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Let's talk about p2p encryption, /g/
How is Tox coming along?
Are there any better encrypted p2p messengers?

the hacker known as 4chan 06/29/2016 (Wed) 01:35:29 [Preview] No. 36 del
i like this guy

Tox is fine, they support trump, thus freedom

group chat soon

the hacker known as 4chan 01/30/2017 (Mon) 22:30:38 [Preview] No. 42 del
>>34 is a cool guy who doesnt afraid of anything

SURE IS SUMMER SUMMER 07/16/2016 (Sat) 16:28:17 [Preview] No. 37 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

the hacker known as 4chan 08/21/2016 (Sun) 14:43:34 [Preview] No. 39 del

the hacker known as 4chan 09/14/2016 (Wed) 15:51:18 [Preview] No.40 del

the hacker known as 4chan 09/18/2016 (Sun) 15:44:37 [Preview] No.41 del

GRsecurity is preventing others from redistributing source code the hacker known as 4chan 05/31/2016 (Tue) 18:53:36 [Preview] No. 33 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
GRsecurity is preventing others from employing their rights under version 2 the GPL to redistribute (by threatening them with a non-renewal of a contract to recive this patch to the linux kernel.)
(GRsecurity is a derivative work of the linux kernel (it is a patch))

People who have dealt with them have attested to this fact:
"You will also lose the access to the patches in the form of grsec not renewing the contract.
Also they've asked us (a Russian hosting company) for $17000+ a year for access their stable patches. $17k is quite a lot for us. A question about negotiating a lower price was completely ignored. Twice." -- fbt2lurker

And it is suggested to be the case here aswell:
"Do you work for some company that pays for Grsecurity? If so then would you kindly excersise the rights given to you by GPL and send me a tarball of all the latest patches and releases?" -- lolidaisuki
"sadly (for this case) no, i work in a human rights organization where we get the patches by a friendly and richer 3rd party of the same field. we made the compromise to that 3rd party to not distribute the patches outside and as we deal with some critical situations i cannot afford to compromise that even for the sake of gpl :/
the "dumber" version for unstable patches will make a big problem for several projects, i would keep an eye on them. this situation cannot be hold for a long time" -- disturbio

Is this not tortious interference, on grsecurity's (Brad Spengler) part, with the quazi-contractual relationship the sublicensee has with the original licensor?

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Devuan considers enacting Code of Conduct. the hacker known as 4chan 05/31/2016 (Tue) 17:44:34 [Preview] No. 32 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Devuan, the once devil-may-care total fork of Debian, once linked to virulent internet sexism and gamer-gate affiliated image forums by Debian Developer Russel Coker, has mulled the option of enacting a Code of Conduct when one of its female members was insulted:

> https://botbot.me/freenode/devuan/2016-05-25/?page=2
>jaromil today i was scrolling through http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_...
>golinux Well, I tried but couldn't find anybody. Then nextime popped up
>jaromil jeez. we need to take precautions. and also I get the point from Sarah Mei we need a code of conduct on-line and later for on-site http://www.sarahmei.com/blog/2015/02/01/the-fos...
> its never too early for that
>golinux One can only control one's own actions. ;)
>jaromil ah the wise one
>Wizzup he is doxed?
>jaromil that's him. we have a dossier yes

Devuan has been criticized for taking a "who gives a damn" and "real admins do it all by hand themselves every install" attitude towards security hardening scripts, and dispise in particular any mention of the "bastille" linux hardening script (originally funded by Mandrake Linux).

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Anonymous 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:05:46 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Why /g/ when there's /tech/?

Anonymous 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:15:03 [Preview] No. 3 del
This is totally different:

1. It's only one letter to type
2. it comes from 4chan not 8chan
3. I couldn't be BO of /tech/, it was already taken.
4. Competition is good, 'Muerica

Anonymous 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:16:38 [Preview] No. 4 del
I like how your list starts out as why it's different and ends up as why it's here

Anonymous 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:17:48 [Preview] No. 7 del
Fuck You

How do you upload youtubes?

the hacker known as 4chan 12/21/2015 (Mon) 00:25:10 [Preview] No. 10 del
4: yeah well we'll wait and see which one survives

the hacker known as 4chan 01/05/2016 (Tue) 11:52:10 [Preview] No. 30 del
(215.29 KB 894x894 1451302047573.png)
>/g/ - Technology Textboards /prog/ & /tech/
>2. it comes from 4chan not 8chan
Pick one

(61.57 KB 504x470 patodormindo.jpg)
pato dormindo

the hacker known as 4chan 12/23/2015 (Wed) 15:18:18 [Preview] No. 18 del

Anonymous 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:09:58 [Preview] No. 2 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
You guys ready for Infinity Now?

What should we do when things get to slow for lynxchan?
2 posts omitted.

Anonymous 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:30:31 [Preview] No. 8 del
Like when you can't post more than 300 posts in a thread

the hacker known as 4chan 12/21/2015 (Mon) 00:23:29 [Preview] No. 9 del
>Like when you can't post more than 300 posts in a thread

I still don't follow. Explain it to me as if I were retarded.

Balrog 12/21/2015 (Mon) 01:03:28 [Preview] No. 11 del
That's not as likely to happen because of how LynxChan is designed. In conventional imageboards, whenever somebody posts a new thread or a reply to a thread, every single board page and everything that references that board has to be regenerated by the imageboard software. This is because everything on a conventional imageboard is static HTML; when you access, say, https://8ch.net/tg/catalog.html that is an actual HTML file named catalog.html on a hard drive that is served by a web server. This means that when the imageboard gets big, there's so many HTML files to write whenever something happens that I/O write goes through the fucking roof and everything breaks, like what's happening on 8chan right now. On LynxChan all this shit is generated dynamically from templates and cached in memory, so afaik it's going to be less likely to fail in such a horrible manner when under 8chan-level stress. Also, the system is designed so we can add more servers to the database stack when we need to, so scaling isn't going to be a fucking pain in the ass.

the hacker known as 4chan 12/21/2015 (Mon) 04:13:16 [Preview] No. 12 del
i think .innerPost {white-space: nowrap;} needs to be disabled, ~line 270

the hacker known as 4chan 12/21/2015 (Mon) 09:07:36 [Preview] No. 14 del
All fixed. Tks