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Welcome to hate jews /news/
The news nobody reads because they'd rather let jews lie to them
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The Trump-Biden CNN Debate PROVED One Fact: There Is No Real Leadership In The USSA Reader 06/28/2024 (Fri) 18:08 Id: f839bf [Preview] No. 22670 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The Trump-Biden CNN Debate PROVED One Fact: There Is No Real Leadership In The USSA

This debate last night was an unmitigated DISASTER - for both the United States and for the world.

What everyone got to see last night is what many of us have known from the beginning: Biden is not running the country because he is incapable of doing so. His lack of mental faculties, likely from Dementia, is unquestionable.

This begs the question: "Who is it that's actually running the country?"

It's a fair question. During the Debate, Biden could barely formulate a cogent answer to most questions. His frail, rambling, often times non-sensical answers were genuinely sad. I do NOT take any satisfaction in seeing the man so genuinely mentally disabled by age. There, but for the grace of God, goes me.

I don't wish Biden's condition on anyone; and it pains me to see the President of our country (even an illegitimate one who occupies office through election fraud as Biden does) so addled, frail, and no longer capable of governing. Yet, that is the situation we all find ourselves in.

The current President of the United States is unable to discharge the duties of his Office. Period. Full stop.

The rest of the world got to see Biden, too, last night. And our Adversaries now know, the USA is in no position of power over world events. Our leadership is non-existent.

The Biden underlings have such historical ignorance, are so lacking in logic and rational judgment, adversaries can go do whatever it is they want, and the US will be, at best, sluggish to do anything about it.

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Reader 07/08/2024 (Mon) 01:43 Id: 8d38c5 [Preview] No.22685 del
>This begs the question: "Who is it that's actually running the country?"

Biden. That's why its gone to shit.

Reader 07/08/2024 (Mon) 13:28 Id: f5b5aa [Preview] No.22686 del
Biden is only a neo-con Zionist puppet and distraction. He's not leading anything, in fact, his regime has only done things to undermine America while under a dementia glaze of shielded stealth. At this point BRICS and their new multi-polar economic system is inevitable, along with the demise of the Western world. Prepare accordingly as much as you possibly can, it's all going down from here on.

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Europe Scraps Unaffordable, Unsustainable 'Net Zero' Energy Policy Reader 05/05/2024 (Sun) 10:04 Id: 9bbe20 [Preview] No. 22528 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Europe Scraps Unaffordable, Unsustainable 'Net Zero' Energy Policy

You know you’ve stumbled through the looking glass when European politicians start sounding saner on climate policy than the Americans do. Well here we are, Alice: Europeans are admitting the folly of net zero quicker than their American peers.

The latest example, or perhaps “victim”, is more apt—is Humza Yousaf, who resigned this week as Scotland’s first minister. That region within the UK enjoys substantial devolved powers over its own affairs, including on climate policy. An administration led by Mr. Yousaf’s left-leaning Scottish National Party had hoped to rush ahead of the national government in London in slashing carbon emissions.

Until, that is, someone noticed the costs. A recent report from the UK’s Climate Change Committee noted Scotland had fallen far behind on its climate goals. The government aimed to reduce by 20% the aggregate distance driven by Scottish motorists, compared with 2019 levels, but had no plan to accomplish the reduction in personal mobility by the 2030 deadline. To get back on track with the government’s goal of a transition to home electric heat pumps, Scotland would have to replace natural-gas fire boilers at a rate of more than 80,000 households a year by the end of the decade. That’s a big ask considering that in 2023 it managed 6,000 boiler replacements. The government resisted imposing an aviation tax to discourage excess flying. And so on.

Mr. Yousaf did the only thing he could under the circumstances: He all but abandoned net zero. His administration announced it is ditching firm annual emission-reduction targets in favor of fuzzier “carbon budgets.” The Green Party, with which Mr. Yousaf’s SNP governed in a coalition, balked. After a series of political machinations that were one part “Macbeth” and two parts “Comedy of Errors,” Mr. Yousaf’s administration collapsed and he was forced to resign.

Observe two salient details. First, the specific list of targets the country was missing. Scotland had reached the point where further net-zero progress would have made obvious and material demands of household budgets. That isn’t counting the additional costs of renewable power hidden in utility bills.

There are farm protests in nearly every country on the main continent and Greens are likely to get clobbered hard in the European Parliament elections in June.

The puzzlement is that the US is headed in the opposite direction, economic collapse. President Biden is pressing ahead with aggressive net-zero policies such as an electric-vehicle mandate - EVs which no one wants or are buying due to current lifestyle demands - and pouring trillions of wasted dollars of borrowed government and hard-earned household debts into climate boondoggles that will not work or be sustainable. This is obviously a sign the American government has abandoned free market capitalism and is trying to interfere and ruin economic stability for millions of innocent Americans.


Reader 05/05/2024 (Sun) 13:14 Id: 8214c2 [Preview] No.22529 del
>Humza Yousaf, who resigned this week as Scotland’s first minister.
>left-leaning Scottish National Party
Typical. Here's a question. How "Scottish" do you think this piece of shit's ancestors are?

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White House Finally Stands Up To Netanyahu, Refuses To Arm Israel If Rafah Attacked Reader 05/06/2024 (Mon) 13:32 Id: 465d0f [Preview] No. 22532 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
White House Finally Stands Up To Netanyahu, Refuses To Arm Israel If Rafah Attacked

The Biden administration last week put a hold on a shipment of US-made ammunition to Israel, two Israeli officials told Axios.

It is the first time since the Oct. 7 attack that the US has stopped a weapons shipment intended for the Israeli military.

The incident raised serious concerns inside the Israeli government and sent officials scrambling to understand why the shipment was held, Israeli officials said.

Biden is facing sharp criticism among Americans who oppose his support of Israel. The administration in February asked Israel to provide assurances that US-made weapons were being used by Israel Defense Forces in Gaza in accordance with international law. Israel provided a signed letter of assurances in March.

Israel has intent to invade the southern Gaza city of Rafah where more than one million displaced Palestinians have been taking shelter.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released several statements in recents days saying he intended to order an invasion of Rafah regardless of whether Israel and Hamas reach a deal for the release of hostages being held in Gaza and a ceasefire.

US involvement with Israeli war crimes have caused massive amounts of anti-war protests across the US. With leftists typically going out and protesting en mass, many conservatives are openly refusing to support Israel's endeavors vowing to never fight any more wars on behalf of the US government or Israel. This calamity has led to the biggest loss of US Army recruitment in decades and destabilization and loss of trust within the universities and educational system. The consequences and blowback for all this unnecessary foreign intervention could be long lasting and rapidly undermine US hegemony around the globe.

Last Wednesday US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel and had a "tough" conversation with Netanyahu regarding a possible Israeli operation in Rafah, two sources briefed on the meeting said.

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Reader 05/07/2024 (Tue) 12:35 Id: b127f2 [Preview] No.22534 del
Looks like Israel doesn't care, they probably know the USSA will continue funding and it's all a big near-election PR stunt.


Reader 07/04/2024 (Thu) 03:42 Id: 059d50 [Preview] No.22681 del
Yes, it's always just a front. The US government is owned by Israel through AIPAC.

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Biden Regime's End Game Plan To Destroy America And Europe Has Been Leaked Reader 06/16/2024 (Sun) 14:10 Id: cbee43 [Preview] No. 22646 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Biden Regime's End Game Plan To Destroy America And Europe Has Been Leaked

The FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act initiates mandatory selective service registration for American women, putting in place the mechanism for a mandatory military draft of those women.

This news comes on the heels of the US House Armed Services Committee just approving an amendment to the NDAA that automatically registers all American males (within the draft age window) for the Selective Service System. This means all American males of draft age can be involuntarily drafted into war.

So now, mechanisms are in place to draft both men and women, thus making sure that young "woke" men don't evade the draft by simply "self-identifying" as women. It's not yet clear whether America's woke youth may attempt to self-identify as imaginary fantasy creatures, since there's nothing in the NDAA that authorizes mandatory military service for wood fairies, tree elves or rainbow gnomes.

Equal opportunity = Equality opportunity to DIE for this corrupt regime. This is how "replacement theory" works. The mass murderers in charge send citizens to die in foreign wars which were entirely avoidable, while illegal immigrants take over their homes, jobs, communities and political leaders.

Notably, this NDAA authorization effort also: "Requires a DOD plan for deterring and defeating simultaneous aggression by two near-peer nuclear competitors, including requirements for nuclear force sizing." This means the USSA is preparing for nuclear war with both Russia and China [which is staged to destroy America and the West].

The draft is on. Men and women will be sent to war (if they allow this to happen!). The dollar will be printed into oblivion, leaving the American masses impoverished. The government will invoke the NDAA to seize all food and fuel supplies nationwide, and they will weaponize the scarcity of food and energy to inflict a mass die-off of the American people.

The occupying, illegitimate US federal government, after all, is not merely at war with Russia and China. It's at war with the American people. And there's nothing it won't do to achieve mass death and destruction on a global scale.

As America's psychopathic warmongers like Sen. Lindsay Graham are begging for global nuclear war with Russia, Iran and China, the rest of the pro-war government establishment is getting things ready to throw millions of young American men and women into the global war meat grinder.

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7 posts omitted.

Reader 06/19/2024 (Wed) 01:29 Id: 90bcb8 [Preview] No.22659 del
I'm glad to have graduated before COVID. That whole lockdown seemed to have done a number on our current teenagers in more ways than one. Now the online landscape and current teenage culture and lingo is changed for the worse, "no cap" (WTF does any of this gibberish mean?).

If I recall correctly, there was one or maybe two trannies in my graduating class. Far more queers, though. The whole transgender "I identify as a fictional she/they/xem" whatever was still fairly new at the time. The one tranny in my class was an ugly short woman who identified as male and demanded that others refer to her by her new name and pronouns. The weakwilled went along with it, much to my confusion.

Reader 06/19/2024 (Wed) 09:27 Id: 15c94f [Preview] No.22661 del
>"no cap"
"No joke." It took me awhile to understand the slang. I feel dumber for it.

Reader 06/19/2024 (Wed) 16:34 Id: cbee43 [Preview] No.22662 del
To be fair, every newest generation develops their own slang & lingo to describe things and people. Back in the 50s if you were "lame" they'd call you "square". In the 60s if you were "cool" they'd call you "far out" and later in the 70s that changed to being "dope" or "radical"... "Right on man!"... "No reason to get stoked spaz."... "Can you dig it bro?"....

Reader 06/28/2024 (Fri) 06:15 Id: 15c94f [Preview] No.22669 del
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Reader 07/02/2024 (Tue) 00:32 Id: 8fde9f [Preview] No.22676 del
Wonder what the next lingo's going to sound like in the next decade?

>Turkish guy living in Germany haircut
yeah hopefully the next generation has better hairstyling though

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Arab Nations Rebuke CIA/Mossad, Drops Hezbollah From Terrorist Watch List Reader 06/30/2024 (Sun) 09:52 Id: 8dcadb [Preview] No. 22671 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Arab Nations Rebuke CIA/Mossad, Drops Hezbollah From Terrorist Watch List

The Arab League has voted to remove Hezbollah from the list of "Terrorist Organizations."

Hezbollah had previously been designated as a "Terrorist Organization" in the year 2016 at the initiative of Saudi Arabia.

At that time the "Party of Allah (Hezbollah)" was accused of being an agent of Iranian influence in the Middle East, and interfering in the internal affairs of Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and the Arab Monarchies of the Persian Gulf.

Now, that designation is lifted, just perhaps days before Israel initiates actual war against Hezbollah/Lebanon.

A major war in the Middle East will threaten the global supply chain and global economy. Be prepared. Best stock up on basic essentials so you and your family can live relatively comfortable and stable during this time of crisis. It would be wise to have at least a year supply of basic essentials, many goods you rely on to survive are set to triple in price within the next year: https://archive.ph/bi7eZ

For cheap food storage go to any Costco or Sams Club and start buying in bulk: beans, rice, pasta, grits, oatmeal, split peas, various nuts, powdered mashed potato mix, powdered milk, powdered peanut butter, spices - anything that lasts long-term. Including plenty of instant coffee (as much as I hate it too it's cheap and it lasts a long time!). Remember canned foods last a lot longer than the expiration dates, some last as long as 5 years past the "expiration" but you will want to rotate these and replace the oldest ones when you go shopping in the future.

As far as bartering? Ammo, food, tobacco and booze will be the new currencies for America when the system collapses. Get to know your neighbors and assess the skills you have and they have. Skills can be used as a means to barter too, for services. Plenty of women would be willing to prostitute themselves when SHTF for basic necessities. That will be COMMON. But beware! So will backstabbing!


Reader 07/02/2024 (Tue) 00:08 Id: 653726 [Preview] No.22675 del
Real question is if they're going to keep the removal though. Will they back out on what they did?

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ALL 50 States Are Building Massive Prisons! What Kind Of Tyranny Is The US Government Planning? Reader 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:21 Id: f1cb2d [Preview] No. 22672 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ALL 50 States Are Building Massive Prisons! What Kind Of Tyranny Is The US Government Planning?

The US federal government is in the process of building a massive network of internment camps spanning all 50 states intended not to house illegal aliens, but political dissidents, a shocking new documentary claims.

Speaking to Redacted’s Clayton Morris, former Customs and Border Protection agent J.J. Carrell revealed a whistleblower in his upcoming documentary, “Treason,” exposes the scheme to build massive facilities that can house tens of thousands of people in every state.

“It’s not for these illegals,” says former federal contractor Kristi Hutcherson in an excerpt from the documentary. “I believe it’s… kind of like what Nazis did with the Jews, [slave labor] camps, processing facilities. They’re going to need somewhere to process the dissidents,” she says.

The 24-year CBP veteran went on to tell Morris that Hutcherson has access to federal databases where bids are placed for a variety of contracts.

“But… she says to me there’s bids for detention facilities being built in all 50 states in America,” he said.

Carrell notes despite hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants entering the US, he’s been informed by sources that the facilities, many of which are on the southern border, contain as many as 40,000 empty beds.

Asked what the facilities look like, Carrell described, “I think they’re going to look like just the facilities that we’re seeing where the children are being held in, those FEMA camps.”

“That’s what they’re building. They’re building FEMA camps,” Carrell said, describing soft-sided large white tents surrounded by barbed-wire like those seen in New York City to house the migrant influx.

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Reader 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:28 Id: f1cb2d [Preview] No.22673 del
I know some here may not trust the news source this came from, but I can assure you the government is up to something that is likely not going to end very well. Be forewarned these are the same people who rig elections and wish to bring America into a massive global war to save their (((special interests))). Not sure, but I'm guessing these new FEMA camps are being built for those who dissent and refuse to be cannon fodder in their new wars. They certainly have our replacements coming into the country in droves!

Reader 07/01/2024 (Mon) 23:18 [Preview] No.22674 del
The only fact the supposed whistleblower has give us is that (according to a database which only she has access to) there have been bids by government contractors to build detention centers.
It's fucking InfoWars. Wild speculation while avoiding the obvious jewish question is all they give and that's why I don't like them as a source.

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US Government Caught FAKING The CPI: Real Price Inflation Up 21.5% Per Year Reader 06/27/2024 (Thu) 22:46 Id: 5febe7 [Preview] No. 22668 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
US Government Caught FAKING The CPI: Real Price Inflation Up 21.5% Per Year

A young fellow posted a video to Tik Toc showing he bought a month's worth of food from Walmart in the year 2022 which cost him $126. By clicking Re-Order, he found the exact same order costs $414 today! The FedGov's Consumer Price Index numbers are all fraudulent.

Here is the minute or so video that lays it out: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/world-news/fedgov-cpi-numbers-fake-guy-ordered-from-walmart-in-2022-paid-126-same-order-today

Worse, if he followed through with the order and received it, he'd discover that there would be some items that not only cost more per unit, but that there would be LESS product inside.

These price increases are not exclusively a Walmart problem. This is across the board.

It’s even worse than that. Hundreds of items have been completely discontinued in all major grocery store chains across the country.

Slowly but surely, we’re being forced to buy from an increasingly shrinking selection of items.

Moreover, BEEF has skyrocketed everywhere. Even tough, low grade cuts are radically overpriced (and cut thinner). Even Deli meats are $14 a pound now.

Another person reports "I just went back to an order I placed on January 22, 2023. 19 items for $110, hit the re-order button and it’s now $264.20. WTF?"

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Vietnam Clusterfuck 2.0! Biden To Approve Deployment Of US Military To Ukraine Reader 06/27/2024 (Thu) 22:13 Id: 700da1 [Preview] No. 22667 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Vietnam Clusterfuck 2.0! Biden To Approve Deployment Of US Military To Ukraine

In yet another widening of unpopular policy which marks escalation in Ukraine, the Biden regime is preparing to lift a de-facto ban on allowing American military contractors to deploy inside Ukraine.

Four US officials described to CNN that the fundamental purpose would be to help the war-ravaged country's country’s military maintain and repair US-provided weapons systems, much of which has already been damaged. Anyone who recalls history knows this is exactly what the US government did to escalate a major war in Vietnam. First military contractors... later combat troops and then even drafting American citizens! Despite all that wasted human sacrifice, we still LOST the Vietnam War! Folks, that was during a time where the US had much higher morale, much greater patriotism and a much stronger and far more capable military to boot, all while fighting a FAR WEAKER enemy. And we still LOST that war.

One administration official said, “We have not made any decisions and any discussion of this is premature." However, the official sought to underscore that "The president is absolutely firm that he will not be sending US troops to Ukraine."

Throughout the course of the war there have been plenty of foreign volunteers, and very likely there are already US contractors on the ground serving with Ukraine's foreign legion or assisting with the military.

But the new plan which is apparently close to approval would see those with Department of Defense (DoD) contracts and mandates servicing and repairing some of the weaponry provided by Washington. It would certainly open the flood gates as well, in a Blackwater meets Iraq kind of way.

This is quite obviously another example of how the situation is sliding toward more 'boots on the ground' in Ukraine despite the constant refrain and insistence from Washington and NATO that this won't be the case.

No one I personally know wants to go fight in Ukraine or would see any benefit in their personal lives for doing so.

All that has to happen to trigger a potential nuclear-armed confrontation and WW3 scenario is for Russia to hit a Ukrainian position which happens to have American contractors working on weapons systems at the time.

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United Nations Declares Israeli Officials RESPONSIBLE For War Crimes In Gaza Reader 06/20/2024 (Thu) 13:58 Id: 41ccb6 [Preview] No. 22664 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
United Nations Declares Israeli Officials RESPONSIBLE For War Crimes In Gaza

A United Nations Commission of Inquiry has found that Israeli Officials ARE RESPONSIBLE for War Crimes in Gaza.

Speaking in Geneva, Navi Pillay, chair of the UN-backed Commission reported: “Israel forcibly transferred almost the entire population into a small area that is unsafe and uninhabitable.

“The deliberate use of heavy weapons with large destructive capacity in densely populated areas constitutes an intentional and direct attack on the civilian population.”

Pillay says the commission concluded that: specific forms of sexual abuse and violence constitute part of Israeli security forces operating procedures. The daily onslaught in Gaza has largely overshadowed a parallel wave of violence in the occupied West Bank. Since the Gaza war began in October more Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces or settlers there than in any recorded period. The violence, often ignored by Israeli forces, is due to both Israel’s increasingly militarized operations and a “surge in settler violence.”


A video below shows Protesters interrupting US Secretary of State "Butcher" Blinken at a hearing in Congress...


The protest that will live forever in history: interrupting US Secretary of State Butcher Blinken at a hearing in Congress.

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Reader 06/21/2024 (Fri) 03:10 Id: fcd40e [Preview] No.22666 del
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Those dead eyes of (((Blinken))). Is it ironic that he doesn't blink? The "betraying jewish values" part is bullshit though. Mass murders are jewish values. Anyway. There's something I feel people should know about the butcher. He's not even the cool Butcher from the fucked up gay porn and Christian bashing superhero series "The Boys".

MULTI-POLAR GLOBAL NEWS SERIES 6/20/2024 Reader 06/20/2024 (Thu) 16:08 Id: 32f771 [Preview] No. 22665 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
In this new series, we don't bother talking about falling empires or insolvent corrupted failed states. We focus on the new growing international multi-polar world and trade.

Saudi Arabia Dumps The US Dollar
https://www.bitchute.com/video/CeSLQoEeCLiH/ [Embed]

World Economic Forum Admits US Dollar Will No Longer Be Global Reserve Currency
https://www.bitchute.com/video/Oukji1cXPzkA/ [Embed]

Here's Where BRICS To Develop West Africa First
https://www.bitchute.com/video/V0H8BbCMHgLz/ [Embed]

INTERVIEW: Ilay Aksoy - Turkey Turns to BRICS?
https://www.bitchute.com/video/ntP6Y1iK4Hs/ [Embed]

BRICS Financial System Accelerates As Malaysia Plans To Join BRICS & De-Dollarize Asia
https://www.bitchute.com/video/ld7xIQSeQlnG/ [Embed]

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