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Welcome to hate jews /news/
The news nobody reads because they'd rather let jews lie to them
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Insolvent: Fitch Downgrades China's Debt Reader 04/10/2024 (Wed) 16:02 Id: a61f84 [Preview] No. 22449 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Insolvent: Fitch Downgrades China's Debt

Ratings agency Fitch said on Wednesday (Apr 10) it had downgraded China's sovereign credit outlook to negative, citing increased risks to the country's public finances, in a move Beijing swiftly called regrettable.

Chinese officials have struggled for months to kickstart economic growth as they battle a range of headwinds, particularly a prolonged property sector crisis that has fueled fears of wider contagion. The draconian covid-19 lockdowns also contributed heavily to this economic crisis, although governments rather this not be mentioned.

Policymakers have announced a series of targeted measures as well as the issuance of billions of dollars in sovereign bonds (debt), aimed at boosting infrastructure spending and spurring consumption, but analysts have said much more needs to be done.

Fitch said its outlook revision "reflects increasing risks to China's public finance outlook" as the country "contends with more uncertain economic prospects". "Wide fiscal deficits and rising government debt in recent years have eroded fiscal buffers from a ratings perspective," the agency warned. It said "fiscal policy is increasingly likely to play an important role in supporting growth in the coming years which could keep debt on a steady upward trend". Fitch added that projected lower economic growth "exacerbates challenges to managing high economy-wide leverage".

Real estate companies that "need to go bankrupt should go bankrupt, and those that need restructuring should be restructured", Housing Minister Ni Hong told a news conference on the sidelines of a major political meeting.

Back in 2023, Fitch also downgraded the US credit rating for a similar reason, bailouts and increasing national debt: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/01/business/fitch-downgrade-us-credit-rating.html


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Iran And America Make Amends BUT Beware Of False Flag Attacks By Israel To Draw US Into War! Reader 04/05/2024 (Fri) 20:20 Id: c0d778 [Preview] No. 22431 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Iran And America Make Amends BUT Beware Of False Flag Attacks By Israel To Draw US Into War!

The US will not interfere if Iran attacks Israel through a series of messages exchanged via third parties, the United States and Iran have come to an understanding.

Iran assured the Americans it will not target US facilities, and in turn the US says it will not get involved if Iran retaliates against Israel.

Israel carried out the attack on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, without consulting the United States.

Since the Embassy and the next-door Ambassador's residence are on the same compound which was bombed, they are both Iran Sovereign territory. Israel's attack was therefore an actual Act of War for which Iran has the right to respond with military force.

MY COMMENT: I am hoping something akin to what happened to the USS Liberty does not happen again, but I fear Israel is very desperate to drag America to fight their wars once again. If an attack does take place, Israel would certainly be the one to benefit. I obviously encourage fellow Americans, the same as I have done concerning the war in Ukraine, not to get themselves involved in these unnecessary and very dangerous foreign entanglements!


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99 Cent Stores Shuttering All Locations, Citing Crime and Inflation As Key Factors Reader 04/05/2024 (Fri) 16:18 Id: ec76e1 [Preview] No. 22430 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
99 Cent Stores Shuttering All Locations, Citing Crime and Inflation As Key Factors

One of the first places I discovered when I moved to California in the late 1980s was the 99 Cents Only Store. One of my apartments was in walking distance of one, and I could buy a week's groceries for $20. Those halcyon days are long gone, not just for me and others, but for the iconic 99 Cents Only Store. When the company had to raise their price point from $0.99 to $1.01 a few years back, you kind of got the sense they weren't going to outrun this. It was finally the weight of inflation and the COVID [scamdemic] that did them in.

I’m sorry for the 14,000 workers about to lose their jobs.

The 99 Cents Only Stores is closing all 371 of its stores in Arizona, California, Nevada and Texas.

The company is liquidating everything starting Friday.

— Lynnette KhalfaniCox (@themoneycoach) April 5, 2024

On Thursday, the company officially announced plans to close down, citing financial difficulties stemming from the pandemic, changing consumer demand and rising inflation.

The company's press release tells the tale that is becoming the spirit of the age: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/99-cents-only-stores-announces-wind-down-of-business-operations-302108746.html

“This was an extremely difficult decision and is not the outcome we expected or hoped to achieve,” said Mike Simoncic, Interim Chief Executive Officer. “Unfortunately, the last several years have presented significant and lasting challenges in the retail environment, including the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, shifting consumer demand, rising levels of shrink, persistent inflationary pressures and other macroeconomic headwinds, all of which have greatly hindered the Company’s ability to operate.”

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Reader 04/07/2024 (Sun) 08:36 Id: 290635 [Preview] No.22432 del
I still have "dollar stores" near me. They're called "Dollar Tree". But not much inside is a dollar anymore. Kind of defeats the title. They don't fit the bill.

Reader 04/08/2024 (Mon) 15:52 Id: c81af3 [Preview] No.22437 del
Higher taxation combined with the increasing costs to maintain real estate and the infrastructure needed for retail businesses is forcing all these retail companies to raise prices unfortunately. Of-course this ends up pissing off most consumers but what else can they possibly do without facing insolvency? Bad monetary policies by local, State and the executive government (Congress included) exacerbated this economic crisis. We are simply seeing a slow motion domino effect across the country. This country is massive so it takes time before the end result will kick in and upend our way of life. This is only one of many dominos to fall. There will be tens of thousands more to come within this decade, and depending where you live it may take some time before you yourself see it.

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SORRY! Your Cities Are Collapsing So Your Home Insurance Has Been Canceled! Reader 04/09/2024 (Tue) 16:51 Id: 4a0d81 [Preview] No. 22441 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
SORRY! Your Cities Are Collapsing So Your Home Insurance Has Been Canceled!

California's biggest home insurance provider, State Farm, has announced that it will be discontinuing coverage for tens of thousands of policies in the state this summer in a move that many are interpreting as a strong sign that the insurance industry suspects something big is about to go down there.

On March 20, State Farm announced that 72,000 home and apartment policies in California will be cut, citing issues such as the increasing risk of catastrophes, regulatory costs and ongoing inflation. The move is a major blow to California homeowners, who are already grappling with insufficient policy coverage and high insurance rates.

In their announcement, the company said that the homeowners insurance policies for 30,000 customers, including condominium owners, will not be renewed. They also will be putting an end to offering commercial apartment policies and will not renew the 42,000 that they currently have in place. The cancellations will begin this summer, with homeowners insurance cancellations starting on July 3, followed by commercial property policy cancellations on August 20.

In a statement, State Farm said that they did not make the decision lightly. They added that they take “seriously our responsibility to maintain adequate claims-paying capacity for our customers and to comply with applicable financial solvency laws. It is necessary to take these actions now.”

Last year, State Farm announced that it would not be accepting any new home insurance applications in the state because of “historic” rises in inflation and construction costs. This was followed by a rate hike for 20 percent of its existing customers. Seven of California's 12 biggest insurance groups have been either restricting or pausing new homeowners insurance policies during the last year.

Although the increasing prevalence of arson is undoubtedly a factor in California's insurance problem, other crime is also a growing issue, especially in liberal-run cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. Many analysts believe that home break-ins are also playing a role in State Farm's decision.

Consumer Watchdog Executive Director Carmen Balber said: “It's an outrage that State Farm is dumping so many customers that have paid their premiums diligently for decades with the expectation that their home insurance will be there when they need it."


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CDC Finally Releases Hidden Trove Of Covid Clot Shot Injury Reports And It's Anything BUT Safe Reader 04/04/2024 (Thu) 12:34 Id: 0af729 [Preview] No. 22424 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
CDC Finally Releases Hidden Trove Of Covid Clot Shot Injury Reports And It's Anything BUT Safe

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse events following deadly COVID-19 fake-vaccination clot shot.

The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, and show people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.

“Loss of consciousness and seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance,” one person reported.

“Diagnosed with Bells Palsy today due to left-sided facial numbness and paralysis,” another said.

People lodged the reports with V-safe, a text-message system created by the CDC to monitor for possible side effects of COVID-19 death jabs.

The first two tranches, comprising 780,000 reports from some 523,000 people, include dozens of reports of heart inflammation, hundreds of reports of facial paralysis, and thousands of reports of tinnitus.

“For 24 hrs after [the] shot I was so fatigued I could not stay awake. I also have some very strong suicidal thoughts. Zero appetite,” one individual wrote.

Another person said they experienced symptoms of an allergic reaction. “I read where [sic] this vaccine should not be administered to anyone allergic to PEG and I am allergic to PEG. It would be incredibly reassuring if someone would call me as all I run into is dead ends,” the individual said.

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Reader 04/08/2024 (Mon) 20:25 Id: c4130c [Preview] No.22438 del
Lol vaxtard

Reader 04/09/2024 (Tue) 08:24 Id: c405aa [Preview] No.22439 del
Wouldn't that be someone who's pro-deathvax? OP doesn't seem pro-deathvax.

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How Russia Survived 16,000 Sanctions (Genius Strategy) Reader 04/07/2024 (Sun) 21:46 Id: ce3acc [Preview] No. 22433 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Someone told me I should look up this video online, so I did and watched it in full. This is extremely informative! America and it's allies could really learn something from this short video! Did you ever wonder how the most sanctioned country in the world... a country that had been cut off a global financial transaction system (SWIFT)... not only managed to survive but actually thrive economically? This Youtube video explains it all:

How Russia Survived 16,000 Sanctions (Genius Strategy)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=okYw7Mb3WK0 [Embed]

Hint: Putin used an old long-forgotten American strategy that made us the most powerful country in world many decades ago!

Reader 04/08/2024 (Mon) 12:06 Id: bbb4fc [Preview] No.22435 del
>have no economy to begin with
>sanctions don't affect you
Truly genius

Reader 04/08/2024 (Mon) 15:41 Id: ce3acc [Preview] No.22436 del
Russia has far more manufacturing and industry than most Western nations today. This was not the case 20+ years ago, but that is a fact today. If it were not true Russia would have already collapsed again. The only thing saving Russia is them abandoning the failed concept of Keynesian economics (a false theory which you can empower an economy just on monetization of governmental debt without taking into consideration the importance of domestic production and industry). Let me ask you this.... how is Keynesian economics working out over here in the West so far for average citizens? Do you enjoy the massive increases to the cost of living so far? This is the fault of Keynesian economics: the more national debt we depend on the more we devalue our currency thus the less purchasing power we have over time as cost of living inflates. Economics 101 my friend.

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Joe Biden Moves To CUT Social Security & Medicare Benefits For Millions Of Americans Reader 04/04/2024 (Thu) 22:02 Id: 96f9ed [Preview] No. 22428 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Joe Biden Moves To CUT Social Security & Medicare Benefits For Millions Of Americans

The Biden regime has finalized its move to slash Medicare Advantage as the 46th president has claimed former President Donald Trump seeks to slash entitlement programs.

The Biden regime on Monday will cut base payments for Medicare Advantage plans by an average of .16 percent despite pressure from Republicans and healthcare experts. This follows Biden making controversial moves in the risk adjusting coding system to allegedly make Medicare Advantage payments "more accurate".

Biden’s move would impact more than half of Medicare enrollees, as many American seniors now look to Medicare Advantage for their healthcare needs. American seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage could see their supplemental benefits reduced or cost-sharing increased by $33 a month in 2025, according to experts.

Chris Meekins, an analyst, said, “President Biden’s team is gambling that MA beneficiaries won’t realize before the election the benefits Biden’s team is causing them to lose come January 2025.”

Biden’s move to slash Medicare Advantage comes as Trump told Breitbart News he will never touch Social Security or Medicare. This runs contrary to claims from Biden and Democrats that he would cut entitlement programs.

“I will never do anything that will jeopardize or hurt Social Security or Medicare,” Trump explained. “We’ll have to do it elsewhere. But we’re not going to do anything to hurt them.”

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) said, “BREAKING: Biden just cut Medicare benefits AGAIN. 2.8 MILLION Florida seniors use Medicare Advantage & Biden’s cuts will cost them an extra $400 per year. Biden’s war on seniors is devastating & I’m fighting like hell to reverse this terrible decision.”

Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK), the chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), said, “The Biden White House attacks me for wanting to fix and save Medicare, meanwhile @JoeBiden is actively cutting Medicare for 33 million seniors.”

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Reader 04/05/2024 (Fri) 13:49 Id: 4b7783 [Preview] No.22429 del
What a coincidence that the number is "33" million... I see that number quite frequently...

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No Mystery Here Reader 04/04/2024 (Thu) 04:36 Id: 753df9 [Preview] No. 22420 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hi there, Israel. I am Lieutenant Columbo. Homicide. I have been placed on the case of the missing Palestinians by my superiors. I seem to have lost my pen. Just give me a minute. It must be in one these pockets, aw shucks. Now where did I put that notepad? No matter.

What were we talking about? Right. The massacres. Do you realize the Geneva Convention set out a certain set of rules for warfare? Slaughtering civilians is not ok, oh, do you mean to blame Hamas? I see. No alibi for the 1948 Arab Israeli war. "Defending yourself" by murdering 1,953.

Then there was the Qibyan massacre of reprisals carried out by Ariel Sharon on the innocent village of Qibya. You murdered about 70 civilian Palestinians, including women and children. But you didn't stop there. In 1973, you raided Lebanon on the night of April 9th under the cover of night.

Over 50 Lebanese were massacred, including 3 policemen. Then you invaded them again in 1978, committing over 2,000 murders of Lebanese people. The First Intifada on December 9th, 1987, an Israeli truck intentionally plowed into a civilian car just to kill 4 Palestinians. Why do this?
1 post and 5 images omitted.

Reader 04/04/2024 (Thu) 04:38 Id: 753df9 [Preview] No.22422 del
Israel's Operation Pillar of Defense resulted in the deaths of 105 Palestinians with 971 wounded. The next Operation Protective Edge in 2014 was a series of air strikes resulting in the murders of 2,310 Palestinian civilians and 10,626 wounded. In 2021, Israel carried out more air strikes.

456 Palestinians died as a result with over 500 more injured. Next beginning on October 7th 2023 and continuing to this day, over 30,000 Palestinians have been murdered by the IDF forces. This is clearly a case of mass genocide, Israel, that you have been carrying out since the 1940s.

Well, the UN may condemn Israel's actions but in reality, they will never lift a finger. Your wealthy lobbies in the United States have bought off all North American politicians. The U.S. Government holds veto power and vetoes everything against Israel. It seems you're pretty much untouchable.

I'll see myself out. Oh, just one more thing if I may? Do you remember that holocaust racket you've been extorting Germany for millions and America for billions in taxpayer revenue? Well, I hate to break it to you. After all of the public reveal, the masses won't care anymore. You mass murderers.

Israel is done drawing sympathy from people based on the holocaust fraud. Whether or not people believe in it is now irrelevant. The entire world sees you for what you are. Eventually, people will begin feeling that Hitler may have been right after all. Sucks to be a jew these days, doesn't it?

Reader 04/04/2024 (Thu) 04:39 Id: 753df9 [Preview] No.22423 del
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Soon, the pogroms will begin again. Jews will be exiled from nations when the fury of Gentiles who outnumber you thousands to one reaches a fever pitch. History always repeats. You will once again feel what it's like to be targeted. After what you've done to Palestinians, gotta love the irony.

Well, I'm done here. See you around. Or maybe I won't. Not if you're nuked after you've agitated the world. Oppenheimer mass murdered the Japanese. What if a similar nuke mass murders Israelis? Won't the rest of you be crying then? Boo hoo muh 6 million. This time it'll be real.

Reader 04/04/2024 (Thu) 13:47 Id: 4fdbef [Preview] No.22427 del

What I predict is the downfall of Israel due to the fact they are pissing off all their surrounding countries, including Russia and China who have tried their best to promote a peaceful ceasefire and stop the genocide of innocent Palestinians. Now that Israel has directly attacked Iran and killed top commanders? That is a declaration of war. Sure, the US government will send some troops over there to be cannon fodder for their future war, for a while, but America no longer has the military power it once had, nor the industrial resources we need to maintain it, and military recruitment is at record lows (no shit, wonder why that could be? HA HA!) Plus, Iran is not the same country as it was in the 1980s and the neo-cons in Congress just do not understand this at all. Iran has significantly increased their industrial power, manufacturing and technological workforces. Their military has some of the same hardware the Russians have used in Ukraine! *Dun Dun Dun* It's over for them, Israel absolutely screwed themselves. And BTW, Hal Turner has just reported many Israelis are now fleeing their own country! This amid the mass protests.

Reader 04/08/2024 (Mon) 01:11 Id: f700da [Preview] No.22434 del
that voice doesn't sound anything like columbo

sage sage 04/09/2024 (Tue) 18:55 Id: 753df9 [Preview] No.22448 del
You're stretching it when you say "anything". It's AI. I know it doesn't have his New York accent. Same gravel voice sound though.

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Biden Regime CANCELS Plan To Refill Drained US Strategic Petroleum Reserve Reader 04/04/2024 (Thu) 13:36 Id: 96e713 [Preview] No. 22426 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Biden Regime CANCELS Plan To Refill Drained US Strategic Petroleum Reserve

After the Biden regime drained the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve to its lowest level in 40 years, now they are CANCELLING their plans to refill it because oil is "way too expensive"... and the reason the oil is "way too expensive" is due to the fact this same anti-capitalist regime has shut down numerous domestic oil pipeline projects and oil refineries.

Critics warn that lower oil reserves are a national security issue for the US. If the reserves are low when a larger war or crisis occurs, refilling the reserves could be much more difficult and certainly more expensive.

“It’s pure insanity to watch the Biden Administration cut American oil production and then claim they can’t refill our critical reserve because of the price,” Daniel Turner, founder and executive director for Power The Future, said in a statement. “Joe Biden drained the SPR for political reasons, cut our domestic production for his climate agenda and now he’s leaving our critical reserve more vulnerable because he’s incompetent. As a result, Americans are paying more at the pump, more at the grocery store and our SPR is less full during a time of rising turmoil in the Middle East.”

Biden has taken fire from American citizens for hindering US oil production and lowering the reserves. The Biden regime has increased regulatory pushback for oil domestic production while fear-mongering over the climate. One would wonder if they really cared about environmental protection, why would they openly allow and promote chemtrailing our skies or allowing toxic carcinogenic glyphosate to be sprayed all over America's crops? Nevermind, the government refuses having anything to do with common sense today.

“The Biden administration’s war on US energy is crippling hardworking Americans and has led to our Strategic Petroleum Reserves being at their lowest levels since the 1908s,” US Rep. Mike Collins, R-Ga, wrote on X Twitter. “Reverse course and restore US energy dominance!"


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HAARP Weather Weapons Hit Taiwan With Mass Tsunami As Essential Chipmakers Shut Down Reader 04/03/2024 (Wed) 14:52 Id: f2104b [Preview] No. 22418 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
HAARP Weather Weapons Hit Taiwan With Mass Tsunami As Essential Chipmakers Shut Down

A powerful geo-engineered earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 - the strongest earthquake in 25 years to hit the island - followed by a smaller quake with a magnitude of 6.5 struck off Taiwan’s eastern coast Wednesday, according to the US Geological Survey, prompting tsunami warnings in southern Japan.

The first quake, with a magnitude of 7.4, struck at 7:58pm ET (7:58am local time) and had an epicenter located about 18 kilometers (11 miles) south of the city of Hualien and shook buildings in the capital Taipei.

Hualien announced plans to shut down offices and schools Wednesday in the wake of the event. The island’s power provider, meanwhile, said nuclear power plant operations remain normal and power distribution in Taiwan had stabilized.

People on the Chinese social platform Weibo said they felt the quake all across China, including in Shanghai and Guangdong.

This is to be expected considering the obvious planned transfer of power and wealth from the West to the East. The Bilderberg/WEF/Davos (((globalists))) who have hijacked Western nations are hell bent on destroying Western supply chains, weakening America within, bankrupting the nation through mass debt insolvency and unsustainable wasteful spending as well infrastructure sabotage right as they bring us into World War III, which has been planned in advance to collapse the Western World and empower their new BRICS trade union.


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the leading contract chipmaker for Apple Inc. and Nvidia Corp., shuttered some of its chipmaking capacity and evacuated plants after the biggest earthquake in 25 years rocked the island nation, just east of mainland China.

Taiwan plays a significant role in manufacturing advanced chips for artificial intelligence, smartphones, computers, and electric vehicles. The country is estimated to produce 80% to 90% of the highest-end chips.

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Reader 04/03/2024 (Wed) 22:33 Id: a5a9bc [Preview] No.22419 del
>This is why American families better have at the very least two years worth of basic essentials stocked up
I would be a prepper, anon, if only I had any money left over by the end of the month. Utility bills rise a hundred every few months. Many U.S. citizens are already screwed by deliberate destabilization.

Reader 04/04/2024 (Thu) 12:42 Id: e872ee [Preview] No.22425 del
Yah, if I had waited to begin prepping today I would have been screwed by now too. The only reason I can still continue "prepping" today is really because I started 20-some years ago when prices were much, much lower and I can simply rotate the supplies after using the oldest ones before they spoil. Now that my family is onboard with prepping it makes it easier and more affordable to rotate the stockup. Sadly lots of Americans, including many I personally knew, refused to heed the warnings over the years and now they are struggling because of it. If you want to survive on something cheap just stock up lots of flour, rice and beans. Make sure you have a source or supply of fresh water too, even if you have to collect rain water in buckets at some point.