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Anonymous 05/22/2021 (Sat) 12:33 Id: f70a4d [Preview] No. 84738 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
what is national socialism? why should I be a national socialist instead of a regular nationalist?
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Anonymous 06/02/2021 (Wed) 23:36:12 Id: c52d6a [Preview] No.84787 del
>as OP seems to have one off posted and then left (as usual).

They always do that kike bullshit. They do it because they're yids themselves, or more insidiously try to gauge who uses the board and how active it is.

I don't really know

Anonymous 05/07/2023 (Sun) 12:32 [Preview] No.90425 del
sorry lads, forgot this site existed

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:10 [Preview] No.90494 del
Because national socialism is based on the foundations of human existence.

As we evolved, over millions of years, human beings learned that settling in a fruitful geographic region with family members was the safest and most efficient way to survive. We hunt and fight for our genetic kin. If needed, we migrate with our kin to new lands. We become attached to the land, having spent hundreds and thousands of years settling and developing it. We base our culture on this land and on our own people, all genetically related to us. We live and enjoy such an existence because the survival of our kin means the survival of ourselves for many hundreds of years in the future.

National socialism is based on preserving our ancestral lands and uniting as genetic kin within these lands, and creating an economy of resources and culture that serve its existence without parasitism and infighting.

It's a political system that "just works" because it serves us in the exact way that we once served ourselves, for thousands and millions of years. Everyone in their heart craves national socialism.

Anonymous 05/20/2023 (Sat) 08:42 Id: fde32a [Preview] No.90518 del
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Then to that idiot who made that statement i at least for start recommend erectus walks amongst us to eternaly ruin his fantasies about nigs

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Intravenous and Oral High Dose Vitamin C dr ebola 03/11/2020 (Wed) 00:45 Id: 9d86a7 [Preview] No. 78923 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Intravenous and Oral High Dose Vitamin C

on at least one major alt-news board this information is being censored so I thought id post it here, maybe it will help you, maybe some of you will spread the word

here is a video in which a doctor in china tells story of a family in Wuhan who likely benefited from taking high dose vitamin C

https://youtube.com/watch?v=6-elCYFhqJs [Embed]

here is a thread on high - dose vitamin C ... for a while this message board frequently had posts on vitamin C, then suddenly they seem to start suppressing this information



you'll have to click to see the information, its too long to post here
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Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 12:21 Id: bdcbfb [Preview] No.88832 del

Anonymous 11/13/2022 (Sun) 23:17 Id: 70140e [Preview] No.89274 del
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>take over 2,000mg in a day
More like 200 000mg a day. You are beyond retarded.

Anonymous 11/14/2022 (Mon) 17:13 Id: 1c5e2f [Preview] No.89281 del
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>a sudden weeaboo appears to randomly start shit from something said over 2 years ago
No. You clearly have no medical background. Over 2,000mg of Vitamin C causes diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Your body can only process 400mg at a time so it's pointless to take more.

Anonymous 04/22/2023 (Sat) 20:03 Id: 472634 [Preview] No.90341 del
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Since i managed to find rest of covid religion webms saved in folders i think it woudlnt hurt to post rest of what that psyop of flu rebranded was of a hateful tragical comedy
Whatever if one will cry or laugh i suggest both

Anonymous 04/23/2023 (Sun) 03:44 Id: bd4a8d [Preview] No.90343 del
That last person with the full hazmat suit was smarter than all of them. Average masks never work for containing viruses. I explained this in 2020, but I'll repeat it again.

"The authors pointed to research showing particles 0.04 to 0.2 μm "can penetrate surgical masks." For the coronavirus responsible for SARS, particles were estimated to be within that range at 0.08 to 0.14 μm" (μm = micrometer)
"The median viral loads after coughs without a mask, with a surgical mask, and with a cotton mask were 2.56 log copies/mL, 2.42 log copies/mL, and 1.85 log copies/mL, respectively. All swabs from the outer mask surfaces of the masks were positive for SARS–CoV-2, whereas most swabs from the inner mask surfaces were negative" + "Neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered SARS–CoV-2 during coughs by infected patients."
So 4/100ths to 20/100ths of a micrometer can penetrate surgical masks. Most who have been using surgical masks in a professional setting are already aware they're primarily for splash protection, not safety from virus transmission. How do you think people with cloth masks and/or coffee filters (which filter 20 microns and up) feel right now? Confident? Delusional. It doesn't seem to strike many people's minds that cloth is absorbent. Despite the fact dishtowels/washcloths are used to absorb spills, the Surgeon General dumbass negro Jerome Adams recommended on mass media that people should be wearing cloth masks from shirts and other bullshit. Now, dishcloth(or in the UK-tea cloth) will filter 60% of 10/100ths of a micron and up, you still have to worry about the other 40% you're taking in. He wasn't recommending dishcloth. The average T-shirts and over the counter cloth masks these gullible assholes are wearing filter 30% of airborne particles 50 microns and higher, but they have the illusion of safety and that's good enough for them.

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AOC Is Wrong, Study Shows Deplatforming Never Works As Intended Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 13:58 Id: fcd054 [Preview] No. 90383 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
AOC Is Wrong, Study Shows Deplatforming Never Works As Intended

Soon after Tucker Carlson left Fox News, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, more commonly known by her initials AOC, celebrated on social media, telling her followers that “deplatforming works.”

Deplatforming, the practice of preventing an individual with specific views from voicing those views, might work for her, but it’s a disaster for broader society, according to a new peer-reviewed study (pdf): https://orca.cardiff.ac.uk/id/eprint/157696/1/Shapiro%20et%20al%20Impact%2006%3A01%3A21%20deplatforming.pdf

The research, carried out by four esteemed cyber experts, warns that deplatforming regularly backfires, because it creates a sense of deep-seated resentment, driving the disenchanted and disillusioned to seek out “alternative platforms where these discussions are less regulated and often more extreme.”

In this particular study, the researchers analyzed changes in social media usage following the “Great Deplatforming” of 2021. For the uninitiated, the “Great Deplatforming” occurred shortly after the Jan. 6 protest on the US Capitol. Following the event, a number of major platforms; including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; banned thousands of accounts. Ostensibly, as the researchers note, this was done to “limit misinformation about voter fraud and suppress calls for violence.” However, other less regulated platforms like Parler, Gab, Minds and Bitchute were quick to give the homeless a home. In this age of maximum choice, with no shortage of alternative social media platforms, deplatforming is an ineffective tool. It’s the equivalent of taking a soup spoon to a knife fight. You simply can’t make people with alternative points of view disappear. These people will almost always find new homes.

All of this brings us back to Tucker Carlson, a man who won’t (and can’t) be silenced. Carlson is, in many ways, bigger than Fox News. He’s a brand, a celebrity, a highly bankable star. One needn’t possess more than a few functioning neurons to know that Carlson is going to be OK. In fact, because of his ouster, he has never been in a stronger position. Carlson is more marketable now than ever before.

Where will he go next? Rumble, perhaps. The remarkably popular online video platform service gives content makers a great degree of freedom. Russell Brand, one of the most popular public intellectuals in existence, is Rumble’s biggest asset. He currently boasts more than 1 million followers.

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Anonymous 05/01/2023 (Mon) 07:39 Id: 2d6098 [Preview] No.90385 del
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>Now if only neocons would stop watching that trash and pull their heads out of their asses.
I worry they will only pull them when they will be a part of problem and not in their comfort zone of not being concerned or just thinking they are just a political rival and not an undesirable hinderance that must be removed unlike NS whom knows he is enemy of his enemy and knows what to expect when joining the movement
That he is part of struggle for existence and preservation and not just a mere politicaly active spectator

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:24 [Preview] No.90497 del
Yes, all the "political dissidents" will be herded to gab, rumble, and bitchute, and then swiftly de-platformed from there.

I think the plan is to usher all the neocons to spaces that are very occupied by true national socialists atm, bleach the natsocs out, and create another mainstream (but "obscure") gathering place to continue to the left-right pseudowars, further obfuscating the natsoc message.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:28 Id: 352d5c [Preview] No.90498 del

I stopped watching all TV media over a decade ago. TV would likely be very foreign to me today, I cannot even begin to imagine how subversive and propagandized it is today. Must be total cancer lol. BTW, I must admit I have watched a few of Tucker's videos online before, and honestly I am amazed he even lasted as long as he did.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:39 Id: 352d5c [Preview] No.90499 del
Maybe, but the truth is I don't think we will ever get a full normie-natsoc movement going anytime soon, just because I find most normies are turned off by naming the Jew. It's too deeply rooted in our institutions at a young age to hate socialism or communism, just like it was for communism before that too. Normies seem to need to suffer before they begin to understand basic problems and that's just the sad truth. Nothing wakes a normie up more than hunger and facing homelessness, having to live in deteriorating corrupt squalor. I was once a normie myself, had no clue about anything going on until the 9/11 false flag attack happened, then it all changed my world view but it still took me a few years to realize how bad a situation America is being put into and many many more years to realize by exactly who.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 22:40 [Preview] No.90500 del

Not anytime "soon", but the truth of the message is a power in itself. If you're in the know, you feel compelled to wake other people up as well. The only thing to do is try.

ESSENTIAL INFORMATION FOR ALL AMERCIANS AND BRITONS Anonymous 03/01/2022 (Tue) 01:22 Id: 2a7838 [Preview] No. 86598 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Anonymous 03/03/2022 (Thu) 00:47:32 Id: 2a7838 [Preview] No.86648 del
These are responses I have recieved from other sites, I am distributing this information

Anonymous 03/05/2022 (Sat) 05:10:08 Id: 99b88b [Preview] No.86697 del
>These are responses I have recieved from other sites, I am distributing this information

Maybe try to post screencaps or archives from the sites you mentioned. Could be better for future reference and reposting

Anonymous 07/28/2022 (Thu) 04:03:43 Id: 80e87a [Preview] No.87996 del
you have been mısled

Anonymous 05/07/2023 (Sun) 12:48 Id: 6b9166 [Preview] No.90427 del
what about people in other countries?

Anonymous 05/08/2023 (Mon) 06:00 Id: 5453f0 [Preview] No.90432 del
That's not the topic of this thread? Your flag says British Union of Fascists so if that's not your country, I have no idea. Feel free to start a thread with info for another.

Organization Anonymous 04/13/2020 (Mon) 19:58 Id: 562bf9 [Preview] No. 79309 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
If we are to make any kind of impact on the real world past just shitposting we need to get organized. We need to fork groups that show the average person the benefits of NatSoc. Don’t just be an edgy nazi. We have to show the positive sides. Show that NatSoc is about helping your fellowman and loving your family and country. Show that there is more meaning to life than just yourself and your personal pleasures. Find ways to become as self-suffienct as possible even in the cities. Form close bonds with your friends, family and neighbors. Form small communities within your area where you and others can help each other, help each other out with simple things, like work around the house. This will show people that there is benefits to our ideas. And that we’re not just lunatics that want to kill niggers and Jews. If we are to in this war we need to get our collective shit together.
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Anonymous 12/16/2022 (Fri) 14:12 Id: c76411 [Preview] No.89420 del
The world used to have no cities. City-states then started appearing. City-states led to countries. Now there is a global government. Hopefully, countries will break into small villages again when everything collapses.

Iceland is not a free country, but maybe small places are more likely of having peace if everyone has similar values and backgrounds and everybody knows each other.

Anonymous 12/18/2022 (Sun) 00:13 Id: f22730 [Preview] No.89428 del
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A world government wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't run by Loxists.

Anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 18:36 Id: f14b58 [Preview] No.89460 del
I think Varg did the right thing.
No matter your opinion of him (pagan LARP etc), he went ahead and secured a farm in the countryside in which he raised a large family. His children are garanteed not to glow, and following his example (acquire skills > secure wealth > raise family) is the best way to ensure the perpetuation of a culture.

Having grown up in this environment, what do you think his kids will want as adults ? They well most likely seek people that grew up in similar environments, and this is the consolidation you're looking for.

Anonymous 12/23/2022 (Fri) 00:47 Id: 9b3d57 [Preview] No.89464 del
True, but kikes gonna kike. They wouldn't push this sheer amount of degeneracy if they weren't loxist by their very blood. The snake cannot deny it's nature, neither the scorpion nor the jew.

Anonymous 01/01/2023 (Sun) 12:23 Id: fe3071 [Preview] No.89576 del
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New Governmental Design Arminius 07/24/2021 (Sat) 21:58 Id: f6292b [Preview] No. 85047 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
So seeing as most people here would admit that democracy is a failed political system and would opt for a more dedicated and loyal form of governance I thought I would write a bit on this and see what people have to say on my take as to how a future white nation may conduct it's affairs so that it's people enjoy maximum happiness whilst ensuring the continued growth and development of our people. So starting off I'll just list a couple reasons why democracies suck.

-Slow and clumsy: voting takes precious time that with a more streamlined system could save lives and prevent disaster out right.

-Susceptible to corruption: This is pretty obvious but the number one concerns of politicians is reelection this means the best way to ensure reelection is to spend as much money on campaigns as possible and how do you acquire this money? Through various donors whose policies you will push in exchange for cash.

-The dumbing down of politics: Most politics today is dictated by the theatrics of the political system not through great minds or great leadership. Too often people are divided into groups and then hating each other for stupid reasons and the election is devoid of any meaningful discussion or meaningful action since politicians won't solve a problem they need to be elected on to solve. Thus ensuring they would be elected in perpetuity as long as the problem continues to be a problem.

-Rule of the mob: the majority of people are not politically active or mindful and yet are for some reason entitled to have a vote. A migrant who obtains citizenship is for some reason allowed to vote. Not only does focus of political issues get dispersed and can even be focused on non meaningful problems like refugees and so on. But the political system is boiled down to who is the most popular and who can appeal to the lowest common denominator.

So in seeing these issues I propose a two tier system of government in the style of our forefathers with various adjustments so that it may perform better than our previous systems.

One is a simple regional democratic system which elects a governor for an indefinite term which lasts until a challenger can call for new elections.

Then we have a federal meritocratic government above that which one can only access through skills and accomplishment.

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Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 18:40:52 Id: fb58e8 [Preview] No.85087 del
>sick of the label
Same here.
>but anon, slavs/hindus/italians/etc aren't white, so stop cooperating
>but anon, jesus wan't white, so stop being a christian
>but anon, whites enslaved blacks so give them money
>but anon, whites are racist, you are racist
My main issue is believing in another white/black game when the red/blue game it's falling apart, I am unable to find any source for the white other than the sons of Europe comparing themselves to the negroids and calling themselves whites just because they were not black, quite stupid if you ask me, but you can't expect much from a masonic nation.
I don't know if you are afrikaner or american. If the former, I am happy to learn something new, I learned that afrikaners call themselves white, seems the afrikaner term or the boer term no longer apply? I do not know much South African history. If the latter, it is my understanding that the term originated in your nation, and I wanted to learn what good has it brought to the sons of Europe, maybe I'm missing something, because finding tiny hat tribesmen bashing on the term is an easy task, and I certainly wouldn't want to get the same tribesmen in my nation, as they always do the same, they throw the rock and hide their hand, they camouflage among the sons of Europe while they keep bashing on them, and the negroid is unable to distinguish between the two, for him they look the same, white, and I'm certain that's a big problem. OP if you're still there. Why do you use the term white? What good has it brought to your nation? I think I'm missing out on something.

Anonymous 07/31/2021 (Sat) 11:31:15 Id: 8e6470 [Preview] No.85091 del

I am a white south african, I guess it's just how the situation has always been, boer distinguishes between british and dutch settlers. But I understand why I need to refer to myself as european as opposed to white now.

Anonymous 04/01/2022 (Fri) 05:18:15 Id: c234e5 [Preview] No.87000 del
Americans are so enslaved today that Americans scream colleges that teach history lessons about tyranny must be closed.

Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 01:14:10 Id: 3b1492 [Preview] No.87008 del
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We're never not screaming in your posts. Is this what you think Americans do all day?

Anonymous 04/21/2023 (Fri) 15:59 Id: f08f77 [Preview] No.90318 del
>>I am a white south african
I went to Uni with someone who had family in South Africa. Entire place is really fucked up from what she told me. She was a really nice girl though.

How you holding up in there anon? I mean it's a 3 year old post so I doubt you'll even be there

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From which country you are? Anonymous 05/29/2022 (Sun) 15:17 Id: 49ce11 [Preview] No. 87634 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I am from Germoney, showing support for National Socialism is sadly patched and can get you into legal problems and social sanctions since most Germans are NPC's
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Anonymous 07/23/2022 (Sat) 08:03:44 Id: f544b3 [Preview] No.87973 del
New Zealand.
Things are getting worse daily

Anonymous 07/23/2022 (Sat) 17:40:49 Id: 108cb7 [Preview] No.87978 del
Well since this is /pol/itics, go ahead and explain how things are getting worse. It seems to be the same across the United States of ZOG and Europe as well.

Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 20:15:17 Id: 35fe3e [Preview] No.87989 del
Our populance loves to tiptoe in between being Cattle that obeys any order and criminals that can't follow even the most basic of laws.
Elections are coming and the choices are Thieving communists and Zionist Neoliberals. Youth is also not looking good, we're still stuck in the 2016 mentality that the choices I mentioned are the only possible ones, Hell not even our chans are good, all of them have been hijacked over by incels and almost all Brazillian /pol/'s have 189 threads discussing how women are degenerate and like only a single dead /SIG/ thread.
I can only try to survive this trying time and pray for a higher power.

Anonymous 07/31/2022 (Sun) 22:06:45 Id: 8aaad0 [Preview] No.88025 del
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Anonymous 08/03/2022 (Wed) 02:58:27 Id: 108cb7 [Preview] No.88052 del
>by deceit and trickery whenever possible
That is the very soul of the jew.

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Third World Tyranny: Corrupt UK Government Fining Citizens Who Burn Wood To Stay Warm Anonymous 02/02/2023 (Thu) 17:25 Id: 1d37e6 [Preview] No. 89725 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Third World Tyranny: Corrupt UK Government Fining Citizens Who Burn Wood To Stay Warm

The corrupted despotic UK government has told local authorities to crack down on people using wood-burning stoves to keep warm with fines of £300 or potentially criminal prosecutions for those who continually refuse to abide by state climate diktats.

Amid the government-manufactured energy crisis in Britain, which came to fruition in large part as a result of the Conservative Party-led governments over the past ten years obsession with implementing globalist 'green agenda' policies while refusing to tap the nation’s more reliable natural resources such as natural gas, the use of wood-burning stoves have soared.

Now, local authorities have been told by the corrupted despotic government in Westminster to use the 2021 Environment Act to impose spot fines of £175 to £300 on those who use wood-fire stoves that do not meet state standards on "air pollution" (even though plants and trees need carbon dioxide to live!).

Local councils were also informed that for those who continually breach the codes, they could also seek criminal prosecutions that could land citizens with a criminal record and fines of £5,000 and an additional £2,500 for every additional day that they use wood to heat their homes. Yes, this mass murdering despotic government would rather citizens freeze to death than to give the planet more green life.

Over the past six years, councils in England have issued 17 fines against people for burning wood, even though they received over 18,000 complaints from fellow citizens for doing so.

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Anonymous 02/05/2023 (Sun) 12:35 Id: 701dda [Preview] No.89745 del
One big problems in our society is that "higher education" today is nothing but a racket, and in fact most who go to pay off all their student loans do so by flipping burgers or mopping up tables. The "educational" system is a racket, which is why we should support the trade instead. The only issue with the trade these days is lots of younger people do not like the hard work or manual labor. Plus the pay is not as good as it used to be either. However, I do believe at this point joining the trade would be the better option today despite the lower pay and hard labor, at least they won't be having to pay off mass debts for 4+ years of Marxist brainwashing, right?

Anonymous 02/05/2023 (Sun) 12:45 Id: 5786a7 [Preview] No.89746 del
Americans don't care if the USA is a police state, but Americans lose their minds if North Korea has tyranny.
Maybe North Korea doesn't have tyranny and your kike race just shills hard to prevent National Socialism.

Anonymous 02/05/2023 (Sun) 13:36 Id: 408a33 [Preview] No.89749 del
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>One big problems in our society is that "higher education" today is nothing but a racket
Indeed it is, its just an overpriced lamenting over dulled dead and crippling repeating of kosher ideas and in case of technical ones just an excersising of what you already qualify to know
>and in fact most who go to pay off all their student loans do so by flipping burgers or mopping up tables
Come on anon we know thats not true and they will for 100% sure find better employment with their diplomas and exchange programs and trainings and defenetly wont toil with you side by side in best case scenario without refunds as this defenetly is not sarcastic enough on margo of the university egoistic individums who think they are safe by having the degree and have ensured they will ocuppy an economic slot designated for a certsin amount of people
>The only issue with the trade these days is lots of younger people do not like the hard work or manual labor.
More likely that its not correctly compensated killing a motivation to work which does not help the factors trough labourer goes trough affecting his morale and only staying to be able to feed itself barely and that workplaces outside of comfortable zones of managment are often demonized as time drainers with harsh treatment which yes at least here workers rights are violated in the name of money asap as nobody is looking but i quickly found out that manual labour or work is by no means an shamefull or humiliating thing despite not being satisfied with it or feeling furfilled because of misersble treatment and pay not representing the output (but thats just a cry of many to be honest) despite uni circles differing and laughing on those below before being thrown there too as how they call it a wagie in cagie or mock anybody who works normally and criticizes the errors in job market and the mistreatment etc as lazy or something or to say just find better job lol argument

>, I do believe at this point joining the trade would be the better option today despite the lower pay and hard labor, at least they won't be having to pay off mass debts for 4+ years of Marxist brainwashing, right?
That might be an option because of your points and mine that you actually pick a practical skill in this zionist occupied world and altrough being messy and sometimes being miserably treated with underpaid wage not representing your productive output having something practical in knowledge despite being an pain to learn it in methods of modern education and not by observation and trial you can at least reflect that you made something and do not have another dept on your neck for fancy letters before your name signalling that you are certified conditioned to think what is kosher man

Yes someone may point out the idiotic argument then try to find this and that comfortable "priviledged" type of work to not be concerned with misery but thats just a oil in fire as the misery will still be there and it wont fade away from people who are not one of the lucky ones to come out victorious from battle on that one job assigment slot
It will still be there and just by not looking on it wont change that it lives
Then when your kind will reveal publicly what you plan to the amalek aidskike? I bet you will be lynched more brutally than a nigger in africa for something beyond of our perception

Anonymous 02/06/2023 (Mon) 17:02 Id: 408a33 [Preview] No.89751 del
before someone may also point me that by stating that i dont like unis that i am agiainst them
no i am not and believe that it should be available to anyone without social or financial restriction if he posseses enough talent to make it there and get title but look on present education and tell me what it is
yes its just a racket, an overexpensive quack tied into dead antique babbling for something that you already know and qualify to know often
you just overburden yourself for fancy 3 letters before your name and condition yourself to be a giant massive turbo faggot who has no a single honesty or caring except of his own self abasement or fellow intelect which replaced his blood and soil

Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 12:08 Id: 54361d [Preview] No.89752 del
And American Universities have become Marxist indoctrination centers. I had to put up with aforementioned bullshit myself, but for some reason I was able to get through it without allowing them to brainwash me into being a Commie or Critical Race Theory believing nutjob. Which is why I don't get how so many students are so stupid that they allow themselves to be brainwashed. It's like those students can't tell that the person teaching is desperate to get them to hate their entire culture and ancestry.

I've noticed in some videos that this is happening in Europe as well. At least in the UK if not more.