truly know?

OLD: >>711898

R: 1000 / I: 96 / P: 16

NEET General #698 - Pride Month Edition

What makes you NEETs feel proud?

Old Thread: >>710893

R: 1000 / I: 106 / P: 16

NEET General #697 - Chokky Chib Edition

Do you NEETs sometimes get an itch that only chokky chib gookies can scratch?

Old Thread: >>709871
