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Welcome to the Sunflower!
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Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:03 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No. 3969 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Attached sigil points to an 'ascension grimoire'

>The grimoire manifests in a dark purple, smokey haze, ever-surrounding it. It contains a wide selection of paths to ascension. 'Ascension' here as described is the leaving behind of the human condition for myriad other possibilities. This is considered a work in progress and a prototype. May be abridged to suit the purposes of the succubus religion, for example.

Also, one more thing - I was urged to make another thread: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/35701959/
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Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 10:48 Id: d87418 [Preview] No.7634 del
Also, what's even better is that those clinical research guys I've seen when I met up with the clinical manager contact? It truly felt like I've found my tribe.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 17:13 Id: b649e9 [Preview] No.7783 del
Trypper here.

It is one thing for me to get cursed by posting here, it is another thing entirely to see my family members also get attacked.

Fuck me if I ever show my face in occult corners ever again. The risk of curse-flinging shithead lurkers is too great.

I had the sneaking suspicion I shouldn't give an 'update', but I did. It can also be argued that posting here again could mean I haven't learned my lesson, but for anyone here, my statement is this:

Don't engage in these parts. Occultists are usually mentally ill sociopaths and you WILL feel the burn from interacting in these parts. Caveat emptor.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:13 Id: 96eefd [Preview] No.7784 del
This is just my doctrine but based on past experience, if you show weakness it will only get worse. In the beginning I would just reverse attacks aimed at me, but by now I apply that anyone appearing with a hostile attitude will get exterminated at first offense.

Look at Argentina now. That place was infested with a group of witches who also ran the largest wicca server on discord with 80k members. They had people join other servers and place energy stealing green crystals on people. It was the first organized attack against this group when we were just beginning.

We learned to remove the crystals and I got help from Santa Muerte to trace all the witches who were active, then I used the Ripper knife to kill them. Just saying, that country has a future now and their political climate it changing. It wouldn't have happened if we didn't respond with force.

Same thing with every little shithead who tried something after this point. Never back down, always kill them if they attack first, search the area for any remaining allies, hunt them down and kill them until no one remains. Exception if you find some random innocents in the group, but normally those must be evacuated because these groups will kill anyone of their own who doesn't take part in their evil attacks.

A lot of humans have backers from space or other dimensions, but once they are physically destroyed, those will lose influence. They will try to attack you, but by then they are only spiritual and can't get in anymore.

If this is even Trypper posting, you know why there are so many weapons shared on this board, it's to use for these occasions if you can't create your own.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:16 Id: 96eefd [Preview] No.7785 del
I summoned a helper for you.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:37 Id: 85d284 [Preview] No.7787 del
Yeah, it's me.

Thanks for the help.

I think posting about my worldly aspirations on an imageboard constitutes a karmic opening, much like my past addiction to seeking divination on imageboards.

I sorta lost my shit there, my bad. Nonetheless, I have effectively retired from the occult (I haven't practiced for months now). I also feel that I have graduated from this forum; make of that as you will.

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Help me Sunflower 04/12/2024 (Fri) 05:54 Id: 4fa8d2 [Preview] No. 7293 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Extraterrestrials, unprovoked, took my soul and imprisoned it.

What should i do?

Im not a glowie, wtf
5 posts and 1 image omitted.

Sunflower 04/13/2024 (Sat) 21:53 Id: bba4aa [Preview] No.7324 del
(38.99 KB 403x658 20240114_134323.jpg)
I ate it sorry

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 02:10 Id: 4fa8d2 [Preview] No.7329 del

I know what my soul feels like because it has left and returned multiple times, i feel that it is not in my body

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 02:33 Id: a83ca4 [Preview] No.7330 del
But how do you know your awareness will go to it when you die? If it won't you can just get a new one of whatever it is you lost.

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 19:22 Id: 125323 [Preview] No.7469 del

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 13:37 Id: 4fa8d2 [Preview] No.7782 del
My email is [email protected]

Send me info on how to liberate the part of myself that id imprisoned

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Tantric practices and lust Sunflower 02/14/2022 (Mon) 13:43 Id: ff395b [Preview] No. 779 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It's time to bring this up now it seems.
The way to approach this here may seem obscure and fringe to the extreme, but hear me out. I'll enter this by talking about the very commonly used gyan mudra.

This hand position is probably the most widely spread, whenever someone teaches yoga they will tell you to sit in lotus position and place your hands on your thighs in this position. This is very harmful.
Wait what...?
This position creates a mental focus. As Sadhguru teaches here, it's enough to just sit and observe your breathing and your focus will land on your 3rd eye chakra.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=a0jJi6OI_4o [Embed]

All good so far. But what also happens is that it forms the "promiscuity" mindwave. This is something we found when practicing with djinn and aliens over telepathy and channelling. They pretty much confirmed, yes; if you use gyan mudra you will have a harmful mindset if you are a normal mortal human.

So why can this be spread widely? Why is one of the most influential gurus of India teaching something harmful?
Simple as this: we are in the Kali yuga, the endtimes. Humans are rotten to the core and mostly everyone already has the "promiscuity" mindwave. This is a sure way to hell and an afterlife of torment. Teaching the mudra widely will not make it worse. Rather, there is a small chance that someone will learn it and use it correctly.
In past ages this mudra could not be taught to the general population, but only to dedicated yogis and monks in temples or the deep woods/mountains.
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Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:09 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.7371 del
>which made the war drawn out and very stupid, killing the most obedient elite slaves instead of the rebellious
Yeah there were so many rebellions post world war1. After WW2 they were contained by the commies exploited by the commies or pruned because of the fear of commies.
>and they know it.
Yeah this is why they are "thinning" their blood with actually useful and talented people in the last 2 centuries so they can make loyal blood relatives but the absolute degeneracy they "gift" to every member always ruins any talent they had from the start.
Yeah I too had to realize how minimal is their "rulership". Not to mention only a slave wants slaves. A real person wants to be free. And not enslaved while being labelled #fR€€.

>made up of outdated genetics with an addiction to wealth for no reason
This is something I never really understood. There is a limit to things you can buy with "money" but guess a degenerate would call me ignorant for saying this.
>slaves who have no concept of real human life
Yeah that is great and all but beings like that die within 3-8 generations.
>It will be the removal of both the wealth-addicted elites and their production slaves. Neither of those are needed.
It leads nowhere. Mass producing junk and drugs? Only the lowest criminals consider that "great". They constantly need to wear gold on their body to signal their "worth". Never understood that. I always told people that I have value without jewels on my body too. I do not need extra pointless burden on my body. My wallet and phone takes up too much space in my pockets already. I wish for a day where not even those are needed anymore. But I am not ready for the "Hobowizard" path yet.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:33 Id: 69b116 [Preview] No.7378 del
(285.42 KB 957x1396 maus.jpg)
Yeah I have this one. Funny how his survivor dad says
>I think they'd need another holocaust to learn
and then he himself does things like leave the gas stove on all day because gas is included in the rent, but he has to pay for matches. They also sneak into a hotel pool area to pretend to be guests to get free coffee.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:42 Id: 196d29 [Preview] No.7382 del
I duno what to make of Maus its strange how the eyewitness' wifey survived dispite being nominally high liklihood of getting the gas.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 23:36 Id: 412842 [Preview] No.7390 del
Yes, very (((strange))).

Sunflower 05/09/2024 (Thu) 15:45 Id: c384d0 [Preview] No.7744 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=G5S2oKEy_Uc [Embed]

I found this version of simha kriya, tried it, this is very powerful. It looks a bit freaky but that sound is pretty hard to create with any power. It doesn't have to be nearly that loud though and the stance itself works for meditation.

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I Need Help With Mental Exercises (Dharana & Dhyana) Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 03:02 Id: 18cc63 [Preview] No. 7628 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I have been struggling for a while with these mental exercises, I really need help. I'm hoping that I'll find some rare individuals with key knowledge on this niche website.

Please read carefully and answer the three questions to best of your abilities. Thank you for the help.

If you don't have an answer for #2 but you are actually proficient at #1 then that's good too, I can't move on to exercise #2 anyways because I'm stuck at a 1 minute duration for #1.

1. Have you practiced Dharana (concentrating on a single thought for a prolonged period without ANY mental interruptions), and how long can you last (in minutes)?

2. Have you practiced Dhyana (emptying the mind of all thoughts for a prolonged period without ANY mental interruptions), and how long can you last (in minutes)?

3. What kind of specific training/method did you use to attain your level of proficiency in both exercises (book, course, etc)? - Be as specific as possible
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Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:47 Id: 62af79 [Preview] No.7678 del
>He did this for me too.
If this wasn't a conscious effort, it was some pretty advanced deep glow operation of proxy shilling via possession.

I traced the guy and got full structural view of their org and its location, along with their counterpart which they aren't aware of because deep state compartmentalisation. When talking with Brazil anon and others we usually draw it on the map but I didn't see a reason to do so here because I did this (physically) alone. As with most of these organizations they only had one half decent witch at each section, they appear as having black sigils imprinted on their souls. But they still need to be purified with purgatory fire before astral incarnation or they'll be too toxic to save. It's just that they can be redeemed as compared to everyone else working at these facilities.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:55 Id: 62af79 [Preview] No.7679 del
>I am seeing normalfags work so much against their own interest I cannot call them lazy at all.
I don't mean those, this method is a specific thing for the mid level "Illumicorp" employees. The kind of shadow org members who will appear to guide the new president of a country and invite him to parties where they eat human steak and fuck underage whores, then he's given instructions for what to do and how to become a better leader under their supervision. You don't do this training program unless you're really deep in.

I only know about the "world class" training method because I was made to take part in a video course by some really odd guy once at a government coaching program where this was the theme. The whole thing was entirely shadow-based in a Kabbalistic sense, we also did personality tests where we got matched with famous people having the same profile. I was matched with Rockefeller.

I was able to internalize it because I reversed the qliphotic energy direction and internalized it the right way instead.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 21:00 Id: 62af79 [Preview] No.7680 del
I guess they'd be able to read from my mind that I have some basic "world class" key so it would be possible to manipulate me using someone with the one focus training. If it hadn't been for that I hate competition and didn't internalize it on the shadow.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 21:09 Id: ff97c8 [Preview] No.7682 del
>proxy shilling via possession.
Yeah sometimes I am noticing that suddenly there are 2 or more people being possessed by the same beings or one person losing touch with his possession during conversations and other things. I am not even sure what to make of it anymore.

Only people with glaring weaknesses can be possessed so once you fix that weakness they either stop possessing them or they have to exploit an another weakness. Interacting with them is not always a waste but I too have to see if I am being "baited" or it has a chance of turning into a genuine conversation. Reading the room where a mere glance changes the atmosphere of the room because these entities don't like to be "seen" makes the weirdest interactions.

>they appear as having black sigils imprinted on their souls
I only looked at his shallow mind and didn't bother looking at his soul. Once I see the soul of someone I get too attached without noticing. Especially because once I see the soul I can detect their "Higher self" or the soul forces detect me and ask something from me without the user realizing. I try to keep my meddling on the low especially when my hands are full already.

>I don't mean those, this method is a specific thing for the mid level "Illumicorp" employees.
Oh right the middle managers. I always wonder about those absolute slaves who have enemies above and below and they consider themselves "winners" somehow.
>The kind of shadow org members who will appear to guide the new president of a country
Yeah the "young leaders". They have minimal reach in my country.

>If it hadn't been for that I hate competition

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 22:19 Id: 18cc63 [Preview] No.7685 del
>You said that in the last thread too and it's ridiculous you are still here
I never made a thread about this before.

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Djinn summoning thread Sunflower 02/13/2022 (Sun) 21:47 Id: a1b1bf [Preview] No. 768 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the djinn summoning thread!
Please read the instructions and don't deviate from them unless you understand exactly what you are doing. Djinn are very dangerous beings and should not be contacted mindlessly.

The sigil leads to the djinn temple. You need to use visualization here so if you can't do that, start practicing. The temple is underground, built from grey stone. There are corridors in all directions and it's dark. Enter the main chamber and you will see a djinniyeh there, you may see her next to a fire. This is the djinn universal deity.
Tell her that you want to work with djinn and she will give you an arabic lamp to look at. You must construct your own version of this lamp. The final part should be the chain connecting the lid with the fuel container. Once that is added, the lamp will be functional. She will tell you if you succeed.
The lamp represents the djinn universe and your djinn will stay inside it. It also represents their reproductive system.

Djinn are not immortals, they are the humans of the first earth, mentioned in the Bible's creation story where God created the earth two times. Islam also recognizes that God created djinn before the humans we know of.
Among djinn, men give birth and women are warriors. The female will give an egg to the male during intercourse, and the fertilized egg develops in his ballsack. He then shoots the new djinn out in a burst of fire. (This method of reproduction has been imitated by current humans even if the function isn't there, called "coitus interruptus".) The arabic pants seen in the Aladdin movie looks they way they do because of an old myth saying the new messiah will be born by a man, and it will happen so fast he won't have time to take his pants off. Hence they used to wear these really baggy pants.
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Sunflower 04/25/2022 (Mon) 11:53:07 Id: 8fc8e6 [Preview] No.1443 del
>Djinn are not immortals, they are the humans of the first earth, mentioned in the Bible's creation story where God created the earth two times. Islam also recognizes that God created djinn before the humans we know of.
That's spot on! although I think there also exist modern-day Djinnis (from recently fallen humans).
Djinn / Genii (Genius).
A genius is a person which has gifts, and people would call them "possessed" as in possessed by a human soul and of which soul had past-life talents. This possession lets people gain riches (possessions), teachings, and gives them an edge over those who do not possess any advantage (and thus the Genius people were "demonized" and hunted down and fast forward today demon is wrongly attributed as evil!).
Although the best way to depict these modern-human soul/passion Djinni is not in the name of Djinn but of (Lesser tutelary) Demons.
Possessions can sometimes revive and heal the dead (usually a child), but in turn replaces the soul with that of the yearnings of previous human's soul (Acquired Savantism/Genius/Ancient Knowledge: e.g, Omm Sety).
We learn language by being "possessed" by the spirit/logos (whatever that is) but then that doesn't mean everyone would be guaranteed a strong genii/demon-possession or at least aware of their possession! while others are unlucky enough to not acquire enough spirit/logos (speech difficulty, and therefore host incompatibility). Thanks for sharing the sigils, and knowledge.

Demons and Djinnis have some things in common, source of possessions or wealth, that which brings profound teachings or knowledge.

This has led me into finding the true etymology of the word "Origin".
The Djinnis are the True Ori-djinn - the first inhabitants! I wonder what the Ori means though.

Sunflower 04/25/2022 (Mon) 12:04:30 Id: 8fc8e6 [Preview] No.1444 del
>word-forming element making nouns of quality, state, or condition, from Middle English -our, from Old French -our (Modern French -eur), from Latin -orem (nominative -or), a suffix added to past participle verbal stems.
ab-or(t) means the opposite
Or = Our/Your

Sunflower 04/26/2022 (Tue) 06:46:40 Id: 78c5bc [Preview] No.1447 del
The weather has been completely fucked these last years, and I think it’s being tampered with, too. It’s actually hurting the flora where I live while not really disrupting human activity much and it makes no sense for the gods to do that now. It feels like it’s meant to weather people down, but that’s just an intuition I have.
I, too, learned to affect the weather early on and discovered it’s incredibly easy. Probably because it’s a very chaotic system. But I also considered I shouldn’t meddle. Now I’m not so sure.
I think if you have the means you should work with your local gods and assist them in restoring balance if it is broken. That’s one of the first roles of humans.

Sunflower 03/21/2024 (Thu) 15:54 Id: 552f7a [Preview] No.6789 del
(113.48 KB 1024x1024 arabic lamp red glazed5.jpg)
This lamp here is an artifact tuned for skill in trade, designed with the direction of a tribe of djinn who are experts in this field.

Someone poor as a rat can build a trade empire from scratch using this lamp.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 13:42 Id: 552f7a [Preview] No.6988 del
(90.52 KB 1024x1024 djinni king lamp.jpg)
Djinni king lamp

Unites all Abrahamic religions and cults under the djinn roof.

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Mega Temple thread Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 20:20 Id: 339288 [Preview] No. 6882 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This sigil is for a Sunflower™ astral temple which is on a different plane compared to the regular sunflower temple.

It's existed for a while and been used a little bit from the Earth, but more so "out there" by other-dimensionals

This temple is inter-galactic, where the sunflower temple is galactic for our own galaxy. I think it's time to officially introduce it now so that some attention is brought to it. You are free to visit and use this temple as a sunflower associate. The purpose of this temple is to carry out difficult large-scale rituals where you can't gather enough energy or diversity by only using the sunflower temple.

Then you can come here and post an announcement on the board of the temple up there, then those interested will show up and you can form a large circuit with many different beings. This place was initiated by a number of powerful witches, wizards, vampires, elves and other beings. It's not for everyday play or regular magic.

If you do not have full astral abilities you can use this thread and post a request for assistance right here.

Ask any questions you have about this temple!
11 posts and 9 images omitted.

Sunflower 03/29/2024 (Fri) 10:29 Id: 339288 [Preview] No.6936 del
(1.83 MB 2037x2146 china wins.png)
So basically it was about the same thing as this guy talked of
which he called the "Kundabuffer", an actual physical organ which prevents humans from seeing reality, and can make them perform horrible acts.

I related this previously to the un-developed gut-brain which forms in the head-brain at first but is meant to be transformed into an automatic nerv system as the person leaves the toddler state. For modern people, most notably the degenerated "molochians" or "late state capitalists", this function is not formed properly at all, but is connected from the head-brain directly into the world system, where the gut-behaviour of just consuming, is projected unfiltered into the world.

When I broke into the Israel egregore before, I found the nasties gathering of such "molochians" I had seen anywhere. That is why they still are able to murder women and children in Gaza and are about to starve 1,5 mil people to death before everyone's eyes. The gut does not think, it does not have restraint, it just consumes. When this behaviour is given the power position of the modern Jews, with the media and the entire USA under their control, those political systems will act at the "toddler's" body and scream and shit all over the place to get what it wants, and the only way to stop it is to remove what it wants until it learns to behave. But in a situation like this, who will do that?

I think pic related meme tells the truth here.

This was a side track but needed to mention.

Sunflower 03/29/2024 (Fri) 10:33 Id: 339288 [Preview] No.6937 del
(43.48 KB 700x609 demon nature.jpg)
The actual Kundabuffer is a kind of collective being which one must accept, like Kundalini is the spine, and awakened I was approached by a "girl with snake features" who went straight for me out of the crowd and embraced me. The brain awakening did the same thing with the "demon", experience was described in the blog thread with this image.

Sunflower 03/29/2024 (Fri) 10:38 Id: 339288 [Preview] No.6938 del
The Kundabuffer when misfiring outwards turns into Moloch or Christ worship, the worship of a divine king. The king is literally a "buffer" who contains their sins, creating a political system which insulates the economic elites from the consequences of their actions. The welfare state which insulates modern women from the result of their choices is the same thing. It's a very degenerated Kundabuffer "awakening."

The Moloch Sun system created by the 'lumitards and all previous rulers, is a huge Kundabuffer in the sky, which burns up the karmic retribution rather than the karma itself, "killing the messenger" instead of solving the problem. Until the enemy is at the gates and you are unprepared because you killed all the messengers warning of their arrival.

Proper Kundabuffer awakening leads to a similar effect as Kundalini or demon/brain awakening, a being appears and must be symbiotically accepted. Then you control your own "king/queen" function, be it an organ in the body or not.

Sunflower 03/29/2024 (Fri) 10:51 Id: 339288 [Preview] No.6939 del
It suddenly became super clear to me, now when I look at western media, I see the Kundabuffer talking all the time. Its purpose is to "comfort the crying baby" by saying or doing just anything to make it happy, with no regard for the truth. It's working full time to insulate this insane baby's emotions from the reality it has created, and the only way to do this is to lie to it.

Sunflower 03/30/2024 (Sat) 10:37 Id: 339288 [Preview] No.6956 del
(179.96 KB 1024x1024 yogi snakes.jpg)
Follow up on the kundabuffer:

I think it's the rolled up small snake seen by the bottom of the spine, mentioned in yoga texts. Inb4 "that's kundalini": no, kundalini is the spine. The main book of Hatha Yoga, the Pradipika, uses "spine" and "kundalini" interchangeably, they are the same thing.

I had a dream some while ago, told of it on here at the time, it was about seeing a large yellow snake bite a small green snake. Some week after I went to the graveyard by the church and saw a large yellow watering hose connected to a thin green hose. I felt this meant something, but wasn't sure what, although I did think it was about the kundalini.

I now think it's this way: the kundalini is the large yellow snake - the spine, which has all nerves and creates stability. The small green snake is the one seen rolled up, but because people don't know what "kundalini" means in the first place, they confuse them. The small green snake is the "kundabuffer" which is not named in yoga, and it connects the first 3 chakras, where the spine/kundalini connects 1-6.

Because this small snake is not a visible united organ, but a "system" in the physical body, it's not easy to understand what it is from conventional anatomy. Yogis can see it, but they can't easily say "it's this organ" as they can do with the kundalini and the spine (or the "demon" and the brain).

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 16:22 Id: 19014d [Preview] No. 6697 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Spider queen sepheranz illivryn chatroom


Sunflower General 5 Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:34 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No. 5721 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A growing flower
Waiting straws still bent by moist
Sunshine higher up
486 posts and 168 images omitted.

Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 21:00 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6649 del
>the fucking comment section under the vid

Not even subtle holy shit

Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 21:54 Id: 464dc2 [Preview] No.6650 del
>play ping pong
At Ping Pong Pizza?

Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:09 Id: 464dc2 [Preview] No.6651 del
>had a very effective technology which they used to control the slaves they bought
Following this
> What remains is the so-far federation allowed NWO which still contains absolute scum which should be killed, but they will use them through a process of exposing their organizations.
I got the idea to try and use them as infernal slaves, since they keep telling me over telepathy
>we will never work for you
so I kinda want to humiliate them by forcing them to do exactly that. I paid for one of my infernal labour camp overseers to take the slave-driver course at the alien miner school. It requires more control than I had when taking the base course in mining, perhaps. After seeing it applied in the infernal, I decided to project there and take the course myself also.

It's much more spiritual than regular mining, and contained mental exercises before even touching the machines. But once there, it gives the ability to understand the system in-depth. I then was offered a basic level contract to get experience by working as a slave-driver on a "hot planet".

These are fire elemental planets with rare metals, where disposable slaves are used because the environment is so toxic that anyone setting foot there will die, and equipment will be ruined. So they gather the "scum of the galaxy" and send them there to live in a self-sustaining colony, where their only purpose is to keep up an internal reincarnation cycle so that new disposable slaves are produced. Once they are given a mission they only survive a few minutes in the mine, but this doesn't matter, the population size is tuned to match the replacement rate, I was told by the beast-miner who gave me the contract. Don't worry about wasting them, just send in a new one and keep them coming.

It was explained that the metals mined there are so valuable that it's enough for one mission to get one chunk out, and as for the slaves, it's ok if 10s of them die just trying to turn that chunk in the right direction to load it for transport, because the slaves will regenerate anyway.

After finishing that contract I was given one at a cold planet where I had to control the slaves from the sky using a remote, which is more advanced and needed for this kind of climate. The environment there was worse than the hot planet, and slaves would constantly freeze and get piled up in the mines, so to even get in it was necessary to send in slaves with drill to get through the frozen bodies, and the same on the way out. A tedious work no one really wants to do, but good experience they told me.

Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:23 Id: 464dc2 [Preview] No.6652 del
Using these experiences, I set out to create a slave-driver system to be used here on Earth, to control the glowies and NWOs.

Rather than their flawed slave-system, this will be a perfect one they can't escape. They had built it using induction broadcasts to manipulate people's brains to form the concepts and values of the globohomo. Then they relied on perfectly regular media and institutions to correct those who didn't follow along. This is ineffective and will only lead to those who were resistant to the mind-wave transmissions, becoming completely immune to both that and physical persecution. They will be trained in pattern recognition and will build up a parallel system, which will be completely impossible to control, and that is the main flaw of the NWO cattle system.

The miner beast slave-driver control system does not care at all about the inner workings of the slave-psyche. Instead it relies on solid science and applies methods that work on any degenerated humanoid, based on their well known attachments and desires. It is essentially a capitalist control system, anyone thinking like a capitalist will be stuck and they can't get out unless they stop thinking that way. The incentives to move will be only negative, and it will work. Whipping the slaves worked in Rome, it will work here as well, although it won't be physical.

Using the "stick and carrot" is a sign of weakness, there is no need to include the carrot. The idea is that opposition is ultimate evil, so it's allowed to use them any way whatsoever, in the best of worlds they wouldn't exist. (Then what about the rare materials, how would we get them if there were no scum slaves to use? It's understood that minerals are condensed evil souls which circulate back into becoming the lowest life form, minerals. The rare minerals themselves would not be stuck on those impossible planets if there was no ultimate evil opposition in the first place.)

Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:44 Id: 464dc2 [Preview] No.6654 del

Yokai, rituals & entities Sunflower 02/08/2024 (Thu) 20:35 Id: 0b4a54 [Preview] No. 6207 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
On 8kun we had this thread:

Which was about astrally travelling to Gensokyo and working with the yokais there. This is still constantly in the background since we are still using the same temple, the same egregore and the same core methodology here. So let's again put some focus on this.

Sunflower 02/08/2024 (Thu) 20:42 Id: 0b4a54 [Preview] No.6208 del
Myself I work a lot with mass sessions where I include many entities and form a circulation to then use the entire circuit to open up energy channels or power spellcasting, creating artifacts or activating hexes. The reasoning is that the participants will each be given access to the same circuit and can use it for their own benefit. The energy is circulated so that the same activation is done step by step for every participant. The session leader will open up first, then we go from the easiest to the hardest, one by one. When more are opened, it will be easier to break through for those who are more blocked.

Using this method of sharing and benefit for all, it's even easy to summon Goetian demon lords and Egyptian deities to the session.

Similar methods have been used for a variety of things, such as beating Kronos in arm wresting to be granted his ability to travel in time. This is something I've used and abused ever since, and most of my later created servitor dolls have the ability to move in time, derived from this.

Sunflower 02/08/2024 (Thu) 20:52 Id: cd7bfe [Preview] No.6209 del
For me it looked like they are able to enter this reality good enough already so I did not feel the need to astrally travel there for a very long while.

Sunflower 02/08/2024 (Thu) 20:57 Id: 0b4a54 [Preview] No.6210 del
I realized it's easy to attract powerful beings with magical abilities as long as you offer them something, and this something does not have to be material, but simply taking part in a beneficial magic practice may be attractive enough.

By now I've pretty much maxxed out how big the circle can get by recruiting, so to increase the mass of entities I've turned to simply breeding more of them. Again, spirits will want to be astrally incarnated into powerful bodies, so they will come. All you have to do is to have a plan, and to ask. Vampires are very powerful, get a vampire pregnant and now you have two vampires. This is all pretty basic, what happens is that you run out of good genetics. Genetic lines can't be increased endlessly most of the time, even when taking into account that demons and others are resistant to inbreeding, so incest is usually fine. But it still tends to max out at 4 to 6 generations. The greys are working to find endless lines and in some situations it seems to work, but those DNA types aren't the kind most of them want (they found that a very small loli type CyBorn had this endless reproductiveness, but it's not reasonable to have everyone become eternal toddlers, many spirits do not want this).

My recent discovery that blacks are actually evolved orcs was very useful. At my area on Gensokyo, I already have a goblin village and an orc village. So I set out to start an "orc Queen evolution ritual". Orcs are normally hivemind beings with no souls, so the goal here is to have them perform ritual magic and develop souls, with the focus on evolving them into orc Queens. Then once they have souls I will work with them to evolve them into the higher form, known as "space Africans" (Voodo is orc magic).
This way I can increase the number of evolved orc Queens whom I can then include in ritual circles for more power.

This is just one way in which Gensokyo can be worked with.

Higher magic vs lower magic - discussion Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 11:07 Id: f5953f [Preview] No. 5957 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It's time to bring back a Sunflower session type; the discussion. This was used as the initial stage of any group session as a form of syncing. In this thread it will serve the same purpose, syncing our understanding and forming an egregore.

I will lay out what conclusions I've drawn based on my own direct experience and the research I've done by diving into the akashic records. I came to see a certain structure, and this is based only on observation, I'm not relating this to any literary source aside from for the general labels. Give input! If you don't agree, say so, but keep it civil. The point is to reach an understanding where if we do not agree, at least we can place the different viewpoints on a map, and this will be the egregore.

Higher magic

It seems everyone practices higher magic today, it's become synonymous with the word "magic". It is representational magic, magic using words or symbolic artifacts or drawings, sigils. When Christianity and the bible tells you that this is forbidden, there is a good reason for it. I will explain why. Higher magic should only be practiced by those called undead or immortal, or by prophets, diviners and others who channel information from higher beings. When serving as a non-interfering device of a higher spirit, it is the higher spirit practicing magic, not the person him/herself.

Regular people should only practice "lower magic". This has been called "cultivation" in the Falun Gong movement, it is generally called Qi Gong in China, "energy work" in the west. It is called Yoga in India. This is the inner magic, also called inner alchemy, the transformation of the body. Unless this has been performed to a decent level, representational magic should not be practiced. It is often applied in the form where the occultist will perform cleansing rituals before spellcasting. It is still not something an average person can do right.

Higher magic is to impose your will on the world, and to sync your inner meaning, your mental representation, your language, with the world, and telling the world: This image in my mind is how you will now be formed. Who can do this right? A person whose body is filled with animalistic desires will impose those on the world, and create degeneration, hell on Earth. This is why occultists have been shunned in religion. They are practicing higher magic with a dirty body. Most people will never have a clean body, especially not during this NWO influenced system's influence, it's impossible. So anyone attempting to practice higher magic who isn't channelling a higher being, is committing horrible deeds and should really be put to death, just like they say.
4 posts omitted.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 20:24 Id: f5953f [Preview] No.5968 del
Here, take this [disc], it is the activation protocol for the type of shield used. But it is activated globally, when you use it yourself it will be placed over your area of influence only.

Sunflower 01/22/2024 (Mon) 00:00 Id: 76fe58 [Preview] No.5989 del
Yeah I don't find this acceptable at all. Will be fighting against this working using everything at my disposal.
>will receive instant response

Sunflower 01/22/2024 (Mon) 00:50 Id: f5953f [Preview] No.5990 del
The shield was accepted by the Earth herself, so attacking the shield is the same as attacking the planet. This is of course not allowed, and that's why the federation issued the warning. The shield cannot be broken. It's a matter of decent behaviour to not attack the planet you live on, or perform magic which harms those around you, so don't try to do that or you will get in trouble. The federation is watching.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 14:08 Id: f5953f [Preview] No.6045 del
It seems the general approach here is very lenient from a federation viewpoint: any representational expression, language and visual arts, are considered higher magic by this definition, and not merely what falls under the common label of "magic and occult". This means humans are actually banned from "the general use of language and figurative representations". Most modern media do not channel higher beings or are the expressions created by someone at the bodhisattva level or above (arhat for magic which controls infernal spirits). So this means it's now banned and will be stopped after repeated offenses.

This would be the reason why Gensokyo said only 3 religions are allowed: Christian Ritual, Islam and Shinto. Those all have rituals and general behavioural practices which can be performed without the use of language itself, but rather by repeating or chanting "the sounds of language" without any attached intent. By this would mean the repeating of the text of holy books with its general original meaning preserved, or the use of mantras where applicable.
Modern society would be unable to use language from now on, unless the meaning is channelled from above (in this case unless federation approved).

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 14:10 Id: f5953f [Preview] No.6046 del
It would be assumed that an activity such as translating a holy book, would only be correctly performed if done by channelling a higher being.