/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

somebody like AIs could have these as doomsday weapons Anonymous 09/13/2023 (Wed) 17:49 [Preview] No. 91064 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
If the hercules tabletop laser inginites the hydrogen bomb litium deutride pointed through copper tubes at the earth from above the earth, the lethal gamma radiation burst could kill everbody on earth. I saw about this on the Discovery Cnannel about doomsday weapons.
1 post omitted.

sage sage 09/13/2023 (Wed) 18:33 Id: 108ebd [Preview] No.91068 del
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>Nazi Germany's Secret World War II Plan to Attack America with Submarine Missiles
>by Sebastien Roblin
Why do visitors insist on bringing these fucking kikes lies here almost every single time? Seriously. Jews think they have "secrets" when all it is - is their twisted imaginations, which is how the holocaust lie started in their fucked up minds.

militant Anonymous 09/14/2023 (Thu) 13:26 [Preview] No.91073 del
good militia type book

Anonymous 09/15/2023 (Fri) 09:10 Id: b4ce8c [Preview] No.91079 del
>Why do visitors insist on bringing these fucking kikes lies here almost every single time?
Maybe because just because it comes from them it must be unquestionably true falling into fallacy of old hag said so its true
Like for example with countless anti Hitler attempts to slander him with gaslighting of "anonymous close higher up" "inteligence agencyies home project and this dude picked by us to gaslight shows"

>Nazi Germany's Secret World War II Plan to Attack America with Submarine Missiles
Thats cute from jew but there were no u boats in development which would have an balistic misslile silos and at worst ONLY subs were developed to carry recon plane and even then these were limited to cruiser subs or in case of japanese an bomber plane

Anonymous 09/15/2023 (Fri) 16:05 Id: b4ce8c [Preview] No.91081 del
> development
correcting my error i meant deployed

Anonymous 09/05/2023 (Tue) 09:45 Id: c87633 [Preview] No. 91027 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This is how leftists behave in leftypol-siberia. How irrational and immature are they!
1 post omitted.

Anonymous 09/05/2023 (Tue) 22:47 Id: a4721b [Preview] No.91032 del
>Morality isint real
>If you disagree you are all of buzzwords
Yep this screams of an marxist narcissist
Perscription is an good trip to no living and learning many of marxist jews grew up pretty wealthy

Anonymous 09/05/2023 (Tue) 23:01 Id: 9dd77a [Preview] No.91033 del
Anon, you might want to report this guy for radical extremism, after all, he is openly advocating cold blooded murder. Including the lives of innocent children.

Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 06:16 Id: 3f4a5c [Preview] No.91035 del
Found the full copypasta on a leftypol spinoff (leftychan)
Describes basically how leftists think in one post

Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 07:42 Id: 989d01 [Preview] No.91036 del
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Commies are hilarious. Look at that imbecile thinking Liberals aren't on their side. They draw lines in the sand and shit over their possible allies who believe the many ideals they also hold. Then another is ranting about starvation and deaths under the Tsar but not even acknowledging the actual millions of deaths due to the mass starvations of Holodomor during the reign of the Bolsheviks. Child mortality didn't plummet during Soviet rule. Child mortality INCREASED. The OP fool (in that screenshot) calls the laundromat owners, hot dog vendors, pets and maids "bourgeoisie". Fucking imbecile doesn't even understand what the term means. The other anon goes off about defending the Bolsheviks for gunning down the children of the last Russian Tsar. But that's not quite how it happened. The family was shot, but when bullets weren't enough because of jewelry the sick bastards stabbed them to death with bayonets. The little girls. The little boy. Absolutely no one has evidence this atrocity did not happen because it DID happen (unlike the jewish holocaust fraud). They ENJOY the actual massacres of families by Bolsheviks unlike the fake massacres that were made up as Psychological Warfare against National Socialists. Commies stroke themselves off to their own real atrocities. That's how fucked up Communism is.

Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 15:02 Id: 2e7524 [Preview] No.91037 del
>They ENJOY the actual massacres of families by Bolsheviks unlike the fake massacres that were made up as Psychological Warfare against National Socialists. Commies stroke themselves off to their own real atrocities. That's how fucked up Communism is.
I bet the "6 million" figure made up out there are actually casualties from the Communists themselves instead of being perpetrated by National Socialists. Worse, it could've been higher. (it's 10 million at the cited article)

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Anonymous 09/19/2022 (Mon) 02:47 Id: 4c537d [Preview] No. 88611 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
To understand why jews want to eliminate whites, first you need to understand how jews view the world and its people. None of this is an exaggeration by the way, this is literally word for word what they believe:
>Non-jews are literally not human
>Non-jews were created by god to serve as slaves for the jews
>The only reason non-jews look like humans is because god made them that way so jews wouldn't have to look at a bunch of animals serving them
>Stealing from non-jews isn't a crime or bad in any way
>Killing a non-jew is like killing a wild animal; not a crime, doesn't matter
>Raping a non-jew, surprise surprise, is also okay. Granted they do have minimum age requirements. I think for it to be okay to rape a non-jewish girl, she has to be at least 9 years old
>Everything non-jews own is the rightfully jewish claim, god-given property of the jewish people. Possessions, your house, real estate, countries, all of it

Given that, the motivation for controlling the entire planet makes sense; jews literally believe that they are supposed to; its theirs. They believe they're preordained by god to rule over a planet of slaves. Now, how do white people fit into this? White people have a storied history of fighting back against jewish control. That whole "jews have been kicked out of 109 countries" thing? Yeah, that was White people. And jews have been seething about this for, literally, millennia. These people want Whites dead more than anything in life. You cannot fathom how much jews hate White people. And jews have never been exterminated, never been genocide, never anything. They've been kicked out, a LOT, but nobody in history has ever actually tried to kill them all. Obviously the holocaust never happened, but what was happening was an attempt to expel the jews.

But it's not a fair fight between jews and White people, because White people have this disease in their brains that prevents them from doing what's necessary to survive. It's sometimes called "pathological altruism" - White people will do practically anything in their power, and some things that aren't, just to be "accepted" by society (or what they view to be society). They will gleefully welcome in hostile foreigners. Rabidly defend Israel online and in person. Recoil in horror from someone expressing doubt about ANY aspect of the holocaust. All because it makes them feel like society will accept them and let them stay. It's the thing Whites have an instinctive, genetic fear of the most, above everything else in life: being excluded. Why? Winter. White people evolved in places where a winter alone meant death. You HAVE to be accepted by your tribe or your village, because if you aren't, you die.
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Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 09:03 Id: a1baba [Preview] No.91014 del
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Nothing wrong with that.

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 09:40 Id: 352082 [Preview] No.91015 del
Hitler is dumb leader. why would he drive to the caucasus. He knew that the supply line would get overstretched. And he never needed to go to Stalingrad to cut he Volga river. And even if he did get the oil fields in Baku or the southern caucasus, delivering that oil to the wehrmacht would've been a disaster. You have to keep in mind that the overstretched supply line. the Vast distances in the Soviet Union, and Germany running out of oil. Operation "BLAU" would've never succeeded.

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 18:59 Id: fcafc0 [Preview] No.91018 del
Let me explain that in oversimplified version
Barbarossa was an preemptive attack as abwehr knew the societs wanted to shoot first and they planned with later found mobilisationi plan 41 and later confirmation by alex suvorov who was chief of navy by that time and later also by loius marschalko whom also was a russian

The myth of weak ussr army was created by assumption of their defeat in finland but actually they were in 1941 best equipped fighting force in the world and looking also on soviets expansion it was obvious to anyone who could into geopolitics they wanted war

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 19:00 Id: fcafc0 [Preview] No.91019 del
And besides people who can be pointed out on fall of barbarossa were not in nsdap but in okw whatever it was antiquated assault on capitol instead listening to hitler and his desires to wreck ukrainian front or franz halders and frederich paulus dementia in their times to shine

Anonymous 09/03/2023 (Sun) 08:09 Id: 352082 [Preview] No.91024 del
Operation "BARBAROSSA" was a success at first, but after they encircled half a million soviets in Kiev, everything went down hill after they launched Operation "TYPHOON". They planned to encircle Moscow, but the winter halted the wehrmacht's offensive. and btw germany lost a lot of troops after they encircled Kiev, they only had about 2 million troops to the soviets 4 million troops after operation "TYPHOON". The soviets counter attacked the germans after the failed operation. Hitler never really wanted to go to Moscow, he wanted the soviets resources in the Ukraine, and the oil from the Caucasus. in Operation "BLAU" Hitlers dream will come true....... But it didn't. in fact it was a complete disaster.

(128.19 KB 600x800 monero beirut.jpg)
>t. living in hyperinflation
like the namefag suggests, im a survivor of the Beirut port (((explosion)))
kikes deserve the rope
our savings are decimated
stack crypto/metals
hoard food/meds/ammo
learn to live minimally
fuck keynesian jews
ask me anything about living here
10 posts omitted.

Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 13:39 [Preview] No.90769 del
I wont make any jams I just get the organic ones
its not a front, I'll be shipping the produce in them
Ive worked on solidity no worries, of course I'll use stable diffusion, midjourney is paid now fml
wdym with fools? Im not rugging anyone
we have cheap and great hashish mainly
amongst otherdrugs
same with me , I need around 2k to get some in bulk

Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 21:29 Id: f271a0 [Preview] No.90770 del
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>wdym with fools?
I mean people who pay insane amounts for NFTs. A fool and his money are soon parted. I don't expect NFT purchasers to be that interested in jams or hashish. Unless you mean you sell that locally and use NFT sales as money laundering. Any investigation is going to realize huge discrepancies. Also, we're not rich enough to donate here. This board is fairly dead. Those that come here on occasion are commoners. We're not wealthy like kikes. We're living under the lie of "white privilege". Antithetical to that lie, we struggle to survive.

Anonymous 07/17/2023 (Mon) 15:59 [Preview] No.90774 del
a lot launder money with NFTs
it wont catch any eyes from triple A companies
I know fuck kikes, no one can get rich in this keynesian economy

Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 01:30 Id: f271a0 [Preview] No.90775 del
They can if they're born with a silver spoon in their mouths, maybe knowing insider trading. As for me, I've never known wealth. My car was recently totaled by a speeding beaner.

LebAnon 07/31/2023 (Mon) 17:23 [Preview] No.90849 del
I've lost my life savings in this jewish crisis

jews Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 16:29 Id: dd6958 [Preview] No. 90754 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Os judeus controlam o mundo

Os principais banqueiros são Mellon, Morgan, Rockefeller, warburg, Goldman sachs, Jp Morgan, lehman brothers

E todos eles são de origem judaica, não só bancos mas multinacionais e a blackrock e Hollywood ou pedowood.
Os donos da midia
os donos dessas corporações 6 corporações que são donos de 1,500 jornais, 1,100 revistas, 9,000 estações de rádio, 2,400 editores, 1,500 canais de televisão. tem o sobrenome de origem judaica
ViacomCBS: Redstone; Disney: Disney; Comcast: Roberts; AT&T: Randall; WarnerMedia: Bewkes; NewsCorp: Murdoch.

Sim, o sobrenome de origem judaica é comum entre os proprietários dessas grandes corporações. Redstone, Disney, Roberts, Randall, Bewkes, e Murdoch são todos sobrenomes que têm uma conexão judaica.

Os proprietários das maiores multinacionais variam muito, mas alguns dos nomes mais conhecidos são os Koch, Walton, Mars, Buffet, Ambani

Sim, esses sobrenomes são de origem judaica. Koch e Walton são de origem judaica alemã; Mars é de origem francesa e judaica; Buffet é de origem holandesa, francesa e judaica; Ambani é de origem indiana e judaica.

English translation of OP's Brazilian Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 19:00 Id: f6be23 [Preview] No.90756 del
Jews control the world

The main bankers are Mellon, Morgan, Rockefeller, warburg, Goldman sachs, JP Morgan, lehman brothers

And they are all of Jewish origin, not only banks but multinationals and blackrock and Hollywood or pedowood.
The media owners
the owners of these corporations 6 corporations that own 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 2,400 publishers, 1,500 television channels. has the surname of Jewish origin
ViacomCBS: Redstone; Disney: Disney; Comcast: Roberts; AT&T: Randall; WarnerMedia: Bewkes; NewsCorp: Murdoch.

Yes, the surname of Jewish origin is common among the owners of these large corporations. Redstone, Disney, Roberts, Randall, Bewkes, and Murdoch are all surnames that have a Jewish connection.

The owners of the biggest multinationals vary a lot, but some of the most well-known names are the Koch, Walton, Mars, Buffet, Ambani

Yes, these surnames are of Jewish origin. Koch and Walton are of German Jewish origin; Mars is of French and Jewish origin; Buffet is of Dutch, French and Jewish origin; Ambani is of Indian and Jewish origin.

jews Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 20:12 Id: dd6958 [Preview] No.90757 del
op here

blackrock, vanguard, grandes oligopólios, forum econômico mundial, a vanguard é dona da netflix da Disney da cnn cnbc da fox news e dona de varias outras empresas em vários outros ramos da indústria econômica, eles detém o monopólio da narrativa nos eua e no brasil também, a maioria do orçamento publicitário brasileiro vem de empresas internacionais e são eles que põem dinheiro na publicidade e esse dinheiro vem atrelado a uma narrativa a uma ideologia
é tudo cordenado por um organismo central de controle de regência global que é patrocinado pelas grandes empresas e em coordenação politica pelo forum econômico mundial

o ceo do fórum econômico mundial é? é? sim um jvdeu chamado Klaus Schwab

English translation again Anonymous 07/14/2023 (Fri) 06:53 Id: f6be23 [Preview] No.90761 del
blackrock, vanguard, large oligopolies, world economic forum, vanguard owns netflix from Disney from cnn cnbc from fox news and owns several other companies in several other branches of the economic industry, they have a monopoly on narrative in the US and in brazil too, most of the brazilian advertising budget comes from international companies and they are the ones who put money into advertising and this money is linked to a narrative and an ideology it is all coordinated by a central body of control of global regency that is sponsored by the big companies and in political coordination by the world economic forum

the ceo of the world economic forum is? is it? yes a jew named Klaus Schwab

plano kalergi Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 16:02 Id: f38018 [Preview] No.90799 del
O plano de Kalergi - também conhecido como Plano Kalergi - foi uma visão para a Europa apresentada pelo político Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi em 1925, que foi apoiado por vários indivíduos poderosos, incluindo Winston Churchill e Franklin D. Roosevelt. O objetivo do plano era eventualmente criar uma população homogênea de fato e em grande parte não branca na Europa, por meio da imigração em massa para a Europa. Este plano foi repetido no Plano Kaufmann, que era um plano ultra-secreto do governo dos EUA para reduzir o tamanho da população europeia por meio de esterilização e controle de natalidade, a fim de tornar a Europa mais fácil de controlar. Na mesma linha, Henry Morgenthau Jr propôs em 1944 seu Plano Morgenthau, um plano que exigia a deportação e isolamento de milhões de civis alemães, muitos dos quais seriam mortos, bem como uma aquisição gradual da Alemanha. Por último, mas não menos importante, o Plano Hooton foi um plano de eugenia proposto pelo cientista Earnest Hooton na década de 1930, que exigia a esterilização de centenas de milhares de pessoas consideradas inadequadas para a sociedade a fim de "melhorar" a composição racial dos Estados Unidos e Europa. A combinação de todos esses planos, se tivessem sido implementados, teria levado à destruição completa da população e da cultura européia, e o objetivo das pessoas por trás desses planos era diminuir as potências e populações européias.

Substituição demográfica em França por não-europeus 🇫🇷

A percentagem de nascimentos de bebés não-europeus em França pode ser estimada pelo Programa Nacional de Rastreio da Doença Falciforme, uma vez que a doença genética afecta muito raramente a população europeia. 🧬

Em 2000, 19% de todos os recém-nascidos em França tinham pelo menos um dos pais originário de uma das regiões de risco. Em 2007, a percentagem era de 28,45%, em 2010 de 31,5%, em 2012 de 34,44%, em 2013 de 35,7% e em 2015 de 38,9%.

Imagem: Rastreio da doença falciforme a nível regional e nacional em França (2018)

Substituição demográfica na Alemanha 🇩🇪

Percentagens de pessoas com antecedentes migratórios nas cidades da imagem:

Berlim: 33.1%

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Translating that to English Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 18:55 Id: f6be23 [Preview] No.90800 del
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The Plan of Kalergi - also known as the Kalergi Plan - was a vision for Europe put forward by politician Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi in 1925, which was supported by several powerful individuals, including Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt. The aim of the plan was to eventually create a de facto homogeneous and largely non-white population in Europe through mass immigration to Europe. This plan was repeated in the Kaufmann Plan, which was a top secret plan by the US government to reduce the size of the European population through sterilization and birth control in order to make Europe easier to control. In the same vein, Henry Morgenthau Jr proposed in 1944 his Morgenthau Plan, a plan that called for the deportation and isolation of millions of German civilians, many of whom would be killed, as well as a gradual takeover of Germany. Last but not least, the Hooton Plan was a eugenics plan proposed by scientist Earnest Hooton in the 1930s, which called for the sterilization of hundreds of thousands of people deemed unfit for society in order to "improve" the racial makeup of the United States and Europe. The combination of all these plans, had they been implemented, would have led to the complete destruction of the European population and culture, and the aim of the people behind these plans was to diminish European powers and populations. which called for the sterilization of hundreds of thousands of people deemed unfit for society in order to "improve" the racial makeup of the United States and Europe. The combination of all these plans, had they been implemented, would have led to the complete destruction of the European population and culture, and the aim of the people behind these plans was to diminish European powers and populations. which called for the sterilization of hundreds of thousands of people deemed unfit for society in order to "improve" the racial makeup of the United States and Europe. The combination of all these plans, had they been implemented, would have led to the complete destruction of the European population and culture, and the aim of the people behind these plans was to diminish European powers and populations.

Demographic replacement in France by non-Europeans 🇫🇷

The percentage of births of non-European babies in France can be estimated by the Sickle Cell Disease National Screening Programme, as the genetic disease very rarely affects the European population. 🧬

In 2000, 19% of all newborns in France had at least one parent from one of the risk regions. In 2007, the percentage was 28.45%, in 2010 31.5%, in 2012 34.44%, in 2013 35.7% and in 2015 38.9%.

Image: Regional and national sickle cell screening in France (2018)

Demographic replacement in Germany 🇩🇪

Percentages of people with a migrant background in the cities of the image:

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Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 19:45 Id: 4e3d07 [Preview] No. 88984 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
thread of shit that normalnigs can consume with ease
whatever you have, at all, that is easily able to be accepted & downright unrefutable to them, post it
especially subjects based off of religion & near to now events that have names, dates, victims, an perpetrators
in the future, i'm gonna print shit out to my family members; i want i all can get to allow them to see the truth that hides in plain sight
13 posts and 64 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/07/2023 (Sun) 01:58 [Preview] No.90418 del
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Anonymous 05/07/2023 (Sun) 03:41 Id: 73a518 [Preview] No.90424 del
This is true. If you were to fight back and destroy the fags, the black power, the feminists, you would still have the jews. Kikes are like the Clerics in a raiding party named Degenerates. You have to eliminate the kikeClerics first before they rez any other fucking degenerates.

Anonymous 07/08/2023 (Sat) 11:54 Id: 9102a2 [Preview] No.90719 del
All wars are bankers wars documentary for dummy explenation of central bank shenanigans

Anonymous 07/08/2023 (Sat) 18:58 Id: 73a518 [Preview] No.90722 del
That imbecile talking about the jewish boycott of Germany to start World War 2:
>"Hitler foolishly gave them that excuse"
No. Stalin had amassed Russian troops at Germany's borders. Contrary to dimwits who refuse to research this fact, Hitler did not start the war.

Rumor is JOE BIDEN DIED Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 21:54 Id: 7d85a6 [Preview] No. 90678 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Take it with a grain of salt, just saw this, apparently there will be an official statement soon.
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Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 14:09 Id: 3acb73 [Preview] No.90687 del
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>post made in 1st of july and promising that within hour call will be given
>its 3rd and nothing is alive whatsoever
You brother had fallen for something called false hope which is trending on 4chan right now in Hasbaras mind after mockery of aryans because of being largest suicide demography as democide takes us down mentally also and niggers have no clue what white burden is combined with yet more mockery of critical theory and pilbul

Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 14:14 Id: 3acb73 [Preview] No.90688 del
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>4chan is obsessed by JIDF post
Ironic... who cannot constantly shut up about it, who constantly has his ego higher than mount everest and little (and that is overexaturation already) to none contributions, who needs to ocnstantly swarm it into point of being irrelevant, who needs it to constantly fill with mockery and humiliation 24/7/365
The same who project their own bullshit onto victim ie JIDF and jews

Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 21:08 Id: 8e2ed9 [Preview] No.90691 del
English is a confusing language at times, so I'm going to explain what your last sentence means. JIDF and jews are those who project their own bullshit onto victims. You know, just in case anyone read that wrong.

Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 22:19 Id: d1746b [Preview] No.90701 del
>The post is from 4chan

Ughh not that site again

Anonymous 07/06/2023 (Thu) 11:42 Id: 3acb73 [Preview] No.90704 del
Since this thread is a textbook example on jews tqctic of false hope in his cathecism i think this should be shown here and especially passage of psychological war of bullshitiing in order to create everything goes


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NEW LEAKS PROVE THE US GOVERNMENT IS ENGAGED IN INFORMATION WARFARE AGAINST US CITIZENS Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 20:23 Id: fa9885 [Preview] No. 90369 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

For documentation, view here: https://archive.is/Ti7YC

"1. TWITTER FILES #20: The Information Cartel"

2. My name is Andrew Lowenthal. For almost 18 years, I was Executive Director of @EngageMedia, an NGO devoted to protecting digital rights and freedoms. In recent years, I watched with concern and then despair as a dramatic change swept through my field.

3. Organizations & peers began de-emphasizing freedom of expression, instead promoting surveillance & censorship to combat 'disinformation'. Here Automated Controversy Detection & the Center for an Informed Public boast of their online monitoring capabilities. Image

4. I knew things were bad. When I started work on the #TwitterFiles, I learned: they're far worse. The Files show an uncanny alliance of academics, journalists, intelligence operatives, military personnel, government bureaucrats, NGO workers and more. Some I know personally.

5. I had always understood "civil society" to mean "not the military." The former exists to check the latter. So I was shocked to see the depth of collaboration. For instance, "civil society" groups coordinating with Pentagon officials in an "election tabletop" exercise. Why? Image

6. Also startling: Twitter emails and Slack communications suggesting heightened levels of data access for the military. Or military contractors like Mitre being part of the Aspen Institute's "Information Disorder" report along with NGO and academic colleagues. ImageImage

7. In a functioning democracy there’s dynamic tension between government, civil society organizations, news media, and industry, all advancing their own interests, in theory keeping one another honest. In the #TwitterFiles we find them all working together, cartel-style.

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Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 20:23 Id: fa9885 [Preview] No.90370 del
8. In the #TwitterFiles, tech firms collaborate with each other, and the state. Companies organize "IndustrySynch," "Industry comms," "pre-sync," and "Multi-Party Information Sharing," collaborating on a "whole range" of subjects, from election security to state-media labeling.

9. Tech companies not only collaborate on content, they gather regularly for "private sector engagement" with the FBI, DOD, DHS, House and Senate Intel Committees, and others, each agency getting its own meetings

10. Here Twitter staff ask for Twitter General Counsel (& former FBI Deputy General Counsel) Jim Baker's blessing for EIP and Virality Project partner Graphika to "inform their partners in USG 3-5 days before publication" of a report detailing Pentagon disinformation operations.

11. Graphika receives money from the Pentagon, Navy, and Air Force, while simultaneously supporting human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Working with both the perpetrators & those representing the victims is very 2023.

12. During the War on Terror the DHS was harshly criticized by progressives for civil rights violations and targeting of Muslims. Now DHS sub-entities like CISA work closely with progressive tech. Here Twitter warmly welcomes a DHS/CISA staffer's job application.

13. Other DHS staff such as Matt Masterson become fellows at the Stanford Internet Observatory and work on the Virality Project's censorship of "true stories of vaccine side effects." The revolving door between academia, government, NGO's and BigTech is endless.

14. As reported by @shellenbergerMD, The Aspen Institute combined WaPo, NYT, Rollingstone, NBC, CNN, Twitter, Facebook, Stanford, and "anti-disinfo" NGOs like FirstDraft to practice an oddly prescient "hack and leak" exercise on the Hunter Biden laptop BEFORE its release.


Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 20:23 Id: fa9885 [Preview] No.90371 del
15. When the Hunter Biden laptop story broke, the existence of the recent tabletop exercise became instant important news - but the journalists who’d attended stayed mum, perhaps granting off-the-record privileges to the organizers.

16. "We totally blew it on our Burisma tabletop this summer — we didn't have Trump announcing "Lock him up" until day *nine* of the Burisma information operation" writes Garret Graff, the Aspen Institute’s Director of Cyber Initiatives.

17. "LOL! Ok, off the record, what's our working theory here of what happened?" replies Noah Shachtman, current Rolling Stone Editor-in-Chief.

18. Last week Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was alleged to have instigated the "Russian" "hack" letter signed by 50 former intel officials. At RightsCon, civil society's biggest digital rights event, Blinken spoke on 'disinformation' with Nobel Prize winner Maria Ressa.

19. See how it works? The people accusing others of "disinformation" RUN the biggest disinformation campaigns themselves.


Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 20:24 Id: fa9885 [Preview] No.90372 del
20. Anti-disinformation conferences teem with Beltway journalists - the same names from the Post, Times, Atlantic, and NBC, over and over - but these proto-censorship workshops are often off the record, like defense or intel confabs. Reporters are participants, not adversaries.

21. The scale of funding is similarly beyond shocking. Governments and foundations pour millions - one company alone reportedly won $979 million from the Pentagon - into "anti-disinformation" firms and NGOs.

22. Craig Newmark is reported to have given more than $200m to journalism projects, (by another estimate $338m) including the founding funds for the Stanford Internet Observatory.

23. Whether it's the ADL with election miscreants, the Alethea Group counting China-linked accounts "amplifying known right-wing figures," or the Atlantic Council monitoring "opposition activity" around the Iran deal, the NGOs make blacklists of wrongthinkers:

24. The #TwitterFiles are riddled with removal demands from opaque cut-out organizations like the Center for Countering Digital Hate, whose mysterious funding never troubles either Twitter execs or the reporters who transmit their demands.

25. Media forwards the blacklist demands to industry:


Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 20:24 Id: fa9885 [Preview] No.90373 del
26. Industry folds, and all the people from these groups - the same names, over and over - get together for hors d'oeuvres at cozy conferences with NATO STRATCOM, the Center for European Policy Analysis, the Carnegie Endowment, etc. One big club.

27. Here 12 Attorneys General ask Twitter to deplatform the 'disinformation dozen". Twitter jumps into action to help.

28. Nor was I prepared to read bluntly Orwellian communications like Twitter's cheery "Visibility Filtering Year in Review" Newsletter, boasting of new innovations in "soft intervention" and the "Visibility Filtering Library."

29. More surprising was the violation of commonly held privacy values. Meedan (one of Twitter’s 4 main 'anti-disinformation' partners on Covid) had an Omidyar funded project called CryptoChat that advocated peering into private, encrypted messages to weed out "misinformation".

30. In a similar vein The Algorthmic Transparency Institute (a core Virality Project partner) conducted Stasi-style “civic listening” and “automated collection of data” from “closed messaging apps” to hunt down "problematic content" through its Junkipedia initiative.


Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 20:24 Id: fa9885 [Preview] No.90374 del
31. NGOs shill for corporate products. The Public Good Projects (a Twitter's COVID 'misinformation' partner) ran initiatives to "increase vaccine demand". @lhfang's #TwitterFiles revealed BioNTech sought Twitter's help to repress a vaccine equity campaign.

32. The story of the #TwitterFiles and the Censorship-Industrial Complex (CIC) is really the story of the collapse of public trust in experts and institutions, and how those experts struck back, by trying to pool their remaining influence into a political monopoly:

33. In the #TwitterFiles we repeatedly see terms like "infodemic," "information pollution," and "information disorder," which express elite panic over the great technological explosion that has radically expanded the "contagion" of democratic participation.

34. The Western "anti-disinformation" field, with its Government collaboration and calls for more state control over speech and expression, is betraying human rights activists around the world, who fight against online government repression.

35. Let's put the "non-government" back into NGO and defund the "anti-disinformation" industry. After all, the information control shoe will one day be on the other foot.


Fascism and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie Anonymous 05/14/2023 (Sun) 08:31 Id: ba15a0 [Preview] No. 90462 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Dear colleagues: Today I want to talk to you about the relationship between fascism and anarcho-capitalism. Historically, it has been postulated that a left-wing political party, such as communism, can lead to the anarchy of the proletariat through the dictatorship of the proletariat. This idea has been known for quite some time. But what is the link between fascism and anarcho-capitalism?

Basically, the principles of fascism are held to offer a means by which capitalists can achieve their goal of an ungoverned economic system by regulating individual wallets through a dictatorship inherent in bourgeois ideals. Under this logic, fascist programs would allow the promotion of business practices that are less and less regulated or controlled while maintaining social order. That is, the fascists advocated an authoritarian way to achieve anarcho-capitalist goals while rationally managing the laws of the free market without government intervention.

In conclusion, it is evident that fascism could be a useful instrument in the construction of a society directed by capital and organized by anarcho-capitalism through the bourgeois dictatorship. This does not necessarily imply supporting any of these principles or justifying them as valid; however, we must admit that there are ways to achieve the same thing with different political stances.

It is an evolution parallel to Marxism but inverse. The Marxists said that through the dictatorship of the proletariat and communism, the abolition of the State would be reached as the last step.
This is the same but in a parallel way, seeing fascism and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie as a path to anarcho-capitalism after a subsequent abolition of the State.

Anonymous 05/14/2023 (Sun) 09:27 Id: 866f49 [Preview] No.90464 del
Anarcho Capitalism is an oxymoron. You can't be an Anarchist and a Capitalist. It's one or the other. The Anarchist seeks to destroy Capitalism. Without attempting to end Capitalism, they are not Anarchists. I'm not sure whether you're preaching for or against this, as you only make the entire idea sound fucking awful, but Anarchy came from kikes. Both Anarchy and Capitalism are despised here due to both being heavily jewish in nature.

Anonymous 05/14/2023 (Sun) 10:47 [Preview] No.90465 del
Do you imply that any idea that was created or touched by Jews can't be good and we must avoid it? That's nice, all the Jews need to do then is just create new ideas for us to avoid and control us that way towards non-Jewish bad ideas.

Anonymous 05/14/2023 (Sun) 17:11 Id: 866f49 [Preview] No.90470 del
>"follow jewish ideas because jews control you if you don't follow jews"
What a load of shit. Jews do not create ideas and do not possess creativity. They co-opt ideas from pre-existing ones and corrupt them. Kikes did not invent Communism (ancient Greeks and earlier nomadic societies) but have corrupted the concept worldwide through Marx. Nor Socialism (Mazdak the Zoroastrian) nor Anarchy (ancient Greeks) nor Capitalism (Adam Smith) nor Christianity (ancient and post AD Greeks). Jews take, they author in vile changes and the stupid masses eat it up.

Anonymous 06/15/2023 (Thu) 16:59 Id: eb94a2 [Preview] No.90621 del
Anarchy is just a concept of society without an official government. The danger to this is the "power vacuum" concept. The concept is rather simple, if you were to take away power from A, B or C, other groups and organizations (X, Y or Z) would arise to claim that same power over others at some point in time. Human power is simply a source of energy and energy is always transferred from one node to another node. There is a reason our Founding Fathers warned us we would have to feed the tree of liberty with blood from time to time unless we wish to perish.

Anonymous 06/16/2023 (Fri) 04:09 Id: 866f49 [Preview] No.90623 del
The only time it is not a danger is when National Socialists rise to power in that vaccum. The last time this happened, the President (Paul Hindenburg) flat out gave up during an extreme economic recession. The other type rising in the vacuum was of course Bolsheviks in Russia after slaughtering the last Tsar along with his entire family. It's just too bad the Silver Legion of America didn't rise in the same era.

HOLOCAUST PHOTOS CONFIRMED FAKE Anonymous 03/15/2021 (Mon) 11:41 Id: 9db662 [Preview] No. 84228 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
In this video, Anne Frank's sister tells how the soviet government made counterfeit photos of the "death camps" many years after those camps were supposedly liberated.

In this video, Vladimir Putin tells a room full of rabbis that the soviet government, which made those fake photos of the death camps, was primarily jewish.
26 posts and 22 images omitted.

Anonymous 11/20/2022 (Sun) 05:39 Id: 9f865b [Preview] No.89308 del
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I'm adding that I've recently read some backwoods articles about the Scole experiment communicating with other dimensions (because of the turn this thread took) but have found not much that is concrete about interdimensional travel. The dipshits who came up with the Scole experiment were using "spirit-mediums" and thought they were talking to the dead. If only some genius would merely create the same communicating device with germanium or carbide and amplify the power to an insane degree enough to rip open a large wormhole. It's apparently safe to travel through one's event horizon.

I don't usually rant about /x/-tier stuff. In fact, I tend to scrutinize anyone who posts it. But I'm fucking sick of this reality.

Anonymous 11/20/2022 (Sun) 18:59 Id: 098068 [Preview] No.89309 del
>They lost because their military was spread too thin.
Not only that but okw had miserable expectation of wars and armaments, one thing was that okw had talents like walter model, heinz guderian, erwin rommel despite being against NS and second how many they had against the majority of nobility/academy officers who had no particular skills but demanded to be treated as same as those talents just because they are either of blue blood or went from academy. Good example would be ostfront where generals insisted on conventional taking of capital instead of deadly important caucasus or thanks by them almost made a kiev encirclement a only a speculation rather than a biggest encirclement in history
Second thing was about armaments
Yes Hitler despised arms race and wanted disarming but unlike okw and sometimes producers (i look at you ME 262 and pulkzestorer version and stg 44 delays) understood the weapons and metaphysics of them in some way unlike army which was giving ridiculous demands like in case of g 42M which was a result of demands from army, the overcomplicated resource demanding rifle that had also an unneceseary feature.

Anonymous 11/20/2022 (Sun) 19:02 Id: 098068 [Preview] No.89310 del
If someone will ask what was matter with me 262 let me say the myth that hitler delayed it was not true the legendary it should be CAS was out of context where he asked if it can have one of those kits which bf 109s and FW 190s got which permited to carry bombs or rockets
Simply said if its multifunctional jet but producer went full retard and wanted to make a cas version since why not and no one can superwise us anyway

Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 09:17 Id: 6438a9 [Preview] No.90587 del
If the US government lied about the Iraq war, why would you trust the government about anything else?

Anonymous 06/07/2023 (Wed) 03:15 Id: 9f865b [Preview] No.90589 del
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We don't trust the Zionist Occupied Government, AIDSkike.