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終わるだ Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 13:54 Id: ec0980 [Preview] No. 4740 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Relax thread.
489 posts and 460 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/18/2024 (Tue) 14:05 Id: 94b3a1 [Preview] No.8075 del

Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 15:40 Id: 505b97 [Preview] No.8160 del
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They've completely lost it. I just heard a debate where a liberal was debating a communist and accusing him of being too conservative for defending a social democrat who made the decision to boycott Israel.

The liberal used relevant arguments like how globohomo sexual degeneracy wasn't advocated at an Islamic prayer meeting as proof of this alleged conservativism.

Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 16:05 Id: e6165c [Preview] No.8161 del
Well, at least the libtard knows who his master is.

Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 21:11 Id: 505b97 [Preview] No.8162 del
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Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:02 Id: 562d4e [Preview] No.8171 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=2hkfFq-gUG4 [Embed]

This was interesting to see. Check in the beginning few min and everyone behind Trump in view here is a converted reptilian. They all have the image of black scales, some of them even have a green glow emanating from them, but the racial egregoral field is not there, it's coming from themselves, meaning it's their own ability rather than a collective field. Look deeper and the black cat layer is present. Before the cleanse all Earth reptilians had green glowing scales if you looked at their real form. That element is now gone.

I wonder how they interpret this, considering they were thinking the world is ending when they saw people being zombiefied (reptilians are aware of the NPC situation because they naturally read energy when just looking at things).

Those seen here look genuinely happy at least.

Vampires in lore and reality #2 Sunflower 07/05/2022 (Tue) 13:41 Id: 5f0989 [Preview] No. 1695 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous thread
490 posts and 152 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/24/2024 (Mon) 21:17 Id: 329e50 [Preview] No.8115 del
I'm starting to get it now, why vampires speak in riddles. It's in the magic. There's something which makes it impossible to be specific, the more you know of the specifics. You can't talk about yourself, your life or the people you know before others even, but must use meandering formulations. It's not a mere "fear of the mafia boss" that prevents you from naming him, it's physically impossible to expose any details, you will find yourself automatically speaking in this manner once closer to the center of the vortex.

With the right kind of artistry, you can say a lot however, and leave very right on confirmations like this one. Omg.

Sunflower 06/24/2024 (Mon) 23:03 Id: cc0e25 [Preview] No.8117 del
I've actually felt this fo a long time.Although i still like to hint.I can actually overpower this though.

Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 10:59 Id: f9b560 [Preview] No.8165 del
Let's see if anyone can pick up what is happening here. Hint: compare her energy between the vids.

Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 21:21 Id: 2ac017 [Preview] No.8169 del
This latest development gave me a marvelous idea, or maybe more of a vision: exact identical genetic copies of our friend here, everywhere throughout vampire society.

So I made this device, same model as before, but tuned for this:


Usage is identical to how to use the Total Core device, you place the tailored DNA disc in it while holding it in your right palm and feed energy into it to use it on yourself, place it on a soul container for using an external spirit or aim it at someone to use on someone else. It will insert the corresponding element of the person into the form.

Modules made:

[La Famida]

An exact copy but adapted to this system, now everyone can be her! For maximum confusion and trolling.


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Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 21:30 Id: 2ac017 [Preview] No.8170 del
>western lie-media
This was difficult to uncover, because it relies on mirroring the double evolution cultivation in the shadow, which makes it near-impossible for anyone without the double evolution achievement to see through it. Double evolution is the full activation of both the male and female aspects of yourself at any enlightenment level. Because the orc Queens who created black Africans are double evolved, they are immune to this trickery, and their creations are mostly uneffected. This is why western media is forced to be "woke", it's not because le JEws or whatever other evil meddling, they are simply forced to do this because they can't indoctrinate them. It's not because they like Africans in any way whatsoever, they're just immune to western media so the control system has to submit to them. Western media also doesn't exist in any orc-derived racial group, for the same reason.

It seems from this logic to also make sense why married couples or just couples with kids in the west are so easily indoctrinated: They have less tendency of controlling their opposite aspect, as their wife or husband assumes that role and they do not infringe on it at all. They learn only their own half and double evolution which requires integration of the opposites is further away for them. (Yoga could fix this, think about that when you see the India hate-posting on /pol/ currently, it's to protect the division of the sexes so that western media lies cannot be seen through.)

Exercise thread Sunflower 02/08/2022 (Tue) 23:04:47 Id: cb8426 [Preview] No. 708 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Spiritual practices aren't all sitting in meditation. With the right angle of entry, there are a lot of physical exercises which can be used.

I'll start by posting some things I've been using, and maybe I'll blog some about what results I've gotten from them.

Sunflower 02/08/2022 (Tue) 23:06:41 Id: cb8426 [Preview] No.709 del
Joey Hadley's AUTHENTIC "PEEK-A-BOO" Boxing Tutorial


First vid
https://youtube.com/watch?v=mON_Fkkp-1M [Embed]

Sunflower 02/08/2022 (Tue) 23:08:52 Id: cb8426 [Preview] No.710 del
The two first katas of shotokan karate.

Sunflower 02/08/2022 (Tue) 23:25:39 Id: cb8426 [Preview] No.711 del
Starting from the beginning, I should mention one important point;
if you intend to learn martial arts, you have to take classes from a teacher and you have to practice sparring with other students. There is no getting around this.
A lot of people seem to think that they can just read something, watch something, then practice on their own.
This will not work, you will make beginner mistakes, learn the wrong stances, not get basic movements right etc, and no one will correct you. If you practice sparring with a friend who also learned this way, you may seem to do well, but you're both amateurs and you will cover up for each other's mistakes.
When you train at a dojo or other public facility, you will meet people who are not your friends. They will not go easy on you, and you will see at once if what you learned worked or not. The teacher will correct your flaws at once, and you can learn it right from the start. If you learn it wrongly, changing a movement routine later is very difficult.

With that said, once you have these basics down, you can practice on your own, because you have a mental framework to place these methods in. At this point it's easier to watch a video and correctly understand what is being shown.

When it comes to the self defence methods in the OP, those can be learned as they are, but having martial arts experience helps. If you only want to do it to expand your perspective somewhat, then those are fine.

These are my views on this.
I've seen a lot of imageboard posters talk about martial arts and how to learn it, and unfortunately most think they can just punch a bag after weightlifting with no introductory instruction and then they know how to fight. Do that and you end up like that guy on the "martial arts journey" youtube channel. He learned aikido to master level and started his own dojo, but never sparred. Then he was assaulted in the street and couldn't defend himself. He decided to test his skill vs an MMA professional and couldn't get a single technique in. Don't be that guy.

Sunflower 02/09/2022 (Wed) 14:23:26 Id: cb8426 [Preview] No.713 del
A short review of how the Fairbairn method works with some different models of knives

The knife used in the video is the british army dagger known as the Fairbairn-Sykes. This is not something you are likely to carry around with you for no reason, as its use is optimized for combat. If you just want to practice the method you may use a more everyday knife available to you. This is also a more realistic stance if you mean to use it for self defense.
I picked out some common types of knives and tried how well they work in regards to the movements and the grip. The methods I used were technical practice, shadow fighting, and application on a dummy made from several layers of industrial quality rubber mat.

The blue knife:
Works well for all movements, light and easy to handle. What you need to keep in mind is that upwards slashes require a change of grip as this knife is single edged (same for all knives I tested), not double like the dagger. The plastic handle will also get slippery if wet. If you only mean to use it for shadow fighthing, this works well. It's also visually intimidating, which should play a role in a real life sitation. Only showing this to someone could repel a less motivated attacker.

Orange folding knife:
The grip works perfectly as shown in the instruction. Easy to hold between thumb and index finger. Downside is that it is worthless for stabbing. The blade is too broad to penetrate more than a few centimeters unless using considerable force, the opener tool makes it easily stuck if you do manage to penetrate the material. Works well for practicing the motions, but less usable in a real life situation as the number of techniques are limited to cutting. However, it's more likely that you will carry a folding knife with you, so from this perspective it may be better than other alternatives even if your range of movements are limited.

Metal folding knife:
The one I used has a smooth handle, but otherwise similar.
The grip for this type of knife has to be turned 90 degrees because the handle is too thin to be held as shown. Holding it between thumb and index finger works very well. But you are limited to inward slashes and stabbing below shoulder level. Outward slashes simply don't work as your arm does not function well at this angle. It may look like this knife is difficult to use and easy to drop, but when testing it on the dummy it worked surprisingly well for stabbing.
It can be argued that this type of knife does not look particulary threatening, which is bad if you want to repel someone by showing it. If your intention is to just carry it and use it, it is probably a good alternative.

Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 11:46 Id: 4d2c22 [Preview] No.8159 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=4gzaIz6ppHI [Embed]

So martial arts journey guy posted this. Apparently his leg was fucked up for good when doing BJJ.

Watching this, commenters with their own channels have started talking about how martial arts have ruined their bodies.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XAHPG66H000 [Embed]

I'm starting to see a trend here, connecting to something that's been going on in the past 5 or so years quite openly: elite sport practitioners are coming off as unhealthy addicts.

Locally it's been reported more and more in media how they often go in debt to participate in competitions, they have trouble with debt collectors and harm their bodies with bad training methods and diet. Some have been told not to advertize their lifestyle on social media because they are "representing an unhealthy lifestyle for a youth audience".

Maybe this is an age thing which is communicated from the egregore, but I noticed I myself don't view training very positively anymore. I used to fight these "anti exercise" narratives for a long time, in the 90s (although this was true for that group) it was common to say that anyone who went to a gym was on steroids and would become an impotent skin-rag when older.

The Internet has provided too many examples of what injuries one can get from exercise, both direct from mishaps during training and long term from wear. For example Stefan Sauk (internationally mostly known from playing in the original The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) used to be in advertizing for karate equipment, he's a black belt with a history of winning competitions. He had to get hip replacement surgery for worn down hip joint turning him into a cripple at 50.

Other sports practitioners either kill themselves from depression or get brain damage from being knocked out in boxing etc.

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Zero sum game Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 12:37 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No. 8153 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Use this sigil for contact.

This is a race of demons based on the principles of maintaining decent and balanced connections with others. You may use their services "for free" as a Sunflower associate. The main point of entry should be by letting your anima become incarnated astrally as one of them. This way, she gains full mobility and can work to achieve the transformation state which we call the zero sum game.

This means, that all of your karmic relations are broken, and the external world is to you an object, like a machine, a clockwork operating on its own. When in this state, you gain full mobility and agency, as you are not entangled in the situations relevant for your progress. Rather than experiencing bias based on your karmic relations from the past, clouding your vision and preventing the correct course of action, you will see clearly and make the right choices.

Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 12:42 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No.8154 del
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Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 15:34 Id: fa611c [Preview] No.8155 del
>This means, that all of your karmic relations are broken, and the external world is to you an object, like a machine, a clockwork operating on its own. When in this state, you gain full mobility and agency, as you are not entangled in the situations relevant for your progress.

Does this apply to the person themselves(the physical person left behind) or only the anima that's astrally incarnated? Isnt splitting the anima from your soul kinda bad?

Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 16:19 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No.8156 del
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I think I need to reference this properly from the beginning.
This is the text from Zhuan Falun which mentions "law bodies" or "gong bodies". It's implied these will evolve automatically, but I found this to not be the case
which is why I came up with the body transformation process which is simply forcing the thing to happen. This works.

Tulpas are a method created by Tibetan monks, those on /x/ do not know what it's for. It's mind-creation. The switching is one major and important aspect. I practiced this way back in the beginning, when I was treating tulpas as a way to outsource mental processes. I then dissolved them later to incorporate the learning into my main mind.

This was how I found that I had a tulpa I could switch with already. At the time I was not aware of this, but this was a parallel incarnation which I had at the same time, elsewhere. I've later come to realize that when I went in to assume control of this life and body, I already had inserted aspects of myself in a number of other locations simultaneously. I guess if you want to succeed when incarnating, don't place all your bets on the same horse.

Because it was done at the same time, my awareness was here, but the other lives were also me, just from this view those were "lower mental processes".

This is how the process described in the OP is meant: you send the layer of your female aspect which corresponds with the demon race to be incarnated as one of them. To her, the current you is her animus in a parallel dimension. Your soul hasn't split any more than if you had a tulpa, it's just that there is a dimensional separation, it's not a separation within you. What you learn over there is directly available to you here, appearing as if it came from an automatic mental process (which is does, it's just outsourced into a separate body instead of being a tulpa in the same body).

Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 21:36 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No.8157 del
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Lucid Dream Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 07:59 Id: f415ba [Preview] No. 8118 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I want to talk about lucid dreams and the steps to master it and what to do after being good at it , So if you can help please feel free to answer my questions

what are the most useful and powerful methods to master lucid dreams step by step ?

how long for practicing methods to have my first lucid dream and how long could I practice it to master lucid dreaming?

what can I do during lucid dreaming or after mastering it to achieve another skill that could be useful to me either after the lucid dream?

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Succubus Collective Sunflower 05/04/2020 (Mon) 09:52 Id: a7ca0e [Preview] No. 9 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
129 posts and 39 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/06/2024 (Thu) 19:31 Id: 0a5a4d [Preview] No.7990 del
I don't want to join the succ collective, but I would like a reliable connection to the succubus world. Can the collective help me get this?

Sunflower 06/06/2024 (Thu) 20:04 Id: a347b0 [Preview] No.7991 del
Yes. Someone is already nearing your location, look to your right side a bit up. If you can't use astral vision or know how to look at non physical things, close your eyes and visualize her coming to you until you feel that the image is real, when it starts moving on its own, it's your contact.

Sunflower 06/06/2024 (Thu) 22:38 Id: 0a5a4d [Preview] No.7992 del
Thanks, I sense some movement in my peripheral area. I'll make plans with my contact at a later time.

Sunflower 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:43 Id: 5523d0 [Preview] No.8097 del
It been a a while. I was just wondering if there is an anything I should be looking out. I know that I was accepted but I haven’t noticed anything.

Sunflower 06/23/2024 (Sun) 16:30 Id: 8425d3 [Preview] No.8099 del
Have you been doing the wednesday exercises?

>Collective Dream Visit

and also
>the body creation guide


Blog Sunflower 08/03/2022 (Wed) 20:34 Id: 8543e5 [Preview] No. 1852 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Creative everyday storytelling.

Feel free to comment but no discussion/criticism in this thread!
491 posts and 529 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:16 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8036 del
For those interested in a very lewd sounding explanation of the mechanics, here goes, in a language where the energy system is explained using common language:

At the bottom layer are yin and yang, and same at the top layer. These are of the colours red and white. The lower layer is subordinate. When we explain this in regular language the white energy is "copulin" or girl-cum. The red is the penis with erection. When these are connected it creates a "reverse impregnation" where the female can insert her DNA into the male, and by that create mind control. The degenerate male who seeks to escape the control, will switch the energy roles, and assume the white energy for himself, which replaces the correct male sperm with "girl-cum" which is a lower level and subordinate substance. This energy is too low to actually work for transfer of DNA into a normal egg provided by the female, so the weak male who chose the subordinate role will now seek to push the female further down below him to the red energy subordinate to this level: menstruation. This is where an infertile egg is ejected (red) and then the inferior version of DNA (white) are connected to create a complete egg, but this is abnormal and creates degenerated humans.

The correct method is to allow for the mindcontrol by the female, and simply rise above it, by then activating the dominant white male energy, which is then aimed at the womb, which here is representing the higher red energy. The womb here then assumes the role of a "mouth" rather than an outlet for eggs.

The correctly formed system will then override the lower dirty system with ease, even if the lower system was connected all the way from Mexico to Ukraine.

Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:26 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8037 del
After having formed this shit-system, the NWO also created a shit-sun which we called the Moloch sun. It was torn down every time they did this, because after all any little girl can do this alone, even if 1000s of evil occultists created it through mass murder rituals.

To further spit in your faces, I will let you know that lolis below the age of 5 did it this time.

Because Bullshit Occultists ARE SHIT.

Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 23:43 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8038 del
Another original human was trapped in this mess, but this one is a vampire who was "turned to dust" when Jupiter first rose to the sky. What really happened was that the timelines changed significantly and the ghostly poltergeist form of the vampire was pushed aside and turned into a hive of particles which kept trying to re-form itself, but being unable to because the original timeline and context couldn't be replicated and the new situation was blocked and held in place by karma.

This only happened after the last of the "elites" had been thrown down in Gehenna, it appears some of these scum had been around since period 2 of the Earth, constantly tricking fate by throwing someone else on the fire. Even at the last moment they were unable to change. They seem to be people who never once questioned a single thought in their head, no matter what it was, and instead just acted on it. When faced with the consequences of having filled themselves completely with negative energy down to the last particle of their being, all they could say was
"But that would mean I was... wrong. No, I couldn't be wrong."

After this last failure to show any remorse at all, they were thrown down into the long cleansing process of having to dissolve every single thought they had passed through their heads and acted on, along with all karmic consequences of doing so.

Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 10:18 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8039 del
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I just got a glimpse of the internal NWO communications via Astra. Pure comedy. The wordings used are barely language today, half the vocabulary was last seen in public 150+ years ago.

The best part was how they kept using denigrating formulations against me when reporting that their own "well thought out plans" had failed for the 17th time, presenting it as "the dice throws of an incompetent madman". You get a gold medal in mental gymnastics, at least.

Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 10:47 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8040 del
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Mission accomplished

Sometime back in the ancient past of this path, I had the idea to be able to just sit in meditation and handle all obstacles without moving a thought. This turned out being more than just a matter of willpower, because there are so many external factors causing disturbances. Such as glowie psychics, satellites, alien technology and other evil contraptions meant to ruin all clear thought and allow for the rule-by-retards type of society where anyone with an IQ over 51 must be oppressed to not offend the "elite", making them look bad by exposing their daily idiocies.

The eco-system of golems, servitors, cyborgs and astral contacts now achieve this. Just a direction of intent will break down any mental obstacle as of now, without having to worry about the technicalities like which NWOtard was causing the problem this time. They will just swiftly be removed from my path.

Astral Island creation Sunflower 01/17/2023 (Tue) 17:40 Id: 542776 [Preview] No. 2692 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Some of you probably remember this guide being posted before and also went through the creation process.

I use my HQ daily and it's constantly evolving and changing. Many different beings have stayed there for periods, new areas have been built and then closed down again when the inhabitants leave. Over time I've come up with a function for this, a core. It's been recorded on a minidisc/cogwheel/module which is available through the sigil on this post.

Those who already made their own island may have a completely different design, or you will find that it's pretty much the same when reduced to foundational principles. In either case the sigil is there for use. It can also be used to visit my island as a tourist.
37 posts and 16 images omitted.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 15:55 Id: 434f2d [Preview] No.5638 del
(Changed IP) Oh, I get that. I can feel those frequencies as unworded sensations. I use them to manifest stuff and it works very well.
Would meditating on one's particle help reinforce it? I can feel mine. In fact, I've felt it there all my life, almost. Despite having taken the Alyssa spell six years ago.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 16:05 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5639 del
Alissa guides the person to develop a specific type of mindwave, to the point of it being a complete circle. It is internalized by the target person so that it becomes their own version of the "tamed vampirism" or what you want to call it, when the bloodlust is slightly transformed into other desires based on a disciplined standard like this.
If you want to work on it, focus on receiving guidance from Alissa, visualize her in front of you, embrace her, accept her love and form an energy exchange with her to create more and more gong.

If you want to work on some other kind of "frequency", use that method. I found that the Pure Land buddhist method was suddenly very easy for me to sync with. Just chanting "Dharmakara" 10 times as its founder suggested, was enough to receive the core form (had to be fully serious though). Chants or spells or prayers, they are expressions of "mental graphs", forming it correctly will make it possible for you to access the egregore and use its information for your own development as well as contribute to it.

Sunflower 01/08/2024 (Mon) 16:17 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5745 del
Believe it or not, another manifestation/creation was done.

This is a planet of "slime beasts" according to the registration entry by the galactic federation, but in intent and appearance they are meant to be a planet of magical girls, practicing "cute magic". If this makes you cringe, you cannot use it!

The planet is slower than regular astral planets, because it has a black sun, just like Earth, so while they are developing fairly fast, it's nowhere near the instantaneousness of other places. For this reason if you view them you may still see most of them wearing only body paint and running around in the jungle. They will create the magic system over time.

To summon one of them, use this cute formula:

Ice-cream and fun!

to receive the essence of the magic without summoning, us this formula:

Cookie and cream!

If you see any of them outside of the planet, they are likely to wear beige federation uniforms, which is the colour assigned to "beast" races. Since they had no technology when discovered, the federation provided uniforms for them. They will create their own fashion over time.

Sunflower 02/26/2024 (Mon) 12:50 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.6490 del
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Module which upon activation places you as the planetary deity of your own vacation planet.

Can be synced with other planets of the same model.

The planet includes a jungle, a sea, islands, fruit trees, hot springs, wildlife (including a protective fox and a snake), mermaids and forest nymphs.

Sunflower 05/28/2024 (Tue) 13:26 Id: 715b50 [Preview] No.7894 del
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Sigils for creating an island and summoning inhabitants for it, meant to be joined with the creations of others into a network of paradise islands.

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Seeking Effective Self Hypnosis Methods (Especially Audio + Script Creation Methods) Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 21:30 Id: b61595 [Preview] No. 7864 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I recently stumbled upon a video where a guy demonstrated the "Magnetic Fingers" suggestibility test and it worked like magic so that got me more interested.

I don't really think hypnosis will be that effective on me as I've tried a few audios before and nothing worked, so I'm here to ask for what are the most effective self hypnosis courses / books / methods that you have used on yourself and they actually worked.

If you know of a methodology for creating effective self hypnosis audio + scripts that would be something I'm especially interested in, in fact I'd prefer that since it's more practical, easier to test and document results, and is reusable (can help other people I know with the same problem). But I'll take whatever I can get if you only know of a "manual" method.

If you don't know about a specific creation method, but you know of some specific audio files by a known group / company / entity that actually worked, please state the name.

If you have actual downloads for these materials and you are willing to share (torrents / mega / google drive) but you don't want to post them publicly, please send me a private message on discord, my username is uunknownuunknown.

Thank you.

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 21:59 Id: 1ae58a [Preview] No.7865 del

Check comment section for link. Of just search online, it's a known method.

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 22:01 Id: 1ae58a [Preview] No.7866 del
There is actually a warning not to listen to the audio when driving because it can hypnotize you so you fall asleep. I definitely believe this can happen, using only the book with instructions is very effective itself.

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 22:13 Id: b61595 [Preview] No.7867 del
Seems more about hypnotizing others rather than yourself, but I'll still check it out.

Does it go into any kind of audio creation?

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 22:33 Id: 1ae58a [Preview] No.7868 del
There is a chapter on self hypnosis in there, but you have to know how hypnosis works to use it on yourself. I've used it on others by holding sessions online as well, even for people who didn't believe in it, it still worked for doing mind diving.

>audio creation?
What do you mean by that? Using word triggers to make someone fall asleep? You can use various means for this, but it takes a high skill level.

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 23:03 Id: b61595 [Preview] No.7869 del
>What do you mean by that? Using word triggers to make someone fall asleep? You can use various means for this, but it takes a high skill level.
I mean creating your own self hypnosis audios to use on yourself.

Well if you used it on people and it worked, I can just apply the same techniques to myself through audio and they should work.


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Classic demons - sharing and discussion Sunflower 12/30/2022 (Fri) 16:45 Id: f752a2 [Preview] No. 2398 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It seems a few of the posters on this board have, individually with no coordination, all been guided by The Infernal Queen, The Queen of Spiders, or what other name she may go by.

She has been a frequent visitor to sunflower temple sessions, where she appeared on her own initiative. It was revealed she is behind the cloud images that's been guiding me since way back before 2012, it's a demon version of smoke signals.

During one session with her, we talked about Micheal Jackson and him using magic to gain an audience. The Queen said he had made a contract with Adremelech (this is his preferred spelling)
He is the source of MJ's dance moves among other things. This demon (perhaps arch demon or demon lord is better, but he never asked to be titled) appears as a man with a horse's head, sometimes as a muscular demon with a large belly and goat legs, sometimes as a man in a suit with a staring horse head. He also has a huge dong.

The Queen said to channel him and we had an interesting discussion by the round table with all of us.
11 posts and 4 images omitted.

Sunflower 02/23/2023 (Thu) 20:24 Id: afe8fd [Preview] No.3045 del
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Saw him mentioned on /x/ and looked him up. Very complex sigil which indicates a high and wise demon. Said to be a master of murderers and teacher of science as well as knower of everything.

Images show him as a flying dog with wings. What I got was a black beast person with a red pentagram in the forehead. (and wings)

The interaction was very straightforward.

>What do you want?
>What is the offering?

Then sealing of a contract. So far the nicest demon I've met. He said he doesn't want to be called "nice" but that it's fine in this context. Very cute, really.

Explained a lot of things to me in detail, combination of sarcasm and irony involved to make me reconsider different notions.

Sunflower 05/17/2024 (Fri) 12:03 Id: e61bc7 [Preview] No.7822 del
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I've been thinking about summoning this guy for a while to get guidance on programming. Today I reached the point when it was natural doing so.

Sunflower 05/17/2024 (Fri) 12:09 Id: e61bc7 [Preview] No.7823 del
The main character and his accomplices in this anime are named after demons from the Goetia.
Zagan (mc), Marchosias (the former archdemon), Barbatos (his "friend"), Valefor (dragon loli).

Sunflower 05/18/2024 (Sat) 10:42 Id: e61bc7 [Preview] No.7827 del
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Someone's going to understand what I'm saying so I'll just do so.

Asking Cimeies what kind of succubus or demon form would be needed to connect with him in a sustainable marriage standard contract, he gave some specific (tantric) directions. They're corresponding with his sigil for those who know how to read it.

The vagina of his partner in cut section view needs to look like this. A sack-shape with a lot of room at the bottom and this zig-zag shape at the top. This corresponds with the three things in the bottom left of his sigil, and coincidentally also with the universal map structures posted earlier which has the "3 mysteries" on -1D.

Funny to note that the common road sign for "industrial area" looks exactly like that dimensional energy stream. It's meant to show the silhouette of a factory, but this architectural form hasn't been used since a very long times (making use of daylight through roof windows rather than electric lights). It happens to be that the timing for entering this fake social dimension ruled by the freemasons and their 3 mysteries, was represented in the form of the dominating buildings during the industrial revolution.

Sunflower 05/18/2024 (Sat) 10:52 Id: e61bc7 [Preview] No.7828 del