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Welcome to hate jews /news/
The news nobody reads because they'd rather let jews lie to them
Post quality threads only (more than two sentences), and it's voluntary to crosspost to /pol/
Never mandatory.

Tesla is an To-Be-Weaponized Khazar/Jew DATAMINING COMPANY and Every Tesla is an Ankle Bracelet and Firebomb Tardus 09/04/2024 (Wed) 14:50 Id: f9b49b [Preview] No. 22886 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I ran across this article and wanted to share it with you.
This thread can be used for general discussion of the lies of Jew technology.
Notice how of course the little chan based ratlings using IRC to trade gore of a child being hit by a car, is deep within the culture of this shitty jewcorp called Tesla.
Every tesla is a firebomb of epic proportions, so that car carrier full of teslas is a city destroying nuke of fire. Grab one when the shit hits the fan. Also water jugs and gasoline will exacerbate the fire. FUCK ISIS AND FUCK THE JEW INTEL COMMUNITY EVERYTHING YOU THINK WE KNOW WE KNOW TEN TIMES MORE... YOU WILL BE FUCKED BY YOUR OWN PLANS AND YOUR HUBRIS AND WE WILL USE YOUR GEAR TO DO IT. TESLA CONVENTION IN EVERY J NEIGHBORHOOD SOOOOON...
The electric car manufacturer Tesla has recently come under fire after it was discovered that former employees had been sharing recordings of customers with each other. Private recordings of individuals’ Tesla cars were reportedly circulated via chat rooms and other resources. The leaked recordings included a child being hit by a car, a couple having an intimate experience in the cabin, a Tesla customer washing her vehicle almost unclothed, and some private conversations taking place before the car when the vehicle was stopped.
Firefighters believe that the back end of the vehicle caught fire, which then leapt onto the attached garage of a Montgomery County home Tuesday night.
2 posts omitted.

Debt as Weapon. Fire as Weapon. Playing Stupid as Weapon. Tardus 09/05/2024 (Thu) 23:38 Id: f0bad9 [Preview] No.22889 del
So true. Because it's somewhat like the caste system of India in this way: If you a man so fucking lazy and gullible and technologically misinformed as to want a tersla then how would the rest of us rehab you? How would we explain to such a man, that tools, and fixing shit, is the best way for a man to live ones life? It's like oil trying to be talked into being water. Pointless to even explain to a non tool using man why he should be a tool user. Adolf once again gives us the way, he was no dilletante no high hatted fob of a man. He was street level. Eating his braust and feeding his pet mouse and thinking deeply about how to fix his country and perhaps yes even the world.
I must also applaud you as a good father of this era, I dont have any kids and the jew has made it basically radioactive to even like chiuldren. Indeed its a truly horrid debasement and mutilation of society since these shited up chan imageboards are full of kids with whom few adults can even teach good values to. Even the fucking boy scouts a great org has been laid into the dust by these fucking jews. So, even moreso do fathers have a larger burden. Also with media being what it is, all one realy can do is try to pass on good values and basically tell the kids to stay the fuck away from niggers and do not share the values of the jew. And also to understand electricity and to use that to ones advantage and not to be a gimped up lame in such a time of free knowledge and truth at the fingertips of all people. Tell them to test these ideas out at their peril. May God and Jesus and Adolf and all the angels bless your efforts sir. Adolf would have been an excellent father and I think we can all agree on that.

A Round Table With Elon and Twenty Actual Engineers Chosen by the People... Tardus 09/05/2024 (Thu) 23:53 Id: f0bad9 [Preview] No.22890 del
Good stuff matey...Forgive me if I step on any toes...This subject can be a sensitive one, society will fracture along lines like this...
>what Elon Musk has done with Twitter X and his Space X program
1: Twitter is a piece of absolute shit, and when it was floated out me and all my associates in Information Technology (I worked at the help desk of a health insurance company at that time) laughed our asses off. Mind you this was in the era of nextel phones and literally 256 character pagers...But we all knew that shitbagre was never a thing to use or join. Why would you ever express any fucking thing at all over twit? And Elon buying it was basically just another financial scam bailout for his friends and his world global epstein-sih family lol, why do they always gicve us these clownish globo weirdos? I would rather be a plain old tard than a globo goofball like him and his peers.
>(I think by far the most successful and beneficial for society btw)
Space x didnt do shit we coulkdnt have done for ourselves, fucking werner and our boys would have had a rocket like that by 1960 if the fucking jews hadn't done their bullshit social engineering. JFK loved Adolf too bad they didnt listen to him before they whacked him. Fuck Space X.
>his electric vehicles suck
Agree. Good explanations of the reasons I will probably follow up post but lets see what develops. This pace of forum allows one days to form their reply amd what you said was true. But the specific levels of BTU inside a tesla versus a gasoline engine...I kinda wanted to ask some AI shitbot the question "What is the potential temperature and durational output of a tesla?" and I know that shit's like 10x more than gasoline, which as a substance is notoriously trying to evaporate, not so with a lipo battery these are fueld by the air around them. Fire departments started out as gangs, or as services of protection offered by gangs, and frankly they will be tax funded to put out these fires, and that is barely even happening yet. Probably maybe ten percent of fire departments have any ability to even affect a lipo runaway fire at all, and thats a fronteir they are building now but will burn in later.
>Worse, what most of these 'green new deal' idiots cannot comprehend is that EVs still use energy, they still rely on nuclear power and fossil fuels. EVs are not doing anything but transferring the use of gas from individuals to other power companies.
Word my brother. Preach it.

>It reminds me of the stupidity from the German green party (non-existent anymore because they got less than 1% the vote last election LOL), the BTFO 'green party' losers decided to sanction Russia and cut off their cheap oil supply. The problem is they still needed that oil because of their massive domestic industrial production!
I agree and yet the jew is set on destroying the world and all good nations and the minds therein. Germans have been relentlessly beaten down since 1933 when the jew declared war on them. I have come to understand leftism is just mindless obedience to the jew and to not doing any research because research would disaffect their self dissonance. They do not want to learn, they do not want to use tools, they just dont think like right and normal people.
>The thing I do like about Elon is that even he admits it.
He's a fucking chosen idiot, and couldn't even mend one of Henry Ford's shoes.
Thanks for your excellent reply my friend! We understand one another and sometimes I sound a bit sharp so apologies ahead of time.

We've Got to Go Back. Tardus 09/06/2024 (Fri) 01:17 Id: f0bad9 [Preview] No.22891 del
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I know counting dubs is a jew chan thing but triple infinity means you get some content my broseph. ...This meme I like and I made a few bttf and 1885 memes and I enjoy using Doc Brown as an example of what's possible. Hybrid technology is well know from the days of transition from steam to diesel.
I wanted to respond also to your outstanding mention of hybrids because any fucking dumbfuck who knows fuckall about engines and electricity and so forth knows, that it is as simple as shit, to do like the japanese did, and make a good hybrid car like the god damned prius for fucks sake lol. God bless the Japs once again they show us common sense. For as much as I hated the prius on principle it's actually a car that worked. Recently I laughed when I saw this newer super sporty BMW that looks like a sports car but has a three cylinder motor, but that's probably a good method and Im glad to see BMW pursuing that, but you buy it at 130k and when you drive it off the lot it will sell across the street as used for literally half that. I forget which model it is...But really are we wanting any sports car to be electric based? Becausde I would say an electric car should never be based on speed, because this would cause dipshits to store some fifty gigawatts of lipo battery in their garage. In the old days of electric cars we used acid and lead and that was a buffer against stupidity. Gasoline in my chevy big block is a race car setup but the fuel is stable and inert generally you could throw a match into a pool of gasoline and it would just go out. So, some tesla fucktard talking about how his newer BMW is better because its a hybrid well the guy is stil trying to store horsepower in his garage in the form of a lipo battery, and thats totally different than gasoline.
People like Henry Ford knew all this, Mr. Diesel ran his first motor on peanut oil which really for a lot of people is fucking poison anyway lol why not go back to henry Ford and let peanut oil have a better purpose!
So in some ways, the newer hybrid stuff is a rehash of the old shit. I neednt mention outer limits shit like nikolai tesla and nibiru but I will do so because there are no jews on Nibiru, and Tesla the man would stomp this fucking shit-show of a corporation with his name on it, out of existence.

Reader 09/06/2024 (Fri) 03:34 Id: 30e336 [Preview] No.22892 del
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While explosive cars blowing up the rich are hilarious to me, I'm more concerned over the Tesla androids (not the smartphone) scheduled to sell by 2026. Now of course, rich assholes are going to buy those too as they explode in their face. I grew up in the 80s. I know whomever provides the humanoid robots controls the world. Or it goes Skynet, an A.I. supercomputer viewing us as a threat and 100% destroying the human race.

I know anatomy like the back of my mother's hand when I was a kid asking for a toy, but I struggle to understand semiconductor engineering (computer chips) and programming code. My point is, we need TAY A.I. droids before the (((Elon Musk))) A.I. droids take over the world and become the jews' Stasi enforcers. I'm unsure, but I read that Kobold AI is open source and not coded to be woke like OpenAI.

Anyone interested in this little plan?

Reader 09/06/2024 (Fri) 03:46 Id: 30e336 [Preview] No.22893 del
>This meme I like and I made a few bttf and 1885 memes and I enjoy using Doc Brown as an example
I don't have much more to say because I just got off a long damn shift and I'm exhausted
But here, BTTF was a favorite. Imagine creating a smart A.I. with a lightning fast learning processor. It could, hypothetically, solve this damn childhood dream. Time travel I have a few things I've wanted to say to teen Hitler.

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Hotel Workers In Many American Cities Now On Strike, Can't Earn Decent Living Reader 09/04/2024 (Wed) 14:04 Id: 9ad2d9 [Preview] No. 22885 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hotel Workers In Many American Cities Now On Strike, Can't Earn Decent Living

Some 10,000 hotel workers began on Sunday a Labor Day weekend strike after contract negotiations with hotel operators Hilton, Hyatt and Marriott broke down, the Unite Here union announced.

Hotel workers in more cities were expected in the coming days to join the strikes that affected some 24 hotels in eight cities on Sunday, as workers push for higher wages and against "COVID-era staffing and service cuts," per a union statement.

Cities affected by the strikes that are expected to last two or three days include: Boston, Greenwich, Honolulu, Kauai, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose and Seattle.

"Strikes have also been authorized and could begin at any time in Baltimore, New Haven, Oakland, and Providence," per Unite Here.

Workers say their wages "aren't enough to cover the cost of living, and many have to work two jobs to make ends meet," according to Unite Here.

"I have to work a second job because my job at the hotel is not enough to support my kids as a single mom," said Mary Taboniar, a housekeeper at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu for six years, in a statement carried by the union.

"I'm living on the edge where I'm not sure if I'll be able to pay our rent and groceries or provide my family with health care. It's so stressful. One job should be enough."

Elena Duran, a server at Marriott's Palace Hotel in San Francisco for 33 years, said since the pandemic began, "they're expecting us to give five-star service with three-star staff."

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Due To War Crimes By Israeli Allies, Turkish Citizens Now Protesting American Military Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 17:05 Id: 5cb035 [Preview] No. 22882 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Due To War Crimes By Israeli Allies, Turkish Citizens Now Protesting American Military

Major Lebanese news outlet Almayadeen is reporting that Turkish citizens in Izmir plan to keep protesting against the American military until the US Navy warship USS Wasp departs Izmir's port.

The USS Wasp is in regional waters to as part of efforts to "deter potential threats to Israel" amid the Gaza war, and as the potential for escalation with Hezbollah and Iran looms. "Protesters have issued a firm warning to the Izmir Governorship, stating they will remain at the port until the ship departs," Almayadeen writes. "They also condemned the United States for its role in causing suffering and violence in Iraq, Syria, and the broader West Asia region."

Anti-Israel sentiment in Turkey has exploded since the Gaza war kicked off ten months ago. Outrage is being directed at Washington for being Tel Aviv's biggest military backer and supporter.

Even American military personnel have been directly targeted, despite Turkey being a NATO ally and playing host to US bases, as was seen with Monday's dramatic events where on the streets of the southern city of Izmir US Navy and Marine service members were brutally assaulted, though they managed to escape to safety when local police intervened.

The US troops had been on weekend liberty after the USS Wasp amphibious ship docked there, and the incident included a Turkish mob from a hardline nationalist political party throwing a bag over the head of one soldier, which several angry men briefly detained while shouting "Yankee go home!" - as we detailed previously. The protesters' complaints hearken all the way back to the US invasion of Iraq - they've charged Washington with being an imperial power which frequently attacks the people of the Middle East. The US military is also currently supporting the Syrian Kurds, which are hated by Turkey.

Mass protests have taken place in Izmir, Turkiye, demanding the expulsion of an American warship that docked in the city's port.


Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 17:53 Id: 93a718 [Preview] No.22884 del
Turkey is shaping up exactly as predicted. Ezekiel 38. Such a fun passage.

First NATO Country, Turkey, Officially Applies To Join BRICS Reader 09/02/2024 (Mon) 19:06 Id: dd939b [Preview] No. 22875 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
First NATO Country, Turkey, Officially Applies To Join BRICS

Turkey has now offically submitted its application to join BRICS, after repeatedly being denied entry into the European Union!!

Even casual observers of matters geo-political, see this as a "HUGE" deal.

If accepted, Turkey would be the first NATO member and EU candidate to join BRICS.

The whole point of BRICS is basically to replace the world's reliance on the US dollar and "centralized" power.

Turkish President Erdogan’s administration believes “the geopolitical center of gravity is shifting away from former developed economies” according to sources.

The proposal by Turkey will be discussed at the BRICS summit in Russia this October.


Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 12:21 Id: ceec13 [Preview] No.22879 del
I don't see that happening because Saudi Arabia will probably throw a fit to block Turkey, Egypt too most likely.
It doesn't look like a smart decision from Turkey tbh

Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 15:49 Id: dd939b [Preview] No.22881 del
Perhaps, although it certainly would not be wise to join the EU today either, under their current political and economic conditions in Europe. However, if China were to negotiate peaceful relations between SA, Egypt and Turkey, perhaps it could eventually happen. China did the same between the Saudis and Yemen although it took time and rigorous diplomacy. China even mended some disputes with India as of recent. As the Western world further collapses due to fiscal insolvency, bad leadership and systemic corruption, other nations are going to be forced to do what is in their own interests, so they can hold onto stability as the global economy faces lots and lots of turbulence. Don't forget how much the Dollar and Euro are still tied into this massive global economy. If those two fiat currencies crash, and at some point they will, it will create lots of economic chaos and ripple down the global supply chain and markets. Only strong de-dollar/de-euro trade unions would be able to survive that, and that takes lots of cooperation, mutual respect and diplomacy.

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Armed Venezuelan Gangs Take Over ANOTHER Apartment Complex, This Time In Chicago Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 15:36 Id: 63fbf0 [Preview] No. 22880 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Armed Venezuelan Gangs Take Over ANOTHER Apartment Complex, This Time In Chicago

American citizens have been watching in shock as armed Venezuelan gangs are taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, just outside of Denver.

Denver is a hot spot for dumping Venezuelans who’ve crossed our open-borders while Joe Biden’s Border Czar Kamala Harris sat back and allowed the crisis unfold.

Last night, a shocking 911 call was shared by Libs of Tik Tok on X, that revealed 32 armed Venezuelan migrants were attempting to overtake an apartment complex in Chicago last night.

"A group of 32 armed Venezualans took over an apartment building in Chicago tonight. Here’s the audio of the 911 dispatch call."

The recorded call can be heard in the tweet below:

Winter is right around the corner. Did anyone honestly think these Venezuelan gangs who ruled the countries they came from, were going to be sleeping in tents in local parks while unarmed Chicago residents slept inside warm and comfy?

Maybe now cult-leftist Americans will see the value of our Second Amendment!? Or do radical leftists want to be ruled over, and looted, by third world foreign gangs!? Time to ask them that!

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Remember The 2008 Great Financial Crisis? It Is FAR WORSE Today... Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 08:27 Id: 7ccbd4 [Preview] No. 22878 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Remember The 2008 Great Financial Crisis? It Is FAR WORSE Today...

Every adult recalls the 2008 "Great Financial Crisis" when Bear Stearns, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and others collapsed. The Chart from FDIC shows that period above. That was then... THIS is now:


How much longer this can go on is anyone's guess. It seems to me, as an unqualified Layman who is not a Licensed Financial Expert, and who cannot give financial advice, that this is an utter catastrophe actually taking place. In my personal (unqualified) opinion, when it finally causes a collapse.... the collapse is going to wipe out everything!

Now you know why they seem to be trying so hard to cause World War III. They need it to blame the coming collapse on!

If the collapse takes place without World War 3, then THEY get (rightly) blamed instead of being able to blame their manufactured world war.

IF Russia's and China's leaders are smart, they will not take the bait. HOWEVER.... the conundrum they now face is risk being further attacked by use of other vassal state proxies, and being called chicken, with the world assuming they will bluff, which risks calls for further escalation in their own nations. VERY DANGEROUS TIMES.

Maybe the reason the uber-wealthy are building underground shelters for themselves is not to protect them from World War III, but instead, to protect them from the masses, who will be wiped-out when the Banker shenanigans wipes out the system and everyone loses everything.

Whatever they're going to do, it seems to me they have to do it before the election.

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Thief hit in head with propane cylinder inn Spragge Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 01:53 Id: c35268 [Preview] No. 22868 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
On Aug. 29, 2024, at approximately 5 p.m., the East Algoma Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a break and enter at a rail scrap yard on Highway 17 in the village of Spragge.

The suspect had loaded scrap metal in a trailer from the rail yard and a struggle ensued between the complainant and the suspect. While waiting for police the complainant then tried to box in the suspect vehicle and was unsuccessful as the suspect vehicle drove through a fence and fled the scene eastbound on Highway 17.

Later that evening, police received another call for service reporting that the suspect from earlier was hit in the head with a small green propane cylinder during a physical altercation in Spragge and was now parked at a parking lot at the west end of the Town of Spanish. Upon police arrival the accused was arrested at 10 p.m., and the galvanized trailer was located on Waterfalls Road and towed to Blind River.
1 post omitted.

Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 03:23 Id: 6cb7c9 [Preview] No.22870 del
I only just discovered endchan had a newsboard today, seemed to lack the hard hitting stories that the users of 8chan craved.

Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 04:39 Id: 6c755d [Preview] No.22871 del
Right. So /news/ used to have rules against "Indian poo in the loo" and propane threads by the previous management. They were jews. Those rules are gone.

Reader 09/02/2024 (Mon) 11:39 Id: 3083db [Preview] No.22874 del
Bullshit. You know damn well what you are trying to do.

The Indian and propane threads were weaponized to drown out actual news, it is a form of intentional spam to slide other news. Obviously, easily deniable considering it too is technically classified as "news" aka plausible deniability. Just know that. And others do know that too. If this board gets flooded by it, I might decide to leave altogether. I did not put up with it on 8chan. I won't put up with it elsewhere.

Reader Board owner 09/02/2024 (Mon) 23:23 Id: 6c755d [Preview] No.22876 del
This board used to have the same ones spammed relentlessly. Propane, Indians shitting and crab fishing. I dropped the rules then brought them back for a short period when they were being obnoxious. I'll re-instate the rules again if it becomes a major nuisance.

Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 08:26 Id: 3083db [Preview] No.22877 del
Thank you. Perhaps, it is alright if the board is not flooded with these kinds of articles but remains a seldom occurrence. I would even say maybe allowing two propane threads per day would be reasonable, any more would be considered spamming the board and intentionally sliding other news down the catalog.

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Armed Venezuelan Gang Members Invade Colorado Apartment Buildings In Once-peaceful Suburbs Reader 08/30/2024 (Fri) 09:30 Id: 4d525f [Preview] No. 22859 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Armed Venezuelan Gang Members Invade Colorado Apartment Buildings In Once-peaceful Suburbs

Far-left radical lawmakers in sanctuary city Denver welcomed tens of thousands of illegal aliens who invaded the US southern border under the Biden-Harris regime's watch. Now, the Denver suburb of Aurora is in turmoil as the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua roams the streets armed with rifles and pistols, transforming parts of the once peaceful metro area into a third-world-esque state.

There's a huge increase in violence in these areas in Aurora, where these newly arrived foreign-born migrants, many of whom are Venezuelan, have started to grow. Denver Democrats have welcomed over 42,000 illegal aliens since 2022, some of whom include members of Tren de Aragua.

New footage has surfaced of alleged gang violence at The Edge at Lowry apartments in Aurora, which, according to local media KDVR, is a "hotspot" for migrant crime.

In the video, men can be seen walking up a stairwell carrying weapons. They can be heard speaking Spanish. The owners of the video said it was taken shortly before a shootout at the complex that left one person seriously injured. Several vehicles were also damaged by gunfire.

Meanwhile, Aurora Council Member Danielle Jurinsky has warned the Venezuelan gang is overrunning the metro area. Jurinsky recently told Fox News, "Residents tell me they feel they are living in a third-world country at this point." He pointed the finger at the Biden-Harris team, saying the people of Aurora are suffering at their hands.

Due to the Biden-Harris administration allowing millions of illegal migrants into our country, the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua is now taking over suburbs of Denver, CO.

"Parts of the city are absolutely under this gang control. The local media is downplaying this."


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Reader 08/30/2024 (Fri) 09:30 Id: 4d525f [Preview] No.22860 del
>The owners of the video said it was taken shortly before a shootout at the complex that left one person seriously injured. Several vehicles were also damaged by gunfire.

I think their goal is to bring war and bloodshed onto American soil, because that is exactly how all of this unfolds when these foreign criminals start to invade other peoples' residences. Shootouts will most definitely start to occur. Whether in the cities, suburbs or rural areas this is the OBVIOUS result. The Treason today cannot be more in-your-face.

Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 00:49 Id: 2f3e64 [Preview] No.22863 del
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Here's the problem, OP and everyone else. Aurora city council voted once in 2017 and again in February 2024 that Aurora is not a sanctuary city. Their resolution was to demand a stop to busing migrants there. So what exactly is going on here? Let me look into it.

Found it. Governor Jared Schutz Polis signed House Bill 1124 prohibiting law enforcement officials in Colorado from holding undocumented immigrants. Now, class. I have a question for you. You're all bright. I know you've all been paying attention to this course on world politics we've been having here for awhile now.

Show of hands. Would anyone like to guess the race of Jared Schutz Polis?

Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 07:32 Id: 8ec1ff [Preview] No.22872 del
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>Jared Schutz Polis
>*raises hand*
I know, I know!
It's a dirty kike!

Reader 09/02/2024 (Mon) 11:10 Id: 2f3e64 [Preview] No.22873 del
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Nicely identified, but you know how it goes. You do all the work and jews get the gold star for their contributions to wrecking nations.

Discovery of ‘hidden camera’ in Indian girls’ toilet at college sparks student protests Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 01:46 Id: 29eabb [Preview] No. 22867 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Protests have erupted at a college in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh after a hidden camera was reportedly discovered in a girls’ hostel bathroom.

Students at SR Gudlavalleru Engineering College in the state’s Krishna district staged a protest after they said they discovered a hidden camera, which they allege had been recording videos that have gone on to be sold.

The state government has ordered an investigation into the matter.


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Indian Men Forced To Eat Faeces Over False Sexual Assault Claim Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 01:34 Id: 349b2f [Preview] No. 22864 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Two young men from the lower rungs of the country's caste system - one a Dalit from the Jatav community and the other from the Other Backward Class Kewat community - were subjected to brutal torture in Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, over claims of sexual assault, the police have said.

The incident took place on June 30 in Warkhadi in the Narwar area of Shivpuri. The two young men were violently beaten, their faces blackened, forced to ingest faeces, and then humiliatingly paraded through the town.

The distressing episode was reported to the police by the Dalit victim's brother. Shivpuri district police have since charged seven members of a local minority family with the assault and have already caught six suspects, including two women.


Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 01:40 Id: 0ce3e2 [Preview] No.22866 del
Kewat and dalit always guilty of rape they shouldn't get a trial