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/Seapone/ - The Seapony Thread Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 10:26:36 [Preview] No. 6625
Have you ever craved the feeling of a warm fire while snuggled under a blanket? Possibly with hot cocoa? From idyllic scenes of a cozy log cabin or even something as simple as spending time on the computer with your favorite snack while surfing the web till the wee hours of the morning the feeling of /comfy/, homely experiences and simple pleasures, is one we all can enjoy.

However... have you ever wanted those things while underwater?

If so, then /Seapone/ is for you! /Seapone/ is /endpone/'s thread dedicated to Seaponies and secondarily aquatic themes and creatures of Equestria at large with a slight twist: the sea as a homely and /comfy/ place. /Seapone/ will not turn away other themes or concepts but by and large this thread aims to be a celebration of the softer and gentler side to what lies beneath the ocean depths and what better way to do so then with Seaponies? Especially Gen 4's take on them?

Sit back. Relax and take your shoes off. And dive in to the ocean depths. It's Seapony posting time!

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 10:44:30 [Preview] No.6626 del
And a happy anniversary to FiM! 10 years. Wow that is too long. It's hard to believe that it has been 10 freaking years and as someone from 2011 I did not think that this would still be a thing back then.

And /endpone/ a chance meeting between 3 anons still being something is even freakier. So, as L23 says in this video, its time to return home on this 10th anniversary to FiM. After the Derpi drama and general chaos of 2020 it's time to put that aside and return home to /endpone/.

To all of the posters and lurkers, from once and awhile visitors to regulars I wish you all a happy and wonderful ten years of FiM's existence. Let us dive into the future!

Especially you BO... wherever you are

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 11:16:35 [Preview] No.6628 del
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Seaponies and Merponies can work well togather if you ask me.

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 11:18:09 [Preview] No.6629 del
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Night /Seapone/ and /endpone/!

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 21:49:46 [Preview] No.6631 del
>And a happy anniversary to FiM! 10 years. Wow that is too long.
happy anniversary, folks. An entire decade of Friendship is Magic. The year zero for the whole franchise has managed to get this far and still get new fan content despite not releasing any new episodes anymore.

Coming from someone who joined the herd in summer 2014, this "joke" lasted way more than it should have been. Many fans have been claiming the death of this franchise and the community throughout these 10 years yet here we are. Even with very few users over here, we have the evidence that even with less users around that continue this ride, it´s still alive and kicking.

We´ve seen memes, shows and huge phenomenons happening throughout the 2010s, yet MLP still keeps its own mark without showing signs of decay. It´s like that person that salutes you and delivers a smile every day yet you don´t value it, as if you had a friend you never knew that he was there.

There are many reasons to celebrate this. Who would have imagined to get this far back then, when this ride started on /co/?

For internet standards, 10 years are a considerable amount of time, considering that anything comes and goes. What comes easy, it never stays.

So, let savor a little bit this moment because this achievement of endurance is really meaningful.

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 22:02:32 [Preview] No.6632 del
>And /endpone/ a chance meeting between 3 anons still being something is even freakier.
that leaves me even more stunned. How the hell does one handle an altchan with just 3 anons and a bunch of lurkers posting out of nowhere? Like, do you see all the content and even reach several bump limits (!). Maybe if you consider all the time that the /end/ is coming at you, you realize that there the /end/ never ends despite constantly inhabiting in that territory.

Like, you ask yourself this question: what the hell is wrong with our minds? How did this board even manage to get this far? Maybe we are incredibly autistic after all but oh boy, it has turned out to be a unique experience. There are certain lessons from this side project that I would have never learned if I hadn´t ventured into this unknown territory back when it was 2017.

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 22:14:48 [Preview] No.6633 del
>So, as L23 says in this video, its time to return home on this 10th anniversary to FiM. After the Derpi drama and general chaos of 2020 it's time to put that aside and return home to /endpone/.
yeah.. Honestly, I am really exhausted of keeping an eye of that event. I am mentally saturated and I don´t think that I can digest more at the moment. /endpone/ has been left aside and so much disorder and uncertainty has arisen throughout this entire year that one could have reached the point of insanity. Thankfully, it didn´t happen and we seem to be fine so far (I am sadly implying), but it seems that one is paying for that constant mindset of staying passively on guard for so long.

It was time to come back really. I made that little clip just to announce that one can finally come back home after all this mess with an uplifting message. As for the song displayed, here it is (the section used for the clip: the from 3:03 to 4:05):

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZaL50C6tU1c [Embed]

Back to a familiar territory at last.

>Let us dive into the future!
let´s go!

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 22:34:06 [Preview] No.6634 del
>the from
the part that goes from 3:03 to 4:05*

Now, one might be wondering why this thread exists exactly for the 10th anniversary. Considering that this board has a small amount of users, one cannot set up a huge stream like /mlp/ or EQD can deliver.

One of the reasons why this holds a special meaning to the board comes from the fact that this species started the 2nd wave of activity on this board back in 2017.

Just check the original NMAiE (back when it wasn´t intended to become the main general) and you will see this:


You will see that the board was inactive until a couple of seapony pictures were dropped and then, the old Polish BO posted a Hi Anon! picture as an answer (which by the way, has ended up turning into a banner for the board) back in December 2017. No one knew anything nor what we were looking for at the time but those posts happened. Without noticing it, that became over time the beginning of the 2nd wave of activity for /endpone/ and would end forging the trend of what we know today.

None of us really knew anything at the time really. There were a huge amount of insecurities and literally anything could have gone to a very different direction. It kept going until Bridgefag came around and other projects would arise spontaneously.

Why does the 2nd wave matter more than the 1st one? Mostly because the only user who still holds the spirit of that 1st wave is CB Anon and even then, he created in both waves of activity a fanfic general meant for feedback. Moreover, the 1st wave only had around 260 posts and nothing was really all that defined nor anyone reached a consensus except for taking /endpone/ as a bunker.

if >>6626 mentions the old BO
>Especially you BO... wherever you are
keep in mind that with this innocent shitpost >>273 to a seapony picture started the path that the board would take up to this day.

One would ask why a seapony thread exists over here. Now, approach it with this question that should leave you wondering:

Why didn´t this thread exist earlier, considering that it accidentally started over the path for this place?

That is the big question. Therefore, it was created for this 10th anniversary.

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 22:41:07 [Preview] No.6635 del
>Seaponies and Merponies can work well togather if you ask me.
I think that I will deal about this topic later. If one genuinely thinks about it, seaponies are the closest undefined species that has gone through several deviations that make them different yet so similar. That is to say, this species is the closest one to what one would say about anthro: nobody had a clear idea nor a solid base about them until the 2017 movie aired (or the previews showed their designs).

This thread welcomes the other forms that could be encapsuled within the same category. Still, the thread intends to focus on the gen 4 take (as the OP states), the 2017 design.


>Sit back. Relax and take your shoes off. And dive in to the ocean depths.
that´s what pic related intends to convey to the viewer.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 05:15:12 [Preview] No.6637 del
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>Especially Gen 4's take on them?
G1 take is pure kino.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 06:15:40 [Preview] No.6642 del
For the meme comment and that short clip, they did their job.

Now,they lack that versatility of that transition between the earth and water environmwnts. So they were basically a gimmick.

I will try to compile a little bit all the versions because the evolution of their designs and plans for establishing them into the world of Equestria were quite a rollercoaster.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 19:50:53 [Preview] No.6644 del
Alright, so I have been trying to compile all the material and trying to come up with some kind of narrative explaining their backstory without sounding like a wikipedia article over here. Even for a minor species, trust me, it´s quite tricky and there are several aspects from it that I could extend quite a bit.

I can´t guarantee if I am going to type it now or tomorrow but it´s going to take me a while.

As for now though, I have managed to come up with a very clear conclusion:

This thread...is a joke.

I´ll try to pick out the reasons why I have concluded this bold statement. Don´t get me wrong though, the meaning of "joke" has more connotations here than the meaning that you usually imply for other things.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 21:26:44 [Preview] No.6645 del
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>happy anniversary, folks. An entire decade of Friendship is Magic. The year zero for the whole franchise has managed to get this far and still get new fan content despite not releasing any new episodes anymore.
Happy Anniversary!

>It´s like that person that salutes you and delivers a smile every day yet you don´t value it, as if you had a friend you never knew that he was there.
Like something that stood steadfast as a bedrock institution. I'm not sure if FiM hype will play out finally or the fandom will make a transition to a full on subculture/older active fandom (and seeing a whole lotta those folks who arrived in 2019 and 2020 in the /mlp/ thread tells me we are still adding some new blood) but what I do know is that our creative output right now surpasses that of plenty of supposedly more popular fandoms out there so I can't complain and am continuing down the path happily.

>Like, you ask yourself this question: what the hell is wrong with our minds?
IDK, but we have shouldered on and...

>How did this board even manage to get this far? Maybe we are incredibly autistic after all but oh boy, it has turned out to be a unique experience.
Sometimes done pretty well. I always had the ambition but I tell you: if not for /endpone/ I would have still be just a timid lurker all the way to the final.

>. Honestly, I am really exhausted of keeping an eye of that event. I am mentally saturated and I don´t think that I can digest more at the moment.
I can understand that. Frankly, it's felt fun to be looking forward to something else and the anniversary has felt nice reminder to just relax and celebrate.

> As for the song displayed, here it is (the section used for the clip: the from 3:03 to 4:05):
This gives me an idea...

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 21:33:16 [Preview] No.6646 del
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As much as I could laugh at G1 and the song that was memed, they are the Seaponies that we know and love forebearers and none of G4 would be possible without G1. I ought to show G1 a bit more respect as a whole, tbh.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 21:39:53 [Preview] No.6647 del
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>Alright, so I have been trying to compile all the material and trying to come up with some kind of narrative explaining their backstory without sounding like a wikipedia article over here. Even for a minor species, trust me, it´s quite tricky and there are several aspects from it that I could extend quite a bit.
Articles are fun, but if you do something more experimental that'll also be fun.

>This thread...is a joke.
??? Pic related.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 21:46:37 [Preview] No.6649 del
>I'm not sure if FiM hype will play out finally or the fandom will make a transition to a full on subculture/older active fandom (and seeing a whole lotta those folks who arrived in 2019 and 2020 in the /mlp/ thread tells me we are still adding some new blood)
for now, this transition could be interesting to keep track because MLP, while having several generations on its track record, this transition to gen 5 is actually the first one in which there is a dedicated community and has cultural prominence. The 10th anniversary only counts 10 years keeping in mind that there is no past before 2010 when the franchise started all the way back in 1986. And even like you say, there are people who have decided to give gen 4 a try when The Last Problem aired and after that. So, these fans who are joining right now have this overwhelming amount of content to watch without having to wait for anything else.

Maybe this community doesn´t count as an old one yet but 10 years for its lifetime can´t be seen as despicable.

>but what I do know is that our creative output right now surpasses that of plenty of supposedly more popular fandoms out there so I can't complain and am continuing down the path happily.
what cannot be denied is that 2020 has served as a test just to see if the fanbase can still hold up without new content and the creative output, even with the lowest amount of popularity and no promotion coming from Hasbro, STILL surpasses other fandoms. I am not sure if there is a world record guiness for fan content without relying on the marketing coming from the main company but if we look at the numbers, at least in NSFW, only Pokemon beats it. In the Fanfiction.net site, MLP is in the podium just behind Teen Titans and Avatar. As for videos, I can´t measure the impact but look at the views.

You bet that one continues the ride happily, this franchise and the ride can be described with any word.... but boredom isn´t one of those.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 22:03:10 [Preview] No.6650 del
>Sometimes done pretty well. I always had the ambition but I tell you: if not for /endpone/ I would have still be just a timid lurker all the way to the final.
well, glad to hear that.The amount of freedom over here is overwhelming and sometimes one doesn´t know what to do . I was going to reserve this comment for Christmas but if it weren´t because of this board, perhaps the one person who is using a trip for opening certain threads might not have been the same one either. In fact, it would be quite funny if someone saw me as a leader or a main user for something (content creator or whatever) because /endpone/ is basically...at first a side project that was active because of lurkers and no one knew what was going to happen.

I´ve got to admit this, handling the board with just two or three people on your own, is a huge difference. Like, you cannot compare what one usually does, for example on /mlp/, that what one does over here. I could go for the shitposting route sure, but I am always shitposting to the same users after all. So, you raise this question of: okay, what do I do know? How do I approach this in order to go somewhere else beyond the average content?

There was literally no script, it was all awkward from there and it´s very easy to stay as a lurker on a popular board but when one has to improvise and come up with other ideas or just entertain not to reader but other invisible people who might be watching, trust me, the mindset changes completely.

Timidity cannot be applied when one has to show up your actual face to the rest in order to keep going. I am still an introvert as well but some of my most meaningful/thoughtful posts have been delivered over here.Mostly because i is the user who has to entertain the others, not the lurker when there are so few people around.

But yeah, this board has had to cause an influence, just that I am not sure to what degree. I can point out though that lurkers are what make this board active. The fan that you know who had been lurking from late 2014-to late 2017 is not the same one who you are interacting with right now.

>it's felt fun to be looking forward to something else and the anniversary has felt nice reminder to just relax and celebrate.
you bet. When one has to keep track of the same topic over and over by consuming our time for so long and with so much focus in order to keep track of what was going on, it becomes even more tiring. So much drama happened over there that one forgets for a while what purpose this fanbase was made for. It has also made politics boring to me as well. The opinions displayed over there were varied and after seeing everything. I hardly believe that barely anything will surprise me at this point.

>This gives me an idea...
uh oh, challenger approaching....

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 22:19:46 [Preview] No.6654 del
>As much as I could laugh at G1 and the song that was memed, they are the Seaponies that we know and love forebearers and none of G4 would be possible without G1. I ought to show G1 a bit more respect as a whole, tbh.
the most benefited side for making this species relevant again..has been gen 1 ironically. In fact, by reviving Tirek, the Smooze, Grogar and this species, gen 1 has become more respected among the fanbase. At least, it´s the preferable choice for a revisit among the community even if it´s for archive purposes only. It has managed to work as a baseline for bringing up all the old concepts and put them together in the relevant gen that would cause a cultural impact.

No one is going to deny that but keep in mind, this species only appeared in a matter of minutes for the whole thing. Like, you are basically trying to build up something out of basically nothing. Not exactly thin air but a species that was designed for bath toys. That´s the entire irony of what I will try t transmit over here.

>but if you do something more experimental that'll also be fun.
>This thread...is a joke.
alright, if you want to be less confused about the thing, it´s not about the thread being presented as a shitpost. The thread is properly presented and it will have its own commitment.

The joke doesn´t come from the thread itself. It´s the fact that this thread is dedicated to a conceptual joke at its core (or at least, in its origins).
For explaining the whole evolution and how we managed to get here, the whole background story is more complicated to display than it seems because i need several hours just to compile how this concept managed to deviate so much from 1986 to this point. I need around 10-15 posts just to prove that for a minor species, they are quite awkward and still hold a weird status.

Visiting them is like a mix of the past (but further than 2010, specifically 1986) but still really fresh (2017). Unlike the changelings or the kirins for example, one cannot tell how much fans actually wanted them or how much Hasbro wanted to push them. This last line still induces to raise several questions about how they are seen in general.

Allow me to explain the whole thing first because you will see that the word joke holds a pretty special meaning in this case and it´s not the one that they would be frowned upon, not in the recent years at least.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 22:32:20 [Preview] No.6655 del
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I've gotta get so I'll say one thing:
>MLP is in the podium just behind Teen Titans and Avatar.
On fanficion, 31K stories, on Fimfiction the lastest story number is pic related...

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 22:48:06 [Preview] No.6657 del
>On fanficion, 31K stories, on Fimfiction the lastest story number is pic related...
nearly 480.000 stories....

sweet mother of Celestia.

Yeah, about the Guiness World Records thing...perhaps this franchise should sign up and win a medal. Maybe Harry Potter would be the only one to beat this number and take the crown in this department.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 22:56:03 [Preview] No.6658 del
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Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 23:26:31 [Preview] No.6659 del
these threads are what actually make an anniversary memorable and stand out from the rest. What you are seeing here is the actual process about how MLP managed to become so big.

The shitposting over there is savage, chaotic and the number of posts in the stick is overwhelming (more than 2400 posts in 4 hours).

They have allowed on /b/ to post ponies all over again. Literally 2010 all over again but with 10 years of experience. If you see this thread (or an archive of it), it feels like using a time machine all of a sudden. One only needs the "USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST" on top of that and you would have exactly the same ingredients that one would see back in the day.

I´ve got to mention that a crossover with other boards can potentially cause unexpected impacts on outsiders. Remember when /mlpol/ managed to happen in 2017, mods are testing the waters how this goes after so much time without coming back to its original roots (/b/ and /co/)

MLP might have joined a little bit late for 4chan when it comes to oldfag material because it happened in the early 2010s. However, after an entire decade, one cannot deny that the anonymous imageboards wouldn´t be the same without this franchise. Something would be missing if MLP didn´t exist.

I am not claiming that this is oldfag material but relatively speaking, it has managed to impact irreversibly the website. So make no mistake, MLP after all, has its roots on 4chan and to this day, time constantly proves where it actually comes from.

A really beautiful gesture if you ask me. If only Moot appeared just to celebrate this, that would be even more outstanding than all of this.

Let them have fun.

Introduction Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 13:08:14 [Preview] No.6660 del
Okay, so one would ask: why is this thread technically a joke?

It´s certainly hard to explain because in order to answer that, we have to dive into the whole concept and how this species was made so you will realize how much of a mess there were behind their concept and the idea that they have trying to convey over the years.

You see this thread and technically there is nothing wrong that makes it any different from any other general that would pop up here, on /mlp/ or whatever chan you want to open it. Is this a shitpost then? The post that introduces them is not the shitpost but more like the topic itself was meant to imply that meaning, at least for a long period.

We have to swim across the oceans of the past in this case, the ones that started everything in 1986.

Generation 1 (1986) Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 13:29:29 [Preview] No.6661 del
So, this post basically sums up why they are technical shitpost. I mean, look at this:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=iakTl9SZTTY [Embed]

Everyone, literally everyone who has mentioned them or at least, see any material related to them, any fan will reply with the 3 insanely famous words that would make them memorable.

Ladies and gentlecolts, the utter definition of a visual shitpost that would last less than a minute yet it has been stuck in the minds of the fans for so long.

Taken from the special "Firefly´s Adventure" (or Rescue At Midnight Castle) released in 1986, MLP would mark the greatest definition of a toy commercial nature that happened during the 80s. But even on top of that toy comercial nature, not only this species would appear out of nowhere with the spotlight of a minute. The purpose of this little moment right here was the ultimate marketing movement in order to sell a toyline directly at your face.

The reasons why this species is at its core the embodiment of a toy commercial shitpost is that, as Hasbro couldn´t convey the aquatic environment in order to sell more toylines, they called the sea ponies. Like that, they comes from a pun that would barely justify their existence whose purpose was simply to fulfill the bath toys. As if Hasbro didn´t have enough ideas to sell all the cheap merch, they would create them,insert them for a very short amount of time and hit the button of automatized sales, conquering your bathroom.

They look exactly the same between each other, they don´t have limbs and even Megan and AJ felt dumbfounded as soon as they noticed this alien appearance out of nowhere.

So technically, their entire existence was just all that simple. Just create a catchy song that would last a minute and call it a day, we have to sell the merchandising as much as we can.

Don´t believe that these were introduced by trying to make much effort. Unlike for example the villains (Tirek, Grogar or the Smooze), seaponies were basically the fictional embodiment of Hasbro´s orders for selling toys.

However, fans, while revisiting the previous generations, they have found this little gimmick somewhat and memorable. So much that the joke became a meme that would constantly appear in any comment section (Deviantart, Derpibooru, Youtubem social media...). As soon as you saw any underwater stuff that would reference them, you would get flooded with the first line of this song.

The demise until the 4th generation Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 13:54:15 [Preview] No.6662 del
So, you would see them for this special that aired in 1986 and you would never see the seahorse version of it beyond this gimmick.

Easy comes,easy goes. That´s exactly what happened and the short term plan that was applied by Hasbro didn´t get any relevant impact in which they would use them again. In the wiki however, there were mermares that appeared in generation 3.5 but considering that said "gen" isn´t seen in a good light (not even among the hardcore fans who are interested in revisiting the archives dare to talk about this).

Their impact was almost non existent and unless I have the number of sales that occurred in 1984 (in 1986, the special aired on TV, I´ve got to fix this) when it comes to this toyline, this species mattered from almost zero to nothing despite being the pilot special that would introduce this 1st generation.

Do you see any appearances beyond the pilot and very short cameos (The Magic Coins) from this species? Well, I am advancing to you that they were absolute absent in the following decades.

It wasn´t until someone called Lauren Faust would get some inspiration of this gen while creating what would define the 4th generation. Even when she wasn´t around and left the team while producing the 2nd season, you can still see that gen 4 displayed an interest for reviving the 1st generation. Tirek would make his debut in Twilight´s Kingdom (S4 E25-E26) and the Smooze would appear (in a very different manner though) in Make New Friends but Keep Discord (S5 E08)

As for the fans reception, it didn´t go beyond the usual meme really. In fact, you look at the tags of the gen 1 characters and all of them are surpassed by a remagined version of them ,by using Lyra Heartstrings as the biggest icon instead (without any limbs whatsoever).

So there it goes the whole impact that happened throughout the years.That´s their entire legacy that was left and you see at those characters and they don´t even surpass the two digits. Most drawings related to this species have recreations of gen 4 characters applied to the seahors design. Because after all, they eyes and their appearance left a weird impression.

Attempts to revive the species Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 14:13:43 [Preview] No.6663 del
Now, there were plans to introduce them in gen 4, back in the golden years even.

However, ask yourself this question? Do you think that they would have received the gen 4 designs that appeared in 2017?

Technically, when one is talking about the gen 4 designs, that person is correct and anyone would understand that said person would be referring to the designs that made their debut in the 2017 movie. Just that... it´s not 100% correct. Gen 4 displayed several attempts that would come in several formats.

Namely two formats:

-Under the Sparkling Sea in 2013, a visual book whose story consists in the mane 6 visiting Aquastria and their designs would resemble more the body that appeared in gen 1
- IDW comics.Issues #3 and #13-14. For issue #3, you would get the hippocampus design (that is to say, they would add here the limbs: fish tails and front hooves) and for #13-#14, they would revive the gen 1 design with the artsyle of gen 4. As the cover suggest, they would translate quite well into the gen 4 universe.

However, this species is the closest thing as requesting an artist to draw anthro ponies: how do you draw their bodies? What are the characteristics that everyone should draw and thus, reach a consensus on how their design should be the standard for everybody?

Because of this, the development and attempts to revive them have turned out to be inconsistent and there were failed attempts. There was a small amount of interest in order to bring them back again but they weren´t a priority. In fact, because of this, the word merpony (mer is sea in French) would exist and thus, you would distinguish the seahorse design of gen 1 from the hippocampus design that could have been portrayed in gen 4. However, there is also a tricky question over here, unlike the seahorse design, you wouldn´t have any reference in order to draw merponies and you will see fan content in which they appear with hind hooves and the design of their tails could be quite diverse.

So, while there were attempts and plans to bring them back, they weren´t a priority nor Hasbro would see them interesting enough in order to give them another try.

However, there could have been a turning point in which they would change their decision for creating them. Ironically enough, seaponies didn´t appear in the show first or at least, not animated until 2017. There was a design that would appear before them and we have to go to Equestria Girls.

The Dazzlings (2014) Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 14:25:34 [Preview] No.6664 del
Here it comes the biggest plot twist that could have changed their ideas.

While Rainbow Rocks didn´t appear beyond a few theaters in the US, one cannot deny that the sequel of Equestria Girls would get a much better reception than the original. Mostly because of the redemption of Sunset Shimmer, which would forge the path of reformation of other characters later on Friendship is Magic.

However, there were apparently three new human characters that would come as the villains: the Dazzlings.
What made Rainbow Rocks more successful among the fanbase were the songs that Daniel Ingram composed, the redemption of Sunset and these villains right here. Both Adagio, Sonata and Aria would shine by singing songs that would corrupt other people and thus, cause disorder, chaos and conflicts. Beautifully sung and appealing but genuinely a cold headed move from their part.

Turns out that in the end, they would reveal their actual bodies and thus, you can tell that their amulets hold Equestrian magic, mixing even more the dynamic that fans were used to seeing in Friendship is Magic.

If one reads the wiki, Hasbro didn´t have plans for seaponies despite acknowledging the mermares from the 2013 visual book. However, given that EQG would soar with this 2nd movie and gain a lot of popularity within the community, testing the waters that EQG could offer even more than a one time special, one of the reasons why it shone were the sirens. In fact, you look at their songs and the number of reproductions of Under Our Spell among other reach millions, becoming even as popular (or even more) than This Day Aria.

This would pay off with Shadow Play in season 7 (episodes 25-26) and the Legends of Magic arc, where you can see that Starswirl banished them from the magical land, justifying in hindsight their existence.

But the designs were there. They would look close enough to the hippocampus design and perhaps, this could be the turning point for considering a production with the aquatic species.

Pre movie designs (MLP the movie art) Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 14:44:05 [Preview] No.6665 del
Even if we discarded all the previous comics and the visual book that were released before 2017, one would still be incorrect because the gen 4 designs didn´t exactly look like the ones that ended up appearing in the final product.

First of all, we have to consider that around 2015 , there would be plans for a movie unrelated to EQG, so this means that there were at least two years behind the development of such production. It ended up being distributed by Lionsgate. I am mentioning this detail, not because it is superfluous, because the MLP The Movie (2017) could have been distributed by Sony. I don´t have the emails that Meghan McCarthy sent to the Japanese company but the seapony word appeared in between the paragraphs and one of the reasons that could have prevented this offer was that the Sony employee asked what the word alicorn meant.

So, avoiding a very serious bullet, the production was already happening while they were finding another distributor (Lionsgate), and this implies that there were several concepts.
For example, Tempest was going to be called Cosmos at first. Look at that leftover name now because it would be later be used for the red draconequus that would end up in an IDW arc.
Same applies to this species. The characters that would define the design first would be both Queen Novo and Skystar. After those two, the rest of the species would follow their body type. Supposedly, the movie was going to have more action, saving Equestria because of them, but that would end up being discarded so the mane 6 would save the world instead (with more violence by the way, this decision could have changed the age ratings)

And you look at their concept art, both in the hippogriff and seapony form, and you can tell a few differences, especially in their mouths and the colors. They still had the body type defined though: the fish tails, the front hooves with fins, the small bioluminescent light and the dorsal fins (applied to the cutie marks of the mane 6) would stay the same in the final design. Just that they looked too alien and thus, the art department had to change the perspective and suit them more for this universe. Otherwise, we would have ended up with an even more exotic orthodox design that only the changedlings could reach at the time.

Previews, subtle references and final release Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 15:03:20 [Preview] No.6666 del
Not only the plot changed, the concept of that new place also changed. Seaquestria, while exotic, was meant to be a prison and not the main hub for this civilization where they would hide from the Storm King.

So, after all these changes in design, concept and lore, you would get a slice of it with a russian poster that said "A new world". This means that there was a part of the map of Equestria that was yet undefined: the South. After the movie, the world managed to reach its completion except for a few locations that would appear in seasons 8 and 9.

As soon as Skystar reveals herself, she introduces their species with a small backstory. Now, here is an important question: canonically, hippogriff banished themselves from the land (Mt. Aris) and they would live in Seaquestria as a second home in order to survive by using just a pearl. The lore is pretty simple: use a necklace or the orb in order to change both earthly and aquatic bodies, therefore, they would gain a lot of versatility. No dirty tricks nor any complex explanations. Just as simple as activating the magical rays in order to cause the transformation. Just think for a second that they were banished because of the King but...

wouldn´t that be an allegory as well that they disappeared from the franchise for three entire decades? If they were seen as a myth in the universe, it´s because they managed to exist but there weren´t any serious plans to go further and put them on the table. So, that story which Skystar introduces could be perfectly understood as a meta reference of Hasbro saying to the viewer that they weren´t taken into account until his production.

Either way, the Russian poster delivered a preview of Skystar swimming with Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Her design was still a beta one because her mouth didn´t get the form a beak, it ended up being rounder than that but her colors were exactly what one would see in the actual movie.

All doubts about their designs were cleared up as soon as they announced the voice cast, with a couple of vectors. Furthermore, the throne room would be perfectly displayed in Spring of 2017. All the previous concepts ended up being friendlier,welcoming and one of the last species that would be introduced in this 4th generation. Very late to the party, but I ask this:

would their designs end up being the same ones that we have received if the movie was released earlier (for example 2013, when the fanbase was still explosive and MLP was seen as a fad)?

I let that question sink in...

Reception Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 15:26:31 [Preview] No.6667 del
The movie was released and it grossed around 60 million (61.3 to be precise) and well, considering that MLP didn´t appear in the big screens since the 1980s, this is a huge feat.

Nonetheless, would this production make all these characters popular? Not exactly. In fact, teyo were introduced pretty late in order to cause an influence among the fanbase. Many new characters were introduced at once, with a pretty fast pace and not much time was left for them to shine on their own.

So, considering the short amount of time and the speculations that were around this movie, while many enjoyed this movie and saw them several times at the cinemas, it didn´t cause that huge legacy...mostly because the fad was over.

Sure, Silverstream would be integrated as one of the students in the next two seasons but unlike the kirins, this species wasn´t new. There were several factors why they haven´t managed to impact all that much:

-The fanbase had shrunk since 2016 and the hope for the movie trying to reunite the old fans was not a successful attempt
- The lack of promotion coming from Hasbro, relying too much on the word of mouth
- The short amount of time for the new characters. Only Tempest managed to domain the popularity polls and thus, ended up being the fan favorite of the bunch.
-This species was fresh but still old. People were used to seeing seaponies, just not in this form. So technically, you are seeing the same old same but with a new perspective. So they weren´t all that exciting because the fans were already familiar with the seaponies despite not seeing them before in the show.

And the trickiest question of all of them:

Were they actually fanservice or just another marketing plan coming from Hasbro? While this time around, the toys were properly designed and not just as bath toys, were fans actually all that prepared/willing to get this new version?

I am mostly asking this because while the amount of weirdness that they caused in the past, the confusing terms and designs while fans were trying to draw them and the fact that the MLP fad was gone by the time the movie was released...were we all that passionate beyond typing the meme lines in the comments?

Perhaps the change from a meme perspective to a more serious perspective, integrating them into the world so late could clash and even reshape the ideas of certain people. So, in the end, they have ended up being in the land of nowhere.

While they received a positive reaction, it didn´t impress all that much nor managed to cause any big legacy. Sure, the impact is bigger this time around but they are quite niche and still, one doesn´t exactly know where to put them. They are meant for secondary material but even griffons, changelings or even the completely new kirins would induce more passion coming from the fans.

Part of Equestria, official entry Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 15:44:27 [Preview] No.6668 del
The greatest relief out of this production though is that they finally put to an end the uncertainties related to their designs and integrating them into the land of Equestria, just from the very start of season 8 (School Daze).

By appearing a few times more as hippogriffs most of the time, they would become established instantly, clearing up all the doubts for any further production related to them. Even IDW, as they were becoming loyal to the show around 2016-17 (not sure in which issue they started to set their stories closer to FIM standards), they got rid of the previous designs and displayed two images of Novo both as a hippogriff and as a seapony with the 2017 body this time around. This appearance stated that said transformation could happen literally anywhere without making any effort. So, they displayed the exact same process with Silverstream in School Daze.

The new locations wouldn´t appear until the 6th episode and the entire species wouldn´t act again until the finale.

So perhaps, the biggest advantage that they´ve got here is that standardization of their weirdness and exoticism to a more normalized version that would pop up with more often. This complicated process proves how the concept was floating in limbo for so many years that one wonders if Hasbro used them as a last resort in order to not run out of idea for a new toyline for the movie. Well, this time around, those toys weren´t intended for the bathroom but still, the delay of their debut in this gen proves that they weren´t taken as a priority at first.

Same for the fans. They were interested in seeing the content related to them, by replying over and over the comment but keep in mind, the community took them as a gag that would end up being really popular, so much that the species would gain some spotlight, but still a gag after all. Nobody intended to reach that far nor take them seriously.

Conclusion and final thoughts. Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 16:09:51 [Preview] No.6669 del
SO, 2017 ended up being the year zero for them except that they had set a precedent.

Just that said past IS NOT the one that a FiM fan is nostalgic for. Their creation happened in 1984-86 and 31-33 years later, they would take the next step accordingly with the 4th gen standards.

So technically, while this species has lasted waaaaay longer than for example, the changelings or the kirins, despite appearing in a special and in the big screen (which is quite substantial if you ask me), they haven´t taken off all that well. Sure, they were seen as a highlight and delivered a fun moment in the movie with the song, just that perhaps the circumstances around the release didn´t accompany a greater legacy than it actually delivered to the community (or even remotely in pop culture).

So I end up stating the same conclusion: this thread is a joke.

Not because of how the thread itself is presented but how the content focused on it has been taken as such from the very beginning,both from the company and from the fans. One cannot tell how much of a fanservice wish they were for the community nor how much Hasbro was interested in using them for their toylines. I cannot distinguish the percentages of this approach.

They come from the past BUT it´s not the past that a FiM fan would cherish nor be nostalgic for in this 10th anniversary (because remember, their reintroduction happened in October 2017). If anything, this species comes the closest to the evolution of MLP throughout these 4 generations. Taken as a laughing stock at first and then, when there is more effort put into them, one doesn´t know how to react and one is left stunned/confused.

The thread focuses on a joke that was made 3 decades ago and a variation of the original. But the roots of said joke are still the same, it´s like trying to make a meme earn something meaningful and a context out of a dust particle. While they are older than many other creatures that would appear later in this franchise, their only relevant lifetime has only consisted in these 3 last years. Perhaps now in 2020, it´s the best time to post them. Sure, there is more content and plenty of art has been featured on EQD...

...but they are still niche. Because despite being popular with that gag, they didn´t have anything solid settled in order to inspire the community nor offer anything serious to the franchise.

So,there it is. Their backstory and the explanation of that statement.

Anon 10/12/2020 (Mon) 22:36:35 [Preview] No.6670 del
okay, I am going to check and revise a little bit a few mistakes I have typed throughout this commentary. I was anticipating myself and trying to come up with the narrative without checking it in a careful manner. Anyway, I could fix more typos but I am compiling the ones that would change the most:

>so you will realize how much of a mess there were behind their concept and the idea that they have trying to convey over the years.
so you will realize how messy they were because of the concept and the idea that they have been trying to convey over the years*.

>in order to sell more toylines, they called the sea ponies.
in order to sell another toy line, they would use the actual seahorse form and call them seaponies instead. *

>while revisiting the previous generations, they have found this little gimmick somewhat and memorable
while the community has been revisiting in those early years the previous generations, they decided to check out this 1984 special and this gimmicky short moment sticking with the minds of the fans somehow*

>Because after all, they eyes and their appearance left a weird impression.
In the end, they left a weird impression because of their odd appearance, especially their eyes.*

>I am mentioning this detail, not because it is superfluous, because the MLP The Movie (2017) could have been distributed by Sony.
I am pointing out this little detail because while it seems superfluous to mention this, the 2017 movie could have been distributed by Sony.*

>the biggest advantage that they´ve got here is that standardization of their weirdness and exoticism to a more normalized version that would pop up with more often.
the biggest advantage of this project was that their weird exoticism went through an instantaneous transition with a view to normalize the species as a whole. As a result, they would appear more often in future MLP material without causing neither any shock nor strange impressions.*

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 05:46:45 [Preview] No.6671 del
(4.58 MB 3000x2000 griffun.png)
> this thread is a joke.

Hippogryphs are the result of breeding gryphons to horses, and the fish of the sea have jack-all to do with any of that.

MLP-movie hippogryphs are an abomination and an embarrassement to far exceed sparkly-coated batponies, if you get my drift.

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 05:48:01 [Preview] No.6672 del
(104.78 KB 800x656 MaksHppogrff.jpg)
(234.89 KB 1222x1280 cervigriff.jpg)
with the rest of the images and slighly more spoilers, but no less vitriol

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 05:57:14 [Preview] No.6673 del
(107.79 KB 1280x854 EnclvDiplm.jpg)
Where I started down this path of "how do hippogryphs get made" and how it overlaps with seaponies, is in FoE_Proj-Horizons.
Security is incapacitated, and comes-to in a bathtub of sorts. Twin mare seaponies, converted into twins, and seaponies, at the same time, via Killing Joke curse, introduce themselves to the security mare in the worst possible way -- and almost get blown away. Except Go Fish is experiencing magical exhaustion, and can't put holes in their skulls before they apologize for their lack of diplomacy and indroduce themselves properly.
...but hang me if I could find a picture of those twins ANYWHERE.

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 07:15:17 [Preview] No.6675 del
(1.65 MB 2633x2508 1072775.png)
I think this explains things very well, in particular >>6667 Though it could use a revision or two.

-The fanbase had shrunk since 2016 and the hope for the movie trying to reunite the old fans was not a successful attempt
- The lack of promotion coming from Hasbro, relying too much on the word of mouth
- The short amount of time for the new characters. Only Tempest managed to domain the popularity polls and thus, ended up being the fan favorite of the bunch.
-This species was fresh but still old. People were used to seeing seaponies, just not in this form. So technically, you are seeing the same old same but with a new perspective. So they weren´t all that exciting because the fans were already familiar with the seaponies despite not seeing them before in the show. '''

This is really good at sumerising what is a pretty complex situation where you providved a lot of background context. Almost feels like the Seaponies had just the right things going on to "fail". Though that is too strong of a word.

More like decaffeinated. They are not failures but they is a lack of enthusiasm for all the reasons you stated. Mediocre doesn't fit for they still are well designed and that is reflected in the fact that they get an above reasonable amount of fan art but little in the way of focus from the fanbase.

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 07:16:40 [Preview] No.6676 del
>If one reads the wiki, Hasbro didn´t have plans for seaponies despite acknowledging the mermares from the 2013 visual book. However, given that EQG would soar with this 2nd movie and gain a lot of popularity within the community, testing the waters that EQG could offer even more than a one time special, one of the reasons why it shone were the sirens. In fact, you look at their songs and the number of reproductions of Under Our Spell among other reach millions, becoming even as popular (or even more) than This Day Aria.
It was the first video to reach 100 million views that was "MLP" related. I think that isn't an unreasonable theory to have. Though I argue a lot of that is from outside the core Friendship is Magic fandom (though the lines between target demo and brony become blurred for ones who grew into it). That probably enhances your point, tweens = dollar signs to hasbro.

>Not only the plot changed, the concept of that new place also changed. Seaquestria, while exotic, was meant to be a prison and not the main hub for this civilization where they would hide from the Storm King.
Wait what? Are you telling me that it was: https://biosector01.com/wiki/The_Pit

>wouldn´t that be an allegory as well that they disappeared from the franchise for three entire decades? If they were seen as a myth in the universe, it´s because they managed to exist but there weren´t any serious plans to go further and put them on the table. So, that story which Skystar introduces could be perfectly understood as a meta reference of Hasbro saying to the viewer that they weren´t taken into account until his production.
There absence possibly being a major influence on things is lightly funny itself.

>would their designs end up being the same ones that we have received if the movie was released earlier (for example 2013, when the fanbase was still explosive and MLP was seen as a fad)?
No. Because a different meta context would exist.

>using Lyra Heartstrings as the biggest icon instead (without any limbs whatsoever).
Seapony Lyra maybe my fav meme of hers, Though its tough

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 07:26:58 [Preview] No.6677 del
(3.00 MB 7578x2255 987023.png)
>MLP-movie hippogryphs are an abomination and an embarrassement to far exceed sparkly-coated batponies
Embarrassement as Hippogryphs or as Seaponies in general?

I am unfamiliar with Project Horizons but I may have found some vector art of them at least. These two on the left in the bathtube?

Found on Twibooru when looking under the Project Harisons tag.

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 07:39:28 [Preview] No.6678 del
(1.39 MB 2000x553 halloweenbanner.png)
>for now, this transition could be interesting to keep track because MLP, while having several generations on its track record, this transition to gen 5 is actually the first one in which there is a dedicated community and has cultural prominence.
A community did exist before, mainly around toys. How prominent and their relationship to ours I really need to explore as I've heard a lot of conflicting info. Including one guy once claiming that the term "brony" existed and expressing anger at the fandom stealing the term (this was on a random website years ago and I haven't be able to find it). All and all, though with the size and scope of our fandom it'll be very interesting to watch.

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 21:14:39 [Preview] No.6680 del
(44.88 KB 1280x960 PiscesZodiac.jpg)
(41.94 KB 800x766 ShowAccur.jpg)
(227.32 KB 946x1024 SilverQuill.png)
>These two on the left in the bathtube

Must be. Seems the pink one is Pisces, not sure about the green one; but they're of the Zodiac clan, one of the "factions" to use Fallout-NV terminology, that the main-char has to deal with at various times.

>Embarrassement as Hippogryphs or as Seaponies
Hippogryphs primarily, because they look so extremely thin and delicate, where they should be more robust and durable than their griffon cousins.
Also, while I don't exactly mind that the seaponies of gen-4 look more like tropical fish than manatees, it emphasizes the delicate nature of this race, which feels a bit off. And of course, Gen-4 doesn't have seaponies, because those are hippogryphs whose queen has control of a shape-shifting artifact, and in keeping with their delicate natures, decided to hide where they couldn't easily be found rather than any variation of standing their ground, which also goes against the common lore of "normal" hippogryphs. Their beaks are so small as to render the faces to be normal horse muzzles.

Contrast these with Silver Quill, a show reviewer who created a hippogriff OC before there officially was such a thing, and it's certainly keeping with how such creatures should, in my mind and that of a number of fan-artists, always have looked like.

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 22:12:32 [Preview] No.6681 del
just because we arrive at the same conclusion...doesn´t mean that the approach is equal. I mean, this reminds of solving a math problem. You get that the solution is actually X=5 but just because two students get the same result doesn´t mean that the process behind said number was done in the way that one would expect.

Although you expose a pretty good point that I have to point out and I forgot while I was writing my commentary and explains partly why they ended up not convincing all the people who could have potentially like them.That legitimate point in particular is:

>while I don't exactly mind that the seaponies of gen-4 look more like tropical fish than manatees, it emphasizes the delicate nature of this race, which feels a bit off. And of course, Gen-4 doesn't have seaponies, because those are hippogryphs whose queen has control of a shape-shifting artifact, and in keeping with their delicate natures, decided to hide where they couldn't easily be found rather than any variation of standing their ground, which also goes against the common lore of "normal" hippogryphs. Their beaks are so small as to render the faces to be normal horse muzzles.
the puritanism. Pretty much, this entire paragraph serves as a perfect example just to prove that a discussion about "gen 4 seaponies are not actual seaponies" and also conclude that they should be a purely aquatic species. Mixing both has added them more versatility in order to move around all the environments Equestria (avoiding forced moments and/or plot devices) but also implies this problem that shifting their bodies because of a device raises the argument that the seaponies of this gen don´t actually belong to the sea 100%.

Although the difference for the hippogriffs here, unlike the previous ones, you cannot compare them in terms of purity (at least , coming from the designs of the company). Seaponies did appear before while hippogriffs were designed for the first time ever in this franchise. I would be venturing into muddy waters by taking as a reference how hippgriffs should have looked by taking fan material as a standard.

So, they´ve got their peculiar "Twilicorn" debate in terms of purity and this could convey the sense to the fan that this species doesn´t represent loyally neither hippogriffs nor seaponies because of their hybrid way of living.


Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 22:43:00 [Preview] No.6682 del
>Gen-4 doesn't have seaponies, because those are hippogryphs whose queen has control of a shape-shifting artifact,
except claiming this bold statements does raise other problems.

Partially, you are right that the conversion can perfectly be activated with the necklace for any of them (this applies to anyone in general who uses the artifact) and they are capable to do so. In fact, as soon as they got rid of the Storm King, they returned to Mt.Aris, their actual home where they had been living before the attack. So this means that their actual nature is the land part and they only escaped to water as an emergency, impersonating the word of the seahorses to themselves over time.

On the other hand, what do you have to say to those that didn´t return by choice? Then, things don´t look so black and white because some of them got so used to that routine that it would feel alien to them to go back to their roots. Despite having the artifact completely at their disposal for anything, wouldn´t you classify them as non seaponies because they don´t live in the exact same routine in comparison with those who live in the mount (not to mention that some of them were being raised during the exile)? In this case, you would put your neck on the line with your no gen 4 seaponies statement.

By the way, the show could have exploited this question of an intrusive species occupying lands in which they do not belong. That would have been a neat plot device. I am not sure if this was planned out there...I´ll have to check it out.

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 23:24:33 [Preview] No.6683 del
> Almost feels like the Seaponies had just the right things going on to "fail". Though that is too strong of a word.
>More like decaffeinated. They are not failures but they is a lack of enthusiasm for all the reasons you stated. Mediocre doesn't fit for they still are well designed and that is reflected in the fact that they get an above reasonable amount of fan art but little in the way of focus from the fanbase.
exactly. If you look at the concept art and the ideas they had in mind with them, you will notice that they took their time to reintroduce them with these two locations. You can come up with lots of adjectives to describe them but I seriously doubt that a fan would say that they look generic or uninspired. So far, I haven´t encountered any comment that mentions them like that but praise towards their designs.

In fact, pic related has been featured today on EQD (by the way, I will digress that Novo certainly shares that aura that you would get from Celestia. Not pretty often though because she is sassy and doesn´t display a happy face for the most part (more like a careless one), but you would ask yourself if she is a close relative or the sun princess) and all I see is praise. So, the effort behind their creation was made and if they have earned that niche so late in the game, it means that the team did something right.

Just that the circumstances didn´t help and Hasbro didn´t do much afterwards. So, I would say that their state kind of falls in a halfway point. They have delivered the most complicated part of reintroducing them (the process of normalization) but they have failed to connect them with any official material that would be stuck with the minds of the fans. I mentioned earlier that Rainbow Rocks would do the job for giving EQG a new opportunity to a spin off that was lackluster or pointless before its release, so something like that sequel is what one would need in order to earn a very serious impact within the community.

Anon 10/14/2020 (Wed) 00:09:31 [Preview] No.6684 del
>It was the first video to reach 100 million views that was "MLP" related. I think that isn't an unreasonable theory to have. Though I argue a lot of that is from outside the core Friendship is Magic fandom (though the lines between target demo and brony become blurred for ones who grew into it). That probably enhances your point, tweens = dollar signs to hasbro.
why do you think that I have dwelt so much on the economic perspective? It doesn´t sound unreasonable because if you take into account the purpose of the original seaponies in this post >>6661, one shouldn´t be surprised how much Hasbro is guided by the big rivers of money. As long as the Uncle Sam bills come at them, they won´t care all that much where that money comes from. Sure, they could make a few studies in order to optimize their strategies but I highly doubt that they care about keeping in mind any specific audience other than the kids.

This species was literally the embodiment of bringing those billets. So each time that you would see them, in theory, they correspond with money. However, that trend was broken in this gen after the movie because no toys were made related to them for the last two seasons. Each appearance, beyond the movie itself, wouldn´t imply money taken directly from them. As a consequence, they would receive the same treatment as any other species when it comes to the toys, diminishing more their toy commercial plans and aiming more at earning a fictional purpose within the universe.

>Wait what? Are you telling me that it was: https://biosector01.com/wiki/The_Pit
Partially you could associate Seaquestria with the prison built in Mata Nui. Just that the MLP "prison" would show a much nicer design to look at instead of displaying a landscape full of wreckage. The Pit has no population though while Seaquestria does. The village is still there and while the access was more limited at first, you would still get the friendly environment. Just that they haven´t actually shown that prison beneath the desert. >>6665 Although seeing the prison itself, it manages to reach the surface for some reason (I wonder if they would have imprisoned someone from Kluge Town without visiting Mt. Aris). The prison, as far I as I know, doesn´t seem to have any concept art beyond that image (I am implying here, correct me if I am wrong)

I would see more fitting to correlate The Pit with the Tartarus though (mostly because of the unfriendly bleak environment) but you could perfectly set a dark headcanon trying to come up with the reasons why the Seaquestrian prison wasn´t shown in the final product.

>No. Because a different meta context would exist.
that´s the same answer that I would say. No way they would look like this if this movie was released in 2013, not to mention that the process behind its production would have gone through a very different perspective and context in general.

>Seapony Lyra maybe my fav meme of hers, Though its tough
I thought that the meme of Lyra likes humans was the absolute fan favorite for the whole community?

Anon 10/14/2020 (Wed) 08:16:45 [Preview] No.6685 del
i lik seapony


hippogryphs look okay but you hav a point

enco means nothing without "e"

Anon 10/15/2020 (Thu) 00:45:53 [Preview] No.6686 del
>enco means nothing without "e"

also, I wish Skystar were the only one at having no idea at what she´s doing...

Anon 10/15/2020 (Thu) 23:41:06 [Preview] No.6688 del
>Wait what? Are you telling me that it was: https://biosector01.com/wiki/The_Pit

I am reading the Bionicle page again and I feel mixed at what I should consider for comparing the movie´s one with The Pit.
Technically The Pit fits when it is used as a jail, but the dome shouldn´t have been broken, while the seaquestrian one doesn´t stay drained at all (in theory, for some reason the concept image >>6665 shows that the prison reaches the surface at the top of it)
Not to mention that I have read that Fluttershy would manage to escape because of a fish that was passing by, so it´s easier to break jail here while Hydraxon manages to recapture the escapees who fled from the Pit.

I would still claim that The Pit has more similarities with the distant Tartarus than the concepts used for Seaquestria, mostly because of placement (the prison is next to the seapony village). Furthermore, the Pit sounds more severe because it´s the order of Mata Nui who monitors said prison and no way the movie would have made such a huge deal with Seaquestria´s with just Novo alone.

If one had to compare the order, it would match with the monitoring of both Celestia and Luna, therefore, the Tartarus would seem more appropriate here.

Anon 10/15/2020 (Thu) 23:45:14 [Preview] No.6689 del
>Hippogryphs primarily, because they look so extremely thin and delicate, where they should be more robust and durable than their griffon cousins.
I don't think their design is bad, in fact in the hands of the right artist look rather elegant, but I can understand the nature of this criticism. We've seen other creatures translated to pony with far more of their mythical features preserved and them being hybrids would open up a lot of possibilities plot wise.

Speaking on Hippogryphs, it is from my understanding that they are relatively new creation compared:
>Hippogriff, a legendary animal that has the foreparts of a winged griffin and the body and hindquarters of a horse. The creature was invented by Ludovico Ariosto in his Orlando furioso and was based on a proverbial phrase about crossing a griffin with a horse that was used to signify an impossibility or incongruity.

Random side note: Derpi's tagging on the topic confuses me. They have a Hippogriff and a "classical Hippogriff" but with the discription stating they are their own species. Yet, aren't classical ones a hybrid? More confusing is that they have both a G4 Hippogriff and the very OC you cite as examples of classical Hippogriff so I don't understand what the differentiator is here.

>but they're of the Zodiac clan, one of the "factions" to use Fallout-NV terminology, that the main-char has to deal with at various times.
Definately them:
>Hoofington’s favorite clan of assassins, the Zodiacs.

Anon 10/15/2020 (Thu) 23:58:16 [Preview] No.6690 del
(73.94 KB 824x1249 92305.png)
(765.40 KB 1280x3298 1345518431118.png)
>Just that the circumstances didn´t help and Hasbro didn´t do much afterwards. So, I would say that their state kind of falls in a halfway point. They have delivered the most complicated part of reintroducing them (the process of normalization) but they have failed to connect them with any official material that would be stuck with the minds of the fans. I mentioned earlier that Rainbow Rocks would do the job for giving EQG a new opportunity to a spin off that was lackluster or pointless before its release, so something like that sequel is what one would need in order to earn a very serious impact within the community.
In an earlier time they would've been used simply because: new stuff. Look at this color guide that even includes the jelly pony for example. Now though they would have to stick out or someone in the fandom coming up with a meme with them and it spreading. I wonder if a sequel on its own would've done it if they were still merely a element within a wider, somewhat clustered class?

>In fact, pic related has been featured today on EQD and all I see is praise.
But is EQD a low bar though unlike /mlp/ will tell you, they do have fights over stuff just like the rest of us...

>i lik seapony
good for you!

>hippogryphs look okay but you hav a point
Basically my point

>enco means nothing without "e"

Anon 10/16/2020 (Fri) 03:21:58 [Preview] No.6691 del
(132.27 KB 1920x896 2391455.jpg)
>I would still claim that The Pit has more similarities with the distant Tartarus than the concepts used for Seaquestria,

>But is EQD a low bar
Meant to say, But EQD is a low bar.

Anon 10/16/2020 (Fri) 22:16:47 [Preview] No.6696 del
>But is EQD a low bar
okay okay, we all know why EQD shouldn´t be taken that seriously. The bar is quite low because Seth didn´t go to bed and we told him several times to do so. He should have just listened.

>they do have fights over stuff just like the rest of us...
their fights look tame in comparison with the one that has happened this year so the bar is low (relatively speaking) even in this department.

Anon 10/16/2020 (Fri) 22:30:11 [Preview] No.6697 del
Now seriously, how do we measure the praise/popularity of an image then?
The standard method that I can find which provides a reference/idea about how an image has performed is by using the method of reviews and ratings that shops and music sites deliver.
That is to say, you compare how the image has performed according to what the artist has drawn in the past and compare it to the previous works in terms of score. Applying this method requires to check the biggest websites in which there are plenty of votes so you can get a more reliable sample than you would get in other sites with fewer votes.

Basically, what one would do here is by just clicking on the artist´s tag, set the descending order according to the score and check how well received the image has been in comparison with the previous images of that same artist (just like you would do with the discography of any band in a music site).

Despite delivering more information, there are several problems that make this analysis pretty skewed:

-Most fans would use a booru (Philomena or Booru On Rails. Rarely ever I would see a user comparing ratings with the Danbooru system when it comes to MLP) . In this case, Derpibooru is the one that holds the biggest amount of votes that could give you a very clear idea about the performance of said images.
- Nonetheless, just by seeing the score of this booru DOES NOT provide the information that you would get from Deviantart or Twitter. This means that if you want to achieve a more plausible reference point about the output of any image, you also have to check the source links (implying that those have a good amount of likes/favorites)
-The division of the boorus has caused that the future images get less ratings (spreading the vote and thus, making said comparison even less realistic)
- The artist might have drawn certain pictures in the past that could receive a much higher rating if said artist had a high profile in the first place (or uploaded the content when there were fewer users checking that site). This implies a few deviations in which previous images might not have a fair score for establishing the comparison because of diverse circumstances
- Boorus deliver the scores but unlike Furaffinity/E621, they don´t display neither the number of downloads nor the number of visits.

Even by following this method of comparing among the works of an artist, it already carries a few problems on its own. Nonetheless, despite taking into account these deviations, relying on the numbers provides a much greater amount of information in comparison with the selection that comes from the EQD team.

Anon 10/16/2020 (Fri) 22:48:41 [Preview] No.6698 del
>In an earlier time they would've been used simply because: new stuff.
I mentioned here >>6668 that Hasbro might have had them in mind to use them as a last resort. Even if they appeared in an earlier time, they would become the maximum peak of a species meant for toys. So even if they brought new stuff by introducing them....heh, you might complain about Cadence or Flurry Heart (for example) but this species proves how far (and cheap) Hasbro is willing to go when it comes to selling toys because their actual origins were the bath toys sales and call it a day.

Would they have performed better if they were released in 2012/13? Sure but if that were the case, there would be quite a few complaints of Hasbro selling their souls to the Devil just for selling an entire species just for a few bills more.

>Now though they would have to stick out or someone in the fandom coming up with a meme with them and it spreading.
quite difficult honestly. Considering that the fanbase is quite stuck in the first years, I cannot imagine any meme that would arise after the 5th season. Time will prove me wrong or not.

>I wonder if a sequel on its own would've done it if they were still merely a element within a wider, somewhat clustered class?
there were plans for a sequel with the Toon Boom animation...

...just that the movie didn´t perform all that well according to their expectations. As a consequence, they decided to use the same tools for another production that didn´t reach the movie theaters and had a more limited budget with little to zero marketing: Rainbow Roadtrip.

Anon 10/16/2020 (Fri) 23:21:26 [Preview] No.6699 del
>Random side note: Derpi's tagging on the topic confuses me. They have a Hippogriff and a "classical Hippogriff" but with the discription stating they are their own species. Yet, aren't classical ones a hybrid? More confusing is that they have both a G4 Hippogriff and the very OC you cite as examples of classical Hippogriff so I don't understand what the differentiator is here.

well, that´s more or less less what happens with the seapony species as well. At least, not on the boorus, because the (g4) tag differentiates them from the original ones and they put very clearly that the ones from the 1st gen lack the limbs and the fish tail.A little bit trickier when you have to distinguish them from the merponies but at least, they are different words. You can assume that the sea pony without any parenthesis are the ones who resemble the actual seahorse design and the (g4) ones are the hippocampus version.

The problem emerges as soon as you leave the boorus and you happen to browse other places such as E621, Deviantart, Furaffinity....where they don´t provide such distinction. While they avoid (for the most part) the merpony overlap, they don´t attach the (g4) distinction so you end up coming across pictures of both gens in an indifferent manner.

So, don´t believe that such problems with the tags are limited to the hippogriffs. I have also seen the unicorn and classical unicorn tags popping out there as well.

Although the horse-bird hybrids do have a weirder tag system for distinguishing them between classical (g4) and normal hippogriffs. While it´s understandable that the 4th gen has turned out to be the first generation to introduce the hippogriffs, I wonder who might have been the mastermind behind that split.

Anon 10/19/2020 (Mon) 23:28:02 [Preview] No.6704 del

Anon 10/19/2020 (Mon) 23:30:36 [Preview] No.6705 del
What could have happened between these two is up to the fan,really.

Although the ship hasn't aged all that well,honestly

Anon 10/20/2020 (Tue) 09:38:29 [Preview] No.6708 del
I don't know what the standard is on /endpone/ but I know that on /mlp/ it's
>Equestria Daily is causal fans that are hasdrones
>Derpi is a hostile circlejerk
>Fimfic... actually I don't know what the standard dismissal for Fimfic is.
You have to look at it all together if you want a true sense and yes, EQD is part of that I don't like bashing even them
Even if I can't stand seth

Anon 10/20/2020 (Tue) 23:41:19 [Preview] No.6711 del
it´s not about that. Just that Pinkie ended up with Cheese Sandwich in the finale. That´s why I have said that this ship (and basically any other one) didn´t age well. It had a lifetime of two years before the show would establish the pairing with the ponified version of Weird Al.

Anon 10/21/2020 (Wed) 00:01:41 [Preview] No.6712 del
>>6696 (you)
>I don't know what the standard is on /endpone/
speaking for myself, I simply check EQD for a minute just to see if there is anything interesting to report and the drawfriend compilation so I can get a sample of what I could find in the boorus before venturing into them (or check if EQD has selected its picks properly according to what I would see before the gallery)

EQD is indeed the casual zone that everyone knows but only the most surface level fans would stick with for the ride. It serves as a source of news and offers very casual circles that don´t demand very much in comparison with other fan sites. Just don´t expect any hardcore nor very challenging views over there.

Its infamy however, comes from Seth...and I don´t think that we have to talk about him because well...it´s Seth. Everything has been said about him at this point.

About Derpibooru, the hostile circlejerk is a quite fitting description if you ask me. I would say that the staff, especially TSP and other 4 members more around him, behave like despots and I have seen authoritarian regimes with more freedom and consistency in its system than Derpibooru.

After finding so many contradictions in their replies, changing constantly just to get ahead and forget about their mistakes, I just ended up being exhausted of politics. If I have decided to come back here, it´s because I find myself tired of keeping track of that mess.

As for Fimfiction, I honestly don´t have a clue nor a solid reference to hold any opinion towards it. It´s so spread and varied within its inner groups that I cannot define the line in a precise manner.

Anon 10/22/2020 (Thu) 10:31:09 [Preview] No.6716 del
(227.41 KB 1963x2048 2421602.jpg)
>EQD is indeed the casual zone that everyone knows but only the most surface level fans would stick with for the ride. It serves as a source of news and offers very casual circles that don´t demand very much in comparison with other fan sites. Just don´t expect any hardcore nor very challenging views over there.
To be fair. I have seen sometimes pretty vigerous debate in the comments and a I know a couple of posters who /mlp/ may respect.

>As for Fimfiction, I honestly don´t have a clue nor a solid reference to hold any opinion towards it. It´s so spread and varied within its inner groups that I cannot define the line in a precise manner.
I have gotten different impressions different times myself. I think there is a lot of different circles. I saw some places people getting swaped for being pro or anti Arayana for example.

Also, Seapone PoLS

Anon 10/22/2020 (Thu) 22:02:26 [Preview] No.6718 del
>I have seen sometimes pretty vigerous debate in the comments and a I know a couple of posters who /mlp/ may respect.
That´s the problem with establishing stereotypes or imply that everything is going to follow the standard premise.

Yes, indeed. EQD has delivered intense debates, especially towards the show for certain episodes. There have been series of replies among the comments which would turn out to be pretty long with paragraphs trying to prove each other wrong and reach a pretty uptight debate.

Just that said debates have diminished in terms of frequency because there are less people to make the comment section juicy and interesting to watch. Furthermore, the most daring opinions were arisen because you could post without any account that would reveal yourself, showing up as a generic user and start those intense debates. However, EQD decided to remove that option like 2 or 3 years ago (if anyone knows/can find the date of change, report it because I am uncertain of that date) and that pretty much discouraged the dissent opinions without facing problems in terms of public image, ending up less interesting. There will be some fire out there in a number of articles, but in comparison with those years, EQD doesn´t deliver those resilient debates to that extent.

Anon 10/22/2020 (Thu) 22:15:14 [Preview] No.6719 del
>I have gotten different impressions different times myself. I think there is a lot of different circles. I saw some places people getting swaped for being pro or anti Arayana for example.
Fimfiction is quite hard when it comes to the setup of any fine line in terms of pattern because the site hold such diverse group circles that one would require a considerable amount of time in order to study it properly and come up with a guide of what is defined.

Too heterogeneous to even establish a statement about that place. All kind of users have used that place so it´s perhaps the most transversal site out of the bunch.

The Aryanne conflict could work for spotting and defining a very similar that Derpibooru delivered with both DNP groups. Sadly, resorting to this method in order to identify the users, while delivers a pretty solid point of reference for establishing the line, is quite dismal and quite possibly sets up differences because of politics and...fall into a mess all over again.

Anon 10/22/2020 (Thu) 22:22:27 [Preview] No.6720 del
Well, look at this post again and read this little paragraph...

>However, given that EQG would soar with this 2nd movie and gain a lot of popularity within the community, testing the waters that EQG could offer even more than a one time special, one of the reasons why it shone were the sirens. In fact, you look at their songs and the number of reproductions of Under Our Spell among other reach millions, becoming even as popular (or even more) than This Day Aria.

except that I forgot to mention the song Welcome to the Show...


... so perhaps this could reaffirm why Hasbro would find success from Rainbow Rocks (although this time is by looking at its impact in hindsight, not by using data that was delivered in 2014, at the time of its release)

Anon 10/23/2020 (Fri) 23:37:45 [Preview] No.6722 del
Posting a couple of pictures of the princess that served as a model for the other design of this species and...

Anon 10/25/2020 (Sun) 09:39:43 [Preview] No.6740 del
(490.94 KB 1102x907 1995661.png)
>However... have you ever wanted those things while underwater?
I need mindbleach for other thread so now yes I do.

Have a cute orkapone.

Anon 10/26/2020 (Mon) 01:01:43 [Preview] No.6745 del
>I need mindbleach for other thread so now yes I do
well, the thread could have had a darker tone as well about being isolated and reaching the depths but...considering that we have enough gloom injected in our veins, a contrast was certainly needed (despite having the /chat/ thread)

Besides, the board is setting up the bar quite high when it comes to horror in the other thread. What´s worse is that we aren´t done yet.

>Have a cute orkapone.
you mean like pic related?

Anon 10/27/2020 (Tue) 00:43:25 [Preview] No.6752 del

Anon 11/01/2020 (Sun) 01:10:22 [Preview] No.6763 del
Well, Nightmare Night has arrived and...I didn´t expect to see that it was possible to decorate the village for the event with the proper ornaments in this setting.

Quite odd but hey, this encapsulates the /comfy/ and also cute way to do it.

Anon 11/01/2020 (Sun) 03:59:44 [Preview] No.6769 del
(1.95 MB 3000x2120 Stompy_hoof.png)
meanwhile I'm drowning in laughter because a misprogrammed AI sequence is talking about gay hobbit unicorns on 8Kun. Not the board dedicated to the letter number 17, but the pony board, where he seems to have wandered for reasons unknown.

Happy nightmare night, /endpone/ for tomorrow we write. Those of us that write. And tonight we laugh at odd computer glitches.

Anon 11/02/2020 (Mon) 01:15:47 [Preview] No.6770 del
>Happy nightmare night,
As I said in the bat pony thread, hopefully everyone has had a nice time even by resorting to horror, it gives a mental break and changes the mindset for a while

>/endpone/ for tomorrow we write. Those of us that write.
And the act of writing by itself defines the events that will be written by those who do it.

>And tonight we laugh at odd computer glitches.
Including the Endchan servers with the 500 and 502 errors. Without them, this imageboard wouldn't be complete.

Anon 11/08/2020 (Sun) 01:48:44 [Preview] No.6789 del
Saying good night to /endpone/ with one small (Proof of Life) Seapony over here.

Anon 11/13/2020 (Fri) 07:03:41 [Preview] No.6819 del
Proof of Life Seapony in response.

Anon 11/13/2020 (Fri) 07:05:32 [Preview] No.6820 del
(1.95 MB 1024x1365 2169654.png)
The seapone in question.

Anon 11/14/2020 (Sat) 01:21:28 [Preview] No.6822 del
Her face reveals the fact that she is chilling out or perhaps she has a carefree attitude.

One must take into account that they display lidded eyes for the most part so that look might have been caused because of that as well. The queen is the prime example of this.

Anon 11/14/2020 (Sat) 01:27:21 [Preview] No.6823 del

By the way, have seaponies been used as a Shitposting weapon before? Except for the gen 1 and that bait reaction image of Skystar (imitating Patrick)...as far as I can tell, I don't recall seeing anything else that ended up in this territory.

Anon 11/14/2020 (Sat) 21:00:38 [Preview] No.6825 del
(321.20 KB 2153x2786 2394565.jpg)
Come to think of it? I don't think so.

Or they're stoners but how do they smoke underwater?

Anon 11/14/2020 (Sat) 22:25:45 [Preview] No.6828 del
>Come to think of it? I don't think so.
then, there is an identity crisis to face over here, how can something that hasn´t been used as shitposting material in the past be labelled as such?

That would imply that they are the embodiment of a shitpost.
Although it would make sense because the queen´s sassy gaze at the viewer in this picture looks very suspicious, to say the least.

Anon 11/14/2020 (Sat) 22:35:03 [Preview] No.6829 del
>Or they're stoners

and the most paradoxical part is that your statement could be true. If you look at pic related, the queen and especially Skystar look as if they have been high for a while

>but how do they smoke underwater?
oh that question is easy to solve. In the magical land of Equestria, you don´t need to answer all the questions when you have one of the most inconsistent elements of the universe that yet could work for convenience.


Although I wonder what compound they would mix with water in order to induce that look without intoxicating themselves....

Anon 11/17/2020 (Tue) 06:19:00 [Preview] No.6841 del
(258.52 KB 821x800 2478840.jpg)

I think we all know the answer

Anon 11/18/2020 (Wed) 02:11:56 [Preview] No.6845 del
Now, you have made me envision how it would affect their skin if you tried to scrub it with a sandpaper.

Anon 11/18/2020 (Wed) 02:15:36 [Preview] No.6846 del
>I think we all know the answer
Eeerm, I don't think so.

Even if you knew the answer of that S, both words implied for that specific S would probably be synonyms. I mean, look at that picture. If its humor is reduced because of constant puns and the species is based on a pun as well...

Wouldn't seaponies turn into the shitpost itself because of the reliance of being too watered down? That affects the quality overall so, perhaps the species has reached a new low.

A pretty deep question to ask over here and might not reach the bottom of it anytime soon...

While I am waiting for the answer, I am leaving another PoLS

Anon 11/20/2020 (Fri) 09:15:50 [Preview] No.6855 del
(904.83 KB 1428x1460 2401566.png)
I think as you dive lower, the pressure applied means that a creature has to be durable and of a higher quality.

Depth = Quality
Shitpost = Not Quality

Anon 11/20/2020 (Fri) 09:19:46 [Preview] No.6856 del
(35.86 KB 437x976 2489610.png)
As you can see here, Trixie is near the surface, and thus, lower quality.

This is a shitpost.

But both are my PoLS

Anon 11/21/2020 (Sat) 01:50:34 [Preview] No.6860 del
>I think as you dive lower, the pressure applied means that a creature has to be durable and of a higher quality.
>Depth = Quality Shitpost = Not Quality

That actually could help as a method for distinguishing things in an organized order. In fact, it reinforces the mindset of: the more layers, the better. A shitpost with some point taken in-depth actually increases its quality so according to that matter, this logic could work nicely.

However, you are combining measurable variables like pressure and distance but could actually collide with the word quality (even though this one has its technical meaning that has been changing over the years as well). Besides, Seaquestria is not placed all that far away from the surface, not to mention that some of the images posted over here display the surface while also delivering a good amount of quality.

Nonetheless, that approach seems to aim at a pretty feasible direction for correlating them with the shitposting concept.

Anon 11/21/2020 (Sat) 01:56:27 [Preview] No.6861 del
(962.38 KB 2059x1057 IMG_20201112_031318.jpg)
And the PoLS delivered tonight consists in a picture that has been cut and focuses only on the lower part of it...

Anon 11/21/2020 (Sat) 09:26:10 [Preview] No.6864 del
(214.75 KB 500x500 2191951.png)
>That actually could help as a method for distinguishing things in an organized order. In fact, it reinforces the mindset of: the more layers, the better. A shitpost with some point taken in-depth actually increases its quality so according to that matter, this logic could work nicely.
That actually does make sense...

>Besides, Seaquestria is not placed all that far away from the surface, not to mention that some of the images posted over here display the surface while also delivering a good amount of quality.
Hence why it was me joking.

>Nonetheless, that approach seems to aim at a pretty feasible direction for correlating them with the shitposting concept.
Depth = layers though I agree could work.

Anon 11/21/2020 (Sat) 09:28:51 [Preview] No.6865 del
(178.84 KB 1280x1280 1989628.jpeg)
PoLS from me as well.

>has been cut and focuses only on the lower part of it...
What was the upper?

Anon 11/21/2020 (Sat) 09:33:39 [Preview] No.6866 del
(605.95 KB 1400x1086 1781530.jpeg)
>So, this post basically sums up why they are technical shitpost.
Even they have ascended!

Anon 11/21/2020 (Sat) 22:18:03 [Preview] No.6873 del
>Even they have ascended!
which is great really! I mean, I think that picture has surpassed the 400 votes on Derpibooru, so for a short clip of a single minute, that´s quite an achievement.
Just that they won´t ascend beyond the surface in order to reach the skies unfortunately...

>What was the upper?
in theory, it is a shipping image among the students (a trio) but you wouldn´t notice it at first sight without focusing on the little hearts drawn between them.

The image feels certainly weird because it combines very different environments in one. While there is a noticeable change between the underwater setting and the students standing on the ground, you don´t see any visible line in order to tell that difference and even some of the bubbles displayed could be mistaken with the white spots that appear in the upper part. Only the bubbles make it the water setting distinguishable from that abstract background.

Anon 11/21/2020 (Sat) 22:27:52 [Preview] No.6874 del
the 2nd part of the post was meant for >>6865. I forgot to add the number.

>Hence why it was me joking.
oh...you´ve got me.

>Depth = layers though I agree could work.
in general, that trend might work. However, there is an art for those who throw a powerful line (or two) in order to close the thread and call it a day without needing more (in fact, if they added more, they would ruin that perfection). Those who are capable to go beyond the shitposting territory and deliver effective posts that sum up and nail completely in a short manner the reply with such an amount of clarity... might land with more grace than a post of biblical proportions. Just that many attempt to do that and deliver the usual low amount of quality though.

Anon 12/02/2020 (Wed) 07:37:59 [Preview] No.6974 del
(632.64 KB 1272x1920 2011319.jpeg)

Anon 12/06/2020 (Sun) 01:31:25 [Preview] No.7011 del
(97.88 KB 1043x810 1649968.jpeg)
Not a lot of Seapony Cadence I can find.

Way way too big.

Anon 12/06/2020 (Sun) 01:49:54 [Preview] No.7013 del
(97.88 KB 1043x810 1649968.jpeg)
Let me try again...

Anon 12/06/2020 (Sun) 01:50:31 [Preview] No.7014 del
It won't load it.

Anon 12/06/2020 (Sun) 01:53:17 [Preview] No.7015 del
(132.27 KB 1920x896 2391455.jpg)

Anon 12/06/2020 (Sun) 01:56:38 [Preview] No.7016 del
(97.88 KB 1043x810 1649968.jpg)
So that worked, along with a post I made in another thread afterwords.

Just had a small idea. Let's see if this works. Trying to upload the same image again.

Anon 12/06/2020 (Sun) 02:02:32 [Preview] No.7017 del
(329.78 KB 1024x774 1612271.jpeg)
Nope. Changing the name of the file extension doesn't work either.

Trying another pic from that artist.

Anon 12/06/2020 (Sun) 02:07:47 [Preview] No.7018 del
(529.91 KB 500x500 1554428.gif)
It wouldn't make sense for it to just be that artist but I was just curious if there was something special with the formatting or something that endchan didn't like.

Welp, probably will test it more later, but now I'm just going to chalk it up to endchan being endchan and go on with my day.

Anon 12/06/2020 (Sun) 02:10:58 [Preview] No.7019 del
Wait, let's try directly from their deviant page!

Anon 12/06/2020 (Sun) 02:11:58 [Preview] No.7020 del
It worked!

Still left wondering what is going on with that pic though.

Anon 12/07/2020 (Mon) 00:57:05 [Preview] No.7022 del

>I was just curious if there was something special with the formatting or something that endchan didn't like.
>I'm just going to chalk it up to endchan being endchan and go on with my day.

Endchan, despite the upgrades that were delivered without having to see the whole page in white with 500/504 errors, still fails and how the tools (servers and/or engine) still have some room for improvement.

That error of not displaying a Derpibooru image happened to me a few times or the picture sometimes didn't show up at all despite having seen how the whole loading process actually occurred before publishing the reply.

So, what has happened from >>7011 to >>7019 proves that Endchan still has its own issues (one should take notes about this matter), even if you are posting passively anything without any compromise in a comfy thread like this one.

Leaving a PoLS,by the way.

Anon 12/09/2020 (Wed) 06:17:47 [Preview] No.7023 del
(786.39 KB 1642x1459 1831976.png)
>that Endchan still has its own issues (one should take notes about this matter), even if you are posting passively anything without any compromise in a comfy thread like this one.

PoLS eapony as well.

Anon 12/20/2020 (Sun) 06:54:00 [Preview] No.7045 del
(436.07 KB 1001x1739 1978871.jpeg)
I honestly wonder if it'll interfere with some tiny holiday plans I have for here.

Anon 01/06/2021 (Wed) 09:35:44 [Preview] No.7178 del
(315.15 KB 1100x1258 1854709.jpeg)
endchan partly did but it was ultimately my own IRL that did more.


Anon 01/06/2021 (Wed) 11:09:02 [Preview] No.7179 del
(175.83 KB 1280x960 2270146.jpg)
Someone shared this with me, liked so much. To the point I am posting it just because.

Anon 01/07/2021 (Thu) 00:20:34 [Preview] No.7181 del
well, the surprising factor would be that Endchan even manages to have an impact on anyone, yet here we are after ending this vacation period. Three Kings Day and and moving onto other matters again. The magic is already vanishing but oh well, as if that was the actual point of the /end/ after all...

Fun fact about that picture: that same artist has also drawn the image posted on the OP.



That Silverstream image fits quite nicely over here. It reminds me of ""a certain thread"" that has been going around for a long time. Eeeeyup, it seems that the picture has been modified with an editor. It reminisces quite a bit the vibes of that thread with those cluttered patterns plpaced around her.

Anon 01/07/2021 (Thu) 00:36:15 [Preview] No.7182 del
>liked so much. To the point I am posting it just because.
That´s quite nice to hear and after mixing the edits and this thread...yeah, it makes sense why one would be appealed to it. I wouldn´t would cling to that picture as the greatest standout on my personal ranking but yeah, it looks quite unique in comparison with other pictures in its league.

Now, I might be the only person on Earth who has decided to share this particular image. Less than 3 favorites and only 40 views.


Not sure why I decided to pick this image out of the entire deviantart gallery last month (with all the crowded stuff unorganized while browsing the pages) but it´s managed to be more enjoyable in my eyes than I expected at first from it.

So, if you consider yourself a weirdo, hold my New Reply button because posting this image feels like I am the ultimate hipster in this department. Nothing extraordinary nor complicated to gather, just picking unnoticed stuff.

Anon 01/07/2021 (Thu) 05:16:06 [Preview] No.7183 del
(3.79 MB 3445x2894 2521168.png)
>Three Kings Day and and moving onto other matters again. The magic is already vanishing but oh well,
Funny, for me, Christmas for most is usually stopped by Three Kings Day. This year was the most Christmas lights I've ever seen up to this point.

>That Silverstream image fits quite nicely over here. It reminds me of ""a certain thread"" that has been going around for a long time.
I wonder if that's why I found it so appeaaling.

Honestly it looks pretty good. Lighting is nice. Those bubbles though? 10/10

So, if you consider yourself a weirdo, hold my New Reply button because posting this image feels like I am the ultimate hipster in this department. Nothing extraordinary nor complicated to gather, just picking unnoticed stuff.
Fitting for it to be on the end then.

Anon 01/08/2021 (Fri) 23:31:39 [Preview] No.7193 del
>Christmas for most is usually stopped by Three Kings Day. This year was the most Christmas lights I've ever seen up to this point.
well, those decorations have made up a little bit 2020 by leaving a curious mark on you, haven´t they? Nice to hear that.
I haven´t noticed any difference in terms of lighting. However, when it comes to fireworks,the capital has actually delivered more than usual for sure!

>I wonder if that's why I found it so appeaaling.
well, there you have a reasonable explanation it. Not all the images manage to click instantly because...

>Honestly it looks pretty good. Lighting is nice. Those bubbles though? 10/10
...while the picture I have shared is pleasant to look at, it hasn´t appealed to me until this week. This probably happens because I scroll the mouse pretty fast on Deviantart and considering the overwhelming amount of images blended there, I didn´t pay much attention to it except for gathering more seapony images.

I am not going to say that pictures are growers (this tends to happen with albums though) but given that we have over 2 million images of MLP out there, one might not stop at appreciating them for very long, one moves on because of "hunger". Not only the bubbles but the flowing mane and the lighting are also quite appealing as well.

>Fitting for it to be on the end then.
especially when it hasn´t been uploaded on any booru where most fans can actually register and track the pictures properly. Will it be uploaded someday on the boorus like the one that you have posted (I hit the like button on it,but the way)? Time will tell but for now, a few little gems can be found if one dedicates a little bit of time for that search.

If it´s enjoyable around here, then it has done more than enough already.

Anon 01/13/2021 (Wed) 23:30:03 [Preview] No.7205 del
>tfw a background Endchan user in the community decides to upload this picture on Derpibooru >>7182 that was uploaded on Tumblr and Deviantart for years
>gets featured on EQD


It really makes one person think....

I can´t tell if I should find this amusing or not but I suppose that it´s already been noticed by the mainstream circles.

>Fitting for it to be on the end then.
>If it´s enjoyable around here, then it has done more than enough already.

this is what happens when certain artists don´t archive/upload their stuff on the boorus. Rediscovered among the /endpone/ circles, got a little bit more popular everywhere else. It remains obscure and gets drowned among other thousand pictures, overshadowing any slice of popularity. Though this is often the norm with many underground music records but when it comes to MLP pictures...it´s weird to not find all the pictures uploaded on the boorus (except for artist who explicitly want to sign into the DNP list).

>Honestly it looks pretty good. Lighting is nice. Those bubbles though? 10/10
you are not the only fan who finds it warm. I can confirm it.

Anon 01/16/2021 (Sat) 10:36:51 [Preview] No.7211 del
(409.71 KB 710x540 2251010.png)

Anon 01/21/2021 (Thu) 01:45:02 [Preview] No.7230 del
and that picture isn´t going to stay alone in that regard. It seems that uploading material on Derpi triggers EQD´s radar for he galleries.

What I mean is that I have several pictures that haven´t been registered/archived on the boorus yet. So this novelty factor because of their underground state may cause an impression of freshness around the mainstream circles.

I am not saying that Deviantart is obscure at all but considering that its system makes it easy for many pictures to get lost and hard to keep track. In the end, it seems that those images don´t exist. However, Philomena´s/Booru on Rails´ system provides a much better interface for searching any image that you want to see so, anything becomes ridiculously more accessible than just scrolling through Deviantart´s catalog (besides having to run into amateur pictures without being able to spoiler/filter them, it becomes quite tedious to do the task for just a specific picture with such a messy organization. The lack of tags around there is overwhelming)

Anyway, several pictures are going to be uploaded and archived, including pic related, >>7205, >>7193, >>7182 (as reported earlier), >>7022 and >>6845

Anon 01/24/2021 (Sun) 01:31:58 [Preview] No.7234 del
I don't understand very well why they would use this alternate cover for visiting Seaquestria when Issue #97 is meant for the adventure in Abyssinia.

Still,if this turns out to be actually official, then >>6663 the variations prior the 2017 movie will be put to an end and the 4th gen design >>6668 becomes even more of an standard in all the media.

By the way, this image brings a funny contrast: Silverstream displays the 4th gen design as a seapony but the two ponies (AJ and Twilight) around her look like they come straight out of gen 1 because of their round faces (or at least, not from gen 4).

The world has turned upside down on this picture...

Anon 01/24/2021 (Sun) 09:23:59 [Preview] No.7236 del
(295.67 KB 731x712 1689620.png)
>I don't understand very well why they would use this alternate cover for visiting Seaquestria when Issue #97 is meant for the adventure in Abyssinia.
That is kinda random.

> (AJ and Twilight) around her look like they come straight out of gen 1 because of their round faces (or at least, not from gen 4).
Or poorly drawn G4

Anon 01/24/2021 (Sun) 09:25:36 [Preview] No.7237 del
(295.67 KB 731x712 1689620.png)
Okay, that upload is broken, trying again.

Anon 01/24/2021 (Sun) 09:27:23 [Preview] No.7238 del
Alright, repeat of >>7011 right here.

Anon 01/24/2021 (Sun) 22:05:52 [Preview] No.7239 del
Endchan does it again in 2021. As if we didn´t remember enough its bugs...well, nothing should surprise anyone at this point really. Upload the picture whenever it allows you to do it (hooves crossed if it lets mine in the first place).

>That is kinda random.
well, I literally don´t have any idea why they would use this extra cover for Abyssinia (Issue #97) when its premise
doesn´t even feature these 3 characters at all. None of them are mentioned on the list. Either this is the cover for a future issue or they visit Seaquestria at some point in the comic.

Comics don´t need to share the same development of the movie, showing in a rushed manner the new locations and move onto the next one, they aren´t dealing with a millionaire production for this, so I suppose that they spend time on each location with a slower pace.

Again, that #97 in the picture >>7234 confuses me quite a bit. In addition, I haven´t seen any article in EQD related to this alternate RI cover so I will wait for some confirmation because this can perfectly come over as "official art" when in reality, a fan could have used the logos over the fanart and make a seemingly legit cover.

Anon 01/24/2021 (Sun) 22:20:47 [Preview] No.7240 del
>Or poorly drawn G4
well...eeerm, you know that the timeline that we are experiencing is a complete anomaly and MLP doesn´t manage to be free of this pattern. I mean, how is it even possible that two of the main characters that have defined the 4th generation look like gen 1 ponies with chubby looks and then, Silverstream stays the loyalest to the 4th gen artstyle (while her species was originated in gen 1).

Was this decision made on purpose? Or should I just blame the side effects of this whole pandemic? It cannot be a coincidence...

Anon 01/24/2021 (Sun) 23:19:31 [Preview] No.7242 del
>Again, that #97 in the picture >>7234 confuses me quite a bit. In addition, I haven´t seen any article in EQD related to this alternate RI cover so I will wait for some confirmation because this can perfectly come over as "official art" when in reality, a fan could have used the logos over the fanart and make a seemingly legit cover.


Me and my big mouth!
Well, I could have waited for Seth´s article for a little bit but there it is. They are combining both locations for reasons that I don´t know, I suppose that these places are located closely from each other.

What has been discarded is that the cover isn´t fan art. So...

>Still,if this turns out to be actually official, then >>6663 the variations prior the 2017 movie will be put to an end and the 4th gen design >>6668 becomes even more of an standard in all the media.
standardization confirmed.

Anon 02/02/2021 (Tue) 22:35:45 [Preview] No.7257 del
>What I mean is that I have several pictures that haven´t been registered/archived on the boorus yet. So this novelty factor because of their underground state may cause an impression of freshness around the mainstream circles.
>Anyway, several pictures are going to be uploaded and archived, including pic related, >>7205, >>7193, >>7182 (as reported earlier), >>7022 and >>6845

List of images uploaded that ended up on EQD:


Images already assured. While not all the ones that I had in mind,around an 85% of them have already been through this archival process.

Anon 02/05/2021 (Fri) 01:30:50 [Preview] No.7262 del
Is a PoLS a safe bet in this day and age? I don't think so.
The S in this case doesn't guarantee any safety (or comfort) whatsoever because of pic related (unless you want to end up turning into HER prey).

Anon 02/08/2021 (Mon) 20:56:28 [Preview] No.7275 del
I have finally ended up the compilation of this bunch of low key images.

While tagging seems fun and quite entertaining at first, when you get to upload several images at once and getting around 30 tags correctly for each one of them, the process doesn´t turn out to be as cool as it looks from the outside.

Not only the tags but the HCaptcha, checking out the images by using the reverse search in order to see if they were uploaded on the site before and selecting the images while scrolling down the entire Deviantart gallery...

you can bet that it all consists in going through a very tedious process if you want to do it correctly. Many other people simply add 5 or 6 tags and they leave it at that while I have always been gravitating around 25-35 tags (I believe that I got to tag a picture or two with 40 tags)

I was exhausted after uploading the last batch of drawings (which were 7, including pic related) and I don´t think that there is much material left around there that hasn´t been registered on the boorus yet.

Anon 02/08/2021 (Mon) 21:09:55 [Preview] No.7276 del
I am leaving the additional EQD links in which some of the pictures uploaded recently get featured in Seth´s selection.


Out of 68 attempts, something should join into the club and they truly contributed with their small impact. After gathering all this material, I have realized that artists, while they manage to draw amazing pictures, if they don´t exploit their channels of distribution correctly for sharing their content (in this case, Deviantart users that don´t use Derpibooru), they limit their own material to very limited circles.

Besides,unlike the boorus, I think that DA stands as one of those sites where people have a tendency to delete their profiles with all the content published in it at any moment (especially when fans leave the ride), so even for low profile material, nothing manages to stay truly safe when said option can be triggered all of a sudden.

Anon 02/10/2021 (Wed) 07:59:03 [Preview] No.7281 del
(268.33 KB 1000x1000 2239063.png)
You have figured out have to influence Seth's mind, be careful with this power.

>After gathering all this material, I have realized that artists, while they manage to draw amazing pictures, if they don´t exploit their channels of distribution correctly for sharing their content (in this case, Deviantart users that don´t use Derpibooru), they limit their own material to very limited circles.
It is interesting that Derpibooru has that affect, as unfortunate as that is from a administrative standpoint of who owns that site. One of my key observations to our fandom's continued output and cultural separation is the organization outside of social media. Derpibooru arguably has more power within the fandom but I wonder how much outsider edgement exists and how the social circles work...
Ya know what? I'm tired and the post I am trying to make sounds better in my head. Night /endpone/!

Anon 02/10/2021 (Wed) 22:12:44 [Preview] No.7284 del
>You have figured out have to influence Seth's mind, be careful with this power.
it balances out the fact that there are so many pictures missing on the boorus that it would manages to cause laziness to pull them off out of thousands of pictures on Deviantart. I mean, take a look at this:


which has been the main site where I have taken around a huge percentage of material with that tag alone. Scroll down the page for 2-5 minutes and tell me if it doesn´t give you an overwhelming feeling to check them out and see if they are uploaded on Derpi or not. I think that I haven´t mentioned this but before uploading anything, you have to use the reverse search and said process becomes more tedious when the image that you have taken from Deviantart was uploaded before, wasting your time for not checking the tag correctly.

What I didn´t expect though was that Seth has featured these pictures and they were featured back when said material was uploaded on Deviantart, so they have visited the drawfriends galleries twice (namely this image >>7205)

Unbelievable but it´s true. If you were wondering that a thread related to seaponies would cause a sense of boredom, one couldn´t be more mistaken. It turns out that this board has indirectly influenced Seth´s decisions from behind. However, I didn´t predict which images would get featured ( I don´t know about his standards or tastes) but for sure, I have had a couple of laughing fits after checking out that my eyes weren´t fooling me.

Anon 02/10/2021 (Wed) 22:24:54 [Preview] No.7285 del
>It is interesting that Derpibooru has that affect, as unfortunate as that is from a administrative standpoint of who owns that site.
after this summer, I can confirm this with absolute certainty.

>Derpibooru arguably has more power within the fandom but I wonder how much outsider edgement exists and how the social circles work... Ya know what? I'm tired and the post I am trying to make sounds better in my head.

phew, you are tackling a topic that would worthy of a thesis and one should have had a very good eye observing the impact between the dedicated fan sites and social media. Yeah,go for it whenever you feel like putting your thinking cap on (even though there is no need to do so but this board tends to do it anyway. Take it easy.

As you said in the OP:
>Sit back. Relax and take your shoes off. And dive in to the ocean depths.
hopefully, you and those who are reading this thread have had a good night.

Anon 02/10/2021 (Wed) 22:39:32 [Preview] No.7286 del
Alright, I am going to post these pictures that I uploaded before over here ( >>7257 and >>7193) so you can tell that they have actually been registered on the boorus. These serial numbers come from Ponybooru (in case that you are wondering about it) and this should prove that I am not inventing anything about spreading the distribution of this material to Philomena/Booru on Rails´system. They are verifiable and you can check them out on Zizzy´s altbooru.

In addition to this, has Derpibooru developed a system in which they get rid of Deviantart´s watermarks?Because these two images display that said system has its inconsistencies at getting rid of those watermarks so I am asking myself if they have actually set it up at some point and I haven´t noticed it until now (or maybe I am an actual newfag when it comes to sourcing pics from Deviantart)

Anon 02/13/2021 (Sat) 00:16:27 [Preview] No.7292 del
Alright, let's get a little bit personal right here.

As I have displayed with the previous posts, you can tell that I have been dedicating my time with the distribution of pictures that were originally uploaded on Deviantart and they were stuck there without getting any registration and/or distribution on the boorus.

As other boorus import content among themselves, I upload these pictures with the needed tags that would make them accessible so other users don't have to bother with tag changes. However,this takes time and most pictures have received an average 25-30 labels.

Not only that but checking the image with the reverse search, browsing through the sea of content that Devianart displays with any tag in just one page by scrolling down... all of this takes time.

Some pictures don't have any tags at all (not even for the main canon characters!) and you have to rely on galleries where other fans managed to compile those unlabelled pictures and you can hope for the best that they are located in the gallery that you are selecting without having to close the new tab. For example, pic related. Yeah, I know that people don't like shipping at all but that's another matter.

Amyway,what I mean with this is that, after checking the tag for weeks, I never saw this picture until a few hours ago because I got to see it featured on the gallery of a random Deviantart user. Because of the lack of tags, you can type the name of both Twilight and/or Sombra and you might not find it at all!

On Deviantart, images can range from pretty accessible to an absolute pain due to its awkward interface. It's both messy yet at the same time, a mine in which you have to dig pretty deep in order to find obscure gems.

Anon 02/13/2021 (Sat) 00:36:47 [Preview] No.7295 del
Due to the lack of my artistic skills, I have simply found an alternative: distributing those pics that haven't been noticed by the mainstream circles of the fanbase. More than 80 pictures already (this doesn't limit to seaponies though, Cadence and Amore have risen from the ashes as well) , yet it's not recommended to label many images in a row. In short bits, the process feels smooth and satisfying, albeit after a certain number, you can perfectly notice a sense of weariness because of its tedious process.

In addition to it, I have been focusing on the technical tools needed for the synchronized rewatch and the possible ways to make it possible for 5050's project/idea. It turns out that we'll have to discuss about the incompatibility related with the detail that Cytube doesn't let you to play Peer to Peer videos (Ponytube,Sendvid...) so we have to come uo with a certain solution for it. I am simoly reporting tbat I have spent my time testing and checking what material could be spotted and hosted for the episodes.

I have noticed that Endchan and its wonderful features do it again: I have posted the same post and the image three times when it was supposed to load once. Feel free to report the repeated ones.

Anon 02/19/2021 (Fri) 01:28:20 [Preview] No.7303 del
Perhaps I should have delivered a proof of life shitpost earlier this week. I've run into several pictures that I didn't notice before while I was browsing the galleries of this label in the past.

I am leaving one of them over here tonight. Even if it fails and anyone wants to see more, the good news is that the pic has been recently registered on the boorus (so you don't have to browse on DA and spend time on a tedious search)

With that said,


Anon 02/20/2021 (Sat) 09:17:06 [Preview] No.7305 del
(403.66 KB 466x720 2043153.gif)
>Perhaps I should have delivered a proof of life shitpost earlier this week
LOL, at least you had the option.

PoLS eapony for now.

Anon 02/21/2021 (Sun) 22:40:38 [Preview] No.7306 del
>at least you had the option.
>mfw I see this phrase

Heh, I detect jealousy coming from those words. Success breeds it and I am the queen. Of course, I have any option available for me.

Anon 02/21/2021 (Sun) 23:04:05 [Preview] No.7307 del
Now,jokes aside.

While I have always had the option, don't believe that I have used it all very much.

You know, have you felt at some point the duty of bringing something to the table yet you don't get to feel encouraged to type anything at all?

More or less, this sums up my senses during certain periods despite the longposts displayed very often in this board. That dynamic proves that, despite the opposite impressions delivered over the years, I hold the introvert attitude that leads me to show a natural dynamic proper of any lurker.

Before typing this, I have felt quite hesitant to write anything. It's not because of censorship or subhuman conditions like the ones that you have been facing in Texas with the power grid (I am left absolutely speechless (in the wrong sense, to the point of developing a sense of worry) with that nightmarish situation and I could start a huge debate with this topic, even though I prefer waiting for you (and any user who uses this board and lives there) and to stay safe and recover from it first) but because of mood (ups and downs).

I don't hold any restrictions to do anything yet even with all the freedom, my mind doesn't trigger anything really...relevant to say so I have been focusing on gathering more material instead (including pic related).

>PoLS eapony for now.
PoLS received and certified by the queen.

Anon 03/05/2021 (Fri) 01:09:18 [Preview] No.7312 del
I can´t tell exactly why, maybe I am getting hallucinations but, whenever I check the whole visit for the entire tag on Deviantart, a handful of images pop up out of nowhere and others that I saw before just don´t apear. Either it´s me because of seeing the whole gallery several times and skipping images that actually appear but do it with a very small thumbnail or the algorithm is messing up with me.

These changes don´t happen with images that are popular and get plenty of likes/comments but it seems that this subtle rotation happens with images that hold a pretty low amount of favorites (normally between the range of 3-8 likes) and basically no comments on the entry itself. This raises my eyebrows but whatever the reason is behind these arbitrary/random occurrences, they are getting compiled and bookmarked anyway.

Pics related stand as those examples that pop up along the way but I didn´t get to see at first (just like >>7303 and >>7292 follow in the same vein)

Anon 03/08/2021 (Mon) 08:49:38 [Preview] No.7326 del
(323.65 KB 2898x2070 2320314.jpeg)
There is only one thing ya can do L23: screencap everytime you visit and have a spreadsheet of all you upload. Easy!

Anon 03/09/2021 (Tue) 00:36:32 [Preview] No.7328 del
>screencap everytime you visit
either that or record everything. However, as my computer is an utter potato when it comes to its performance, any browser tends to consume most of its power. Whenever I reach a certain number of pages loaded on Deviantart (we are talking about a lengthy tag that surpasses the 200 pages), my PC slows down hard, to the point that it freezes at some points.

A real bummer so I will have to discard that method of recording the whole visit (not to mention that it would last quite a few minutes and it would turn out to be a tedious task for the user to check the whole video). This could be done with an independent browser with no cookies saved whatsoever (neutral approach) or with the browser settings that I have for my default one (personal approach). I believe that I should resort to a browser that I don´t use (for example Opera or Edge) so it can be traced from any other user.

>and have a spreadsheet of all you upload. Easy!
I have decided to set up this method instead. Randomized visits can be tracked after a certain period of time and marking with colors which images appear and which ones don´t for each try.

Now, most scientific statistics (chemometrics to be precise in my experience with analytical chemistry) rely on 5 or 6 series for a proper analysis, especially when it comes to a reliable deviation. However, we are talking about 181 images uploaded that have DA links on the source and I believe that checking out a sample of that amount of images could be more than enough for getting a decent number of pictures that either appear or disappear from the algorithm for each visit. So, I will focus only on the pictures which have been recently uploaded for these last couple of months.

This is going to take some time though. Not only I have to be specific about the pictures in question (even though they are placed in order by checking out the serial number) but also taking a truthful finding in order to not report either fake positives or fake negatives.

I have set up 3 columns for each visit for now but I have a dilemma if I should increase the number of attempts up to 5 or 6 for gathering more reliable data.

Anon 03/09/2021 (Tue) 00:44:40 [Preview] No.7329 del
By the way, it´s ironic that the pic in question wasn´t liked by the artist but it got featured on EQD years later,right after Derpi´s upload. It also holds a pretty decent score on Derpi as well.

I have been spending some time on personal work and these uploads tonight (including this spreadsheet) so I am going to leave a PoLSeapony, apples´ edition

Anon 03/15/2021 (Mon) 07:36:38 [Preview] No.7348 del
(153.64 KB 917x1071 2570602.png)
>However, as my computer is an utter potato when it comes to its performance, any browser tends to consume most of its power. Whenever I reach a certain number of pages loaded on Deviantart (we are talking about a lengthy tag that surpasses the 200 pages), my PC slows down hard, to the point that it freezes at some points.
I wonder if Deviantart's new UI would work with a real lightweight browser like Netsurf?


This web browser doesn't have full Javascript support, or html5, but I am able to log in to ponybooru and view stuff (though not post).

>181 images uploaded that have DA links on the source and I believe that checking out a sample of that amount of images could be more than enough for getting a decent number of pictures that either appear or disappear from the algorithm for each visit. So, I will focus only on the pictures which have been recently uploaded for these last couple of months.
Do that, sounds easier than full blown.

>I have set up 3 columns for each visit for now but I have a dilemma if I should increase the number of attempts up to 5 or 6 for gathering more reliable data.
Don't overwork yourself, this is just a test run for a very niche subject... unless this means more work down the line if you don't

> wasn´t liked by the artist but it got featured on EQD years later,right after Derpi´s upload. It also holds a pretty decent score on Derpi as well.
I would honestly love to point it out if it could be done stealthy

PoLSeapony as well.

Anon 03/23/2021 (Tue) 00:00:37 [Preview] No.7361 del
I wonder if Deviantart's new UI would work with a real lightweight browser like Netsurf?
>This web browser doesn't have full Javascript support, or html5, but I am able to log in to ponybooru and view stuff

maybe because of that, while it loads without a problem and I imagine that any toaster could run this, the problem with the browser doesn´t exactly come from the performance or the power consumption...

...and well, as you can see in pic related, I have tried it and the results...

...don´t turn out to be very satisfying to be honest...

Anon 03/23/2021 (Tue) 00:23:43 [Preview] No.7362 del
>Do that, sounds easier than full blown.

definitely, focusing on it would prove why sticking with DA as the only site for sharing art doesn´t seem like the best idea because said problems of seeing an amalgamation of pictures cluttered with thumbnails of different sizes, unrelated pictures to the tags, users not tagging their pictures properly (even though this problem isn´t exclusive of Deviantart)...

it´s wise to use a sample of pictures that I know and this would liven up quite a bit the thread as well as delivering something that you don´t tend to see very often. As you claim here...

>Don't overwork yourself, this is just a test run for a very niche subject...
this task is meant to fill up the thread in case that we stay stagnant and nothing really interesting pops up. So, this whole test is raised so we can a have a to-do list for engaging ourselves. Maybe if I did this and I turned out to be right, Deviantart could ban Endchan for criticizing its interface

Why haven´t I started yet? Besides time and tedious stuff for it, not to mention that the process and approach could turn out to be completely skewed (turning out to be mostly useless and amateurish)...

>unless this means more work down the line if you don't
I have also had to deal with personal stuff recently (with a very unsteady process along the way)[/spoiler] and I am still looking for more pictures to register until the UI system cannot provide any new/obscure images. I think that the material should be saved first and foremost; and then, analyze the subject area with a more laid back approach. The number might increase and the results also vary greatly if you search different terms: seapony; sea_pony; sea,pony; sea, mlp.... and even for characters (the mane 6 for example), this pattern applies to them as well (whether you write the name altogether in one single word or separated with an underscore, you don´t see the same pictures)

I am not going to put it at the top of my preferences but it´s worth considering because I have mostly memorized the pictures that pop up with these tags and there aren´t all that many in comparison with pictures of the princesses or the main characters. In comparison with those, this delivers a feasible amount of images for checking out the pictures that either appear or not in one single search.

Anon 03/23/2021 (Tue) 00:35:32 [Preview] No.7363 del
>I would honestly love to point it out if it could be done stealthy
how would that even work out? With a secondary account or something? It shouldn´t be very difficult but I genuinely wonder about the reactions sparked from that move.

>PoLSeapony as well.
and so, I am leaving a post of the same kind too. Just with a graceful touch this time around tonight.

Anon 04/07/2021 (Wed) 21:46:07 [Preview] No.7411 del
Perhaps these pictures could need a slight edition for improving the lighting or the contours. I have attempted to improve them from the original versions but I didn´t find those attempt to be very convincing in my eyes.

So, if the alternative doesn´t even offer anything remotely interesting, then it´s better to leave them as they are. Save Spike, these are all the characters that you see in the movie scenes (and the original ones that the artists drew in the first place)

Anon 04/13/2021 (Tue) 22:55:46 [Preview] No.7426 del
Following up the previous post >>7411 with the traditional art drawings, I am leaving a PoLSeapony that includes Spike and the movie logo. It was drawn in 2017 but I never got to see it on the boorus until this week so I suppose that either the artist or a Derpi user decided to upload it on Philomena´s sites.

The comfy picture will be reserved for the next post (even though you could anticipate yourselves before I get to share it, I don´t mind).
Anyway, have a good night /endpone/.

Anon 04/15/2021 (Thu) 21:30:58 [Preview] No.7439 del
>The comfy picture will be reserved for the next post (even though you could anticipate yourselves before I get to share it, I don´t mind).

and it´s right here.
For those who manage to visit the queen before the season 8 era, you would be exposed to the orb and become lucky (or unlucky on the queen´s mood) to transform into one of them. Even though it is based on a screencap, the picture delivers bubbles that look like sparkles. For those who are used to staring at pictures of Celestia and Luna with their starry manes, you are going to get very close/derivative vibes out of this one (Novo is looking more majestic here because of the bigger eyelashes and the glow stemming from the orb and her crown)

Anon 04/16/2021 (Fri) 03:53:33 [Preview] No.7445 del
(338.38 KB 1000x1000 6145577.jpg)
>Perhaps these pictures could need a slight edition for improving the lighting or the contours. I have attempted to improve them from the original versions but I didn´t find those attempt to be very convincing in my eyes.
Some you just can't. Speaking of that I need to dig out my unposted edits folder.

> (even though you could anticipate yourselves before I get to share it, I don´t mind).
Is it a certain queen?

>Anyway, have a good night /endpone/.
Night /endpone/!

>For those who are used to staring at pictures of Celestia and Luna with their starry manes, you are going to get very close/derivative vibes out of this one
Indeed, it looks just below Celstia's and Luna's in terms of majestic level--as arbitrary as that judgement may seem.

Anon 04/17/2021 (Sat) 22:36:28 [Preview] No.7452 del
>Some you just can't.
Definitely not. There are various reasons why not all images should be edited. In this case,it's because of a lack of an interesting perspective or any kind of improvement to even bother with the adjustments.

>Speaking of that I need to dig out my unposted edits folder.
3rd thread revival incoming!

>Is it a certain queen?
That she smiles because she notices that you have asked a rethorical question,appealing to her.

By the way,her smile and her looks from her face shape a very defined impression. You even wonder if her face is cloned from other images (lidded eyes,purple colored pupils, an aura of sassyness...)

>Indeed, it looks just below Celstia's and Luna's in terms of majestic level--as arbitrary as that judgement may seem.

It seems arbitrary and not all the artworks related to her pan out to that majestic direction. Nevertheless, Novo,while not the fairest replacement for Celestia (nothing can replace the white alicorn), when it comes to this species,she comes pretty close to the level that radiates from the royal sisters. Very different in attitude but visually speaking, if one wants to achieve and express majestic vibes with seaponies,Novo serves as the most fitting option for this task.She doesn't come out as the most graceful, but she is capable to offer her own beauty without being a carbon copy of the Canterlot princesses (pic related)

>Night /endpone/!
Have a good night and POLSeapony,royal edition

Anon 04/18/2021 (Sun) 06:44:21 [Preview] No.7453 del
(177.39 KB 1024x776 2593926.jpg)
>,Novo serves as the most fitting option for this task.She doesn't come out as the most graceful, but she is capable to offer her own beauty without being a carbon copy of the Canterlot princesses (pic related)
I think she can be especial with a bit of her fish elements emphasized too.

>You even wonder if her face is cloned from other images (lidded eyes,purple colored pupils, an aura of sassyness...)
For some reason she has always given me a slight Zecora vibe of all things with her face. Don't know why.

>Have a good night and POLSeapony,royal edition
Have a great night and PoLS easpony

Anon 04/19/2021 (Mon) 09:19:27 [Preview] No.7458 del
This one is great except for a too angular and long snout.

>Tini Bubbles Tini Clam Shell Seadream Tini Clam Shell Tini Bubbles
Based name.

Anon 04/20/2021 (Tue) 22:44:02 [Preview] No.7463 del
>Have a great night and PoLS easpony
the same to you, /endpone/.


Anon 05/02/2021 (Sun) 09:33:12 [Preview] No.7524 del
(181.60 KB 1280x1047 2836484.jpg)
(608.71 KB 1000x723 2837115.png)
I raise you Kelp Mane pone and some weird aquatic cousin of Silver Spoon.

Anon 05/02/2021 (Sun) 22:31:35 [Preview] No.7526 del

not only that but said image had been on the net for two months before its debut on both Derpi and EQD. In this case, I think that you, Bridgefag...>>7348, as you wanted to point this out to the artist for the DT and SS seapony image, you have a much more positive humble reaction towards the exposition on EQD of this pic.

>I think she can be especial with a bit of her fish elements emphasized too.
in which sense are you talking about? I am curious about the idea that you hold when it comes to those elements. Are you referring to her jewelry or just the physical body?

>she has always given me a slight Zecora vibe of all things with her face
not a bad comparison if you ask me. Considering that Zecora always keeps her same face in the show. In that sense, Novo must be charismatic enough for maintaining it for basically most of her fan art.

>Have a great night and PoLSeapony

>I raise you Kelp Mane pone and some weird aquatic cousin of Silver Spoon.
and I do raise it with another featured image from the drawfriend as well. Keep it up!

Anon 05/13/2021 (Thu) 11:11:49 [Preview] No.7564 del
(87.45 KB 802x370 fish.jpeg)
(13.93 KB 474x224 fish2.jpeg)
> you have a much more positive humble reaction towards the exposition on EQD of this pic.

> I am curious about the idea that you hold when it comes to those elements. Are you referring to her jewelry or just the physical body?
Scales. The detailed illistration also reminds me of how a lot of artist draw fish and other sea creatures.

>Novo must be charismatic enough for maintaining it for basically most of her fan art.
Her more relaxed face maybe anti-charismatic but her personality more than makes up to command authority with it.

Anon 05/13/2021 (Thu) 11:13:13 [Preview] No.7565 del
(538.00 KB 1150x1300 1519542.png)
Alright, not much to say now other than a PoLSeapony with this pretty lovely Celestia.

Anon 05/18/2021 (Tue) 09:15:33 [Preview] No.7581 del
not without her lovely sister that complements her highness during her daily yet eternal life.

Now the underwater circle is complete and you can call this a full PoLSeapony post with the two royal sisters together, one after the other.

Anon 05/18/2021 (Tue) 18:12:44 [Preview] No.7583 del
(192.20 KB 1000x1306 DonkeySiren.jpg)
You are both hereby disctracted

By the lovely tones of this lowly earthsea pony.

Anon 05/19/2021 (Wed) 04:36:13 [Preview] No.7585 del
(468.82 KB 2048x2048 2848560.jpg)
I've been seeing a lot of Seaponies lately.

must ressist anthro

Anon 05/22/2021 (Sat) 07:02:47 [Preview] No.7588 del
(1.36 MB 1280x720 2616700.png)
That Luna is perfect design for a Seapony version of her. I love the moon and deep sea creature details.

Honestly, not too bad for Anthro. It doesn't give me uncanny feelings.

>I've been seeing a lot of Seaponies lately.
And I am loving every minuet of it if it gives us more like these: >>7581

Anon 05/23/2021 (Sun) 22:41:49 [Preview] No.7591 del
>I've been seeing a lot of Seaponies lately.
there is a...peculiar explanation for it. People aren´t exactly making art of them out of the blue, it just happens that everything that remained underground is getting a little bit the spotlight.

Perhaps one should take into account this mindset (and it can be applied for other matters as well):

A person isn´t richer by having more things, but the one who needs less, appreciates and values all the things that said person already owns.

It might sound cliché and really trivial for everyone who is reading this post but it should answer why this phenomenon has been happening lately...

Anon 05/27/2021 (Thu) 08:37:52 [Preview] No.7593 del
(517.46 KB 1200x1000 2856636.png)
>A person isn´t richer by having more things, but the one who needs less, appreciates and values all the things that said person already owns.
Wise words. Have a seapony for it.

Anon 05/29/2021 (Sat) 21:36:59 [Preview] No.7602 del
>Have a seapony for it.
thanks. In return, I am not simply delivering another picture but also something that...should make someone think deeply about it.

>You are both hereby disctracted

we aren´t the only ones though. It seems that the lovely tunes hold a much larger range than anyone could have predicted.


I swear, if I see a mention of /endpone/ out there in any other site, turning into an influence for inspiring others... maybe I should seriously consider what boundaries this whole ride holds. It seems that there aren´t any limits in terms of creativity at this point (not even the official sources of content are free of this pattern)

Careful with what you wish for, because it could turn into a reality and bounce back even harder than the intentions that one delivered in the first place.

Anon 05/29/2021 (Sat) 21:51:46 [Preview] No.7603 del
>Hail Princess Luna of the seven seas and defender of /endpone/ from lower quality series of other hasbro franchises!
maybe she will defend us from other lower quality series that come from Hasbro. However, she is surely making a HUGE effort to step into the sea without leaving none of us indifferent

>Really, this pony is cute and I needed something to replace the long overdue april fools post
....when your replacement of that April Fools Joke becomes the actual joke that turns into reality (sort of)...

I appreciate your excitement, Bridgefag but...it makes me wonder if anyone out there would think that the header was actually all that relevant that people could mistake their first impressions of this oard. Don´t get me wrong, she looks gorgeous (just like these pictures), just that I ask myself if any random lurker could feel inspired for coming up with future content because of that header.

It would be too much of a coincidence...but one never knows about the powers of a PoLS...

Anon 07/01/2021 (Thu) 07:50:05 [Preview] No.7646 del
(264.88 KB 2920x3176 2456540.jpeg)
Sharkpones are awesome as well Just look at the current pinned post Though I prefer them with a a talefin to being fully four legged.

<Looks at endchan's front page
>DB migration failed, will try again tomorrow
Seeing that gives me flashbacks to April 2018 ` and it seems like their was one later incident where we lost some images on a smaller scale So we maybe diving in the darkness for a bit and Sharkpony Luna can't protect us.

Which is why we need a greater creep from the deep.

Anon 07/01/2021 (Thu) 07:58:09 [Preview] No.7648 del
(264.88 KB 2920x3176 2456540.jpeg)
Sharkpones are awesome as well Just look at the current pinned post Though I prefer them with a a talefin to being fully four legged.

<Looks at endchan's front page
>DB migration failed, will try again tomorrow
Seeing that gives me flashbacks to April 2018 ` and it seems like their was one later incident where we lost some images on a smaller scale So we maybe diving in the darkness for a bit and Sharkpony Luna can't protect us.

Which is why we need a greater creep from the deep.

Anon 07/01/2021 (Thu) 23:31:29 [Preview] No.7649 del
>Though I prefer them with a a talefin to being fully four legged.
Understandable, have a whale themed friend.

Anon 07/06/2021 (Tue) 05:25:01 [Preview] No.7658 del
(232.80 KB 1200x776 Lyrascale.jpg)
Apparently the halfway point between full-pony, and full-human, is the seapony.
Progeny recreates phylogony, was the saying when I was in college. It has since fallen into disuse once its nonsense was called out, but this image amuses me even so.

Anon 07/06/2021 (Tue) 09:11:46 [Preview] No.7659 del
(183.56 KB 500x500 80954.png)
(66.70 KB 794x376 329851.png)
I dig it!

>Apparently the halfway point between full-pony, and full-human, is the seapony.
So, it means Seaponies are the synergy, the ultimate in between form.

>Progeny recreates phylogony,
Haven't heard of that one; I have heard of the saying "ontogeny recapitulates phylogey. Is it related?

>but this image amuses me even so.
I know shepherd 0812 is known for these anthro to human charts and it seems like... I could be wrong, but I almost recall encountering one of his in a unexpected academic space or something? I mean like one of the long PDFs of research I sometimes skim through.

Anon 07/06/2021 (Tue) 09:12:37 [Preview] No.7660 del
(650.71 KB 1000x1300 98505.png)
Have a lovely sharkpone!

Anon 07/06/2021 (Tue) 16:08:13 [Preview] No.7668 del
>ontogeny recapitulates phylogey
I'm sure that's what I was struggling to recall.

Anon 07/14/2021 (Wed) 22:31:08 [Preview] No.7687 del
>Though I prefer them with a a talefin to being fully four legged.

this. Even though, I had a period where I had considered that these species should have 4 legs and long tail. After getting so used to the 2017 design, the two front hooves work nicely and the huge tale fin makes them look curvier and aesthetic.

The tail gains so much prominence design-wise that the artist has some room for creativity and thus, one can end up with cool concepts such as the glowing tail that reflects the light as if you were looking at the moon itself (the shape of the crescent moon makes it even more unique; hence that seapony Luna image introduces a design that you cannot apply on any other form).

There is a reason why they can end looking so appealing: the transformation can look very organic and display the same amount of charm as the original one.

>and it seems like their was one later incident where we lost some images on a smaller scale
one week later...
it seems that no apparent disasters/consequences have popped up from it yet. Nonetheless...

>So we maybe diving in the darkness for a bit and Sharkpony Luna can't protect us.
...we have always been living in the darkness. You are implying that she isn´t going to transform into NMM either, which is a tiny bit foolish to assume that nothing wrong can happen by trusting on her all the time. It was the darkness either from the land, the sea or outer space. I don´t think that any other option would take us to any better position either. I guess that the darkness from the depths takes a more natural transition than any other place so, you aren´t going to find any abrupt lightning anyway.

Anon 07/14/2021 (Wed) 22:50:00 [Preview] No.7688 del
>Apparently the halfway point between full-pony, and full-human, is the seapony.
>It has since fallen into disuse once its nonsense was called out, but this image amuses me even so.

this is fiction anyway.Still, it leaves me an impression where I find myself both surprised and amused at the same time too. This image could lead to the creation of a meme or two and claim...

>So, it means Seaponies are the synergy, the ultimate in between form.
...that they are the definitive hybrid of evolution. Therefore, the chad (or obscure) version that holds the characteristics of any other phase that fans tend to like, as if you couldn´t go wrong with them (yet they haven´t been all that successful)

As an infamous site said: it has a little something for everyone. I guess that no species dares to dislike seashells...

Anon 07/16/2021 (Fri) 22:09:15 [Preview] No.7695 del
I certainly didn´t imagine that a secondary species would inspire other artists to recreate the works from each other. Sure, you may have seen this practice plenty of times throughout the whole decade but when it comes to one of the most recent additions to the franchise, you would imply that the first image couldn´t create anything worth sharing in public (that is to say, material that is meant to be edited and post it on the other thread).

However, it feels truly satisfying to see how an amateurish Skystar picture can turn into it a high quality image, getting featured on EQD overnight.

Anon 07/18/2021 (Sun) 23:05:54 [Preview] No.7712 del
Time to go back to the posts from the old school (assuming that /endpone/ can be remotely considered as an old board for Endchan's standards) and deliver a summery Proof of Life Seapony from my part tonight.

Don't worry,the queen isn't going to treat us badly...or maybe I am wrong,who knows what she is going to do with her orb.

Anyway,I've got quite a few pics to share for this thread and eventually comment about my misadventures that I have stumbled upon on Deviantart and the uploads.

For now,I am starting with the original seaponies of gen 4:the princess and the queen.Any other character will follow tthem after their first appearance for this season...

Anon 07/19/2021 (Mon) 11:52:43 [Preview] No.7719 del
(759.96 KB 2121x2828 2893105.jpg)
>an amateurish Skystar picture can turn into it a high quality image, getting featured on EQD overnight.

>ssuming that /endpone/ can be remotely considered as an old board for Endchan's standard
We were active before a lot of the most of the current refuges here so I think we are mid level oldfags at least.

>eventually comment about my misadventures that I have stumbled upon on Deviantart and the uploads.
>that any toaster could run this, the problem with the browser doesn´t exactly come from the performance or the power consumption...
I think it's more of deviart then Netsurf here. I can view, read and log on no problem with philomena style boorus just fine I just can't post or comment on anything Still looks better then this.

>Any other character will follow tthem after their first appearance for this season...
Like G5? G6?

Anon 08/06/2021 (Fri) 06:37:06 [Preview] No.7766 del
(1.49 MB 1600x2825 1990811.png)
(138.75 KB 794x1500 2260174.png)
(95.21 KB 808x1280 2429064.jpeg)
(299.03 KB 1280x798 2508251.png)
Posting some less common Seaponies!

Goodnight /endpone/

Anon 08/10/2021 (Tue) 19:20:28 [Preview] No.7779 del
(140.00 KB 692x700 SeaQirin.jpg)
in swims a kirin. Now off it goes, contemplating the river of life and where it takes you.

Anon 08/11/2021 (Wed) 09:34:55 [Preview] No.7781 del
(438.44 KB 1000x1000 2519920.png)
In swims a Seapone, acting like a ghost.

Slight nip slip on that pic, though honestly not sure something so small is worth spoilering in a non sexual context so I'll leave it
I mean, there is other bigger fish to fry in "rule violations" anyway.
Or should I say, endchan having a broken spoiler button

Anon 08/11/2021 (Wed) 16:53:05 [Preview] No.7783 del
>Slight nip slip on that pic
Don't look too close at Scale's work in the image dump near the end of the writing thing.

I guess I just figured in that case, it would drown in sheer volume of lines surrounding it.

Anon 09/18/2021 (Sat) 22:07:35 [Preview] No.7862 del
Remind me about writing an essay for this thread. I think that you have been wondering what I have been doing for months...

Yeah, I told CB Anon that I hadn´t disappeared from this ride. Just that I was focusing on other businesses (apart from IRL stuff) that were unrelated to /endpone/ (but were indirectly connected to it, ironically enough). Don´t worry, I have been lurking all the time, visiting this board daily. Just that I...had other things in mind.

I just need to sort it out properly because I could extend this backstory quite a bit...

Anon 09/20/2021 (Mon) 04:20:49 [Preview] No.7878 del
(1.57 MB 1141x1821 2247362.png)
> because I could extend this backstory quite a bit..
Essay or fic, this sounds interesting.

>Remind me about writing an essay for this thread. I think that you have been wondering what I have been doing for months...
Especially if what I think it is.

Anon 09/21/2021 (Tue) 22:21:23 [Preview] No.7882 del
>Essay or fic, this sounds interesting.
It can be either awfully mediocre or turn into a highlight worth reading, clarifying something that, not only tackles a little bit the personal background, but also something that will be shared in public for the first time...because I am telling you that this doesn´t simply limit to /endpone/ alone...

In this case, if you were missing an essay, I can deliver this one (even though gen 5´s movie is coming up too)

>Especially if what I think it is.
well, that Skystar smile reveals a lot of what you are excepting from the inside, doesn´t she?

Still,even if you are already suspecting it, anyone who has read the previous posts can already figure out where this is going. However, I need to approach it with a more precise focus for approaching this without needing any context outside the essay on its own.

However, I consider the essay as a way to add an additional layer on top of the baseline. I don´t need to write it but it is quite likely that more than person will find something interesting out of it.

My personal project...and this one is for real... Anon 09/26/2021 (Sun) 22:57:52 [Preview] No.7898 del
So, let´s... eerm, get started with an eclectic essay that I don´t know where I should begin. I am trying to set this out but I think that I will have to sort of improvise along the way and try to...erm, gather all the things and topics that I want to expose over here and try to make out this personal project.

And now, one would raise a question. The reader would get confused by reading this, right? How is it possible that one implies that, after making a thread for my personal claim of doing a project for me, I am exposing a personal side of me all over again?

Well, the thing is...being raised in a very twisted and difficult environment that would take me long posts and paragraphs for explaining this context, I will try to keep it MLP related all the way through.

I stated that /endpone/ was my...personal project and I had implied at first during its growth...that fame and popularity would solve all the things for a means to an end. I thought that it would get rid of the problems and perhaps from the outside, I would have attempted to feel better by lying myself (and the others) that self-servicing independently and just thinking of my own personal interest...it would have solved all these issues, all my thoughts that I have been keeping inside (yet along I have been unable to hide them).

This essay might not be all that enjoyable to read (even though Bridgefag and two more users have praised a twisted episode spotlight such as the one that I did for A Health of Information....which I deeply appreciate and personally didn´t expect to receive from it so bluntly). However, that doesn´t mean that carrying out a project like this makes me look like a good person or someone that you would look up to. It doesn´t work that way...

I will spoiler something for all of you: being outside the leadership/creative direction for this board throughout this last year.... has turned out to be the healthiest choice and perhaps, my energies and my emotional burnout has driven me to leave this project aside. Mostly because I have had to accept that this wasn´t personal and other users would have to define this board instead. I have wanted to take control of the thing but I have been assuming that I cannot handle that role (either by personal circumstance or just pure burnout and mental exhaustion).

It´s a matter of acceptance and I personally don´t want to continue the path that I was going for back in 2018. I have had to take a rest from all of this even though I have always been lurking. So, this essay kind of blends between a mental thoughtful exercise and a project that you deserve to know and I am affirming it in public.

Let´s embark onto the matter and you will see...the actual project that I have been (partly) concealing since January.

Anon 09/26/2021 (Sun) 23:00:56 [Preview] No.7899 del
So, with /endpone/ out of the equation, what was my personal interest? What did I hold from the inside that I wanted to share and hid under the rug when other people got involved here?

Well, this thread in question reveals what I have been setting up and considering the lack of spotlight coming from other circles, namely /mlp/.... I have to admit that I resorted to this board as a means to an end for posting them freely without any consequences. How is it possible that this thread was created so late, after 3 years of starting the 2nd era for this board? Well, lack of personal security and low self-esteem. I am boiling down all the issues with those factors and they should explain my decisions for the most part.

However, there was a... technical problem related to this species: Back in later 2017, there was barely any material to share over here. Therefore, the length of an average thread wouldn´t be enough for fulfilling the standards by posting good quality pictures of this species all the way through

This technical factor basically justifies why a thread of this kind wouldn´t have thrived on /mlp/, /endpone/ or basically, anywhere else. There weren´t many pictures to share in public and I fell short of them quite soon with other threads that didn´t deal with them in question (sharing the pictures on the first thread that would give birth to the NMAiE general). You cannot make something popular among the chan/anonymous circles if there is no content to rely on. That works for the mane 6, the princesses, Chrysalis, Star Light, Trixie and so on. Those characters can hold up and maintain a very good quality of visual material all the way through if the fans involved wanted to share the top material and felt like doing so.

This previous paragraph shows that said factor breeds a lot of trouble for making this secondary species from turning into a popular choice. Now, what do I want to transmit here? Why is this important? Why have I decided to not rely on /endpone/ for this project?

Mostly because.... I would have become an utter annoyance (or at least, that what I assume about myself by letter myself to get carried away from it)

Yes, posting them over and over...wouldn´t have made them very popular in the first place, considering how limited the impact that this board has been holding for years and how homelike it feels because of its tiny number of users. That is to say, no matter how many times I would post them here, it wouldn´t have made them popular and thus, that move would have turned out to be foolish and I would have (most likely) ended up being considered obnoxious or would have delivered a fanatic impression in public. Not a very good idea. One has to act smarter than this and the results would have been absolutely pointless while earning an infamy for relying on them repeatedly.

Thus, I have wanted to repress my passionate thoughts about them and I still keep a formal appreciation towards them without expressing my enthusiastic mindset outwardly. There are many private ways to transmit that feeling but still delivering a public impact throughout the passion. How does this work?

Let me explain and speak out about all of this...

Anon 09/26/2021 (Sun) 23:02:45 [Preview] No.7900 del
Before keeping on the topic, I want to raise a few questions here.

How does one get commission without resorting to any money? How does a person who has no drawing skills manage to influence on the artistic mater? How does a single person make this species popular and help at getting more content from them without actually being an active creator of this content?

And the most twisted question that I have to raise here: you have seen many fans trying to nudge the direction of the fanbase but...could anonymity and a fake sense of popularity do the same task of asking something to be more relevant? Does social engineering work here?

I have been making some jokes about 4d chess but, while not being a good chess player at all (I have barely played it), there have some fruitful results that are worth sharing and for the FIRST TIME, I repeat, for the first time, /endpone/ will be the first public indexable site that will reveal this method that I have been applying for months in the background and in the obscurity (though I have been recently distributing a few pics with my public account)

The end result: uploads. Hundreds of them (around 900-1100 pictures) with some of these being featured on Equestria Daily. The seapony (g4) tag has gone from 3800 to 5200 pictures (approximately. I am rounding up the numbers here)

For those who have been reading my previous posts on this thread, this comes as nothing new. However, I will try to explain and set out (hopefully) everything that I want to say. I might not remember nor deal with all of it throughout this essay but, i hope that I can convey something that you should know.

More like a MLP essay, this conceals a very different mindset. Imagine some sort of investment but without spending money on it, influencing on someone else by resorting to anonymity and watching everything behind the fences without revealing who is operating from behind the social phenomenon related to the comments, passion or different social situations/interactions related to these pictures.

One might believe that I have a magic wand for pulling this out but far from the truth, I have simply changed one small thing: I have reuploaded the pictures that were hung behind on Deviantart and Furaffinity to the booru sites, resorting to Derpibooru as the main site for operations (because the imports would occur eventually on Ponybooru, Ponerpics and Twibooru).

Therefore, the essay consists on how one can play and manipulate with the system by just being an invisible uploader (resorting to VPNs 95% of the time until very recently).

You might ask me to hold on here. Why would I need to use VPNs for this? That, ladies and gentlecolts, is a key factor for the whole 4d chest move that has been needed for getting more fulfilling results. It seems contradictory and nonsensical but we need to tie up all the elements first.

Anon 09/26/2021 (Sun) 23:05:55 [Preview] No.7901 del
It´s turned out to be a project that has its elements of stealth, anonymity and constant moves of playing around pseudo-fake sense of popularity. I am mentioning pseudo-fake because for these uploads to happen, other people must have drawn them first and thus, it implies that this species wasn´t as unpopular as it seemed. However, what this whole project takes that to another level: it exploits all the popularity that it has been holding by making its picture bigger in comparison with other tags.

Unlike kirins, griffons or changelings, as those species are supported by the main institutions of the fanbase (namely EQD, /mlp/, Fimfiction and the Philomena sites) and they have a considerable amount of popularity, I don´t have the need to focus on them because they are already sustained by those circles. Thus, other people will care about them instead by inertia because there are already many fans to give some support and praise. However, with this one, we find ourselves much more limited and there is way less room for doing anything in general.
Everything is more scattered, obscure and a smaller sense of passion/hype towards this. There are no noticeable circles that boost/withstand a guaranteed group for exploiting the popularity. Thus, between the lack of desire coming from Hasbro for promoting them so late and the fact that fans didn´t hold as much interest towards them (even though it has always existed, just that the noise didn´t break the invisible barrier of praise and thus, this was kept in the underground or just simply there, as secondary material).

So, how do I prove the passion that I hold inside? Well, not by delivering comments in public. Instead, I have been increasing the tag number with all kinds of pictures. 3800 pictures doesn´t seem too relevant. However, surpassing the barrier of 5000, that number might sound more promising and thus, people might imply that this increase might make them seem more relevant for getting the attention from the artists. Do you see where I am going with this?

What I mean with these explanations is that I have resorted to the VPNs and anonymity so I would build an impression that this species is a greater business than it is in reality. Do you know the line of repeating the same lie over and over so people believe in some part of that discourse? Well, that political strategy (a very efficient method of propaganda that still works out to this day) has been applied but not in the sense of conveying ideas. That´s the basic concept but I am not transmitting political ideas because keep in mind that i haven´t commented bout any of this in public. Therefore, we are talking about =artistic ideas that artists would find encouraging and thus, they would see as a good investment for drawing this material in the future==.

Thus, this method doesn´t simply display a short-term effect (distributing the images from DA and FA to Derpibooru and adding up to the numbers) but also, I would induce rewards for the artists that draw them, so I would make them feel accepted and encouraged to keep going with this kind of content more often.

This is very important: I couldn´t display my identity because otherwise, those artists would point at me and see that the one who is requesting this material comes from either a single person or a very reduced group of fans. By resorting to anonymity, I CAN deliver a fake impression that way more people from behind are interested in this kind of content (the real objective here).

That is to say, I have come up with a snowball effect that could build a post-truth... in the purest sense of this term.

A mirage:how to build up a post truth with the tagging system Anon 09/26/2021 (Sun) 23:10:49 [Preview] No.7902 del
A post-truth that makes the mirage bigger than the actual image.

But, said image could be either fake or eventually real. Playing around with a grey area that people cannot point at anything in specific but at the same time, said mirage has to exist in order to make it look more solid than it is. Artists will voluntarily decide how to shape it in the end. By making these uploads, it´s like the equivalent of requesting something with a commission...but I am not asking for anything in specific other than the species itself. Therefore, artists don´t know what I am asking for except undefined ways that they decide to deliver on their own.

Now, let´s take a little break for the reader. Think about all of this.


Ready? Well, then you should have had enough time for raising one question:

Derpibooru has uploaders that do the same tasks. How is this supposedly any different? And that´s where the ""magic"" starts.

It doesn´t simply come from the fact of gathering underground pictures that are left behind among the crowded number of pictures displayed on Deviantart. It doesn´t simply consist in picking up the works from an artist who has been unaware of the existence of Derpibooru for distributing the images. It doesn´t simply deal with the fact that I have had to check every single image with the Reverse Search feature so it could be approved by the site staff without merging both the original upload with the new one (it doesn´t add up anything for the tag number) ...

It ALSO tackles another aspect that people tend to overlook: the tagging system. For every single image, I mean almost (if not) all of them, have around the range of 20-30 tags so those new images can be perfectly located and be transferred to the alternative boorus from the very beginning before exporting them. If I added the tags later on, said changes wouldn´t get exported. Thus, I have had to do all the work during the upload so those copies/imports would have them too (because it would only benefit Derpi in that case). This part is extremely important because I have seen uploads that only display the bare minimum number of tags and that makes them hard to locate in the end.

The main purpose of this tagging process aims to locate them easily, increasing the chances to draw a greater amount of attention from anyone and making them easier to locate in different ways

When can you notice my influence with the tags? Back in January, my first upload happened to be the Aqua Shine picture (originally uploaded in 2015 >>7182) but hold on, it doesn´t end up there. Not only these pictures are easier to spot, but also, it turns out that, by uploading them on Derpibooru, it draws the attention of EQD too. Not many images (out of 1000, a small fraction of them) have made the cut but for those that actually do, you would notice on the Deviantart entries how the numbers of favourites, views and comments increase because of this redistribution of content.

Now, I must also mention the problems and obstacles that I have found with this project. Not everything turns out to be pure gold here and things might not get to the point that one would love to see. The river´s flow might not reach the ocean with enough force for arriving there without running into different altitudes, changes or stuff along the way.

All that glitters is not gold... Anon 09/26/2021 (Sun) 23:17:35 [Preview] No.7903 del
First of all, we have to consider that not all the artists display a predisposition to share their content beyond the places that they have resorted to in the first place. However, many uploaders have ignored this part so I am far from being the only one who has committed this practice and even complained about the entitlement of not sharing their works to the community. This prevents way more the fact that as soon as their Deviantart profiles get deleted, said image would vanish along with their accounts.

Artists have the choice to make it into a DNP list, which absolutely blocks anything that any other person could do with their works in terms of distribution. This has become an utter pain because not only I have had to find the unregistered images, resorting to the reverse search feature and add 20-30 tags. On top of that, the whole process can be absolutely fruitless because of the fact that one might not check out whether said artists were in the DNP list or not.

I have wasted my time on several uploads because of this and I had to close the tab instantly and move onto other pictures. Besides, there were a few hybrid pictures in which I put both the merpony and seapony (g4) tag because some images weren´t all that specific for describing them as purely gen 4. Thus, I have resorted to both options in case that I had found some doubts with the psychical characteristics in their bodies.

Secondly, we have to consider that this relies on the social aspect and the community consists in social interactions and phenomenons that are out of reach for anyone. This implies several things: one can enjoy any image, chapter, music or whatever material that one could mention here…but if it doesn´t work out for being shared among people, this doesn´t become as fulfilling for being served to one single person.

That is to say, despite keeping a lot of fondness and passion for doing all of this, I have also reached the point of exhaustion and there were a few moments in which I questioned what my purpose was while doing these tasks. I have had to find motivations and plenty of eagerness in order to refresh and keep my brain motivated. Considering that part of the plan consists in being anonymous so other fans would imply that said material would be popular (creating a fake impression), it would mean that said contribution would remain unrecognized.

Thus, the reader might imply that I am lying because I don´t have any register to back up that I have uploaded these pictures (well, there is a way to figure it out: whenever you check a seapony pic, click the Related button and you might see the same seapony images. It means that the IP/uploader has had to be the same and thus, there is a correlation among them). I have recently uploaded a few pics in case that someone would call me out but even then, those pics are minuscule in comparison with what I have uploaded anonymously behind the scenes.

I have stayed present within the community…but I guess that I simply work for the wall as another brick that simply fills up the empty spots of this wall that weren´t taken into consideration.

Anon 09/26/2021 (Sun) 23:18:59 [Preview] No.7904 del
As for the last but not least important aspect, I have found my expectations clashed with reality. What do I mean with this? When I upload a picture, I envision the possible rating that it might have. For some pictures, I have unfortunately seen a way lower score than expected and for others that seem average or don´t transmit nothing extraordinary to me, it surpasses the score that I had personally set up in my mind.
Ultimately, more like talking about MLP, it seems that I am presenting about a sociological study and how investments work without actually doing any of that.

Predicting the real results beforehand is difficult and thus, one has to consider a wide margin of uncertainty and consider the number of variables. I must say that most of the content was very low-key and no way they would have made any social impact on people to a greater degree.

However, if one wants to find diamonds, one will deal with tons of rocks before getting the valuable products. That material serves its purpose in order to make other rare/top quality things more precious and thus, everything contributes in order to build a whole project…even if the most glittering parts haven´t come out yet (if they even turn into a reality in the first place. One has to keep some sort of faith in order to maintain a hopeful perspective)

So, despite the flaws and problems that this process has implied, not everything has to sound so negative. If I didn´t like what I was doing, then I wouldn´t dive into this project nor would get deeply immersed and involved in getting committed to make this obscure yet very limited move.

On the bright side... Anon 09/26/2021 (Sun) 23:24:38 [Preview] No.7905 del
The most fulfilling parts happened when an artist shared a pic on the Deviantart site and one would get to see the fun and joy from them. Same with the comments that other fans would give in return. While I haven´t created anything, I saw myself a little bit reflected because…who knows about the possible impact that any picture can give at the end of then day? How can anyone measure the amount of inspiration/passion of all of this?

I have also come across very valuable content as if they were hidden gems because of their lack of tags in order to spot them. It felt like digging in a mine and one would have to get through by using other alternative tags that would make these images visible. Seeing them so well organized and ordered on the boorus, so properly structured with a bunch of tags that make them way easier to identify…yeah, it seems small but it is really appreciated for finding material. These little details just facilitate the process for find them and thus, this reorganization improves the whole experience…

An experience that is recommended to be enjoyed during nightly periods. Considering that these pics mostly take place underwater, the cold colours require less visual effort to look than the hot ones. For nightly periods in which the eyes might struggle to look at anything, this material is more likely to not overstay its welcome and thus, they might induce a sense of relaxation and comfort to the viewer.

I have had some funny/unexpected stories out of them such as getting 9 pictures featured on EQD in one single gallery (and thus, I would play a small game for myself in order to see the highest score that I could get in that regard) or how the seaponified versions of any character can be easily mistaken/regarded as MLP content. Sure, Hatsune Miku or crossovers with other franchises might be easy to ponify (and thus, they would have their own pony versions). However, I took some risks at times. In particular, I want to spotlight this hybrid picture in which said seapony looks like a koi fish with a fire mane. You would imply that this image would be related in some way but far form the truth, it is just the fusion between Rapidash and Seaking (for those who are Pokemon fans, this might bring you a little smile).

No one bothered to check out the tags from the original source (none of them were about MLP whatsoever). The seaponified version however, seems to have delivered an impression to be an organic gen 4 seapony and thus, it´s been disguised as such, an outsider that made the cut without tackling MLP at all…yet the appearance looks so close to it that fans haven´t raised any suspicion towards it.

What do I want to convey with this? Well, no matter what you use (even for gen 5), this species can ADD UP to the original material and fuse it smoothly with this concept. As long as the basic characteristics remain there, it can be considered as a well-settled standard that adds more content for the characters themselves while also adding up to the species on its own. This species doesn´t exclude anything nor anyone so, it is absolutely malleable for the purposes that any artist can express with any character.This small detail can become very appealing at some point because, no matter what any artist does with them, said material will be constructive and not exclusive.

Conclusions and signs of personal fatigue. Anon 09/26/2021 (Sun) 23:29:07 [Preview] No.7906 del
At the end of the day, my personal interest has sort of become a collective one that is reinforced by sharing it with other people. Does it mean that this leverage was selfless or selfish? Does all of this make me look a hero or as a villain? I just…don´t know, time will judge my actions eventually.

I have been doing all of this so I would partly contribute to gathering more material for /endpone/ because otherwise, I would fall short for delivering material on this general. In a way, I have been indirectly influencing on the board without actively taking part on it. I have ended up turning into a lurker because of the burnout that I have been holding for years. Taking the leadership by accident and leading the way for others is difficult and I have stayed away from the public eye (even if I remain mostly anonymous here)

This burnout has led me to see other things with a different perspective, enjoy my free time with my loved ones and talking intensively with them. I have resorted to them because I have been going through a very difficult (yet revealing) part of my life that has turned around my vision about many things inside my family and thus, the last thing that this board needs to see is an entire blog of a pure rollercoaster that I have been facing from the inside and among the familiar circles (changing radically overnight at some points). I have resorted to very close people so I would receive deep mental and emotional help for going through everything that has occurred to me for these last few months.

However, I have moved from one burnout to another burnout…and I have also run out of content to upload. There might be new pictures or underground pics that remain hidden out there but I have registered a good portion of them.

This is why I have respected the choices of people leaving and getting into this ride. I have to respect their personal choices in the same way that others respect mine. In this case, I have stayed away from the public eye because I have had nothing interesting to say nor offer and hearing about my complaints/personal issues is not a proper matter of interest for this board to be honest.

This is what one would call it as creative bankruptcy. More like I haven´t had the right mood for doing so and even before all this series of events, I displayed some serious signs of abandonment (for example, I struggled to find motivations before embarking on season 9 reviews back in 2019 or the episode spotlights that served as a way to provisionally provide some sort of activity around here)

I should make very clear that I have needed to find my way to disconnect from this and even, stay a little bit healthy by rediscovering my mentality and how I should approach things in the future. I have wanted to share this essay right here because a couple of users wondered about my existence around here and they deserve to know about me and even provide something in return like this…

But /endpone/…is something else that I cannot consider as something personal but rather,as a ride that stays alive on its own. As a consequence, I have presented my own personal project (or small contribution) that I have been delivering on my own in silence, with intended obscurity in order to make it work. For the first time, I reveal here what people might have suspected by checking the boorus and you are the fortunate ones to be aware about this.

This time, I don´t have to reveal who I am…because I have a gallery dedicated to them and I have uploaded a few pics on Derpi.

I hope that this revelation (or personal expression) serves for getting something valuable out of it…

Anon 10/03/2021 (Sun) 10:42:22 [Preview] No.7927 del
(529.97 KB 4096x4096 2950240.jpg)
I see a essay has been posted here.

One that size's make me say, "oh dear."

Is this an obsession I fear?

Eh, it is no worse then some have with Kirins and other creatures near.

Towards a response, I do not know.

Till then, have a pony who is not emo!

Anon 10/05/2021 (Tue) 21:27:35 [Preview] No.7940 del
I wonder who could be behind the improvised poem for delivering this PoLSeapony. Maybe pic related could give me an idea of his location...and I accentuate ""maybe"".

>One that size's make me say, "oh dear."
more than 4000 words (namely 4839 now that I have checked the Word document. However, I modified a handful of them while I was reviewing them before publishing these posts). So, I perfectly understand why one would find this a little bit tedious to get into. I hadn´t delivered any essays this year until I wrote this one so, there you have a way to set out a comeback of that old practice.

>Is this an obsession I fear?
>it is no worse then some have with Kirins and other creatures near.
a very well hidden obsession that I don´t tend to show up so explicitly. Only this place confirms with the public info that I personally lead towards that direction and even then, I have always felt hesitant to bring this up in public.

>Towards a response, I do not know.Till then, have a pony who is not emo!
The most joyful out the bunch indeed!
Definitely not an emo (unless that you trigger her other side and her mane becomes straight. It should leave her hair like that after getting out of the water though)

Anon 10/05/2021 (Tue) 23:45:28 [Preview] No.7943 del
>Definitely not an emo (unless you trigger her)

That happens sometimes, yeah.

Anon 10/08/2021 (Fri) 22:25:27 [Preview] No.7946 del
There could be two ways for delivering a PoLS.

One is the PoLSeapony that transmits the comfy aquatic vibes with a certain sense of cuteness displayed on the images that I am attaching to this post.

>That happens sometimes, yeah.
not only we get some high-pitched moments that cause a haunting sense. We can go much further than that...

Anon 10/28/2021 (Thu) 04:18:27 [Preview] No.7980 del
(96.34 KB 1920x1192 Hazepage-zebrafish.jpg)
Ultimately carrots, I'm unconvinced you did anything beyond riding a wave of anti-G5 sentiment.
Although tagging what you upload correctly the first time will indeed alleviate a LOT of frustration other ponies would have felt otherwise.

From 3871 to 5504 pictures in a single year. Anon 12/25/2021 (Sat) 05:00:22 [Preview] No.8079 del
Alright,so perhaps...I should tell you about what has been happening behind the scenes and how much of a change this year has meant for this... interesting evolution.

>Ultimately carrots, I'm unconvinced you did anything beyond riding a wave of anti-G5 sentiment.

I must clarify that gen 5 artworks are as valid as the ones from gen 4 as well as the material from previous gens. There is a point that works for this species: as long as it keeps the hippocampus body,it will work out (unless that a new design decides to replace the established one from the 4th gen). Does gen 5 bother me in this regard? Well,any artist can have any freedom,take feedback and inspiration from everything that they consider in their minds and express that with something. You never know what can get materialized but combining gen 5 with seaponies...that mix exists.

>Although tagging what you upload correctly the first time will indeed alleviate a LOT of frustration other ponies would have felt otherwise.

This is what I wanted to post for these last few days before the end of 2021. I have a screencap from December 31 of 2020 and the results for the seapony (G4) tag were under the 4k mark (to be truly specific: there were 3871 registered pictures on Derpi). If you check out the tag on this Christmas holiday, you will see that said number has increased up to 5500. As a consequence of constant uploads from Deviantart to Derpi and the tag revisions from past artworks, the species already delivers a much more solid baseline while its progress has been slowly sneaking into a more relevant league while it has been surpassing other iconic tags that were more popular than this one.

The greatest gift that one can provide here is what all of this has entailed,the artworks that spring up from this boost, how old material gets revised and revisited with a different approach,how it slowly crystallizes among fans/artists. I may not be able to draw anything that is worthy of inspiration but for sure, amplifying the distribution channels might help at contributing their popularity in some way.

However, those expectations might occur or not. The only reality that can be actually proven here is what already exists on the internet so, considering how badly this species needed some artworks in order to keep this around,I think that any fan deserves to have a secured method to see and appreciate all these pictures. Even if some of them don't offer anything in terms of value,perhaps anything might inspire someone else in the future. All of them add up for this considerable number that appears in this day and age on the boorus.

Just enjoy what you have,folks.

I hope that you are experiencing a wonderful night out there.

Anon 12/29/2021 (Wed) 09:59:45 [Preview] No.8080 del
(451.74 KB 1280x1515 6326269.png)
> All of them add up for this considerable number that appears in this day and age on the boorus.
>From 3871 to 5504 pictures in a single year.
And more to post here at least.

Anon 01/01/2022 (Sat) 04:48:38 [Preview] No.8090 del
(461.84 KB 1024x764 628964.png)
I wonder if Seapony Luna would be able to experience fireworks considering water and all that?

Anon 02/19/2022 (Sat) 12:58:14 [Preview] No.8157 del
(5.37 MB 2854x1252 6362852.png)
This is a pretty neat concept for seaponies honestly. I, though I don't hate them, never liked 4 legged aquatic ponies. I don't exactly know why. Funny enough, seapony with robotic legs = winning combination for me and I find it cleaver.

No fandom for seaponies (18-02-2022) Anon 05/19/2022 (Thu) 22:19:17 [Preview] No.8250 del

>makes no sense. there's no dedicated seapony fandom

That person might be right,there is not any dedicated fandom for seaponies but it's not like anyone needed its existence either. It hasn't had any,why should it even exist in the future? One doesn't need a specific dedicated fandom for them yet any user can perfectly enjoy the content related to them at anytime...

...if one manages to expose their appeal in the first place. I will make sure that a few background uploads make a small difference in this regard so it becomes a little bit more likely to see them with the proper instantaneous mediums that ease their exposure.

There wasn't any fandom dedicated to them back in 2017 when they made their debut and it definitely doesn't need one in 2022.

Just content or at least,a few fresh pictures to appreciate every now and then. With just that,it will be more than enough.

Anon 05/20/2022 (Fri) 06:59:12 [Preview] No.8251 del
(2.35 MB 1920x1705 3097721.png)
I suppose one should ask, what is a fandom? I mean, somepony like Fresh Coat even getting a few fanworks about her and is certainly less than Seaponies yet people wold say she had a small fanodm. I have seen the same said for the few middle tier latter day background ponies that inspired some attention.

Maybe few have a dedicated taste for them, but there are things in this fandom that are regarded as having one that Seaponies are ahead of.

Anon 05/20/2022 (Fri) 18:33:44 [Preview] No.8254 del
(155.84 KB 768x1024 See!Pony..jpg)
(9.97 MB 4817x5673 diamondgnoll.jpg)
(462.39 KB 1600x959 ButTechnically.png)
>what is a fandom?
There was a thread on /tg/ where some author was writing lewd backstories about various DnD creatures, how they lived, bred, and could have sex with humans.

A fandom is more than an agreed upon "style" - and how many styles are there of drawing, say, gnolls? But what they share is the understanding of where they came from, their culture, their mannerisms. Just try to find a gnoll wearing a top-hat and a monocle!

Aside from "in the sea", where to seaponies live? What are they like? Lyra would have us believe they're very musical, but maybe that's just one pony's fantasy?

Lyra has a fandom because we know she likes hands; "Sea ponies" have ... one song, and no one but Lyra sings it.

Anon 06/01/2022 (Wed) 06:34:26 [Preview] No.8306 del
(6.68 MB 2480x3508 3115364.png)

6000 images on Derpi (15-08-2022) Anon 08/15/2022 (Mon) 05:08 [Preview] No.8391 del
Well,I am leaving this milestone around here. It's been quite a ride to find some pictures that were scattered all across Deviantart but there it is: 6k pictures for this species.

Celebratory PoLS for now.

Anon 09/01/2022 (Thu) 05:19 [Preview] No.8395 del
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(3.67 MB 1171x1800 AJ.png)
(224.69 KB 1280x1840 TSeaponyAndFishySpike.jpg)
PoLSeapony acknowledged.

Anon 10/12/2022 (Wed) 08:44 [Preview] No.8431 del
(829.70 KB 1017x1282 1665003727959675.png)

Anon 10/19/2022 (Wed) 23:00 [Preview] No.8440 del
(50.51 KB 680x532 6534613.jpg)
and once more >>8395

Anon 03/27/2023 (Mon) 02:38 [Preview] No.8604 del
PoLS eapony From a rather dicy net setup at the moment.

Anon 04/02/2023 (Sun) 09:14 [Preview] No.8613 del
(95.13 KB 1074x1368 Seaponer.jpg)
I'll toss in one in too.

Anon 04/02/2023 (Sun) 20:40 [Preview] No.8615 del
(103.49 KB 768x768 2463505.jpeg)
Now a more propper PoLSeapony.

Anon 05/15/2023 (Mon) 07:13 [Preview] No.8646 del
Twilight seems to be having fun (and a lot of joy) after all those years of carrying out her princess duties.

Yeah,I would be doing the same for a vacation or something related in order to disconnect from work. I don't blame her (even Luna and Celestia wanted to do that in Between Dark and Dawn so, she's repeating the same trend of her predecessors here).

Anon 05/19/2023 (Fri) 08:41 [Preview] No.8649 del
(552.99 KB 622x600 medium.png)
It's nice to take a break, even better under the sea. In this form it is hard not to be graceful!

Anon 05/21/2023 (Sun) 08:31 [Preview] No.8651 del
(146.47 KB 1280x804 3361167.jpg)
The increase of Seaponyart has been nice. Even if I don't dig a lot of OC some do standout, like pic related. Gives me vibes of some of the more epic Luna pics in this form.

Anon 05/24/2023 (Wed) 07:04 [Preview] No.8655 del
And here I was thinking AI art needed too much rework to be reliable or relatable.

But these seaponies look as normal as any other you'll find in the sea.

...probably. I wouldn't know.

Anon 05/24/2023 (Wed) 07:10 [Preview] No.8656 del
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Which sampling method you choose makes all the difference.
Not, perhaps, the difference you were hoping for, but the images come out looking like, at the very least, it was a different artist on a different day, in a different mood.

Anon 05/24/2023 (Wed) 08:02 [Preview] No.8657 del
(1.42 MB 1144x1393 2768933.png)
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(427.09 KB 780x1336 2845814.png)
These seaponies look like the ones near Bikini Atoll. They are of mostly intact forms but very irregular proportions and possible have lowered mental capabilities.

Now these look like someponies escaped science experiments. Maybe some mutants in here but 2 looks like she has been amputated. Some look a little melted!

All I was able to find was this on Twi, and the best one here, Pinkie Pie, the actual seapony herself is not machine generated. I guess seaponies would require some specific training to get right.

Anon 05/26/2023 (Fri) 02:07 [Preview] No.8661 del
I like number 2. Specifically the pony with 2 legs and wings in the center. She looks like a natural movie star compared to the others. Probably the leader of the pack.

> (even Luna and Celestia wanted to do that in Between Dark and Dawn so, she's repeating the same trend of her predecessors here).
That would have been cool to see in the show. Or maybe not. Fan imagination can sometimes be better than the show's, especially towards the end. So maybe we were lucky not to and let the fan artist fill in the blanks themselves.

Anon 05/28/2023 (Sun) 00:01 [Preview] No.8663 del
Maybe Craiyon needs a few updates (for the 5th/6th version,things should be more accurate) in order to catch up with Stable Diffusion (as for purplesmart.ai, it will be more difficult to beat as soon as it is released) but I think that the results that people obtained back in the day can be sort of redeemed by ""enhancing"" a lot the key words (especially the negative prompts and I mean A LOT).

But I wouldn't completely rule it out yet...

... because it can look less alien that those images portray but it comes off as very flawed most of the time.

Anon 05/28/2023 (Sun) 01:32 [Preview] No.8665 del
> All I was able to find was this on Twi, and the best one here, Pinkie Pie, the actual seapony herself is not machine generated. I guess seaponies would require some specific training to get right.

Which is ironic considering that kirins, changelings and griffons have already received their own set of images with a few bangers from the purplesmart.ai.

Why wouldn't they work over there? Maybe one should try to fill up both the positive prompts from most relevant to least and enhance the key boards with three curly brackets {{{}}},then the important ones that should be taken into account with one single bracket {} and then,the other words without standing them out so the AI can give a higher priority to the most essential terms first (complementing the main MLP terms with characteristics such as cute, beautiful,highly detailed, masterpiece or perfect anatomy).

As for negative prompts, they should be focused on: the bad proportions,wrong anatomy, chromatic aberration,bad quality, mutilation, poorly drawn (in general), duplication errors, missing limbs, nsfw, noise (it pops up constantly in stable diffusion), signature,furry and the watermark.

Now,I haven't been able to test neither SD nor Purplesmart (even though the greatest images that rely on the pony models that are already set up with their 4.0 version and have access to the boorus databases). I guess that one should achieve outstanding results with just very few prompts with only the first three-four terms surrounded by the curve brackets. A genuine wonder.

I don't think that my PC is worthwhile for handling the main AI generators so it will take me some time before messing around with those tools but you are most certainly right that the community might not have developed models for covering up all the species/characters so, they are still testing the waters before letting them to spread out like wildfire.

As for Craiyon,I simply cannot recommend it. There is a very good reason why people stopped attempting to do anything with it other than getting a few laughs in a handful of /mlp/ threads by parodying show screencaps as soon as SD entered into the game. While it has certainly improved from the first version,it still falls leagues behind stable diffusion and purplesmart (as far as my short-lived experience can tell).

It can reach higher highs than those registered pictures (as long as you tag the key terms correctly. Normal sentences don't work for any desirable outcome) but disasters happen every single time you get to come up with anything that you have in mind.

Anon 05/28/2023 (Sun) 10:25 [Preview] No.8666 del
(297.27 KB 630x600 BenDrowned.png)
I am impressed with the level of results regardless considering the tool you used. This Seapony Celestia actually looks really cute!

>As for negative prompts, they should be focused on: the bad proportions,wrong anatomy, chromatic aberration,bad quality, mutilation, poorly drawn (in general), duplication errors, missing limbs, nsfw, noise (it pops up constantly in stable diffusion), signature,furry and the watermark.
And a pretty good little lesson in prompt engineering. Nice job!

Anon 12/04/2023 (Mon) 03:11 [Preview] No.8885 del
A proper response this requires. It has always bugged me that I or nopony else has. This essay was so long I can't fully dig into everything but can give a reasonable general response and bring up certain points.

Part I: Seapony Pictures Anon 12/04/2023 (Mon) 03:16 [Preview] No.8886 del
(790.73 KB 1728x2525 3123375.jpg)
>Does all of this make me look a hero or as a villain? I just…don´t know, time will judge my actions eventually.
I think your actions are utterly evil and barbaric. C'mon, boosting a species semi-artificially (I say this because the pictures were there, you just gathered them, as you do point out) is no way an honest or moral thing to do. Think of it. Did the administrations of Derpi, Equestria Daily, or Fimfic ever tipped the scales? yes.

Honestly, the other species have their obsessives and some who totally put this much into uploading if they could. You your use of anonymity might be morally suspect on one end but the fact that Derpi is filled with people who are (or have been) oddly territorial to a idiotic degree and obsess over the scores and uploads like some idiotic mobile game (not an offense to all who enjoy that kind of thing but some take it way too far).

This was just one huge uploading drive of organically produced artwork, albeit with a bit more sophistication.

>I have had some funny/unexpected stories out of them such as getting 9 pictures featured on EQD in one single gallery (and thus, I would play a small game for myself in order to see the highest score that I could get in that regard
>have made the cut but for those that actually do, you would notice on the Deviantart entries how the numbers of favourites, views and comments increase because of this redistribution of content.
>The most fulfilling parts happened when an artist shared a pic on the Deviantart site and one would get to see the fun and joy from them. Same with the comments that other fans would give in return. While I haven´t created anything, I saw myself a little bit reflected because…who knows about the possible impact that any picture can give at the end of then day? How can anyone measure the amount of inspiration/passion of all of this?
It feels like a much healthier version of the game I already see played. Perhaps a more "channer" proper way and a tad more altruistic than what I have seen and heard about on Derpi in the past.

To me, I see it almost in terms of chemistry. All the ingredients that were for the other popular species were for the Seaponies but something happened that rendered it inert. You are just trying to mix it back up. Will you succeed? I think you already have. How much I suppose is a different question.
<The river´s flow might not reach the ocean with enough force for arriving there without running into different altitudes, changes or stuff along the way.

Part II: On Seapoies themselves. Anon 12/04/2023 (Mon) 03:22 [Preview] No.8887 del
(1.12 MB 1440x2560 1551269.png)
(29.58 KB 552x600 DeepSeaLuna_DSL.jpg)
(121.05 KB 712x1039 SeaponyRarity.png)
(1.74 MB 1017x1397 SpAppleBloom.png)
>What do I want to convey with this? Well, no matter what you use (even for gen 5), this species can ADD UP to the original material and fuse it smoothly with this concept. As long as the basic characteristics remain there, it can be considered as a well-settled standard that adds more content for the characters themselves while also adding up to the species on its own.
This has been my main enjoyment of Seaponies. Less so with Sequestria or the Hippogriffs/Seapony species and more so with other characters being seaponified. Mane 6 and princesses especially. I think some of the princesses have shown some of the interesting concepts one could take with this species if one wanted. You have already posted some, like Luna over here, >>7903 but pics related are some of my absolute favorites!

>This species doesn´t exclude anything nor anyone so, it is absolutely malleable for the purposes that any artist can
A aspect I would argue is still underrated. Them and their setting could be more exploited and the underwater theme feels like it is just a background noise most of the time. I think ponies like deep sea inspired Luna really show a potentially darker take one could go (to mention her again, twice in a single post).

I suppose, like I have heard mentioned before elsewhere on water having a stigma against it due to gamers having PTSDs on water levels. I have been mixed on how much this has been a factor. I mean, growing up I enjoyed such things as the Bonicle 2007's Toa Mahri theme and that was a darker take of under sea. There certainly has been examples of underwater themed stuff that has a cult following and or generally well liked status (I mean, Echo the Dolphin, some things with Atlantis? Pirates and such certainly can flirt with or have underwater stories, especially if fantasy is involved.) I suppose though I could be in a vast minority and the stigma matters more as a factor as opposed to all the ingredients being present but it failing due to other factors.

Speaking of stigma. One stigma that I due think might be a factor was the species having been till recently of a severe meme and joke status. I think the movie lifted them in status for sure but I do wonder if that played any roll in a slightly cooler reception among the fandom.
(A essay earlier at the beginning of this thread does go into this some:>>6660).

Factor or not, I still think that the species is less so handicapped and more so hobbled by a few external circumstances. More slightly unlucky. Even then...
>Back in later 2017, there was barely any material to share over here. Therefore, the length of an average thread wouldn´t be enough for fulfilling the standards by posting good quality pictures of this species all the way through
I certainly feel more competent now than 2017.

Part III Odds and Ends Anon 12/04/2023 (Mon) 03:27 [Preview] No.8888 del
> have been making some jokes about 4d chess but, while not being a good chess player at all (I have barely played it)
I play it, usually now as a mindless half time against the computer, so I am not sure I am any better. Let's just stick with this being pony chemistry.

>there have some fruitful results that are worth sharing and for the FIRST TIME, I repeat, for the first time, /endpone/ will be the first public indexable site that will reveal this method that I have been applying for months in the background and in the obscurity
It sounds like you are trying to sell me some get rich quick scheme. Remember, it is better to be a saver than a spender. In seriousness though, the majority of your essay isn't this. I just found this quote in isolation a bit funny. You know what is not funny though?

>An experience that is recommended to be enjoyed during nightly periods. Considering that these pics mostly take place underwater, the cold colours require less visual effort to look than the hot ones. For nightly periods in which the eyes might struggle to look at anything, this material is more likely to not overstay its welcome and thus, they might induce a sense of relaxation and comfort to the viewer.
You have been one of the false prophets of blue light. Blue light is a plague upon our eyes can lead to blindness, cancer, suicide, disruption of sleep cycle and proneness to jaywalking and...

hehehehe, I kind, I am on the fence on how bad I consider blue light. Science is (was?) far more mild on it but then again science was also causing us to through out fats and butter and replace them with sugar and margarine. I do agree that blue light feels more relaxing than white light and I feel less eyestrain then when having something on a full bright webpage. Though, also supposedly is the kind of light that stirs up the brain because blue = day, for obvious reasons. Tangents aside...

>tackles another aspect that people tend to overlook: the tagging system. For every single image, I mean almost (if not) all of them, have around the range of 20-30 tags so those new images can be perfectly located and be transferred to the alternative boorus from the very beginning before exporting them. If I added the tags later on, said changes wouldn´t get exported
Haven't commented much on the technical aspect of this. I do think you hit the nail on the head here with the tagging. There are some pretty good images one could find of anything that languished in obscurity on derpi (and now elsewhere) due to poor tagging and slipping past (or in the case of seaponies) being part of a group that didn't have an autistic tagging army behind its back to catch it.

>I have been doing all of this so I would partly contribute to gathering more material for /endpone/ because otherwise, I would fall short for delivering material on this general.
1000+ pics is enough for two generals to hit the bump limit and personally, know you have at done least a bit more than that. You can say a lot of things of what one who wants to seapony, but you can't say that he failed at seaponying.

>As for the last but not least important aspect, I have found my expectations clashed with reality. What do I mean with this? When I upload a picture, I envision the possible rating that it might have. For some pictures, I have unfortunately seen a way lower score than expected and for others that seem average or don´t transmit nothing extraordinary to me, it surpasses the score that I had personally set up in my mind.
A question of randomness versus the unseen factors applies as well. How much of that would come down to pure timing and luck and how much comes down to quality and taste? Writing out your personal estimated score, upload date, and certain attributes of the pictures would be a interesting thing to do. Seapony or in general. At least when one is not dealing with...

>This is what one would call it as creative bankruptcy.
>Conclusions and signs of personal fatigue.
More from chaos but I personally can relate to a lot of thi

Bridgefag = Fortune-teller Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 18:30 [Preview] No.9239 del
(1.08 MB 2063x3131 82771403286400121.jpg)

Maybe...maybe the newest banner doesn't feel out of place at all.

It can be anything but outdated.

Instead of waiting 7 years for their addition (from 2010 to 2017),Hasbro has decided to shorten the waiting time. Only 3 years for introducing them in gen 5.

First the breezies,then the dragons and the most recent addition: Seaponies (with gen 4 bodies).

Whether they are canon or they are kept in the comics, there is official evidence of such intentions.

It might not be the same as winning the lottery but Bridgefag certainly delivered an update to the board just one month prior to this announcement.

Congratulations,sir. My respects.

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 11:51 [Preview] No.9249 del
(191.99 KB 1024x1024 AISeaponeRarity.jpeg)
Maybe I am (or just lucky) Albeit, a random Seapony banner here ain't out of place, we have a general after all! Still, I am surprised at this. Even if it ain't the best portrayal (though with the comics, they aren't bad, just often feel like they are aimed much younger most of the time and words feel less freshed out). It is still good to see them kicking around in Hasbro's brain, which means they'll be kicking around in the fandom's brain.

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 12:36 [Preview] No.9263 del
>banner out of place
Hello, tthere is a Seapony general here and we are posting in it. Having a Seapony banner is completely natural here regardless of there relevancy to whatever Hasbro is putting out.

>fortune teller
I would say there isn't much of a fortune predicted but I do recall this place having meme longed pony glimglam first so who knows?

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 07:44 [Preview] No.9811 del
(673.32 KB 2162x1442 3179224.jpeg)
PoLS acknowledged. Dolores' bridges not only continue to stay crossed but now have a full underwater addition as well!

Canon debut in gen 5 (April 2024) Anon 04/05/2024 (Fri) 02:03 [Preview] No.10133 del
It took 7 years to introduce seaponies for Friendship is Magic whereas gen 5 has just added them with half the time.

With most species in gen 5 gone,after reintroducing both the breezies and dragons, seaponies have turned out to take the 3rd place on the list.

Ironic that they are perceived as some sort of nostalgic throwback to the 4th generation,in spite of their lateness back then.

Funny,I had assumed that they would be reincorporated by the next decade,not in 2024...

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 07:39 [Preview] No.10171 del
(483.28 KB 2100x1537 2543733.jpeg)
The Seaponies coming back before other G4 keystones wasn't on my bingo card either, but hey, I can't complain!

Certain other races might though... they are a bit too land bound.

Anon 07/07/2024 (Sun) 06:37 [Preview] No.10627 del
(1.62 MB 794x1200 3378248.png)
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(164.69 KB 1143x887 3349557.png)
(80.37 KB 633x951 3342678.jpg)
Seapony OCs.

Anon 07/07/2024 (Sun) 06:41 [Preview] No.10628 del
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(712.35 KB 2480x2717 3390417.jpg)
Though my favorite is still non-Seapony canon characters drawn as Seaponies, I don't know why. A lot of the designs just work. I have already spoken about this before.

I just felt like posting Seaponies today. Maybe it's the oncoming hurricane or maybe it's someone's birthday. Just felt the mood.

3rd August 2024 Seapony (g4) status and related tags on Derpibooru Anon 08/03/2024 (Sat) 21:40 [Preview] No.10767 del
I´ll let the numbers of these tags speak for themselves...

31st December 2018 Seapony (g4) and Underwater Tags Status Anon 08/03/2024 (Sat) 21:46 [Preview] No.10769 del
For historical comparison with two of the previously shown tags: seapony (g4) and underwater.

Screenshots taken on the mobile phone LG 4G Leon model on 31st December 2018.

Anon 08/08/2024 (Thu) 00:57 [Preview] No.10791 del
(119.62 KB 1449x1431 3288137.jpeg)
I think Seaponies are perhaps still a bit niche but much stronger than before. Hehhehe, if there is anything I can say about G5 with full positive approval as opposed to mixed "I don't hate it but don't love it" it is that (even if I may dislike some of the artstyle).

Anyway, no worries now about this thread having enough Seaponies for bump limit now, huh?

Anon 08/21/2024 (Wed) 22:06 [Preview] No.10858 del
which is ironic because only Destiny showed up in a special for less than a couple of minutes in the Tell Your Tale special.

I think that your praise towards them comes from the likeness in their designs, as if both gen 4 and gen 5 artstyles were merged for the design´s philosophy. So, in a way, there´s some kind of deja vu or timeless feeling where everything that felt new and fresh for gen 5, they show up and the living past is right in front of you in spite of all the changes.

On top of that, some fan drawings make you feel as if you were living in 2017, when they were reintroduced by the gen 4 movie. So, time skips doesn´t seem to apply here, visually speaking.

They may not rank as one of the most mainstream species in the series but they are surely earning the title of standing as the most timeless ones in design terms.

Set Your Sail Full Release, April -August 2024 (Question) Anon 08/21/2024 (Wed) 22:17 [Preview] No.10859 del
By the way, the whole Set Your Sail comic series has already been released.

Do you believe that the whole arc is worth posting either here or on the comic thread?

I may share it around endpone if anyone feels like checking it out and sharing opinions around here.

I ask this because one cannot tell when Destiny will come back to the TYT episodes or even be shown again on the show. Maybe it will take a few weeks, months or even next year for another appearance.

So, comics are the only possible medium all that one can officially get (in gen 5 terms, just to note), hence why I bring up this question.

Anon 08/24/2024 (Sat) 07:13 [Preview] No.10868 del
(244.76 KB 344x472 3291240.png)
*looks around sneakily
Here. I think it would be more fitting here because of the level of Seapony focus, not the Seapony comics are banned from the comic thread.

>I think that your praise towards them comes from the likeness in their designs, as if both gen 4 and gen 5 artstyles were merged for the design´s philosophy. So, in a way, there´s some kind of deja vu or timeless feeling where everything that felt new and fresh for gen 5, they show up and the living past is right in front of you in spite of all the changes.
Oh, I agree that probably is a factor. Albeit, I think not the only one. (What are these other factors, I don't know yet!)

>On top of that, some fan drawings make you feel as if you were living in 2017, when they were reintroduced by the gen 4 movie. So, time skips doesn´t seem to apply here, visually speaking.
I do notice some stylistic tendencies that are a bit different, a bit softer, more simpler painted look perhaps. These don't annoy me like some of the modern trends though, so I am cool with it.

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