/v/ - Video Games

post some fucking video games this time

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Anonymous 08/27/2021 (Fri) 12:36:37 [Preview] No. 12306 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Our robloxian Lizzy Wrinkle commonly known throughout the roblox as "lizzy_wrinkle", has passed away after having cancer and heart disase
Press F to pay respects

Anonymous 08/10/2021 (Tue) 00:11:12 [Preview] No. 12303 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Found a new p2earn game based on CryptoBlades.
Air drops for the launch are already on!

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Pokemon Anonymous 11/13/2019 (Wed) 12:47:19 [Preview] No. 12097 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Does anyone want to talk about the disaster that is the Pokemon Sword/Sheild release?
>No national dex
>Can only catch certain levels of pokemon depending on badge
>After months of lies it was as everyone predicted and they just copied and pasted the 3DS models
>People are finding the models of pokemon they can't use in the code
3 posts and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 11/14/2019 (Thu) 23:21:55 [Preview] No.12101 del
The problem is they can't sell you easy to produce DLC. I wonder how hard they are going to DLC out standard pokemon and for how much? There is no way people managed to find those unused pokemon models in game for nothing. Whatever they show and whenever they show it is going to put people to even more of a frenzy.

Anonymous 11/15/2019 (Fri) 17:16:40 [Preview] No.12102 del
Success has made gamefreak lazy after all this years

Anonymous 05/06/2021 (Thu) 16:40:14 [Preview] No.12281 del
holy shit this board really is slow

Anonymous 07/04/2021 (Sun) 02:14:44 [Preview] No.12294 del
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Game Freak not only got lazy, Masuda post B/W is a husk of what he once was. He lacks vision.

Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 23:09:53 [Preview] No.12297 del
Advertise the board to make it bigger

Actually, most of us are in sportschan's /v/ board right now

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Electronic Arts being racist Anonymous 11/19/2020 (Thu) 01:47:56 [Preview] No. 12227 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Are you playing Electronic Arts games? Are you aware of Electronic Arts's racist & bug problems of The Sims 4?

Electronic Arts (EA) never listen / The list of bugs and problems

Anonymous 12/07/2020 (Mon) 13:47:51 [Preview] No.12228 del
If they were more racist, I might actually buy their games.

Anonymous 03/05/2021 (Fri) 00:01:47 [Preview] No.12264 del
Sims 4 feels like a downgrade from SIms 3 tbh. Sims 3 was the peak of the series

Anonymous 03/05/2021 (Fri) 00:04:48 [Preview] No.12266 del
No EA is shit. Don't ever buy their games

Anonymous 04/20/2021 (Tue) 23:27:52 [Preview] No.12272 del
Nope, EA sucks

Anonymous 06/14/2021 (Mon) 21:13:14 [Preview] No.12288 del
Hating crackers is also racist

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We need a game with new age themes Anonymous 09/14/2017 (Thu) 22:23:21 [Preview] No. 11194 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
So the new age people who collect healing stones (just rocks and gems).....do they think they're playing a RPG? I mean they seem to think certain stones will protect them from debuffs like cancer, poison, or bad energies that would power down their attack points.

Sounds like a great idea for a video game...picture yourself walking around Portland, Oregon fighting antifa, angry heavy metal fans, anarchist punks, Wiccans, and methheads on skateboards. Later you must collect the special rings from conservative sororities to unlock the seal on the dean's heart and free Evergreen University from liberal tyranny.

There could even be a level where you have to escort RICHARD DAWKINS past crazy liberals and Muslims into the heart of irrational America: Berkley. In his radiant presence all of the magical rings lose their effect.

Anonymous 05/06/2021 (Thu) 16:50:48 [Preview] No.12282 del
>There could even be a level where you have to escort RICHARD DAWKINS past crazy liberals and Muslims into the heart of irrational America: Berkeley.
berkeley isn't actually that crazy ngl
t. resident

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Anonymous 05/01/2021 (Sat) 06:00:20 [Preview] No. 12280 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

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Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Anonymous 04/25/2021 (Sun) 03:27:50 [Preview] No. 12277 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I was about to die then boom

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what are you playing Anonymous 09/15/2017 (Fri) 13:37:23 [Preview] No. 11202 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Touhou 16 hidden star in four seasons

never played a touhou before. It's pretty fun but easy mode is pretty deceptive. It's funny, I've seen fan art for touhous forever and it's almost always been really high quality, great drawings, then I'm playing this and the girls pictures pop up and they're retarded looking in comparison.
1 post omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2017 (Sat) 07:44:48 [Preview] No. 11208 del

not kidding aside: >>11176 >>11190
My opinion for Sonic Mania is that's it's too easy, live friendly and beautiful. Cooplay best.

AM2R, haven't gotten to NG+ yet, will tell what's good or not. The game is amazing regardless, true homage to series. Must play inho.

Anonymous 03/20/2021 (Sat) 23:43:53 [Preview] No.12269 del

Anonymous 04/20/2021 (Tue) 23:38:49 [Preview] No.12273 del
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baldur's gate, Pokemon X, alpha saphire

Anonymous 04/21/2021 (Wed) 06:16:46 [Preview] No.12274 del
The review said this interface is 90% of the game.

That convinced me to buy it.
It'd be cool to compare my initial reactions to some other people's, and to the more refined answers out there.

Anonymous 04/21/2021 (Wed) 06:19:27 [Preview] No.12275 del
You have pictures turned off? Is this how you want your dead board to finish dying?

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gtav online wizards halp Anonymous 12/29/2020 (Tue) 09:18:00 [Preview] No. 12232 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
GTAV Online, level 38, max strength, super heavy armor
explode in one shot, wasted
never see where it comes from
no idea if they were in the air or on the ground or what it even was
happens every time i log into a public session
huge pain in the ass to try anything that requires public
wtf am I doing wrong?
3 posts omitted.

Anonymous 01/12/2021 (Tue) 20:02:51 [Preview] No.12240 del
wtf is you faggot's problem? it's the best driving game ever.

Anonymous 01/27/2021 (Wed) 22:56:17 [Preview] No.12245 del
GTA5 is allright, but online is hot garbage, I just don't get why would anyone want to queue 5-10 minutes for that experience, let alone pay for it. All the servers are filled with screaming kids and hackers, and even if you manage to get the required amount of people to do an activity someone just quits for whatever reason, then back in the queue you go for another 8-10 minutes. It's a waste of time.

Anonymous 03/03/2021 (Wed) 18:33:57 [Preview] No.12261 del
you region is hot garbage anon, GTAO is kind of a interesting game but how it is applied is utter garbage R* can't online for anything and burgerfags has plenty of cheaters just like in winnieland, especially winnieland, always report these cheatfags with the Other function because they can't block it, enough reports draw admin attention to the bitch.

Anonymous 03/04/2021 (Thu) 23:54:19 [Preview] No.12262 del
>GTA5 is allright,
Compared to GTA4, it feels like a downgrade

>but online is hot garbage,
It is beyond bad and cancerous.

sage sage 04/19/2021 (Mon) 21:28:26 [Preview] No.12270 del
LOL kys OP and don't ever start a thread here again.

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Anonymous 01/12/2021 (Tue) 12:45:13 [Preview] No. 12238 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I'm making a Beat 'em Up game from scratch in JavaScript. It's still kinda bare-bones and buggy, but already playable:

The game:

The source code:

Anonymous 03/01/2021 (Mon) 06:26:28 [Preview] No.12258 del
It needs a lot of polish OP

Anonymous 03/01/2021 (Mon) 06:27:23 [Preview] No.12259 del
Like, at least some of it looks nice, but gameplay doesn't feel very natural and normal